(Bonus Episode) Derek Talks “Entrepreneurship” on the PW Unplugged Podcast

(Bonus Episode) Derek Talks “Entrepreneurship” on the PW Unplugged Podcast

One of the most difficult, exciting, rewarding, challenging, exhilarating, frustrating, and most satisfying journeys is the entrepreneurial journey. The highs are so high, and the lows …well, they’re just the pits. To ride this roller coaster, you’ve got to master the inner game. But even if you·re an avid practitioner of personal development, sometimes things just don’t work out for you. This eye-opening conversation between Derek Rydall and Michelle PW on the PW Unplugged Podcast gets into the nitty gritty of why, no matter how hard you work on your challenge in your business, finances, health, relationships, or even all of the above, it’s still not coming together for you the way you visualize/affirm/etc. How do you master that inner game? Enter the Law of Emergence…

(Bonus Episode) The 3 Steps to Unlocking Your Deepest Purpose

(Bonus Episode) The 3 Steps to Unlocking Your Deepest Purpose

Like an acorn is a perfect acorn that becomes a perfect oak tree, there is not a part of you from beginning to end that isn’t exactly what you should be. And so, the harder we try to change, the deeper in the hole we get because the basic principle of life – the Law of Emergence – is disrupted, stopping us from knowing that our inherent perfection. We find a new partner but have the same old fights. We strive for an ever-bigger paycheck but end up broke at a higher income bracket. Today’s episode shares three steps to uncovering the one simple, radical truth: the answer is already in you.


(Bonus Episode) If I Really Was God, What Then?

(Bonus Episode) If I Really Was God, What Then?

We ask, “Hey God, where are you? We need help down here!”

And God’s like, “What do you think I sent YOU for?” You ARE the help!”

Many of us spiritually-minded folks are waiting for some power to touch us on the top of the head, for something to happen to us – enlightenment, Grace, whatever – before we can really show up and be who we really are.

We’re kind of waiting for God to show up.

This constant and incessant drive to get what seems missing or get rid of what seems to be a problem comes from a mortal sense of self apart from God.

But you can’t add anything to God. Any prayer or affirmation to get or add to yourself is pointless.

Today’s episode shows you how to ask a completely different question in order to give what appears missing, to radiate the love that heretofore we were seeking, and to pour that imprisoned splendor into the world.

The best part? Compared to the frantic action we’re used to using to try and get what we want, the real work of being happy looks a lot like just resting.

Listen now to find out how to get back into a state of knowing and remembering the love, abundance, joy, and peace that you desire for yourself.

(Bonus Episode) Opening Up Your Presence

(Bonus Episode) Opening Up Your Presence

What have your loved ones given you?

And those that you haven’t even known, but who you love because they gave you so much – Buddha, Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Shakespeare, your ancestors – what specific thing or item did they give to you?

It was no material object.

Their real gift was their Presence: the activity, quality, or frequency of Consciousness that they caught and downloaded and anchored on Earth.

Perhaps that Divine idea was love. Perhaps it was a belief in yourself.

Whatever it was, they activated and downloaded some eternal quality in a unique and unprecedented way.

Listen to “Opening Up Your Presence” now, and find out how to catch and anchor that beautiful quality that is your gift to the world.

(Bonus Episode) The End of Tomorrow

(Bonus Episode) The End of Tomorrow

The End of Tomorrow: How to Stop Anticipating Your Future Good & Start Participating in it NOW!

There is no such thing as a future. The past is a memory, the future is a fantasy. Even the present is in your imagination. The ‘now’ moment, is the only thing that’s real.

The essence of the Law of Emergence is that everything is now. Everything that will be done, is already done. Everything you could be, you already are.

All the joy and the happiness and fulfillment you will ever experience as the result of what you want is already here.

Check in with yourself. Any time you are anticipating, ask yourself, if I already had this, how would I behave or react differently? Let this define your actions to bring the desired outcome forward rather than acting from a place of ‘want’.

Listen to this episode now so you can start participating in your future good NOW.

Stay inspired!

(Bonus Episode) The Right Questions to Ask

(Bonus Episode) The Right Questions to Ask

There’s a reason why the word ‘Quest’ is in ‘Question.’ If you want to live a great quest, live with great questions.”

A question is not something that is seeking to get something we don’t already have. From the Emergence model, the question is something that’s trying to emerge. Every question is answered. As the principle says, “Ask, and you shall receive.”

It’s not just the good questions, or the helpful questions, or the “positive” questions, but every question. It’s not personal, it’s principle. Every question is answered. If you ask, “Why doesn’t anything work for me?” You’ll get an answer. The answer will be plugging you back into all the reasons things don’t work for you, and bringing up a lot of new discoveries of why things don’t work for you.

That’s why things don’t work for me. You plug into the database of all of these patterns, but it doesn’t necessarily bring you any close to having things work for you better, because that’s not the question you asked. You didn’t ask, “How can things get better?” You asked, “Why don’t things work?” You get it?

The key principle here is ask the questions the answer of which is the actual result you want. In other words, if you want more abundance, you don’t ask, “Why am I always broke?” Right? Why is the economy so bad? Why can’t I find a job? No, because you’ll get a whole litany of answers for why. You’ll see later it’s not just answers you’re going to get in the sense of just ideas in your head.

Listen to this episode now to support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW.
And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!


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