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Why The World Won’t Get Better (And Maybe Shouldn’t) [Podcast]

Why The World Won't Get Better (And Maybe Shouldn't)

Why The World Won’t Get Better (And Maybe Shouldn’t)

This is an interesting (and controversial) discussion… Many of you may be thinking, “Isn’t making the world better the very point?”

There are many analogies I like to use to explain how maybe making the world better or having a perfect, peaceful world may not actually be the point.  First of all, lets look at how you define “better”.

[bctt tweet=”The good news: the world can’t give you anything. Even better news: the world can’t take anything away.” username=”derekrydall”]

What is your idea of better?  This is the first thing you want to get clear on. What does better look like? What are the things and improvements that really matter in your own life and in the lives of others?Ultimately, those things in your life that you define as better will lead to more of a deeper, richer, more meaningful life.

For my full explanation, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where I break it down and help you to apply this in your life TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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Derek Rydall
Why The World Won't Get Better (And Maybe Shouldn't)
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