Master Your Self,
Master Your Life

For Radical Life Change
Emergence: A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, is the first program to fully explain this evolutionary process. Based on the Law of Emergence principle, it will free you from the need to look outside for answers and authorities, from trying to add something to yourself, fill up places you perceive are empty, or even ‘attract’ things to you.
Now, more than ever, people are looking for answers, looking for a way to stabilize their life and achieve a level of freedom from outside sources. This program will show you how to find the solid ground and abundance you seek, in the only place the world can never touch – within yourself…

Wealth & Abundance

“My income went from barely making it to earning $8,500 in one month! That’s more than I have ever experienced in my life! Thank you Derek for being my teacher, guide, and coach! I can hardly wait for my next “breakthrough”!”
— Terrie
Manifest more than you can imagine!
Imagine being able to generate everything you need, no matter where you’ve come from, what you’ve been through, or what circumstance you find yourself in. Imagine being able to earn what you deserve, and make more in a month than you’ve made in a year – knowing it blesses everyone you touch!
This is not only possible, it’s already been given to you! And if you’ll give me a few moments, I’ll explain how you can experience it…
The problem is, it’s really hard to do this, especially alone.
Unconscious patterns sabotage us. Hidden agendas sidetrack us. Family, friends, work, and the world bombard us with energies and beliefs that trigger us, overwhelm us, and take us down.
But when you combine the Awakened Wealth principles and practices in a conscious field of high conversation, meditation, and inspiration…
That’s what we do DAILY in the Prosperity Playground!
In this LIVE training, Monday through Friday, you’ll get to tune in and get tuned up to these higher energies, inspired ideas, and prosperity principles for everyday application.

With a combined 50 years on stage, George Peter Kansas and Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas have helped tens of thousands of coaches, healers, teachers, and entrepreneurs reach higher levels of consciousness so they can live their dream life and make a profound impact in the world.
Productivity & Success

“I almost can’t believe the difference in my attitude and feelings. It is so amazing… Thank you so much Derek for this course and for your love and support.”
— Lisa Jensen
Master Your Life!
To master your life, you must know WHAT you are going for, HOW to achieve it, and WHO you must become to do it…and you must know the RIGHT SEQUENCE for it to work.
When you use the Self Mastery Accelerator program — which is three trainings in one — you’ll walk away with the knowledge and understanding to break out of the unconscious loops that keep you stuck in self-sabotaging patterns – and learn how to harness the power that’s already within you to create lasting change!
Whether you lack the clarity of vision, the best practices for achieving it, or the courage and confidence to take bold and consistent action – and stay on course until you get results — this is a proven path that has led many to finally break through!

“Derek, thank you so much! I am now experiencing a life of happiness and joy from within… my health has transformed from problems in my kidney to great function, and I have a great career, my bosses love me! From being a person who felt like nothing… I now love my life and have deep gratitude and appreciation”
— Efrat, Israel
Best Year Blueprint
let alone for their year.
If you want to have a better year but don’t have a vision for your year, that’s like trying to go somewhere but having no idea where you’re going – which will make every road look interesting, send you down one blind alley after another, or cause you to just pull over and give up!
In the Best Year Blueprint, we take you deep into a powerful process for accessing all the wisdom of your past experiences, so you can harness that untapped power and activate it in pursuit of your new year’s goals.

“I was homeless and desperate, taking 20-30 prescriptions. Now I’m in my own apartment, I’m engaged, my prescriptions have dwindled down to two pills a day, which are also disappearing. I am now a testimony to the very re- programming that Derek is sharing. God Bless!”
— Jennifer, Boise
Best Day Blueprint
pillow wondering where the time went, feeling like you
haven’t done what you really wanted or needed?
Are you feeling somewhat lost, confused, overwhelmed, or unfulfilled…?
Well, In this comprehensive program, you will finally gain total control over your days, so that you can start creating the life you deeply desire and deserve…
You will have a system that puts your growth, healing, and success on autopilot – a system that turns you into the person you’ve always wanted to be, the person that is capable of creating your ultimate lifestyle!
It will show you how to leverage everything you have, everything you are, and every minute of the day, to accelerate your progress and increase your joy and fulfillment…
It will give you the strategies to face any obstacle and see the opportunities, to face every challenge and become strong enough to overcome it – it will give you back your power!
Mission & Thought Leadership
The Life Code
or purpose — every moment has been by design.
The key to reclaiming your life’s power isn’t in changing the past, but in seeing the patterns clearly for the first time. When you do, you come into alignment with your real reason for being here and discover the work your life has been preparing you for all along.
You are Part of a Human Ecosystem
Just as everything in nature is perfectly orchestrated to collaborate and integrate with everything else, your life has been developing you to fit into your perfect place.
In nature, all the storms and fires and challenges are not there to destroy it but to make it stronger, to activate latent capacities, and to allow it to thrive. The same principle applies to your life.
You are not an accident. You were called here to fulfill a function, to serve a purpose, and when you do, all of nature will conspire for your fulfillment.

“Derek challenges us to open up to a fresh worldview where we can work from our true nature, whole, abundant.”
— Lindsay Crouse, Oscar-nominated actress,
The Insider, The Verdict, Places in the Heart
Soul Purpose Blueprint
or have no job at all?
What has it cost you to remain unclear or disconnected from who you really are and why you’re alive? What has it done to your mental, emotional, financial, even physical health? Here’s a secret: your stress, pain, and most major problems are not caused by what you’ve been told, and the solution is not what you think. In fact, we’ve been taught the exact opposite of how to heal ourselves and make our life work! Until now…
There is a powerful blueprint within you that has all the answers, guidance, and unlimited energy you need to create the life of your dreams — in fact, beyond what you have imagined. But you must know how to connect to it, become congruent with it, and unlock its power. If you’ll give me a little bit of your time, I’ll show you how…

“I can’t put into words what actually happened… except everything! the most important change.. I have been struggling with PTS for 10 years and after so many different healing modalities… something happened and I am absolutely FINE. My health is perfect and business booming. Thank you so much!”
— Caryl
Thought Leader Blueprint
and spinning your wheels trying to figure out what you’re
supposed to do with your life and how?
Whether it’s a book, a program, a coaching/healing practice, or an entrepreneurial venture, your life has prepared you to be who you need to be to deliver your gifts…
…but you must understand your unique LIFE CODE, how to interpret it, how to turn it into your signature offer, and then how to build a business platform to launch it!
I’m going to teach you everything I’ve learned and done to create a conscious global 7-figure business, with best-selling books, programs, world speaking tours, and so much more…I’m not going to hold anything back!
In other words, this is not only about the deep transformative discoveries, but the practical, real-world tools, best practices, and cutting-edge strategies that the biggest players are using to grow, heal, and thrive in today’s marketplace.

“Derek Rydall lays out the spiritual truths that will help you transcend your limited beliefs, tap into your true power, and fulfill your higher purpose!”
— Mark Harris, Producer, Crash (Academy Award for Best Picture)
Thought Leader
Business Accelerator
Without an Email List or Crazy Marketing!
If you want to stop playing small, playing safe, sitting on the sidelines waiting for your big break — or going down blind alleys and rabbit holes trying to reinvent the wheel — this program will finally give you the keys to getting started or taking your life’s work to the next level FAST.

— Nada Travica
Thought Leader
Business Builder
Make a Living Doing What You Love!
The result is a car without an engine or a gift box without any presence inside!
But in this deep-dive journey, you’ll learn how to tap into your true message and purpose, turn it into a marketable offering, and launch it into the world in an authentic, successful way.
You’ll get the secret success formula of the greatest leaders — the exact process I used to create a 7-figure business with best-selling books, programs, world speaking tours, and much more. And you’ll gain the real-world tools and cutting-edge strategies that the biggest players use to build a sustainable platform to launch your work and live your purpose — with the clarity, confidence, and credibility to thrive in today’s marketplace!

— Jania
Spiritual Growth & Healing

“Thank you so much for this course Derek! Once I acknowledge and embrace my shadow with gratitude for all it did for me, there is everything to embrace and nothing to resist. It has been even more profound… I’m one of your biggest fans for all you have done for me! It’s time to dance the happy dance together”
— Rosemarie Bou
Shadow Dancing
dirt is life in potential. Learn how to embrace all of your
seeming darkness and you will be unstoppable!
The key is in the power of ending our internal conflict. When we have unconscious shadows, we are ALWAYS in battle with ourselves – they are sucking our energy, burning us out, making us angry, frustrated, depressed…
These unconscious shadows show up as self-sabotage, causing us to procrastinate, holding us back from taking bold actions, and often breaking out as negative, destructive behavior – making us act like the people we hate most!
SHADOW DANCING is a time-tested, proven system for taking all those parts of yourself, your life experience, and everything and everyone that causes you conflict – and turning it into a storehouse of wisdom, genius, talent, and abundance!

“Derek Rydall’s work is invaluable for any creative soul who wants to channel material the world is waiting for!”
— Dee Wallace, Actress (Actress, E. T., Cujo), Healer, Author & Teacher
Journaling Mastery
powerful process to improve your ability to think clearly.
Writing in a journal takes it to yet another level…
When done effectively and consistently, it can help you develop a healing consciousness, a contemplative awareness, and make you receptive to a level of insight, guidance, and wisdom that transcends what you personally know.
The Three
Containers of Truth
The Three Containers of Truth
Intimacy and passion will give way to coping and defense mechanisms designed to protect rather than connect, causing both partners to dig into their positions… until the connection is gone.
But no matter where you are on this journey, this evolutionary process known as The Truth Container will help you heal, renew, and create a thriving relationship that surprises and delights you with its endless gifts of love and connection.
If you want to have a relationship that gets better all the time and a love that keeps on growing, this powerful process will show you how.

“I was on the verge of bankruptcy, about to lose my home and my company. Derek’s work helped me see and feel that I had everything – and within 14 days, I had a new job, new customers and a lot of work from existing customers. My banker hardly believed his eyes when he looked at my balance sheet!” — Lars Rasmussen, Denmark
“My income went from barely making it to earning $8,500 in one month! That’s more than I have ever experienced in my life! Thank you Derek for being my teacher, guide, and coach! I can hardly wait for my next “breakthrough”!” — Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady
“When I found Derek’s work, I was on the verge of losing my house. Last month I made more money in one week than I make in a month. Derek is a true Master. He has the ability to get to the heart of any issue in a short time, then gives us exactly what we need to continue the momentum of the breakthrough.” — Kim Marino
I was homeless and desperate, taking 20-30 prescriptions. Now I’m in my own apartment, I’m engaged, my prescriptions have dwindled down to two pills a day, which are also disappearing. I am now a testimony to the very re-programming that Derek is sharing. God Bless!” — Jennifer, Boise
“One of my goals when I started Derek’s work was “sell some property”. Hadn’t managed to do so thus far, but today WE JUST CLOSED A DEAL FOR 3 PARCELS. The intent is to be completely out of debt by the end of the year, and we’re nearly there! So jazzed! Thank you!” — Susan Barrow
“I am on my third money wealth module. Derek, please hear this, I have been a counselor for twenty years. I have worked with many people. Your work is the first I can say is truly coming from greatness, wealth, abundance and love. I feel it every time I do another piece of this. Thank you, thank you!” — Judi Larson
“Derek, thank you so much! I am now experiencing a life of happiness and joy from within… my health has transformed from problems in my kidney to great function, and I have a great career, my bosses love me! From being a person who felt like nothing…
I now love my life and have deep gratitude and appreciation!” — Efrat, Israel