How to Get Back All You’ve Lost
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Cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies for living the Best Year of Your Life! World’s #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness.
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…3 SIMPLE steps all the great masters teach …and many self-improvement strategies don’t…
Did you know that every problem comes from the same source — and so does every solution? Did you know that most self-improvement strategies teach you how to handle these problems backwards?
Fortunately, the great Masters have left a blueprint for how to really heal, become free, and create a life of true fulfillment – no matter what conditions we face. And when we practice this, we discover what’s really going on and how to take our life to the next level. Nothing can sabotage our success when we understand this ancient practice.
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Cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies for living the Best Year of Your Life! World’s #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness.
August is upon us. A name that means ‘exalted, acclaimed, renowned,’ among other things. To live an ‘august’ life implies being bold, grand, powerful – even legendary. It means to live the fullness of our authentic potential, holding nothing back. But even in our daily walk and individual goals, we can live more boldly.
Sometimes it’s good to grow incrementally and work merely to stabilize our life structures, but other times we must make big moves that shake up the status quo of our comfort zones — and catapult us into a new and unfamiliar world. Sometimes we must leap instead of step, run instead of walk, and dive in instead of dipping our toes.
In fact, as an overall part of a dynamic life plan, we need to design such August moves into our way of life. It keeps our ego off balance enough to activate our emerging energies and prevent us from looping around in the same story. (Remember, part of the ego’s job is to keep us the same, while giving us the illusion of making progress.)
So this could look like setting a goal to write a whole book in 30 days instead of three months. It could look like committing to running a marathon in 3-6 months versus just trying to lose ten pounds. It could be deciding to have ten dates with new potential people in the next 30 days or less. Or it could be going on a multi-day, silent retreat instead of just trying to learn to meditate 20 minutes a day.
In other words, if you’ve been trying to grow some area incrementally and are not making the kind of exciting progress you want, what big, bold moves could you make to really go for it –to really say to the Universe, ‘I’m ready to live my life full out now!’
Take time to consider this, write about it, and make a plan to begin living your legendary life. If you’re really bold, you can post your leaps in our private or public Facebook pages and invite others to do the same. Then, together, we will hold the collective energy for these quantum leaps.
My intention for you this month is that you have a real breakthrough; that all this theory becomes a living wisdom that lifts you to the next level — and sets you on course to have a truly extraordinary year!
Are you willing? That’s all the spirit needs. As Michael Beckwith says, “Where there’s a will, there’s a wall. But where there’s willingness, there’s a way!”
To Your Emergence!
We’ve been brainwashed to believe that what we want is somewhere in the future or distance. Because of this, most of our methods of achieving the good life have us trying to get somewhere or ‘some-when’ else.
Even the idea of ‘living in the now’ is often seen through this filter, making us believe if we can get into the ‘now,’ what we want will show up – as if it’s not quite happening in ‘this now,’ but in some future, better now.
And when we accept the idea of living in the now, it’s still frequently about finding enough peace to go get what we really want, without feeling so stressed about it — again putting our good in the distance or future.
The now becomes a means to an end instead of an end itself.
But the now isn’t a place you go to get some good feelings so you can get back into the rat race and withstand the blows of life – the ‘now’ is where The Thing Itself lives.
The music is already here.
Your Destiny Is Already Happening.
Not just the pattern or potential, but the actual reality — just at a different frequency, so you can’t see or hear it. Like your favorite music that is broadcasting on a certain station – but you can’t experience it until you tune into it, until your frequency matches it.
And when you do tune into it, you don’t make it happen, you make it welcome; you have found the station where your music is already manifest.
This is your manifest-station!
That’s what one great master of emergence meant when he said the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand, but having eyes you see it not, and having ears you hear it not.
When we judge based on appearances – using our physical senses – the best we can ever have is a slightly better human experience. But when we dive beneath the surface and look with our soul-senses, we discover that we’re already living in heaven now.
To Your Emergence!