Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: The Choice is Yours

Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: The Choice is Yours

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. There’s an evolutionary impulse calling us all to a higher level, now more than ever. It’s that whisper in our ear for something more, that inner glow of vision that speaks to us in our quiet moments.

When we listen and say yes to this inner yes, our life emerges to the next level. When we resist it, deny it, or make excuses for why we can’t honor it, we get stuck, our life stagnates, and crisis ensues. But fear not. Our crises are there to crack us open and release the seed of our potential — so we can live the purpose for which we were born.

Listen to an excerpt of this week’s podcast, “Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: the Choice is Yours,” to break free of these limited patterns and take your life to the next level!



Saying Yes and Living From Within

Saying Yes and Living From Within

The problem with protecting and preserving what’s in your bank account or whatever health, education, social and moral structures you’ve built up – is that what you become attached to is all you get! What’s worse, what you hold onto causes it to diminish, dissolve, and eventually run out.

What if, instead, all the health and abundance you could ever need could appear fresh in your life every moment, without struggle? If you accept the challenge and opportunity in today’s podcast — “Saying Yes & Living From Within” — over the next couple weeks (or couple days), prepare to have things you’ve been striving for finally begin to emerge!

Listen to an excerpt of this week’s podcast, “Saying Yes and Living from Within” to find out how you can unleash all that you envision for your life, starting today!



No Cause, No Solution, No Problem

Do problems come about because of bad karma, bad people, a bad childhood, or just bad luck? What if I told you there isn’t any real cause to your problems…and that understanding this is the only way to a permanent solution.

How would you live if you were suddenly free of your problems? Who would you be, what could you do? In this podcast, “No Cause, No Solution, No Problem,” I’ll share some life-changing tips and strategies for living a problem-free life of ever-expanding possibilities!

Listen to a clip of this week’s podcast, and FEEL THE SHIFT TODAY!


From Cause & Affect…To Grace

From Cause & Affect…To Grace

World religions, when interpreted from a more literal perspective, sometimes teach that we’re at the whim of an external God who rewards or punishes us for good and bad deeds, like Santa’s naughty or nice list—or just acts in capricious, mysterious ways that we’re not intended to understand.

But a more spiritual or mystical interpretation of the Christian teaching “as you sow so shall you reap,” the Buddhist teaching of karma, or the metaphysical law of attraction suggests that there is no external power; it is the seeds we sow in our own heart and mind—the overall quality of our consciousness—that cause us to reap the rewards and punishment we experience.

While this is a liberating truth and a great step up the evolutionary ladder, it can also be an overwhelming realization. If all the things we’ve thought, said, and done in the past (or past lifetimes) are creating our present and, ultimately, our future, won’t it take the rest of our lives (or many more lifetimes) to undo the mess we’ve created? A lot of causes (karma) have been set in motion—how will we ever reverse all their effects?

Mercifully, there is a higher law: Grace. The law of Grace says that no matter what has come before, no matter what you’ve set in motion, when you reconnect with the Truth of your being – this Perfect Seed Pattern the world has never touched and can never destroy – the innate wholeness, wisdom, and power you need will emerge again. From this consciousness, your past does not determine your future—neither past mistakes nor past lives.

The bad seeds you’ve sown are uprooted no matter how deep they’ve dug in, and the good seeds you’ve failed to tend take root and bear fruit. Under the law of Grace, the things you’re struggling with lose their power; cause and effect, karma, even Newtonian physics, which once operated as absolute, immutable laws and masters of your fate, become the servants of your destiny.


One of the most powerful practices I know to begin accessing this grace is what I call the ‘prayer of awakening.’ I invite you to pray this prayer every day, especially when you’re feeling stuck or struggling to change conditions:

“God (or whatever your concept is), more than I want to change, fix, heal, or improve my life (or the situation), I want to awaken to the truth that makes me free, I want to see and feel divine reality; I want to know who and what I really am and why I am alive!”

As you activate this powerful prayer, you will create a subjective groove that creates the inner conditions for revelation and breakthrough insights that open you to the grace and guidance of the divine.

Please share your insights and breakthroughs on our facebook page, so we can all be inspired and lifted by your wisdom.

To Your Emergence!

The To-Don’t List: What Things to STOP Doing to Really Get You Going

When people think about the greatest masters, in any field — from Buddha and Picasso to Einstein and Oprah – they often focus on what these leaders do (or have done) to create their great lives and work. But it’s often what they didn’t do, what they chose to stop doing, let go of, or turn their attention away from, that led to their exceptional lives and impact. In this episode, you’ll learn this simple but powerful practice that, in and of itself will put you on the path for the best year of your life.

The Radical Reversal, the Big Betrayal

The Radical Reversal, the Big Betrayal

The world is stuck in an illusion that someone or something outside has to change or give us something for us to be free. But there are two powerful principles that, when understood and applied, will not only free you from the feeling of being stuck or controlled by others — it will unleash a manifestation power that will make you unstoppable. It doesn’t matter where you’ve come from or what you’re struggling with, you CAN be completely healed, completely fulfilled, and have ALL of your needs met. And in this podcast, we’ll dive deeply into how!


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