Completing the Past So You Can Have a Future

Completing the Past So You Can Have a Future

DEBT-FREE TODAY: Discover how you can CLOSE OFF your old energetic books and FREE yourself to EXPAND INTO your biggest life today and every day!

How often do you notice yourself thinking or saying, “I just don’t have enough energy…”? You used to bounce out of bed, play and create all day, dreaming about the future and making it happen! Where did that energy go? Today’s podcast episode has the answer. You’ll discover how you’ve been financing your past pain and robbing yourself of the present energy you need to heal and create the life of your dreams. This could be a game-changer!

Listen to “Completing the Past So You Can Have a Future,” to close off your energetic books so you can have access to your full “energetic currency” today!

Behold, Be Held, Be Whole – How to Activate True Healing and Abundance

Behold, Be Held, Be Whole – How to Activate True Healing and Abundance

What if you could lean back into something that would hold, lift and support you throughout every moment of your life? What if everything in the universe was conspiring for your freedom and fulfillment? How would you feel? How would you hold yourself? What might you do?

In this week’s podcast, you’ll learn the three key steps to creating miracles in your life.

Listen to “Behold, Be Held, Be Whole: How to Activate True Healing and Abundance” and discover how truly simple it is to let that wholeness naturally unfold!

Grounding Your Good: Owning & Claiming All the Abundance in Your Life

Grounding Your Good: Owning & Claiming All the Abundance in Your Life

Ever noticed that when things start going downhill, they just get worse faster and faster, until all you can see is what’s wrong and what’s missing? Well, this mental habit to see problem is an evolutionary mechanism designed for our survival – but which has now become our greatest obstacle to growth. The GOOD NEWS is you can flip this on its head and ACCELERATE your growth!

In this week’s podcast, you’ll discover how, by dissolving one false concept, you can experience your life as an ever-expanding series of good fortune, where you release all the resistance, grow by quantum leaps, and put your success on autopilot.

Learn how to REVERSE “bad luck” INSTANTLY and flip an inner switch that creates a never-ending, ever-expanding experience of good in your life! This is how you were designed; find out how to use it NOW!

The Secret Language of Desire

The Secret Language of Desire

Desire has gotten a bad rap in the spiritual world. Perhaps it started with Buddha who supposedly said desire is the root of suffering. I say ‘supposedly’ because I have serious doubts he ever taught such a thing, at least in the way that we think. What he did teach was that ‘craving’ and ‘aversion’ were the root of suffering; in other words, the compulsion to ‘get’ or ‘get rid’ of something.

The reason this creates suffering is because it comes from a belief that we are lacking something or that something is wrong with us, which is a fundamental illusion when you understand the true nature of being – that you are already whole, perfect, complete, and indestructible.

This mischaracterization of desire has led to many teachings that imply that desires are not spiritual and we should strive for a desire-less state. But desires aren’t the problem; our misperception of them is. The word desire actually has a deeper meaning. One definition is ‘of the stars’ or ‘from the heavens.’ This could be interpreted as something coming from above, from a higher source.

Another interpretation is “of the sire,” as in father or Creative Principle. In either case, when you understand the emergence model of life, you realize that your desires are not a sign of something outside that you must get—they’re a sign of something inside – from a higher place — trying to get out.

That burning desire you have for a better life—in whatever area—is something you’re pregnant with.

When you understand this, you can celebrate your heart’s desires just as you would if you (or a significant other) were pregnant with a longed-for child. You can begin to nurture that idea growing within you, feeding it, strengthening it, preparing the outer space for its arrival.

The process a pregnant woman goes through to cultivate the inner and outer conditions for the arrival of her child is very similar to the stages of emergence—it’s one of the most powerful examples of how human nature and Mother Nature operate the same.

The secret is to reverse your relationship with desire. The burning desire you feel is a clue to what’s already inside trying to emerge; it’s telling you what you need to nurture. So what are you desiring in your life right now? I don’t merely mean those surface desires for a bigger TV or a new pair of shoes – although there’s nothing wrong with that and it may, in fact, be pointing to another level of life expression – I mean those deeply held desires..

If you were to give yourself total permission to give voice to everything you deeply desire in each of your life structures – wealth, health, work, relationships, spirituality, personal development, and service – what would they be?

I invite you to take some time right now to delve into that. Pour your heart out on the page (or computer screen). Let yourself be so honest with your heart and soul’s desires that you might be mortified if anyone saw them. That’s a clue that you’re getting to it! That’s a clue of what the Universe is really trying to express through you.

After you do this, ask yourself which one of these is the most important to you right now; which one has the strongest pull or charge. And then ask what you would need to let go of, embrace, or do in order to take the next step into that larger life.

Then take that step…and another…and another…and watch what emerges over the next couple weeks. (I also invite you to share your discoveries on my Facebook page, so we can all be inspired and illuminated by your journey.)

This is your time. Something is stirring with you. Feel that life kicking inside, breathe, and give birth to the next stage of your destiny!

To Your Emergence!

P.S. – If you really want to accelerate your AWAKENED WEALTH experience, check out the program that has already brought millions of dollars and many more healings to people around the world:

The 7 Gifts That Give You Everything

The 7 Gifts That Give You Everything

Nothing enters into this world except through the process of giving. If we don’t give, there can’t be more. If you want more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you!

You are a divine power plant, and a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it. Even the word human comes from a Sanskrit term for ‘man’ that means ‘The Dispenser of Divine Gifts.’

That’s who you are, that’s why you came here — you really are God’s gift to this world!

But there are many forms of giving. And you must engage all of them to fully activate the Generator in that divine power plant and create unlimited abundance in your experience.

The 7 Gifts of the Divine Dispenser
Giving Forth: Share your time, talent, and treasure
Giving Away: Circulate what you no longer need/use
Giving Up: Release habits, criticism, complaints, judgment
Giving In: Let go of resistance, surrender to what’s emerging
Forgiving: Free yourself and others from emotional debt
Giving to Yourself: Give you what you seek from others
Giving Thanks: What you appreciate, appreciates

I invite you to activate this divine power plant like never before — to tune in, turn it on, and let it shine! To do this, look at each life structure (Health, Wealth, Work, Relationships, Spirituality, Service, Personal Development) and notice where you’re still trying to get something.

It could be love, approval, respect, validation. Or if it’s something material, ask what it symbolizes for you, what it stands for. For example, money might equal ‘safety, security, power, worth.’ Translate the physical into the spiritual quality.

Then actively give these to yourself each day, by asking: What would it look like to totally respect/love/approve myself? etc. — and follow the guidance!

If you’re really ready to activate your unlimited wealth and fulfill your destiny,
I invite you to join the —

The 40-Day Giving Challenge

To be part of this, every day for the next 40 days, ask where you can give more in one of these life structures and/or in regards to one of the 7 Gifts above. You might pick one area to grow each day, or each week.

Then share your experiences and breakthroughs on our FB pages. This is just the beginning of a life of awakened wealth and abundance.

To Your Emergence!

P.S. – If you really want to accelerate your AWAKENED WEALTH experience, check out the program that has already brought millions of dollars and many more healings to people around the world:

Whatever’s Missing Is What You’re Not Giving

Whatever’s Missing Is What You’re Not Giving

Nothing enters into this world except through the process of giving. If we don’t give, there can’t be more. If you want more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you!

You are a divine power plant, and a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it. Even the word human comes from a Sanskrit term for ‘man’ that means ‘The Dispenser of Divine Gifts.’

That’s who you are, that’s why you came here — you really are God’s gift to this world!

But there are many forms of giving. And you must engage all of them to fully activate the Generator in that divine power plant and create unlimited abundance in your experience.

The 7 Gifts of the Divine Dispenser

  • Giving Forth: Share your time, talent, and treasure
  • Giving Away: Circulate what you no longer need/use
  • Giving Up: Release habits, criticism, complaints, judgment
  • Giving In: Let go of resistance, surrender to what’s emerging
  • Forgiving: Free yourself and others from emotional debt
  • Giving to Yourself: Give you what you seek from others
  • Giving Thanks: What you appreciate, appreciates

I invite you to activate this divine power plant like never before — to tune in, turn it on, and let it shine! To do this, look at each life structure (Health, Wealth, Work, Relationships, Spirituality, Service, Personal Development) and notice where you’re still trying to get something.

It could be love, approval, respect, validation. Or if it’s something material, ask what it symbolizes for you, what it stands for. For example, money might equal ‘safety, security, power, worth.’ Translate the physical into the spiritual quality.

Then actively give these to yourself each day, by asking: ìWhat would it look like to totally respect/love/approve myself? etc. — and follow the guidance!

If you’re really ready to activate your unlimited wealth and fulfill your destiny, I invite you to join the — The 40-Day Giving Challenge To be part of this, every day for the next 40 days, ask where you can give more in one of these life structures and/or in regards to one of the 7 Gifts above. You might pick one area to grow each day, or each week. Then share your experiences and breakthroughs on our FB pages. This is just the beginning of a life of awakened wealth and abundance. Welcome home…


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