The Crisis of Incongruence – The Hidden Cause of Unhappiness [Podcast]

The Crisis of Incongruence – The Hidden Cause of Unhappiness [Podcast]

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The Crisis of Incongruence – The Hidden Cause of Unhappiness

In the principle of Emergence, we learn that life doesn’t happen to us, it happens through us. All of life is trying to express as us, but it can only do so according to our level of receptivity and alignment with it. Because of this we don’t experience life directly, we experience it through our perceptions or filters.

The bad news is that, even though life is totally on your side, you can only experience it to the extend that you’re on your own side. The good news is that there’s a divine destiny, an emerging impulse, always seeking to bring you into harmony with your true purpose — so that life can fulfill itself through you.

The challenge is that the same mechanism that allows us to manifest a more expansive life as we embody more expansive perceptions, also causes a more limited life when our beliefs are limited.
The reason is that this inner mechanism is always trying to make us congruent to the blueprint or the self-concept that we’ve accepted about ourselves or the world. It doesn’t know good or bad, right or wrong, it just knows what you believe deep down — and then it works 24/7 to bring your life into integrity with that belief system.

Like the principle of homeostasis, it’s always trying to bring us back to a state of balance or congruent. For example, if you have a self-concept that says, “I’m not good with money” or, “Money is hard”, when it comes to money, even if you do all the right things to make money, it will beat a path out your door as fast as possible. Why? Because this mechanism is trying to bring you back into congruence with that self-concept or blueprint.

This is the meaning of the saying, “To he or she who is right in mind, they can do all the wrong things and it will turn out right; but, to he or she who is wrong in mind, they can do all the right things, and it will turn out wrong.” Whatever your inner blueprint is, if you’re trying to do a bunch of actions that aren’t in integrity with it and you’re not changing the blueprint, your life is going to come back into alignment with it.

Even when you have what the world would call success, if you’re not happy and fulfilled it’s because, on some level, your outer life does t match your inner blueprint of true happiness. This can cause successful people to self sabotage, or become addicted to quell the pain and confusion of being so unhappy when everything says they should be overjoyed with their life.

The work we must do is to get clear about what our inner blueprint for success and happiness is, then either change it if it’s not constructive and supportive, or begin the process of bribing our whole life into congruence with it. This includes the people, places, activities, and objects we fill our life with — and the things we take out of our life.

[bctt tweet=”We must design a way of life, inside and out that matches our highest vision.” username=”derekrydall”]

You’ll never be truly satisfied or fulfilled if your blueprint doesn’t match, or isn’t increasingly coming into alignment with the grand blueprint.
“True joy and happiness comes from living on that emerging edge of ever-expanding, ever-evolving increase, and progress.”

The first step is to look at your own inner self-concept, your own inner blueprint and see if it is in alignment with your highest and greatest desires or if you have acquiesced to limiting conditioning.

Are you merely trying to change the outer world while remaining the same? Are you just trying to lose weight or make money or win friends and influence others, when internally you believe you’re not worthy, capable, or unable?

That’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The ship is going down no matter what you do externally. You need to plug the holes internally. You need to redesign your inner self-concept and blueprint.

When you do that, you don’t have to make it happen, you are making it welcome. Then the law of mind operates upon that newly-enhanced blueprint and brings your life into integrity or congruence with it.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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The Mighty Mo: How to Create Real Momentum
ASK DEREK-How Do You Deal With the Haters (The Gift of Criticism)
Where are You REALLY?

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[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Related quotes:[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5746″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5749″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Full Transcript
[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Derek Rydall here, and welcome to Emergence, this powerful journey of discovering our true hidden potential and our Divine purpose, and creating a life that allows it to unfold naturally and even effortlessly. It’s great to be with you again, and we’re talking today about the crisis of incongruence, or the hidden cause of unhappiness. This is such a powerful concept, because you know that by now, ideally, that life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. All of life is pouring through and as you, or at least trying according to a Divine pattern. You don’t experience life directly. You experience your perception of life, or experience life through your filters. Think of it like a pasta maker. You put all this pasta in one end and what comes out the other end is based on the filter that’s there. This is how life is happening. It’s not happening to us. Never is there a life outside happening to us, although that is the illusion. It’s happening through us and as us. If we want something more different to come into our life, we have to let something more or different come out of us. This is the foundational principle behind Emergence.

The second foundational principle is that once we are clear what it is we really truly want to emerge in our life, or even more accurately what is trying to emerge in our life, because there is a Divine pattern and Divine idea, a real purpose and destiny. We now have to organize our life to be congruent with that, to be in alignment, to be in integrity with that, not just one and done, not just here and there. We have to literally design a way of life inside and out that is congruent with our Divine pattern or plan or purpose. A subset of that, or an aspect of that, to understand is that therefore there’s a mechanism in the mind that is always seeking to make us congruent. Here me now. It’s always seeking to make you congruent. It’s always seeking to make you congruent to the blueprint or the self-concept that you have accepted, that is a part of your consciousness, that is the fundamental blueprint or concept or self-concept that is active in your consciousness. This mechanism is always working. It’s always striving to make us congruent. Like the principle of homeostasis, it’s always trying to bring us back to a state of balance. This mechanism within you is always trying to make you congruent.

For example, if you see yourself as a wealthy person, that your blueprint includes I’m wealthy and wealth easily flows through me, to me, and around me, etc. If that’s your blueprint, whether because of upbringing, conditioning, societal ideas, concepts or just your own inner work, then you will sort and you will delete or distort. You will have a cognitive dissonance around anything that could make you poor or broke or not congruent with that. If a challenge arises, like a downturn in the economy, or your money gets embezzled, or something happened, this mechanism will automatically start to drive you and draw things to you – drive and draw experiences to bring you back into integrity, alignment or congruence with that blueprint of I am wealthy. Likewise, if you have a blueprint or self-concept that, I’m not good with money, that I come from a long line of people that aren’t good with money, my parents weren’t good with money, I’m not good with money, money is hard, there’s a shortage of it, there’s not enough of it to go around, so your blueprint and your self-concept is that I never have enough; I don’t know enough. When it comes to money, I’m not good enough. Then even if you do all the right things to make money, that money will be on the path out your doorway as fast as possible. Even if you’re given money, even if you win the lottery as we’ve seen many times. We will follow up with you in a year or two or three, and you’ll not only have lost all the money or spent it all, but probably be in even greater debt. Why? Because that’s same mechanism is working 24/7 to bring you back into congruence with that self-concept or blueprint.

TranscriptionIt’s the same thing if you come from a family of overeaters and people that are overweight, and you find yourself constantly dieting and dieting and trying all these things to lose weight, maybe lose it temporarily, or you never can get it off, or if you do get it off, you just find it comes back on. You probably heard the statement, Once a fat person always a fat person. Well, that’s not meant to be derogatory. You get the point, because the blueprint, the self-concept, that hasn’t been changed in a fundamental level. This mechanism is always going to be working to bring you back into congruence with that. That’s one of the reasons why we are on this yo-yo diets, or money goes up and down, or weight goes up and down, or opportunities go up and down. It’s because there’s this inner conflict where we consciously want more or better or different, but the self-concept or the blueprint is the same. That’s because we are primarily working on the surface level where you’re working on strategies and tactics and to-dos. We’re trying to change the world, while we internally, fundamentally remain the same. That’s also by the way why you may lose weight but feel uncomfortable as a thin person, if you still have this underlying blueprint of an overweight person. When you finally come back to being overweight, or you might get a lot of money, you actually feel nervous or uncomfortable with it and find as you’re spending it and it’s burning a hole in your pocket and that actually when you come back to not having money, there’s this strange sense of relief. I wouldn’t quite call it happiness, but, ironically, you tend to be unhappy or nervous or anxious or uncomfortable until your inner pattern matches that. This is why that saying says, He or she who is right in mind, they can do all the wrong things and it will turn out right; but, he or she who is wrong in mind, they can do all the right things, it will turn out wrong. Why? What that means is whatever your self-concept or blueprint is, if you’re trying to do a bunch of actions that aren’t in integrity with that and you’re not changing the blueprint, your life is going to come back into integrity with that. It’s like pulling a rubber band and it snaps back, right? Also, if you’re doing all these things and maybe even in the case where you have all kinds of what the world would say good things – you have money, you have family, you have opportunity – but you’re still unhappy, there’s something in your blueprint, there’s something in your self-concept that you’re not pursuing or that you’re not fulfilling.

This is why that saying says, He or she who is right in mind, they can do all the wrong things and it will turn out right; but, he or she who is wrong in mind, they can do all the right things, it will turn out wrong. Why? What that means is whatever your self-concept or blueprint is, if you’re trying to do a bunch of actions that aren’t in integrity with that and you’re not changing the blueprint, your life is going to come back into integrity with that. It’s like pulling a rubber band and it snaps back, right? Also, if you’re doing all these things and maybe even in the case where you have all kinds of what the world would say good things – you have money, you have family, you have opportunity – but you’re still unhappy, there’s something in your blueprint, there’s something in your self-concept that you’re not pursuing or that you’re not fulfilling.

I remember hearing one story about a person who had all this money and all fame and fortune and was depressed. No amount of anti-depressants or anything was pulling her out of it. Through discussion, she discovered that what she always really wanted was children, was to have a man that loved her and to have a real family and to have children. She was well-beyond that particular prime. Nothing, no amount of worldly fame, fortune, success or acquisition could make her happy, because this unconscious blueprint and self-concept was that she would someday be a person with a family of her own. No amount of friends and all of that could even help. Upon deeper introspection, when the idea came that well, she could just adopt and have children, that didn’t work either. She did dig deeper and deeper. She should find out what’s the quality, what would she get, what’s the feeling she would get if she had children of her own, why did it have to be children of her own? She ultimately discovered that it was because she would feel loved. Because if it was just adopted children, they wouldn’t owe her any real debt of love, and so it had to be her own children or there wouldn’t be real lasting unconditional love there. When she understood that what she really needed was more love, then she could begin to organize her life to focus on that, to get the love.

There are certain things that we may have self-concepts of that we will never get in the world, but it’s not the thing that we want. It’s the way it makes us feel. It’s not the money. It’s the way it makes us feel. It’s not the fame. It’s the way it makes us feel. It’s not the child of our own or a gene, but it’s the way it makes us feel. In any case, she had to dig through the layers. What is it she really wanted? Ultimately, discovered it was this. She was able to arrange her life and see how much love was in her life and how many people loved her, and then she could even potentially adopt and she could bring the love and receive the love and be fulfilled. That’s an important little distinction, if whatever the thing is can never be achieved. If you always wanted to be an NBA basketball player, and you’re well passed the prime where you could actually be a player, maybe you could be a coach. Maybe you could do something in that field or complementary or supplementary or side by side, or maybe it’s something else about it, a quality that you could begin to design into your life through other means that would give you the same level of congruence.

The key is that we have to find congruence. If you have a blueprint or a self-concept that’s limiting or destructive like I’m just a person who can’t make a lot of money. I wasn’t wired for that. I’m just big bones. I’m never going to be thin, or whatever the case may be, you have to do one of two things. You have to either, again, find the quality that you really want, independent of the change. I highly recommend that. As a rule of thumb, just always go for the quality, because the quality of feeling is what we’re always really after. If there’s still the possibility of obtaining the form, then you want to align your life and organize your life around that, and then you need to change your blueprint. You need to change your self-concept. You need to do the inner work to discover some principle. Let’s say around abundance, that there’s no such thing as a person that’s not capable of being abundant. Even though it may be a condition that that was your experience, you can recondition yourself. You can understand the principles. You can apprentice under the laws of wealth and abundance and begin to develop a consciousness of wealth and abundance, and therefore a consciousness or a self-concept that you are a wealthy and abundant person. You can begin to let go of those limited self-concepts and redesign your blueprint around abundance. As that gets established, that same mechanism that is always moving you towards congruence, it’s always operating anyways. It’s now operating on that blueprint.

This is another very important distinction. This is why ultimately the way we’re meant to grow is not to forcing or pushing or making things happened but making what’s already true welcome that when we become internally congruent, meaning we develop a blueprint or self-concept and condition ourselves to feel and believe and be in alignment with what we really want, then the law of life does the heavy lifting, right? The law of gravity is always pulling. If I pick up a pen, and I drop it, it’s going to get pulled down by the law of gravity. I don’t have to do the work and force the pen down. Likewise, I don’t have to do the work of forcing my life to be wealthy and abundant, but I do have to do the work of developing an inner blueprint that I am a wealthy abundant person, which is in alignment with the greater truth. Ultimately, we’re not just seeking to make ourselves congruent with our own personal blueprint. We’re seeking to make ourselves congruent with the truth of all being, with the great truth –the great truths that we are one with God, one with life, that we are unique emanations of infinite love, power, joy, abundance, power, joy, abundance, health, wealth, harmony, order, brilliance, genius, etc. That’s always pulling on us and pushing on us, but, again, as I said in the beginning, it’s moving through our own filter, our own blueprint, and our own self-concept. So, we want to align ourselves ultimately with the grand blueprint. There’s a unique way the grand blueprint of truth is trying to express as us. When we talk about our highest destiny or purpose, we’re talking about our unique expression of the grand blueprint. Our work is to come into ever increasing and inner alignment to condition ourselves, so that we feel and believe and see ourselves with a blueprint that matches our highest good and our highest desire. The law of life operates automatically on that to bring our experience into congruence with it. Just as I said before, if our inner blueprint is that I’m fat and I’m big-boned, and I don’t have the abilities to really make much of myself, then that same principle

So, we want to align ourselves ultimately with the grand blueprint. There’s a unique way the grand blueprint of truth is trying to express as us. When we talk about our highest destiny or purpose, we’re talking about our unique expression of the grand blueprint. Our work is to come into ever increasing and inner alignment to condition ourselves, so that we feel and believe and see ourselves with a blueprint that matches our highest good and our highest desire. The law of life operates automatically on that to bring our experience into congruence with it. Just as I said before, if our inner blueprint is that I’m fat and I’m big-boned, and I don’t have the abilities to really make much of myself, then that same principle is operating to bring us into integrity with that. It doesn’t make us feel good ultimately. It makes us feel sad or depressed or frustrated or angry because that blueprint is ultimately not in alignment with the grand blueprint.

I know I’m giving you a lot here, and I really invite you to really listen to this more than once, but, again, I want you to get the levels here. Whenever we’re out of alignment with our self-concept or blueprint, our life will never feel right, and it will always be working to bring us back in alignment with that blueprint, even if the blueprint is limited. We have to recondition ourselves to have a very big self-concept and to be a blueprint or self-concept that is what we truly want, so that that love, life, is operating upon that. However, we’ll never be truly satisfied or fulfilled if our blueprint doesn’t match, or isn’t increasingly coming into alignment with, the grand blueprint. If you settle for something less than your best or settle for something less than your unique greatness and excellence, even if it’s what the world would call a pretty good life, you’re never going to be truly satisfied or fulfilled, because there’s a much bigger blueprint trying to emerge through you. Ultimately, you realize that safety and well-being and true happiness is never found in any static situation. I wanted to say the static quo, not just the status quo. Why? Because it’s always found in progress. Why? Because the Universe is progressive. Why? Because it’s infinite. There’s an infinite blueprint forever trying to emerge through and as you, so there’s no stopping point as Jesus said, Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but there is no place for man to rest his weary head. I shall not rest until I rest in thee, meaning our only resting place is in the divine, in the infinite eternal nature of our being.

That true joy and happiness is on that emerging edge of ever-expanding, ever-evolving increase and progress. The first step is to look at our own inner self-concept, our own inner blueprint and see is it in alignment with our highest desires, our greatest desires or have we acquiesced to limiting conditioning? Are we merely trying to change the outer world while remaining the same? Are we just trying to lose weight or make money or win friends and influence others when internally we believe we’re not worthy, we’re not capable and we’re not able? Understand that’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The ship is going down no matter what you do externally. You need to plug the holes internally. You need to redesign your inner self-concept and blueprint. Finally, when you do that, you don’t have to make it happen. You are making it welcome in the law of life. The law of mind operates upon that newly-enhanced blueprint and brings your life into integrity, into congruence with it.

Just one final reminder, when the thing you think you want in your life seems to be something that’s out of your reach, beyond the stage of your life that you’re in, I don’t want to say as a disclaimer or a caveat, be careful to jump to that right away, because when you think it might be too late for or you might be too old, too tall, too short, too this, too that for, you might be wrong. So, before you decide it’s too late or you’re not enough and it’s just never going to happen, really investigate it, because there are many, many, many stories of people that have done the thing they truly wanted far beyond the time and what the world says is the capacity to achieve it. Like the 98-year-old man that runs up the flight of the Empire State Building, runs the stairs along with 20 something’s and 30 something’s. He’s 98 years old and that’s just his warm-up to run a marathon – or a 70-some-year-old woman who gets started running like in her 50s and ends up running multiple marathons and Ironman’s, or the woman that becomes a doctor in her 70s – or Grandma Moses becomes a world famous painter in her 80s. So, be very careful to accept any form of limitation. The basketball player who’s short, I forget the exact height, maybe five-foot something and becomes like an NBA player – or the story of the football player, Notre Dame, where he has this little runt. They made a movie about it – Rudy, and he’s just like it’s impossible, and he keeps getting rejected and failing and rejected and failing and he never gives up. Ultimately, he proves that if you don’t have a talent but you have the heart, you can do it – or Seabiscuit, the horse that defied all odds.

So, be very careful to jump any limitation. If in fact you ultimately get to the place where it really seems by all investigation, all research, that you’re 60 and you wanted to have children naturally – although, I think there are some stories for that has happened – perhaps that’s just not going to be the way you go. You’re 50 or 60 and you’ve always want to play in the NBA, and that’s probably not going to happen, then you break it down like I said before, and you discover what are some of the other ways you can have that feeling, that experience. What is the feeling you’re after if you were to be doing that? Then, you start to design a life that gives you those feelings and gets you as close to the heat as possible, and you can make yourself congruent, and you can experience a life of fulfillment and happiness and fulfill your true destiny and purpose, because there is no shelf life on your destiny. There is no Use by this datestamp on the back of your neck. Again, it may not be that you do the thing you think you should but from a soul level, the soul is not so much concerned about the quantity or the form. The soul’s fulfillment has to do with the blossoming of its qualities. So, like I said, if you can’t be an NBA player, that’s not so much what the soul cares about. Your true purpose and fulfillment is about the full blossoming of your character and the qualities of your being. You break it down and find what those are, you redesign your life around that, you condition your blueprints so that it’s congruent and then your life continues to flourish and bring itself into alignment with that. Even when you stumble and fall and things seem to go wrong, once your blueprint is established, that mechanism of your mind will keep moving you back on track, back on track, back on track.

I hope this has served you. Again, it’s a little bit of a complex concept so please listen to this more thanonce if you need to, and then do the work. Design your blueprint, your self-concept and recondition yourself so it is congruent with the larger blueprint of life and with the life you really want to live and then organize your life around that. I hope this has served you. If you want to get more training, please make sure to sign up, register for this podcast, Emergence on iTunes. Go to and get the latest blog post. Register for that so you never miss a powerful training or any powerful material, because there’s new and unique stuff that’s only delivered in these channels. You can also go to the resource section at and get some powerful downloads and additional training and support material. If this is adding value to you, if you like what you’re hearing, please share it with a friend, a loved one. Even try to teach it to somebody. The more you teach it or the more you share it, the more you activate and accelerate the learning in your own life. Until next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally and follow your destiny.

Where Are You REALLY? [Podcast]

Where Are You REALLY? [Podcast]

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Where are you REALLY?

Have you ever been in a big shopping mall where you were trying to get to a particular store, but you didn’t know where you were in relation to it — so you had no idea which direction to turn? Then you found one of those maps that showed the layout of the mall and had an X that said, “You are here’ — and instantly you knew which way to go!

You can’t get where you want until you know where you are.

This seems obvious on the surface, and when it comes to simple things like finding our way through a mall, it’s fairly easy to figure out. But when it comes to finding our way to more important destination and accomplishing higher priorities, getting clear on where we are requires a different kind of map, and a deeper kind of work.

In the Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey, his character could never go beyond a certain area of his town. Try as he might, when he hit a certain street or the edge of the lake, he was overcome with mental and emotional anxiety and had to stop. He didn’t even remember why initially, all he knew was that it was dangerous to go further.

Because the world he lived in was false, made up by someone else as an experiment, there had to be boundaries that he would never go beyond — or else he would break the illusion and the reality show would be over. To make sure he would stay within those boundaries, he had been conditioned through fearful experience as a boy so that he wouldn’t go beyond the known borders.

This same level of conditioning has been used on circus elephants, where they are raised with a strong rope around their neck, a rope that holds the baby elephant. As it grows up, the rope can no longer restrain it, however, because it has felt the pull and the restraint for so long, it believes it is stuck in place. So much so that even during one great circus fire, the elephants never tried to escape, believing they couldn’t.

This is called learned helplessness. It’s a state of mind and being where we believe we are stuck with certain limitations that are no longer true, or maybe never were.

How this relates to your life now is that, in the areas where you seem stuck, limited, or feel like you’ll never make it, you’re experiencing a level of conditioning making it look and feel that way — but it’s a lie. You aren’t where you really think you are, what you really think you are, or who you really think you are. You are so much more, but you have been conditioned to be trapped.

[bctt tweet=”You must discover where you really are…in order to get to where you want to be.” username=”derekrydall”]

The problem, like with Truman, is that we don’t know what we don’t know. We don’t know what we’re believing that is false, and we don’t know what the truth is. We’re not actually experiencing reality, we’re experiencing our limited perception of it — like taking a picture of a small part of a vast landscape, and calling that picture reality!

We don’t have choice or free will without expanded awareness, without knowing what we’re believing and the patterns we’re reacting to. This is why all the great master teachers and teachings include some form of meditation and contemplation as part of the practice. As the great Oracle of Delphi says, ‘Know Thyself.’ That’s what we must do.

We must be willing to get really honest with where we are, what we believe, and how we feel. You can’t heal what you won’t feel. That energy remains stuck, unconsciously wreaking havoc on your life. But when you bring this unconscious material to the surface and challenge it with the truth of your being — now real healing, growth, and ultimate freedom can happen.

That’s what happened with Truman. He finally confronted his deepest fears and worked through them — finally realizing they had no power to hurt him. Once he broke through this, he could keep going, past the perceived boundaries, and break out of the limited world he had grown up in.

The key to his transformation was his desire. He has a bigger vision for his life and a deep love, giving him the fuel to face his fears, overcome his foes, and keep going until he achieved his freedom!

What is that burning desire in you that you want more than anything? What are you willing to risk for, to work hard for, to face your fears and even die for? You won’t have to literally die, but some part of you will have to — the old identity, the old protective habits.

The challenge is that the human mind is designed to avoid pain and move towards pleasure. It’s an evolutionary mechanism that was designed to help the developing human survive before we had the higher levels of cognition that allowed us to think more deeply about life and our choices. But this same program that helped us survive now puts us on the verge of extinction.

To override this, we have to be willing to challenge our beliefs and experiences, to dig deeper and find out who we really are, where we really are, and why we are alive – and then to design a way of life that is in integrity with that. It’s not easy because of this survival mechanism, but it is possible – and it’s necessary if we’re going to live our full potential and highest purpose.

To begin overriding this limited program, you can start with the Prayer of Awakening: “More than I want to fix, change, heal, control anyone or anything, I want to wake up to the truth that makes me free. I want to know who and what I really am and why I’m alive. I want to see with the eyes of God, feel with the heart of God, know the truth.”

That prayer can, in and of itself, begin to bring up everything that’s in the way and even start to heal or release the limited patterns. It’s a powerful intention.

The second prayer or intention is, “I’m willing to see and feel all the things I’ve been avoiding, all the things I’ve been afraid to look at, and let everything that is not serving me anymore come up to be embraced, redeemed, transmuted, or released — come what may.”

On a regular basis, you can also ask yourself, “Where am I really? What am I really? Why am I here? What do I really believe? What do I really feel?” This will continue to make you a candidate for fresh insights and healing activations.

Remember, you can’t get to where you really want to go, to where you’re destined to go, unless you’re honest with where you really are – and willing to live here, fully present to whatever exists. That’s the journey I invite you on and welcome you to. It’s one trip where you’re guaranteed to lose your baggage on and be happy about it!

To support you in mastering this, Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!


Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

When to Stay the Course, When to Change Directions
Why ALL Your Beliefs Limit You (And What You Should Do Instead)
Why Going With the Flow is Wrong

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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Greetings, everyone, my fellow Emergineers. Derek Rydall here, the founder of the Law of Emergence and author of the best-selling book, Emergence. It’s just great to be with you again as we continue this journey of never-ending, ever-expanding, always unfolding growth and potential. Just think about that. There is no limit to how much good you can realize and express. There is no limit in your body. We think about our body as being just as material thing that is limited to whatever we’ve experienced so far humanly. The body is actually infinite. It has the potential to infinitely and eternally unfold new capacities, new strengths, new talents, new gifts, new abilities, the mental body, the emotional body, the astral, the etheric, all the subtle bodies, the physical body, and your entire body of affairs. It’s that infinite potential, infinite abundance, infinite genius, infinite love, peace, joy, beauty, freedom, wisdom, creativity, infinite. No matter what feeling you have seen, no matter what your culture or your parents or your school or the world says, there’s infinite potential remaining.

It’s something to think about, because we bump into so many beliefs, so many experiences with your coagulated beliefs and the human laws, which are also just coagulated beliefs, and it’s very tempting to think this is it like in the Truman Show, the movie with Jim Carrey could not ever go beyond the water, the river, or the ocean, or whatever it was, the lake and certain places. Not to go beyond this street, this lake, because it was a fake world, it was a circumscribed world. Everybody outside of it knew, and even inside of it, except for him. He had been conditioned and grown up in this world and had experiences like almost drowning in the boat, or his brother drowning or whatever the case was, in the storm, and so he had this conditioned fear. It kept him in this circumscribed little world, until one day, because of his desire for love, for freedom, he eventually was willing to push beyond those boundaries to discover what was really true, what was really there, and ultimately became free of that particular world and discovered a whole new bigger world.

It’s also like the actual reality of the elephant that ultimately died in a circus fire. They were staked to the ground with these ropes, but they could have easily pulled the ropes out and just stormed out of the tent and would never have been hurt, but they stood there and burned to death. Why? Because as little elephants, they had been trained to believe that they couldn’t move. When they were little, they were staked with a strong rope or a chain. They would feel that, and they couldn’t move. As they got older and older even just a feeling of the tug of the rope made them think that they were still stuck, that they couldn’t move, even though they could have easily just pulled it out of the ground and trampled over everybody and stormed out. They sat there feeling the tug of the rope, believing they couldn’t move, and ultimately they didn’t have the ability to question. They didn’t have the ability to question their reality, what they were thinking or feeling, and they ended up dying. There’s many experiments like this. There’s the one with the fish in the tank where they have a fish on one side, a glass partition, and then the food on the other. The fish bumps up against the glass over and over again, can’t get to the food, eventually gives up, goes back. They remove the glass, and the fish keeps swimming in circles. It’ll swim right up to where the glass used to be, stare at the food, and then swim back and end up starving to death, even though the food was available to it the whole time. So, what does this all have to do with what we’re talking about today? I have no idea. No, I’m just kidding.

We’re talking today about Where are you really? You can’t get where you want until you’re honest with where you are. Another analogy I used for that is if you’ve ever been in the mall, a big shopping mall, and you want to get to a particular store, but you have no idea where to even start unless you look at one of those signs that has like a map of the mall, and it says You are here.It has a big X or an arrow pointing to where you are, and then you can easily go, Oh, okay, so now I know how to get to where I want to go. If I didn’t know where I was, I wouldn’t know is it the right turn or left turn, is it up, is it down, because I have no point of origin. So, we have to know where we are. The problem is, like these examples I just gave – the fish, the elephant, and Truman – is that we don’t know what we are unconsciously reacting to. We don’t know what we’re unconsciously believing. We’re not actually experiencing reality. We’re experiencing our belief about it. We’re experiencing our perceptions about it, the universal perceptions that we’ve also made personal. Like Truman, he didn’t even know he was trapped. The elephants didn’t even know that they were trapped. The fish didn’t even know that he or she could just go get the food. They didn’t realize they were reacting to an unconscious conditioned pattern. They thought they were in one place, but they were really in a very different place. By the way, as I’ve said before, there’s no real free will without this expanded awareness. You think you’re making choice, but you’re really just reacting. You think you have free rein to choose whatever you want. In fact, you really don’t. I mean, you do in truth, but you don’t have access to that level of choice until you have enough expanded awareness to see what you’ve been unconsciously reacting to, the beliefs, the condition patterns, the undigested emotional content, the beliefs of your culture, of your parents, of the society, etc. and/or the lack of the knowledge of what’s called the letter of truth, which means the spiritual principles. So, to the extent you don’t know those, and to the extent you aren’t aware of what you really think and believe and feel and perceive, to that extent, you have XY access. To that extent, there’s a corollary to how much of that you don’t know, to how limited your real freedom and real choice is, but you’re dreaming a dream that you have a choice. That’s one of the tricks of the ego, because you’re thinking you’re making all these choices and that you have free will, but really it’s doing that and keeping you circumscribed in your own little Truman show, in your own little circus tent. The challenge is that the human mind is designed to avoid pain and move towards pleasure, which is one of the ways they train an animal, right? They crack the whip, or they give it food. When it does the thing they want to condition it to, they give it food. When it doesn’t do the thing they want to condition it to, they crack the whip, and eventually the animal develops that pattern, that habit, that conditioning through pain and pleasure. Eventually, that becomes its reality. The same exact thing is happened to us.

By the way, as I’ve said before, there’s no real free will without this expanded awareness. You think you’re making choice, but you’re really just reacting. You think you have free rein to choose whatever you want. In fact, you really don’t. I mean, you do in truth, but you don’t have access to that level of choice until you have enough expanded awareness to see what you’ve been unconsciously reacting to, the beliefs, the condition patterns, the undigested emotional content, the beliefs of your culture, of your parents, of the society, etc. and/or the lack of the knowledge of what’s called the letter of truth, which means the spiritual principles. So, to the extent you don’t know those, and to the extent you aren’t aware of what you really think and believe and feel and perceive, to that extent, you have XY access. To that extent, there’s a corollary to how much of that you don’t know, to how limited your real freedom and real choice is, but you’re dreaming a dream that you have a choice. That’s one of the tricks of the ego, because you’re thinking you’re making all these choices and that you have free will, but really it’s doing that and keeping you circumscribed in your own little Truman show, in your own little circus tent. The challenge is that the human mind is designed to avoid pain and move towards pleasure, which is one of the ways they train an animal, right? They crack the whip, or they give it food. When it does the thing they want to condition it to, they give it food. When it doesn’t do the thing they want to condition it to, they crack the whip, and eventually the animal develops that pattern, that habit, that conditioning through pain and pleasure. Eventually, that becomes its reality. The same exact thing is happened to us.

So, the challenge is then to subvert or override that mechanism. We have to actually do what is completely counterintuitive and counter to our human nature which is to not participate in the pain and pleasure mechanism, to not let our mere pleasure and our movement towards feeling good, determine what we’re willing to look at and challenge, and to not let our fear of feeling pain, which can feel like more than just a fear. It can feel like a matter of survival, because the ego doesn’t know the difference between emotional pain and physical danger. We have to override that whole evolutionary mechanism, which can really feel like we’re crazy, like we’re going against our nature. It’s there initially as a way to help these organisms that did not have high level of cognition, that were just much more reactionary before our brain was developed. There had to be a way that this human species could survive. It had to be like an animal, which is to basically avoid pain and danger and move towards pleasure. Moving towards pleasure would mean sex, would mean procreation, would mean food, would mean survival, would mean moving away from pain, would be avoiding anything that had a sign of danger which could lead to being hurt, being killed. It’s a good idea when you got a developing species that does not have the capacity to think about what it’s thinking about, metacognition. It doesn’t have self-consciousness, so it can’t go, Well, it looks like that dangerous, but let me investigate it. We couldn’t do that, so we have the ability to just be moving around like an animal with instinct, move away from pain, and move towards pleasure. It helped. It allowed us to survive. It allowed us to ultimately populate the planet.

Now, that same mechanism is preventing us from evolving and growing outside of our circumscribed little world. So, we have to override that. That can feel really hard, really challenging, really scary. Everything in our body and mind can try to convince us that we shouldn’t go that way, because we’re not used to that. It just seems like a very dark mysterious place to go to. It’s like that analogy of the guy that’s outside of his house searching for his key, and his neighbor said, Where did you lose it? The guy is like looking in all the bushes under the street lamp. The neighbor is helping him. After an hour, the neighbor said, Where did you lose the key? because they’ve been looking all over. The guy said, Well, I lost it inside the house, but the light is better out here. So, that’s the way we are. It’s dark and scary to go into the mystery, the cave of mystery, the cave of our evolutionary potential and really discover where am I really. Then, you get into a spiritual path, and you learn about visualization and affirmation and all these feel-good tools, which are beautiful, but then the ego uses them to cover us what we really feel, to cover up what we really believe. So, you’ll hear people saying, Well, no, I mean I know God is all there is but…͟ and then you’ll hear me say, Ah, ah, ah, no, you don’t really know God is all there is.That’s just a nice concept and an affirmation to cover up the fact that you really believe you’re lost and alone in a cold and unfriendly Universe. So, let’s get down to what you really believe. Why? Because you can’t get to where you really want to go if you aren’t honest with where you really are. You can’t heal what you’re not willing to feel. That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to feel every little grain of emotion you’ve ever experienced, but it definitely means you have to be willing, open, available, and to really look at your beliefs.

Again, this is very counter human nature. People go to war for their beliefs. People kills for their beliefs. People bomb abortion clinics and beat people up and stand on a pulpit and rain fire and brimstone down on a congregation and scare them into their little caves of limited belief to fight for belief. To say I’m going to question all of my believes, especially my core one, the mind is going to think you’re crazy, and it’s going to feel very dangerous, but if you really want to wake up, and you really want to be free and you really want to have free will and choice, you must. You must shine the light of your awareness into the dark cave of your consciousness and see what’s really lurking there. Only then can you transmute that energy, those undigested emotions. Can you question those limited beliefs? It may not even seem limited at first. Truman doesn’t know he’s living in a limited world. That’s the trick of it, right? We don’t realize even the greatest human life is living in limitation compared to what’s possible. We have to stay open at the top. We have to stay beginner’s mind, students, and question everything, like a little kid does before they start to get solidified beliefs. Why is the sky blue? Why? Why is that? What is happening there? Why is the Grand Canyon look like that? Why do dogs sniff each other’s butts? So many things they’ve got to question. A kid does that until they get either told, Stop asking so many questions or The sky is just blue because it’s blue or we just get told complete BS, right? Belief Systems. Eventually, we just buy it. We believe it, either through pain or fear or shame or survival or exhaustion. We just buy into things, and we go along, and we try to live our lives within those programs. We wonder why we hit feelings and we got stuck and we can’t get to the next level. We’re experiencing things, limitations that others don’t.

So, we have to be willing to look. We have to have the courage to really look, because remember the ego perceives pain. Because we perceive certain things as painful, we have assigned the meaning that it’s dangerous, that it’s shameful, that it’s scary, that it’s painful, and then we have to create a coping mechanism to not feel that feeling anymore. We’ve talked about this with the shadow work, and it’s how we developed our shadows or the values conflicts. One of my friends, Jeffrey Van Dyke, I think it’s one of the most brilliant definitions of wounds. I’m paraphrasing, but he says, A wound is when you have to believe a lie in order to survive. There’s something that is inherently against your soul’s knowing of who you really are. The parent says, Rich people are whatever or says something, If you don’t go to church, you’re going to be burned in hell or just something about you, We’re just a family of people that aren’t very creative or You can’t make it as an artist. Artists live below the poverty level. Something. Maybe you’re standing up and asking for what you really want, and your parent shames you into believing that’s being selfish and a bad person. In your soul, you know that’s not true, but the threat of pain and danger and rejection if you keep believing that truth and knowing that truth becomes so painful that you have to eventually decide to believe that you really aren’t creative, that you really are a bad person, that whatever the case may be so that you can continue to survive and be taken care of and ultimately make it in this world. That’s a wounding. I call that core wounding, also a core initiation, because it’s really setting you up to have a deeper journey of transformation. It’s setting you on a journey to dig deeper and discover something about yourself that you’re here to discover and ultimately bring that wisdom to the world.

So, we create these coping mechanisms. They become very well-developed over time to where we literally don’t feel all the emotional pain that’s going on inside of us anymore. Believe me, it’s still going on inside of you, and it’s still running the show. It’s taking the potential currency that’s coming in everyday for you to invest in your life. It’s using it up to keep that emotional pain alive. You have to create a coping mechanism, some form of habit or compulsive behavior, mental, emotional, physical behaviors to keep that emotional pain out of consciousness. That’s also using up a lot of your energy and capacity. Whatever is left over, that’s all you’ve got now to create your life. If you’ve got so many of these going on, you not only have very little left over, you end up in energetic death. You have to start pulling it from the cells of your body, from other people. You become like an energy vampire, so there’s an extreme version of that. In any case, you’re stuck at certain levels, because you have to use all this energy to keep this old level alive, but you don’t even know you’re doing it. You beat your head against the wall, you try more affirmations, more visualization, more this, more that, but as Debbie Ford, the great teacher of shadow work, once said, That’s like putting ice cream on top of poop. It temporarily makes it look a little prettier, but you do not want to bite it to that sundae. I’m sorry, guys. I’m in a funny mood today, so I’m saying some pretty funny things, some crap things, but you get the point, right? You’re not going to forget that analogy. That’s the key. We have to have the courage to override this system and to really, really discover, where am I really? There’s two prayers. One prayer is, more than I want to fix, change, heal, control anyone or anything, I want to wake up to the truth that makes me free. I want to know who and what I really am and why I’m alive. I want to see with the eyes of God, feel with the heart of God, know the truth. So, that’s one prayer. That prayer can, in and of itself, if you pray it and intend it sincerely and daily, can begin to bring up everything that’s in the way, these unconscious patterns. That’s one approach. That’s just going straight to the truth. Notice within that prayer, it’s saying more than I want to fix, change, heal, manipulate, control, which are all based on coping mechanisms. More than any of that, I want to know the truth that makes me free. What that’s setting us up to is to override those coping mechanisms and ultimately have a realization of what’s really true about us and about life. Often that will bring up those coping mechanisms as they get broken down and chemicalized and start to come to the surface.

That’s the key. We have to have the courage to override this system and to really, really discover, where am I really? There’s two prayers. One prayer is, more than I want to fix, change, heal, control anyone or anything, I want to wake up to the truth that makes me free. I want to know who and what I really am and why I’m alive. I want to see with the eyes of God, feel with the heart of God, know the truth. So, that’s one prayer. That prayer can, in and of itself, if you pray it and intend it sincerely and daily, can begin to bring up everything that’s in the way, these unconscious patterns. That’s one approach. That’s just going straight to the truth. Notice within that prayer, it’s saying more than I want to fix, change, heal, manipulate, control, which are all based on coping mechanisms. More than any of that, I want to know the truth that makes me free. What that’s setting us up to is to override those coping mechanisms and ultimately have a realization of what’s really true about us and about life. Often that will bring up those coping mechanisms as they get broken down and chemicalized and start to come to the surface.

If that’s not enough, sometimes we really do need to also set the intention of the prayer, which is God, life, I’m willing to see and feel all the things I’ve been avoiding, seeing and feeling. I’m willing to see and feel all the things I’ve been afraid to see and feel, the things I’ve been afraid to look at. I’m willing to let everything that is not serving me anymore come up to be seen, to be embraced, to be redeemed or transmuted, all the undigested emotions, all of the uninvestigated beliefs. I’m willing to really see where I am in consciousness, to really feel where I am in consciousness and do the work to heal it, to redeem it, to transmute it, to let it go. Come what may. I’m willing to let go of all of my coping mechanisms, all of my attempts to control and manipulate and refresh and to really see where I really am emotionally, mentally, so that I can ultimately heal, release and know the deeper truth that makes me free and fulfill my greater destiny.

That becomes our prayer, our mantra, our intention. We’re willing, we’re available, we’re open. That alone can start the engine of transformation if you do it with sincerity and with consistency. I know that I recently have become aware that there’s undigested repressed anger in me from several years of me saying yes when I really needed to say no, from me being more of a doormat when I really needed to stand up in family and relationship, and that I was trying to be the nice guy, the good guy, keep the peace, and I realized that all of that left a lot of deposits of unexpressed energy as emotion or pain or that sort of thing. It starts to leak out in certain conversations I would hear in my mind or dreams. I begin to set the prayer. Let all that unconscious emotional stuff come up, so that I can redeem it, transmute it. Sure enough, I started to experience tremendous amounts of anger and sadness, and things came to the surface. The key thing is that it was always there, doing its damage in my system or limiting my capacity, and I just had not been willing to really feel it or look at it, because I had a belief, a shadow around being angry, at least that was years ago. That’s why I didn’t express it, but all that was still undigested. We have to have that level of courage and commitment to really grow, and it might be awkward, and it might be messy at times. You might be a neurotic mess as you start to see this stuff and let this stuff come up. You might find yourself snapping at people or breaking down and crying like Holly Hunter in Broadcast News, everyday wake up and just sob, and then go on with her day. You might find yourself in various states of emotional upheaval or suddenly seeing these beliefs you bought into in being angry or being scared or sad, but having the courage to move through it. That’s what it really takes to grow.

We have to realize that we’ve developed a lot of really good coping mechanisms. We’ve learned how to anesthetize ourselves from what we really feel. We’ve learned how to cover over our real beliefs with stories, excuses and affirmations. You can always see where you’re doing that or attempting to do that when you find yourself saying, I believe this but…͟ or like I said before, I know that I’m supported by the Universe, but whenever you find yourself thinking that or saying that, that’s a sure sign that you have a belief that you’re using to cover up what you really believe and ultimately what you really feel –the fear or the sadness or the shame about what you really believe about life or about yourself. You can’t heal that if you’re not willing to feel bad. Again, it doesn’t mean you’re going to have to feel everything. It just means you have to be willing, you have to be available to let the energy move. I invite you to take a moment right now and look at an area where you’re struggling to overcome or achieve something. What you want to begin to do as you do this process is you can look at all the dimensions of a thing. So, what do you believe about the thing? What do you believe about yourself in relation to the thing? What do you believe about the people involved? What do you believe what they think about you? What do you believe about the world of the thing? What do you believe about the world in general in that context? So, you’re looking at the dimensions of what you believe about the thing.

Let’s say your issue is you’re struggling financially. What you believe about that situation, for real? Not, Oh, God is all there is and I’m truly supported. What do you really believe? What you believe about yourself in relationship to that financial struggle? Not just Oh, I’m doing my best. I’m trying hard. Nothing is working. No, that’s not a belief. What do you believe about yourself? I just don’t understand money. I just don’t know how to do financial stuff. I’m just a loser and a failure around it. My parents said women weren’t any good at that. Okay, what do you believe about the people involved? So, that’s where we start to uncover. Well, I believe that my boss is being a jerk, and he should pay me more or The people that taught me how to do this coaching thing are stupid. It doesn’t work. They’re scam artists. What do you believe about that they think about you, that whatever people involved? Oh, my family thinks I’m a loser, I’m a failure, etc. etc. What do you believe about the world of the thing?

So, now, we expand out a little bit. So, in general, what do you believe about money and finances and bill paying or whatever? Then, you start to go, Well, actually, I think it’s all a bunch of BS. This whole capitalist model is completely wrong. The government should be taking care of…͟ Whatever, right? You start to discover, Wow, that’s what I really believe about it. You might discover I hate money. I think money is the root of all evil. I think like that might have something to do with why I’m broke or struggling. I think that people that have money are usually jerks and mean and insensitive and don’t care about other people. Okay. That might have something to do with why you don’t have a lot of it, because you don’t want to be that kind of a person. What do you believe about the world in general? When you’re in the midst of this now, unpacking it, you ask that question, and you’ll come up with the world is unfair, it’s dog eat dog; it’s every man for himself, or whatever, and you’ll start to discover some beliefs in that arena about the world in general. In other words, that’s the context in which this experience has happened.

So, you start to unpack that. Again, the dimensions are what do you believe about the thing? What do you believe about yourself in relation to the thing? What do you believe about the people involved? They can be directly involved or indirectly involved, just anybody that pops up in your awareness when you’re thinking about that. What do you believe they think about you in relation to the situation? What do you believe about the world of the thing? Then, finally, what do you believe about the world in general within the context of that thing? I’m not expecting you to do all this work right now, but play with it while we’re talking. Start to unpack it a little bit. Again, your intention is, what do I really believe about it? Not what I convinced myself, what am I trying to convince myself of, what does the world say it is, what does Derek say it is? What do I really believe about it? I’m willing to see the truth, even if it’s scary, even if it hurts. What do you really believe about your chances to overcome that or achieve that, whatever the thing is? What do you really believe? I don’t think I’ll ever get out of this mess. I don’t believe I’ll ever really make enough money to pay my bills. Really get honest. Maybe there’s some truth that you’re affirming. I’m supported. Life is for me. What do you really believe about that truth? I think it’s bunch of bullshit, right? You got to get honest. I don’t really believe life is for me. Great. That’s a great start, because as you’re sitting there affirming it about what you really believe is it’s not true, you’re actually affirming the opposite of what you’re saying.

So, what do you really believe? Do you believe in lack? Do you believe in limitation? Do you believe in injustice disease, death? Do you believe these are real things that exist that we have to struggle with? Because if you believe in any of those kinds of things, then you create them as a real obstacle, and now you have to overcome them. If you don’t even realize that you actually believe in lack, because you keep affirming and telling yourself, I’m abundant. I’m abundant. There’s abundance. There’s abundance but what you really believe in is lack. That’s like Sisyphus pushing a bolder up a hill, and then eventually he gets exhausted and the ball pulls back down again, rolls over him. He has to pick it up and push it back up again. You’ve got one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas. You want to really ask that. Then, you go back to that, and you now ask the same questions about how you really feel. How do I really feel about this thing, this situation? How do I really feel about myself in relationship to it? How do I really feel about the people involved, about what they think of me, about the world of this thing, about the world in general? Now, you unpack the feeling. This, for some of us, is even scarier, because you start to go, You know what, I’m really effing angry. I am so, so hurt. I’m so ashamed. I’m so freaking scared. I feel like such an abysmal failure. It just feels like you’re getting sucked into a bottomless pit of emotion. That’s one of the reasons why you don’t go there. It just feels bad, but you can’t heal what you don’t feel.

So, you have to begin to codify it. You have to begin to become conscious of it. There’s the saying, You shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.It’s true, but it doesn’t just say the truth will make you free. It says you have to know the truth. Truth is all there is, but it doesn’t do you any good until you know it. Just like electricity is everywhere. It doesn’t do you any good until you plug into it. So, the fact that all there is life, love and truth, that does no good unless we’re plugged into it, unless we are consciously knowing it, aware of it, participating it. The same thing is true with healing. It’s the things that we’re unwilling to look at and become conscious of. We cannot ultimately heal or redeem or transmute, because if we’re not willing to look at them it means we’re in resistance to them. What you resist persists. What you fight you fuel. These parts of us, these egoic parts, they know that as long as they remain unconscious, they can survive and even thrive. They can live off of our energy and off of our fears and all of our emotional stuff. As long as they remain unconscious, like the little creatures that scurry around in the dark tunnels, under our front lawn or whatever, or in the sewers, as long as they remain in the dark, they can do their stuff, spread their disease, eat at the roots of our plants and trees, and go on unabated, but the minute we shine a light down those holes, and we bring it all to consciousness, they scurry to the surface, and now we can trap them, stop them, ultimately destroy them or integrate in the case of our own beliefs and feelings.

So, the coping mechanisms are very successful in keeping a lot of this stuff unconscious, so that it can survive. Once it’s brought into the light of our awareness, with consistency, it cannot survive. This is what the Biblical passage of, You cannot see the face of God and live. What it means is you cannot stare into the face of truth, the light, the fire of truth and continue to be the same person you were. It will burn away the false self. It will burn away, and it will transform you and reveal who you really are. The ego knows that, and to the ego that’s death. It’s working very hard to not let you discover where you really are, how you really think, what you really feel, because it knows that will begin the process of dying, of dying to the old self that you may be reborn to your true self. The ego is working 24/7 to prevent. It thinks it’s keeping you alive. It’s just keeping those patterns alive by keeping them in the dark. Your charge now is to no longer allow that to go unabated, but to be willing and courageous, truly heroic enough to discover where you really are, what you really believe, what you really think, and what you really feel. Now, you can do the real work around those beliefs and feelings. You can do the shadow work. You can do the mindful meditation practice where you just sit with the feelings and observe them, but don’t become lost in them. That’s important. We’re not saying feel the feelings and become indulgent and get lost with them. We’re saying let it come to the surface, so you can shine the light of your awareness on it and transmute it and redeem it. Don’t indulge in it. You observe. You feel it, but you allow yourself to be the witness of the feeling the same with the beliefs. Then, you specifically create affirmations or vision, visualization that represents the opposite, or the truth versus your limited belief. You continue to work with the limited belief to redeem and transmute the energy of it.

Do the shadow work through values conflict work, etc. You start to then notice when you start to do certain compulsive behaviors, like eating when you’re not hungry, eating more than you really need, working so much and never taking a break, and never giving yourself a break. You just start to notice, when do I start to feel constricted, when do I start to do things that are not fully serving or honoring me or others. Let me stop and let me question what’s really going on there. What am I really feeling? You’ll always discover there’s some kind of emotion there. What am I really believing? Well, I can’t just stop or slow down or take a break. It’s scary sometimes to stop and not eat that thing or not keep working on that thing or not keep doing all the stuff we’re doing, exercising, overexercising, overshopping, over whatever, overeating, overworking. It’s scary to stop, because there’s like this deep sense of void or a darkness or a fear or emptiness that we have to confront. We’ve been working so hard to not, and it does feel counterintuitive. It does feel almost destructive, almost just wrong to stop and let ourselves feel how terrible we feel. We have to override that temptation to avoid it. That’s the real path of awakening and mastery. At the same time, we don’t want to become indulgent in the content of our consciousness, so we have to also be simultaneously praying that prayer and saying that intention and doing the work to know the Truth. We’ve been talking about the truth with the little t, but we want to know the truth with the capital T. So we want to become really aware of the letter of truth, truth principles. That way we start to have a compass or a barometer to measure our beliefs against, so that when we come up against the belief that says, well, you’re such and such an age, at this point, things start going downhill mentally, physically, creatively, whatever. You can go, that feels true, and I certainly have a lot of people in society that will back me up in

At the same time, we don’t want to become indulgent in the content of our consciousness, so we have to also be simultaneously praying that prayer and saying that intention and doing the work to know the Truth. We’ve been talking about the truth with the little t, but we want to know the truth with the capital T. So we want to become really aware of the letter of truth, truth principles. That way we start to have a compass or a barometer to measure our beliefs against, so that when we come up against the belief that says, well, you’re such and such an age, at this point, things start going downhill mentally, physically, creatively, whatever. You can go, that feels true, and I certainly have a lot of people in society that will back me up in medical industry and whatever, but is it true? Let me go and look at the truth principle. Let me see if I can find anywhere in principle where this is true.

If you don’t know what the truth principles are, then that shows you where you need to do research, where you need to ask questions and investigate. What is the spiritual principle and truth about the body? Well, if the divine intelligence made everything out of itself, and its nature is infinite and omniscient and omnipotent and omnipresent, there can’t be anything outside of God. There can’t be any other substance or power or creative principle. God is all that there really is. God made all that is. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God made all that was made out of the Word, and nothing was made without the Word, and God saw it all and named it good, or as the Course In Miracles says, Nothing real can be damaged, nothing unreal exists. Okay, so then God made the body, because if God didn’t make it, it was never made. So this divine intelligence must have made it, and if divine infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, immortal intelligence made something, then its nature must be infinite, immortal, and eternal as well. This body must be as eternal and immortal and infinite as God. Oh, yeah, it says that the body is the temple of the living spirit. Okay, so then this belief that says at this age, it should start diminishing is just a belief. It’s not in principle at all.

So, do you see what I’m doing? I’m working through it to see where have I bought in to something that’s not true, but I might have to go study the letter of truth to discover what is principle there. The same thing with finances and abundance. Again, the same principle, if the nature of it is infinite, immortal and eternal, then my dollar bills in my bank or the lack thereof isn’t telling me how much abundance I have. If I’m a unique expression of this one life, then my capacity must be the same as God’s capacity. I must have infinite supply, infinite abundance. If this is only God expressing, the one appearing as the many, like the one tree with its many branches, then if Bill Gates or Oprah or anybody else could have a lot of abundance, then the same abundance must be right where I am, uniquely expressing as this branch on the tree.

You just start to play with the truth principles and compare them against your belief systems, and you start to call it for what it really is. Then, once you really know the truth principle, you can look at these beliefs and say, if they’re telling you anything less than that you are infinite, immortal, eternal, whole, complete, perfect, fulfilled, free, fully-expressed, beautiful, bountiful, abundant, bold, powerful, brilliant expression of life, love, peace, joy, health, and abundant, if these beliefs are telling you anything less than that, they’re a lie. You can look into that and say, you’re a liar, and the father of even more lies. You can’t do that if you’re not consciously excavating them, and you’re not consciously seeking to know the truth principles. This must become a part of your practice. You must become contemplative and have the courage. This is real heroism. Certainly it’s heroic to go on the battlefield and to run into a burning building, but this is the ultimate heroism.

So, I invite you on this path of becoming a hero in your own life and in your own work to begin to ask – Where am I really? What do I really believe? What do I really feel? Understand that you cannot get to where you really want to go, to where you’re destined to go unless you’re honest with where you really are. So, I hope that serves you, inspires you, opened you up, and now you have to do the work. It’s the work play.

When to Stay the Course, When to Change Directions [Podcast]

When to Stay the Course, When to Change Directions [Podcast]

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]When to Stay the Course, When to Change Directions

It can be very challenging to know when to stay the course and when to switch lanes. As I’ve taught, one of the most important things to do as a creator and entrepreneur is to pick a lane and to stay with it until you reach a specific result — no matter how challenging it is.

This level of commitment and focus brings up all the unconscious limitations that need to be healed, released, or integrated — and leads to building real soul stamina, resilience, and character. When we follow every shiny object and switch back and forth when things get difficult, boring, or unsure, we thwart our evolutionary progress.

It’s like circling the runway — we never get liftoff speed or escape velocity. In other words, we have no momentum. And without momentum, it takes all of your existing energy just to keep things moving. There’s no leverage, no capacity for deep creativity and innovation.

I struggled and suffered from this syndrome for many years until I understood the power of picking a lane and sticking with it with total commitment, no matter what, for a certain period of time. The result was that my work took a quantum leap — going from barely nothing to a global business in just over a year.

In order to succeed, one must develop the capacity for sustained focus. This is a key distinction that separates achievers from non-achievers. Non-achievers stop when things get hard, when they get bored, or when the results aren’t forthcoming. Achievers stay the course until they reach the finish line, no matter how hard it is.

This isn’t easy. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “God will not do His works through cowards.” Making real chance, making a real difference, and fulfilling your potential requires courage, strength, and a willingness to buck the trends of human thinking. That’s why so few ever do it!

You have to be willing to challenge and ultimately transmute limited beliefs and conditioning. You have to be willing to do what must be done, even when you don’t feel like it, even when people and conditions seem against you. But the result is a life worth living — a life where you are living on the emerging edge of possibility.

As the saying goes, “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space!”

Now, a common question around staying the course is, “How do I know if I’m meant to keep going or change directions?” This is often accompanied by sayings like, “Things are so hard, it must be a sign from the universe that I’m not meant to do this.”

Let me make this very clear: things being hard is NOT a sign from the universe that you’re meant to stop. If that was the case, just about every person who has ever made a significant difference in their life or the world would have quit!

The only sign from the universe that you might be meant to change directions is that you no longer desire the thing you were striving for. But even this can be tricky. Often, after much effort, the dust and grit of the journey can cover up your burning desire, to such an extent that you can barely feel it anymore, if at all.

[bctt tweet=”One of the most important signs that you’re meant to stay the course is that you deeply desire it.” username=”derekrydall”]

To check this, just ask the question, “If I was guaranteed success, guaranteed to be brilliant at this, and to be well received, and I could do it in a way that truly fulfills me, would I still want this?” This helps to override the ego’s threshold and the weariness that the journey has built up. If this sparks your desire again, stay the course. This is a sign of what’s trying to emerge…

You might discover along the way that new insights, new inspiration, new vision, new capacity and new opportunity starts to show up in your life. Before you know it, you’re getting hired somewhere or you’re doing something unexpected. That’s not an accident, that’s emergence. You just couldn’t have pictured it or imagined it from where you were before. This is a result of staying the course.

The key is to remain mindful, because if you’re a creative entrepreneurial type, you can have all kinds of new ideas and possibilities arise that tempt you to change course. You must stay vigilante. Ask yourself if you’re just tired, scared, bored, frustrated, and wanting relief…or if things have really changed and it’s time to make a different move.

Most likely it’s the former. The fact is, most people are just not willing to develop the inner fortitude it takes to stay on track long enough to get real, sustainable results. The main reason is that it requires real change, not just cosmetic makeovers. You have to actually become a different, more expanded, better version of yourself — if you want to keep creating better results.

To the ego, real change is equivalent to danger or death. So it will bring out all the heavy artillery to try and make you back away from the border of change. It’s had a long time to master this process — and it really thinks it’s protecting you. But if you want to make real progress and create real growth and success, you need to challenge this part of yourself and see through its coping mechanism.

Bottom line, you need to make a choice and pick a lane — then stick with it for a specific period of time until you get a specific outcome. And you need to do this no matter how hard it gets. If you’re willing, you will not only make real progress — something most people never do — but you will become an evolved version of your previous self!

Make the commitment today. Create a real vision, with a real plan — then put it on your calendar. Find an accountability partner, someone who also wants to make important changes in their life, and commit to supporting each other. This could make all the difference.

Listen to an in-depth podcast on this subject, where we break it down and talk about how to put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer!

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!


Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Why ALL Your Beliefs Limit You (And What You Should Do Instead)
Why Going With the Flow is Wrong
Why You Can’t Get What You Don’t Have

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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Derek Rydall here, and I want to welcome you to another episode of Emergence, the revolutionary path for radical life change, where we’re diving deep into the core principles of life that lead to consistent and dependable success and growth, to really living and growing and unfolding the way we were designed, which all of nature reflects back to us, but we have unfortunately become disconnected from. Our true nature is that we are individualized expressions of life. All the power, presence, substance, wealth, health and life, everything that is necessary to truly create our masterpiece, to paint our masterpiece on the canvas of time and space, to display our destiny of greatness, all of that is already here. It’s already within us. It’s already who and what we are, just as electricity is already everywhere, but we have to create the structure to plug into it. Likewise, everything that we need to be all we were created to be is already here. The process of growth and unfoldment and success isn’t about making it happen. It’s about making what is already happening welcome. It’s about creating the inner and outer conditions that are congruent to it that it may become manifest through us and as us.

We’re talking on this topic when to stay the course and when to change directions. This is a really common challenge for a lot of creative types and entrepreneurs and really just spiritually-minded, heart-centered people that are wanting to be about something. It can be very challenging to know when to stay the course and when to change, when to switch lanes. As I’ve often talked about, one of the most important things to do as a creator and entrepreneurial type is to pick a lane and to stay in that lane. That’s really, really difficult to choose when you have so many possible ways to go, or you’re just not sure and you want some kind of guarantee and assurance before you get all in. You try to joggle multiple things and play the field, and you find that nothing ends up growing, and you don’t gain any real momentum. I struggled and suffered from that for many years until I understood the power of picking a lane and sticking with it with total commitment no matter what for a certain period of time. The reason for that is that character is not developed when things are going easy. Character, which ultimately determines your destiny, is developed when things are challenging, when things are difficult, when things don’t go your way.

That’s when you develop character. In the same way that you don’t develop muscles by lifting a weight that’s so easy and doesn’t do anything to you. It has to tear the muscle. It has to do something in order to actually cause the muscle to tear and cause it to develop. If you’re not tearing your muscle, you’re not growing your muscle. It doesn’t mean you can’t maintain without tearing it, but if you’re going to grow, if you’re going to keep growing and unfolding and evolving and not merely maintaining the same status quo, you have to be going beyond comfort, convenience, yet go into those thresholds of consciousness, those boundaries of your known self-concepts and your concepts about life. You have to cross those thresholds. You have to break down those walls. You have to challenge and ultimately transmute limited beliefs and conditioning. That’s a never-ending process, because your true nature is infinite. It’s always unfolding. There’s always something more, always something new, always something next. Ultimately, you learn to live on that edge, that emerging edge, that evolutionary edge. As the old saying goes, If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.

Along this journey the question that arises, if you have had the courage to pick a lane, is when to stay the course and when to change? I want to tell you right out of the gate, for all of you metaphysical, spiritually-minded individuals, this is what I want you to get very clear, because this is one of the most common statements or questions. When things get hard, people will say, Maybe that’s just a sign from the Universe that I’m not supposed to keep going. I really want you to hear this: Things being hard, even really, really hard, is not a sign from the Universe that you’re supposed to stop. Think about it. If that was the case, then look at all of the greatest inventions and innovations in pretty much every area. How much challenge and strife and struggle, Martin Luther King, Jr. would have quit a long time before he ultimately made the kind of progress he did. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Jesus. Buddha suffered and struggled for years trying to understand and to break through. Jesus was hunted down and persecuted. Gandhi was constantly challenged by the British government. Mother Teresa was thought to be crazy and a fool and got sick and had all kinds of challenges. Thomas Edison failed purportedly thousands, if not up to ten thousand, times to discover and develop the light bulb. Walt Disney went bankrupt twice. Colonel Sanders tried to give away his chicken recipe somewhere over a thousand times, just giving it away for free. He couldn’t get anybody to take it. He persisted, something around a 1,003 or 1,006 somebody gave him the graciousness of just trying it out.

Over and over and over again, you see the story. If challenge and strife and even suffering was a sign from the Universe you’re supposed to quit, we’d still be in the dark ages. I want you from now and forevermore to erase that silly statement from your mind, Oh, it must be a sign from the Universe. No. The most important signs from the Universe are the ones you have within you, because the Universe is really in you. You’re not in the world. The whole world is in your consciousness. One of the most important signs that you’re meant to stay the course is your desire. The desire in its truest meaning is a root of the sire, or of the creative principle, of the Father, of the creative principle. It’s an indication of what’s in you trying to emerge. As long as you desire it, then it’s true.

Now, a caveat to that is it’s like it hears you now saying, Well, when it gets really, really hard, I don’t want it. I felt like I don’t want it anymore. You have to identify or discern the difference between truly not wanting something and just being burnt out or overwhelmed or disappointed, because the dust and grit and debris of the journey can cover up the spark, snuff out that flame and turn it into various sparks on the backbone of your soul, barely a pilot light, and it can feel like you don’t want it anymore. Sometimes, that’s an appropriate evolutionary process. It’s an erosion process that’s breaking down your ego, breaking down your willfulness, because as one of my mentors, Michael Beckwith, says, Where there’s a will, there’s a wall, but where there’s willingness, there’s always a way. Sometimes, we go in for our desire with a lot of willfulness and just pure will and force and push. Ultimately, as we grow and develop, we need to become more of a channel, an instrument for a higher power, a higher movement rather than merely being an ego that’s trying to make something happen. That can be eroded. It can feel like we don’t have as much desire, but what’s really happening is we’re becoming more and more surrendered.

One of the other things is it just can get covered up by the dust and grit of a journey, and so you need to ask a question to override that particular state of consciousness. You can ask, If I was guaranteed to succeed, if I was guaranteed to be well-received and guaranteed to be brilliant and good at it, do I still want this? Maybe you’re feeling tired and burnt out and disappointed in dissolution, but when you sincerely ask, If I could still have this and it could be easy and I could do what I want to do with it and create and contribute the way I want, with who I want, where I want, how I want, do I still want it? If you ask sincerely, and it’s merely been covered up by debris, you’ll feel that little kick, that little twinkling again. You’ll be like, Oh, yeah, I do want it. I’m sad, I’m disillusioned, I’m disappointed, I’m burnt out by all the struggle, but if I could really still write that book or make that impact or have that relationship or whatever the contribution might be, I really do still want that. I don’t know how I can get it. I feel a lot of doubt about it but I do want it. Then, that’s the sign you are meant to stay the course.

Some people would say that that’s giving false hope, because sometimes you could want the thing that you’re just not cut out for, like you want to be an NBA basketball player, and you’re 5’, or you’re 45 years old or something like that, and in that case, I would ask you to really check and see is that really your burning desire? If it is, then you can use the visioning process, the visualization process, to get into the feeling tone and be open to other ways that that vision is trying to unfold. What are some other versions of it? Maybe it’s not being an NBA player. Now, I’m not saying it’s not possible, because there are examples of people over the age that had become professional athletes or under the right height that had become professional athletes. So, I’m not saying you shouldn’t, and especially if there’s a burning desire, but sometimes that impulse to be or do or have something is being misinterpreted, that if you didn’t become an NBA basketball player, or you didn’t become the president of United States, whatever it might be, that if you could be involved in that world, that would feel just as good –a commentator, an author, a blogger, a videographer, somebody that’s commentating, expressing, creating in that area – that might feel just as inspiring and empowering. So, I’m not telling you to let go of the big vision, and I’m not saying that you let any of those worldly limits get in your way. For example, there are people, Grandma Moses became one of the world’s famous artists in her 70s or 80s. People had become doctors in their 70s and maybe even later. All manner of things happen in ways that define logic or defy what the world says it has to be, so I’m not telling you not to because of those. I’m just saying that sometimes what we think we want does contain the essence of what we want, but the exact form may not ultimately be what we think it will be.

That’s why I always say you can use visualization to access the qualities of feeling and being. You can do the LIFT process. If you don’t know what the LIFT process is, I would invite you to listen to the podcast where I talked about that and/or get the Emergineering program or the Emergence book and learn how to integrate that process. In any case, if you do that process and endeavor in advance towards your dream, your vision, as you come in to vibrational alignment with it, if the picture is not quite right, you’ll be course-corrected. Okay? The key is if you still want it, if you ask those questions and you move away some of the dust and debris and you still want it, then you are meant to still keep going for it. Again, we don’t know what the ultimate outcome will look like, but there’s something in that desire that is telling you something is in you trying to be born. That’s the key. As you do the work to come into the vibrational alignment with it, as you do the work to go for it and stay the course through those thresholds of fear, doubt, lack, limitation, challenge and it causes you to dig deeper and stick by something when all seems lost and build up the courage, the confidence, the strength, the faith, the resolve and the stamina, all of that is developing your character. It’s making you a stronger and stronger instrument to create and contribute and show up, stand up, speak up, speak out and be who you really are in a more powerful bold way.

You might discover along the way of one particular journey, as you’re becoming this individual as a result of staying on the course, that suddenly new insights, new inspiration, new vision, new capacity and new opportunity starts to show up in your life. Before you know it, you’re getting hired somewhere or you’re doing something. That’s not an accident. That is the unfoldment. You just couldn’t have pictured it or imagined it from where you were before. Much like the caterpillar. The caterpillar is following its impulse. It starts eating and eating and eating and doing all this stuff. Pretty soon, it pushes itself into a catalyzing state where it starts in the process of becoming a butterfly. Eventually, it creates a cocoon. It liquefies. All that wonderful stuff happens. It literally dies to the caterpillar, reborn as a butterfly, and now it is flying in an all new atmosphere. Well, if the caterpillar had a vision for its life, and it wanted to build the best caterpillar life possible, and that drove it to do whatever it’s doing, it drove it to an edge where it began this catalytic process of becoming a butterfly. That initial vision drove it there, but what it ultimately becomes was beyond its self-concept. It couldn’t have imagined the butterfly life.

The truth is you can’t really imagine what your destiny is, because it’s outside of imagination. Imagination is just a rearranging of existing known things. It’s a wonderful tool, but ultimately your vision lives in what I called the emergination, which is the imagination of the soul. We can’t really imagine. We have our best guess. We go forth, we stay the course, we build the character, and we come in to complete vibrational attunement or integrity with it. It changes us from the inside out as we stay the course. We build all kinds of skills and capacities and qualities of being. We become a better and better version of ourselves. Sometimes, the vision looks somewhat like what we imagined, or at least in the ballpark, and other times we’re taking on an event that takes us into places that we never imagined, but is always good and even often better than what we imagine. That’s why it’s no problem to start with the vision that may or may not be the exact accurate picture. As long as you do the LIFT work to come into vibrational alignment with it, because the vibrational qualities of it can never go wrong. If you’re developing more and more quality of abundance, joy, power, peace, love, etc., you can’t go wrong with that, because that’s universal. According to your unique pattern, it will begin to shape and form itself. That will lead you into new directions.

We must pick a lane and stay the course. Obviously, you have to develop a vision. You have to know where you’re going. If you don’t know where you’re going, every road will take you there, and you’ll be lost. You have to have a vision, and that’s the work we go through in the Emergineering process or the Soul Purpose Blueprint work. Now, you’re on course, and you stay the course. You pick a time period, so that for the minimum, 6 months, 12 months, for me, it was initially 18 months, you’re going to go for a particular result, and you’re not going to let up until you get that result. You’re going to do all the work to grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually, creatively as otherwise along the way. As a result, you will be a better version of yourself. Perhaps you’ll continue to stay in that direction, or you’ll discover after all there’s a new direction, but you’ve built the character now. You’ve overcome some core karmic patterns, and you now built the character to really now take the next leg of your journey.

Now, when is it time to change directions? Well, there’s a couple times. One is when in all sincerity the thing you are going for you truly, truly do not want anymore. That’s an evolutionary ark that happens to people where you are going for one thing. In fact, in the world of drama and storytelling, they call it a false goal. You see a lot of movies where the character has a false goal. Oftentimes, it ends bittersweet or tragic, where they only realize at the very end what they really wanted, like Citizen Kane where he’s going for all these riches and success, which was really a reaction to a wound. At the end, all he wants when he’s dying in his big mansion alone, all he wants is Rosebud, which is his sled when he was a little boy, which represents family and love and connection and innocence. At the end of the day, that’s what his soul really wanted, but he had lost it along the way, so it becomes a tragedy or a cautionary tale. You see that in stories.

Sometimes you see it like in Rain Man, Tom Cruise thinks what he really wants is to control his brother and get the money from the estate or make money from these cars, and at the end all he really wants is a real relationship with his only family, his brother. That’s bittersweet because at the end, he gets the relationship, but he loses his brother. He can’t keep him. So, we see that in stories all the time, these false goals that when a character goes for them, if they keep going, eventually it changes them. In some cases, they realize the error of their ways in time and they switch courses, and that’s a triumph. In other times, they get part of the goal but not the full goal, that’s bitter sweet. In other times, they don’t get it all, but they realize it or will realize it was a false goal, and that’s a tragedy.

The same is true with you. As you’re going along, and let’s say you think what you really want is to have a big business and make millions of dollars, get a mansion and a Ferrari, whatever that might be, and as you’re growing and developing emotionally, mentally and spiritually, things happen that transform you and deepen you. At some point along the way, you really get that making all this money is not my goal after all. It’s really not what matters to me. I’ve really changed. What really matters to me is making this contribution or having this family or maybe a completely different industry. After all, I really just want to be an artist. Like the story of the guy who was felt pressured by his parents to become a doctor. He pursued being a plastic surgeon, and what it was was this artistic impulse put into the most hopefully, in his mind, the way he can make the most money. Eventually, he was very unhappy and realized it was a false goal, being a plastic surgeon, and he wanted to be an artist. Like the lawyer who felt pressured by his parents to become a lawyer and ultimately got cancer and decided he was going to go for what he really wanted and that was music. He began to play music and learn music, and he was healed. These are examples of where we go for a false goal, but we really get through circumstances, through inner experience, that that’s no longer what we want. It’s clear, and it’s replaced by what we do want. Sometimes, it can just go away, and we don’t know what we want. We experience a dark night. Other times, we get really clear, suddenly or incrementally, this is just not what I want or care about anymore. What I really want and care about is this. That’s an obvious example of when it’s time to change directions when we really don’t want it anymore.

The other time is where it just already evolved. It might not be as dramatic or drastic, but it just evolves. Like for me, I started off as an actor, and at a certain point, I had a spiritual opening, and it wasn’t really a conscious choice per se, but I was just so pulled and driven to go on this inward journey that the outer pursuit of acting became unimportant to me. It wasn’t even like a conscious choice. It wasn’t like the outer experience of acting was so hard and painful that I wanted to change it. It was just this inner experience was so powerful I couldn’t resist it. Then, as I went on, I started writing, and I was developingmyself as a screen writer. That didn’t take off initially, but I found out I was really good at talking about story, and almost organically, as I begin to pursue where the interest was, I grew into a story consultant and script consultant. There was this kind of organic awareness that that was a door that was opening. I could make money. I could learn the craft even more. I could be of service. I could get all these needs met by pursuing that. Then, at a certain point, it became clear that that was no longer fulfilling enough, that I really wanted to be writing my own stuff. So, I began writing my own stuff, or rather I began getting hired to write other people’s stuff, instead of just consulting to write whole screen plays. Eventually, that wasn’t fulfilling enough, and I realized what I really want to do is write my own stuff. So, I began writing my own stuff and getting other people to hire me to do that. Eventually, I got really cleared that I wanted to write a book about how I did it all.

These goals emerged organically, and there was like little incremental steps or little incremental turns, and then eventually I was consulting, and then eventually I was bringing in spirituality into my consulting. Then eventually that drove me to write another book, There’s No Business Like Show Business, on consciousness and creativity and the media. Then I saw that, as I developed the platform to market that book, I began to learn marketing, online marketing and all these new areas in order to make that project successful. That led eventually to me wanting to just be a coach, a transformational coach. Now, I took all that I’ve learned from that and began to apply it there. You see there was like this incremental gradual evolution. At certain points, I had to make a decision – try to keep this other alive and do this other thing or eventually put all my attention into the new thing and let go of the other. That was hard. I had to again choose and let go of some good stuff that was working in order to go for this thing that I really wanted.

When to change directions is either because you truly lose the desire. It’s just not there anymore. You just don’t want it anymore. You don’t want to do anymore, not because of burnout, but because you really changed. The other thing is organically a new direction arises, and it’s often a progression to one side or the other of what you’re doing. Now, you have to be mindful, because if you’re a creative entrepreneurial type, you can have all kinds of new ideas arise, new possibilities arise. I’m not talking about Shiny Object Syndrome. I’m talking about you are steadfast and committed to a result, and you are all in and you’re working, like I was a story consultant or a screen writer. I mean I was really, reallydoing it. I wasn’t just playing at it. I was committed to very specific outcomes. That evolved into new tributaries. That’s different than What about this? What about that? What about this? What about that? Now, the what about this, what about that came into play when I had multiple possibilities, because something new was emerging and I had to see, I had to try. I was trying to hold onto the thing that was passing and the new thing that was emerging. That’s when I had to be willing to let go. Ultimately, when the Law of Emergence became evident to me, I had to once again be all in committed fully. For me, I chose a minimum of 18 months to be all in, create the program, create the offering, launch it, and see how it went. I wasn’t going to stop for a minimum of 18 months. That’s when all of my work was taken to yet a whole another level.

These are the things we want to begin to discern: When to stay the course, when to change directions? I can tell you for many of you, just from my experience, the biggest challenge is staying the course. The biggest challenge is being committed. The biggest challenge is picking a lane and staying in it when things get hard. They will get hard. You will bump up against lots of walls. You may experience loss. You may experience all kinds of rejection. You may experience every door close against you. You may experience what appears to be the whole world telling you you’re crazy, you’re wrong, this is not going to work as have many, many creative entrepreneurs, teachers, leaders. None of that means you should stop. Your work is to get clear that you still want it, that it’s still the vision and the mission, and then to do the deeper work that I teach – embracing the shadows, the values conflicts, strengthening the inner core, reconditioning so that you have soul stamina, so that you’re truly rooted and anchored within, getting the accountability partners, having coaches or mentors or group that can really support you and hold the space when you don’t feel like you can.

If you don’t have that kind of support around you, you must get it. Mentoring and coaching is a principle. It used to be the master apprentice model. We’ve lost that to our great detriment. The mastermind principle where you have a group of people that are supporting you in different ways is a principle that we used to have in some of the greatest innovators and leaders of the turn of the century and beyond, they have that. Look back in history, you see groups of individuals that were tight-knit, that were supporting each other, whether it was the industrialists of the industrial revolution or the Renaissance people that hang out together or the time of the Greek period where there’s Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and all those types of individuals forming together in mystery school. There was this group that came together, supported each other, bounced stuff off each other that held like a morphic field, their own attractor pattern that was separate and apart from the societal norms, so that they could keep lifting each other while society was constantly trying to pull them back. They had mentors and masters that they could apprentice under so that they can continue to be lifted and lifted and lifted, where otherwise condition, society, their own patterns would pull them back and pull them down.

So, you need to have these. You need to have those structures in your life so that you can stay the course and you can get to that point where you grow beyond those thresholds, you truly grow, you truly develop character which determines your destiny and also can have the kind of healthy feedback that can help you make the decision when it’s time to change direction. I invite you to really take this to heartfelt consideration and to take some kind of action, whether it’s a deeper commitment to stay the course, whether it’s a reevaluation if it’s time to change directions, but do some work on this today. If you don’t have a coach or a mentor or support group, get one. We serve people in that way. Obviously, I coach. We have master coaches here at the Emerging Edge Community as well as Mastermind and in the Emergence Academy, which is a very inexpensive way to get that kind of support on an on-going basis. Wherever you get it, get it because you need it. We all do.

If you find this podcast had been helpful, educating, inspiring, please share it with a friend, a family member, a client. When you share, you activate the law of circulation, and you integrate even more of what you’re sharing. When you teach it to someone, you even more powerfully anchor it. So, teach it within the next 24 hours. Just something about it, turn to someone and teach it, and then share it. If you haven’t already registered for the podcast, please take a moment to do that. It just takes a moment, a click on iTunes. If you can leave a review, that would be very much appreciated. It would help more people find this podcast if you believe in it. Feel free to come on our Facebook group and post questions, post your insights and your learnings. Get involved, get engaged and get inspired. We’re here to serve you. I’m here to serve you. I look forward to meeting you in person. Until next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally, and follow your destiny.

Why You Can’t Get What You Don’t Have [Podcast]

Why You Can’t Get What You Don’t Have [Podcast]

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Summary

Why Can’t You Get What You Don’t Have?

There’s life and there’s life experience, and life (which is a synonym for God, or love, truth, universal power, spirit, etc.) is all that there really is.

Life is forever unfolding and expressing. It’s giving of itself everywhere, maintaining and sustaining its own perfection eternally.

You are a unique individualized expression of this infinite life. You and the truth of you is already a done deal. You’ve already made it. You’ve already arrived. You’re already a success. Your life is already fulfilled.

You’ve already made it. You’ve already arrived. You’re already a success. Your life is already fulfilled.

This is the fundamental truth of all being.

But we’ve been conditioned to believe that life is an outside-in game, that we are separate from life, from each other and from all the things we want. So much of how we’ve developed and conditioned our mind, emotions and our body to live in this world are based on beliefs and concepts that are contrary to the way life really operates.

The mechanism by which you experience this infinite, eternal pattern of good, is by your own conscious awareness of it.

[bctt tweet=”You can’t give what you don’t have. You can’t keep what you don’t give. You can’t sustain what you don’t receive. This is the law of circulation.” username=”derekrydall”]

In order to express something, you have to already have it. In order to have something in your life, you have to express it.

You cannot experience what you’re not willing to express. You cannot express what you don’t consciously have, or as the Law of Circulation says, you cannot give what you don’t have; you cannot keep what you don’t give, and you cannot sustain what you don’t receive. It’s circulating, but it has to come from within you.

Listen to the podcast episode above for the full explanation and learn how you can develop that inner consciousness of having in your life TODAY.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Stay Rooted as You Rise: The Secret to Unending Progress
Ask Derek: Why Aren’t Things Working Anymore?
Ask Derek: Why Aren’t My Prayers Answered?

To get these trainings now or see more episodes available, CLICK HERE![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Related quotes:[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5634″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5635″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Full Transcript
[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Derek Rydall here, founder of the Law of Emergence and author of the best-selling book, Emergence. It’s just such an honor and pleasure to be with you again on this journey of emergence as we take this deep dive into the core universal success principles. Those principles that when we align our life with them begin to naturally, organically and even effortlessly bring forth our greater potential in every area of our life. We’re talking today about why you cant get what you dont have. Why you cant get what you don’t have? It’s interesting that so many of these spiritual principles are so ironic and counterintuitive when you first hear them. Obviously, it doesn’t immediately make sense to say that you cant get what you don’t have, or I could even say you can never have what you don’t already have. It’s purposefully ironic, and also it’s just the way these tend to sound to us because they are counter. It’s not so much that they’re counterintuitive. They’re counter programming. They’re counter cultural conditioning. We’ve been conditioned to believe that life is an outside-in game that we are separate from life and from each other and from all the things we want. So much of how weve developed and conditioned our mind and our emotions and our body to live in this world are based on beliefs and concepts that are counter, literally contrary to the way life really operates.

Most of what weve learned is unfortunately 180 degrees in the opposite direction of how life was actually designed to work. It’s one of the reasons that there is so much pain, suffering, lack, and limitation on this planet. In fact, when you look at the word evil, its live spelled backwards. So, when you live backwards, or live in opposition to the natural principles, you create, you manifest, you experience what the world calls evil and all of it’s many forms and faces. Why you cant get what you dont have is because theres life and theres life experience, and life which is a synonym for God, or love, or truth, or universal power, higher power, the great spirit. By all these different names, it’s the same thing. This one infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent spirit, this one infinite intelligence that is giving off itself everywhere, that created everything out of its own being and is maintaining and sustaining its own perfection eternally, thats all that there really is. This ground of being, this order, this harmony, this wholeness, this perfection, but its nature is infinite, immortal and eternal, so its forever unfolding. It’s forever expressing. It’s already done. It’s already here. Its already now. This is what one of the master teachers, Jesus, meant when he said that theyre asking when is heaven going to come and what its going to look like, and he said, It will not come by observation. It will not be lo here or lo there, meaning its not going to be over there or over here. It’s already at hand. It’s already within you. He was saying it’s not in the future, it’s not in the distance, it’s already here.

Heaven is another name for ever-expanding good, for the realm of wholeness and harmony. It’s already here he said, but having eyes you see not, having ears you hear not. Elsewhere, he said, Do not judge by appearances. He was saying that all these things youre seeking for, all these things you’re wanting and needing, youve already got it. Its already here, but because you’re judging by appearances, and appearances dont tell you the truth, they just tell you what your belief is. They are projection of your relative perception of the infinite perfection. I’ll say that again, everything that appears is a relative perception of the infinite perfection. There is this infinite perfection. This infinite is life itself. It’s already whole. It’s already complete. It’s already done. It cannot be improved upon. It cannot be diminished. There’s nothing separate or outside of it that can enter in to corrupt it ordestroy it. Life is love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, wisdom, genius, harmony, order, all of the good of the universe is. It uniquely is knowing itself as an infinite variety of ideas that you are one of.

You are a unique individualized expression of this infinite eternal life. You and the truth of you is already a done deal. You’ve already made it. You’ve already arrived. You’re already a success. Your life is already fulfilled. As it says in the Bible, Who by taking thought can add one cubit to their stature? What God has wrought, no man can put asunder. This that is true about you is eternal, is enduring, can never be destroyed, diminished and can never be improved upon. It’s complete. Its perfect, okay? This is the ground of all being. This is the fundamental truth of all being. Behind every appearance, there is an infinite immortal, eternal activity of truth, a perfect pattern of infinite potential, of infinite expression, of infinite idea. You cannot make stuff happen. You cannot add anything to life, but this infinite life is always enfolding, okay? That’s the foundation.

Why is it true that you cant get what you dont have? Because you do already have it, but the mechanism by which you experience this infinite, immortal, eternal pattern of good that is your true self, the way you experience it is by your own conscious awareness of it. Thats the mechanism by which infinity unfolds. If there wasnt a mechanism, there would just be all infinity expressing everywhere and there would be no experience. Like if you take a camera, and you open the aperture and just leave it open, there will be no picture. Itll capture no image. It will just be flooded with light. Itll overexpose it, and there will be nothing to look at. It opens up for a split second, captures a little bit of light, a little bit of the scenery, projects it on to the film, you develop it or put it on your computer, put a frame around it, whatever youre going to do with it, and that is a picture and an experience of reality. The same is true for your consciousness. Within you is the whole Kingdom of Heaven, the whole of Nirvana, the whole of the Tao, the Christ consciousness, the Buddha field, the whole quantum field, infinite good of every name and nature. Its uniquely composited as a divine idea that is unfolding as you, but it cannot be experienced and expressed except to the degree that you are available and aware of it.

This is why the Scriptural passage says, You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. It doesnt say the truth just makes you free; you have to know it. Lets be conscious of it. As Ive used the analogy, youre surrounded by electricity, truly infinite energy, but it doesnt do you any good until you develop the structures to harness it, and you plug in. The same is true with our consciousness. Were developing the inner structures to capture or to hold more and more of this infinite energy of our being, this infinite pattern of our perfection. We are consciously activating and expressing and allowing it to flow out of us into experience and expression. In order to express something, you have to already have it. In order to have something in your life, you have to express it. You cannot experience what youre not willing to express. You cannot express what you dont consciously have, or as the Law of Circulation says, you cannot give what you dont have; you cannot keep what you dont give, and you cannot sustain what you dont receive. Its a circuit. Its a cycle. Its circulating, but it has to come from within you. You have to have a sense of having. It also says in the Bible, To he who has, more shall be given, and it shall be multiplied. To he who has not, even that which he has will be taken away. This is a statement of consciousness. Its talking about the have consciousness.

Again, this is not religious. If youve never listened to me, I have to say this. These are not statements of religion when I use scripture, whether its Buddha or Jesus or Quan Yin or Shankara or Lao Tzu or whoever. Its principle. Its not personal. Its not religious in the old sense. Its principle. Religious in the true sense, because religion comes from a Latin word religios that means to bind one back, the same term used for ligament, the thing that binds your muscle and bone together. The truth of religion is meant to bind us to the truth of our being. When I use all these scriptures its because of its profound power and truth. In the great scriptures of the world, weve just got to get beneath the dogma and the doctrine and the cultural idioms and understand it in our current context. Thats what Im trying to do here when I share all this.

Elsewhere, Jesus says, When you pray, pray believing that you already have it, that you may receive it. To he who has, more shall be given. It will be multiplied. Pray believing you already have, and you will receive. Take no thought for your life, but seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within you, and all those things will be added. All of these are telling us we need to make that inner connection. We need to develop that inner consciousness of having – I have, I am, I can, Im able. Its already done. Only when we are in the state of having can we get more of that, can we experience more of that, because that consciousness of having is literally the substance of the thing itself that weve now become available to, and it begins to clothe itself in form. If you imagine your ideal life, and you really feel into how you would feel and how you would be showing if that was true, and you look at where you currently are, how you currently feel and how youre showing up, youll see the gap between there in the feeling tone, the gap in the sense of having and the sense of being. Then, you begin to create a plan to bridge that gap. Its not a plan to go make a bunch of stuff happen. Its a plan to make yourself more available to that which is always happening, and therefore make it welcome. Its a plan to begin to generate the feelings, the mental, emotional, vibrational set point of already having, already being, already happening, and then begin to live into that. Express that. Walk and talk and dance and sing in that vibration even before, and especially before, the appearance is there. If you wait for the appearance to change, youll be waiting forever, because whatever youre waiting for, youre waiting with and youre weighing it down, because from the emergence perspective, whatevers missing is what youre not giving.

If you want more to come in to your life, you have to let more life come out of you. If you want something different to come in your life, you have to let something different come out of you. If you want more love, peace, joy in your life, you have to let more love, peace, joy come out of you. Again, the only way you can only let more love, peace, joy come out of you is if you are activating a sense of having more love, peace and joy. You begin to stand in that belief, in that feeling tone, and then live into it, and then you begin to generate more and more of a field, a morphic field, an attractor pattern of love, peace, joy or whatever the quality is. According to your plan, your pattern, your true purpose, those qualities clothe themselves in form. People will say, Wow, you have more money or more opportunity, or more health, or relationship, or whatever and youll know that you dont have more of that, youve just accessed and activated a greater awareness of that which youve always had and which they have as well. You just accessed and activated more of an awareness of having. That awareness, which is the substance of all experience, begins to manifest. Remember, manifestation is not about making something happen that isnt happening. Its about making that which is eternally happening manifest, visible, tangible, audible, and sensible. Thats all. You cant manifest anything that doesnt already exist. Its impossible, because nothing can appear in life unless it already exists in consciousness. You are manifesting. You are making manifest, making visible that which is going on all the time invisibly.

Again, as I’ve used the analogy of the radio many, many times for those of you that have heard me talk, ad nauseam perhaps, but it’s a great analogy. That is that your favorite music is already broadcasting right where you are. Music, information, but it isn’t manifest until you tune the dial of your radio to the frequency of the station where it’s playing. When your frequency matches that frequency, so that you’re now on the frequency where that music is broadcasting, that station becomes manifest. In other words, you have a manifest-station. It wasn’t happening in the distance of the future. It was happening now. The distance wasn’t a distance of time and space; it was a distance of frequency. The frequency gets generated through your feeling, through your belief, through your feeling and other elements like your environment, your actions, your words. All of that contributes to the feeling tone, contributes to the frequency, either dialing it up the dial or down the dial, either tuning you into K-RICH or K-LACK.

So, its all about having a state of having. I know this is hard. Believe me. It’s particularly hard, because its so completely opposite of how weve been conditioned. We’ve been so conditioned to look to our appearances to determine how we feel. It’s so ingrained, especially when youre struggling or suffering, you dont have enough money and the bill man is knocking on your door, and the landlord is threatening eviction, all of which I know, or physical things are going on with your body, or your relationships are in turmoil, or you’re alone, or whatever. I’m telling you, you already have all the wealth, and the health, and the abundance, and the peace, love, joy, and companionship, and that you have to come into a state of having and feeling that its already done and living, and moving, and having your being in that. You’re like, Derek, thats really, really hard. I mean I got to pay my bills. I just need to pay my rent. My back hurts. My wife and I are fighting. Im alone and lonely. It’s not working. That’s the other thing. You do it for a while, and you start to have moments and glimpses of feeling powerful and abundant, and in love, and it has nothing to do with your condition. You recognize youre generating it which is the first step of liberation.

When you really see, I have the capacity to generate anything, any feeling, regardless of condition, you start to wake up from the illusions that your conditions are causing your feelings, because they never are, ever. Not even ever. So, you start to realize that, but then what happens is you hit a threshold and you start to go, Well, its not working. So, you’re feeling, but then youre looking outside of you for the result. Its like planting a seed and going, its not working, and digging the seed up over and over again. Eventually, you kill it. You lower the vibration until its not able to create that critical mass and manifest. This is a very common challenge. Here’s the reason why its happening in terms of your esoteric or spiritual evolution. The truth is that life is spiritual and invisible, energetic or vibrational.

The truth is that you are a spiritual or energetic, vibrational being. You’re not a material being, and you’re not living in a material world. You’re entertaining a material concept of things, but you live in a spiritual Universe, and you are a spiritual being. Everything you could ever want, hope or desire or need is spiritual. Ultimately, you’re being called to awaken to that and to consciously live in a spiritual Universe. As long as youre looking to the material forms, which are just the effect, old thoughts, a mirror of the past, the wake of a boat, that has no power whatsoever, as long as youre looking to those to determine whats real or true, you’re just looking at an old photo on the wall of some old past experience as if thats going to have some power to determine your life. You’re looking to the wake of the boat and expecting it to drive the boat, but it doesn’t. The energy presently being activated in the boat and the steering presently going on by the captain of the boat, thats whats driving the boat, not the wake. Your appearances are not driving your life. They are effect. They are a movie; they’re a projection. They have no substance and no power, but we give it the substance and power by looking to them and judging by appearances and reacting to appearances and letting them determine how we think and feel and move.

Its a complete illusion, because they never had a power over us. Were being called to learn how to live spiritually, to think, speak, feel and move not based on any appearance, but based on the highest truth of our being that we can master. Im going to think and feel, walk and talk based on the highest truth that I know, not just for a little while. Im not going to do that until it becomes my subjective habit, until no matter what the appearances are. Im not reacting to appearances. Im responding from the highest truth of my being. Then, the appearance is changed. Youre being called to develop your soul senses, your ability to see in the dark, to see in the soul, to live from the spiritual reality of your being. When you hit those thresholds, and youve been doing some of this work and its not appearing to work, its like the bamboo tree analogy where the roots are growing and growing and growing, and nothing seems to be happening on the surface. It takes years, and eventually in a matter of a couple weeks, it grows eight or nine stories.

Now, Im not saying its going to take you years but when its not happening right away is because you havent yet completed the root system. Youre being called to develop it. You cannot be tempted to judge by appearances. The sign of growth and progress is not that the situation changes, but that your reaction to it begins to change. The spectrum is at first youre in complete reaction – fear, anger, lack, whatever. As you do this inner work, you start to get free from that, and the reaction is less and less, or its duration is shorter and shorter. Like getting yourself into physical stamina where you have a quicker and quicker recovery rate. Eventually, youll reach a point where its neutral. You dont feel good or bad about it, your buttons arent pushed anymore, a very, very powerful sign. Then you start to move on the other side of it where you start to have a sense of gratitude, joy, aliveness, love, abundance even though, again, the condition hasnt changed yet. So, youve gone from a negative reaction to neutral position, to a positive response or radiation independent of the situation. At some point, that reaches critical mass, and it begins to manifest, but you know youre really changing when your response to the situation is expansive and positive, or its becoming less and less negative and becoming neutral.

As I like to say, when life squeezes an orange, all that comes out is orange juice, because thats all thats in it. When life squeezes you, what comes out? When a situation squeezes you, what comes out? When you dont have the money or the relationship goes sideways or the body goes sideways or the job gets lost or the things doesnt work out, thats life squeezing you. Whatever comes out wasnt caused by the squeeze; it was caused because it was whats within you, just like the orange. If I squeeze an orange, I dont cause orange juice to come out. I dont cause the orange juice to be in it. Im creating a condition where that which was always in it can come out. When life squeezes us, what was already there comes out. If what comes out is fear and anger, and sadness, and grief, and shame, and guilt, and lack, and revenge, and reaction, its nobodys fault. Not even yours, by the way. Its just the fact that thats whats in you. Life is squeezing you to show you whats in you so you can purify it. You can purify your intention and your beliefs and your perceptions, and gets stronger and stronger and more anchored in the truth of your being. Eventually, life can squeeze you any which way, and all that comes out is love, truth, power, poise, confidence, generosity.

Thats what were on the path towards. It starts with realizing that life cant give you anything. Life cant take anything away. No situation or condition is the source or cause of your life. You must take a stand in your own inner kingdom, your own inner Universe of wholeness, and do the work to embody the sense of having. I have, I have, I can, I will, I’m able, its already done. Im going to stand there and talk to myself and have conversation and activate feelings and take actions, all of which are in congruence with that truth. How long? Until I’m living in a state of whatever is the quality that I think I would have that the condition was changed. You know that youre free regardless of conditions, and then the condition changed.

As long as you are looking to conditions and internally, you have a state of I don’t have, it’s not happening, it’s not working, something’s wrong, I’m wrong, there’s not enough, I’m not enough, and then you do in all kinds of stuff to make stuff happen, you will keep manifesting your inner state of not having. Remember to he who has not, even that which he has will be taken away, because youre just manifesting and magnifying a state of not having, and so you get a greater and greater demonstration of not having. Even if you manifest a bigger paycheck, you end up being broke at a higher income bracket and having even more stress and anxiety than ever before. You must stake your claim to realize and embody a state of having, a state of it’s already done. This is one of the greatest secrets. Its not easy.

Another analogy I talked about, when a racecar driver is taught how to drive and deal with when the car hits an oil slick and spins out towards the wall, everything in your body wants to look to the wall, believing that if I just keep my eye on the wall, I wont hit it, but in fact, if you do keep your eyes on the wall, you will hit it, guaranteed. You have to do what at first seems counter and look away from the wall, look towards where you want to go. Thats an analogy to dont look at the problem, dont look at the condition, but look towards where you want to go. Look to the vision. Look to the highest thought, belief, idea. Get into that feeling state, even while your car is sliding towards the wall, even while your life seems to be sliding towards a problem. Im not saying ignore the problem, don’t do anything about the problem. I’m talking about an inner state, first and foremost, that your inner vision is directed towards the highest vision, towards the highest thoughts and feelings, towards the finish line. There’s a crucial moment. Basically, why this works with the car is that your hands follow your eyes, so if you look towards the wall, your hands keep steering to the wall. If you look away from the wall, your hands start steering away from the wall.

The same thing with your awareness. Your mind energy goes where attention flows, or energy flows where attention goes. Even when you turn your hands and you look away from the wall, theres a period in some cases, sometimes many cases, where the car is still sliding towards the wall, because it has momentum and its slick. Youve turned, and youre still sliding towards the wall. It can be very tempting to not have the courage or the patience and to look back towards the wall again and go, It’s not working. It’s not working. I have to look at the wall. Then, slam, you hit the wall. If you look, keep looking away, its sliding to the wall, you’ve done everything right, you’re doing the work, you turned your hands, you turned the wheel, but its still sliding towards the wall, but you keep your vision, you do not look at the wall, you do not get pulled down by that, at some point, the wheels catch and the car pulls out of that spin. The same thing is true with our internal momentum, the mental, emotional, vibrational momentum. At some point, it catches and we pull out of that spin. If we get impatient or afraid, and we look at the problem, we stir by back into it again vibrationally.

Now, is it guaranteed that if you look away from the wall youre never going to hit it? No. Absolutely not a guarantee, but it is a guarantee that if you look at the wall, you will. If you keep your attention riveted to the problem, you will keep creating more of the same. Even if, through sheer will, you manage to resolve that one problem, it will pop out twice as hard, twice as bad, because youve manipulated appearances, but you havent fundamentally changed your consciousness. You haven’t evolved. Problems can never really be solved, but they dissolved as you evolve. You have to have your attention on the vision, on expansion. As you expand beyond the paradigm of the problem, the problem can no longer survive in that. The solution lives outside of that problem paradigm, so when you expand into that larger paradigm, you expand into the solution.

It’s challenging. You’ll never hear me say this isn’t challenging, but you have to have the courage, conviction, commitment and ultimately some level of discipline and that includes support and other people to remind you, so that when youre spinning, you have a practice that brings your attention back to the vision, back to the truth. You have the practice that activates the inner feeling tones that you want to feel, that develops the inner vision, the inner awareness, beliefs, and it has you taking constructive action. So that your way of life is consistently moving towards an ever greater state of having, of being, of it’s already done, I’m already it, life is working together for my highest good. That gets integrated. It gets embodied. You pulled out of the spin. You’re back on track. Youre moving fast with momentum, and you cross the finish line. Then, you begin another race and another opportunity to grow and expand.

This is the principle. You can’t have or get what you dont already have. You have to take a stand and stake your claim in developing your consciousness of I have, I can, I will, Im able, its already done. Stand in that and feel that, and develop that as long as it takes, by the way, because whats the alternative? To fall back into the belief that you dont have and to feel really bad and depressed and down and lacking so that you can just manifest more of that? Honestly, if it takes you a day, a week, a month, a year or more to develop a state of consciousness of having, its worth it. That is an investment that pays reach dividends. This is what it means when the biblical scripture says,Lay not up your treasures on earth where rust and moth shall corrupt and thieves shall break in and steal, but lay up your treasures in Heaven where rust and moth cannot corrupt and thieves cannot break in and steal. It’s telling you, dont make appearances your Source. Don’t judge by those things, because that will just be eroded and taken away, but turn within and make that contact with the real source and lay up your treasures there. Build an inner state of consciousness there. That consciousness you will take with you forever. Whatever you build on earth is relative, and it will ultimately go back to dust. Whatever you build in consciousness, you have forever. You’ll take it with you, even when you leave this place. That’s why if it takes you a year, honestly, even if it takes you a lifetime, youve built something that you own now forever.

I  invite you to this journey and this path of developing a state of I have. I hope this has served you. If you have not yet registered, please register for this podcast so that you can get ongoing support and activations and healing support and the cutting edge best practices around how to really find your passion and live your purpose and make an impact and an income doing the thing you are born for, and making that deeper connection to the source of all creation, all power within you. Just sign up to register for this podcast on iTunes. If you want more additional support and downloads, go to Go into the free resource section, grab some of the free downloads. Go register for the blogs. You will get an additional material. None of it costs you a penny, where I can really support and help you master emergence and master these principles so that you can create a life you are born for.

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Stay Rooted as You Rise: The Secret to Unending Progress [Podcast]

Stay Rooted as You Rise: The Secret to Unending Progress [Podcast]

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Summary

Stay Rooted as You Rise…

This is the secret to unending growth, success, and abundance.

From the analogy of a plant or a tree, think of a farmer who’s harvesting fruit trees…  The farmer cultivates the soil, plants the seed, waters, weeds, feeds and exposes it to the proper light.  Eventually, the seed sprouts and becomes a tree, but all along the farmer continues to nourish its roots. Over time, it starts sprouting fruits, which the farmer harvests and enjoys, all while staying very much focused on the roots.

Whereas the analogy to a lot of individuals, is we may spend time on the seed, the soil, and the roots for a period of time. When we start to get some level of success in our lives, whether it’s that we’re not in as much pain, or in as much resistance, or we start to feel a level of momentum, we tend to get caught up in the fruits, and stop tending to the roots. Our ego has been programmed to think that what’s appearing is where the power, source, and substance is.

It’s great to enjoy and celebrate the fruits of your labors; your progress and momentum, but don’t forget what got you there. The daily work of cultivating the soil of your soul, doing the inner work of coming into greater congruence and alignment with the vibration of your vision.

[bctt tweet=”We aren’t fed from the world outside — all power, support, and supply is within us.” username=”derekrydall”]

Your inner work is the foundation of everything. It’s about developing a way of life – it’s about changing your ultimate character, which allows you to fulfill your ultimate destiny. It’s about falling in love with the process and the practice, with prayer and meditation, visualization, affirmation, and nourishing yourself with high vibrational material as a way of life.

Equally important, it’s not so much stay rooted as you rise, but stay rooted even as you fall. Maybe you start experiencing a level of success or progress, but then things start to go downhill. That’s the time to build those muscles, that inner soul stamina so that you become stronger and stronger in your capacity to know and feel the truth, and be the truth in the midst of any condition. That’s where you become truly unstoppable.

Listen to the podcast episode above for the full explanation and learn how you can put it to work in your life TODAY.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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Ask Derek: Why Aren’t Things Working Anymore?
Ask Derek: Why Aren’t My Prayers Answered?
God is Not Santa Clause (And Other Shocking Truths)

To get these trainings now or see more episodes available, CLICK HERE![vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Related quotes:[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5540″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5541″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Full Transcript
[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Greetings my fellow Emergineers, Derek Rydall here. It’s great to be with you all again as we continue on this journey of a deep dive into the principles that are for real, successful living and growing, oftentimes distinctions that are very different, counterintuitive, or certainly different on how we’ve been conditioned and trained to believe that we’re meant to grow and succeed, to begin to really redirect our whole point of power, our whole point of focus from the outside world as our source and our substance to the inner world, as the locus of our power and control. What we’re talking about today is Stay Rooted as You Rise. This is the secret to unending growth and success, and abundance. This comes from the analogy of a plant, of a tree. Think of a fruit tree, and think of a farmer who’s harvesting these fruit trees. They plant the seed, and they do all these work. They’re cultivating the soil and watering it, and weeding it, and feeding it, and exposing it to the proper light, and doing all these work. The seed begins to sprout, it begins to grow and eventually it becomes a tree, but all along they are continuing to fee it, and water it, and nourish its roots. Eventually, it starts sprouting fruits. The farmer still harvests the fruits, and gets the fruits, and sells the fruits, and eats the fruits, and really enjoys the fruits, but they stay very much focus on the roots.

They keep nourishing the root, they keep taking care of the tree, even though they enjoy the fruits. Whereas the analogy to a lot of individuals, and not just in spiritual growth or personal development, but in all success and achievement, is we may spend time on the seed and the soil and the roots for a period of time. We’re meditating, we’re praying, we’re doing an affirmation through visualizing, we’re doing the LIFT practice and coming into greater congruence and alignment with the vibration of our vision, and then we start to actually get a demonstration. We start to get some level of success in our lives. Whatever it is, we’re not in as much pain, or we are not in as much resistance, or we start to feel a level of flow momentum, and then we actually start to see real changes in our lives. Because our ego has been programmed to think that what’s appearing is where the power is and where the source is and where the substance is, we tend to get caught up in the fruits. We stop tending to the roots.

We have been praying and affirming and doing the work to know abundance or to know success, and we actually start manifesting it. Now we have a level of success, and suddenly we don’t have time for meditating anymore. Suddenly, we’re like, Well, I’m so busy now. My life’s happening. I’m creating all the stuff. I have a job now. I have a lover, a partner. I’m travelling, whatever the case may be, and I just don’t have time to meditate and do all this vibrational, radiation kind of stuff and LIFT practices and shadow work. I’ll fit it in here and there, but I don’t really have time. If I was in the room right now, I’d be like, Anybody? Anybody? because it’s so common. What we don’t understand is that we have just begun to cut ourselves off from the very Source and the real activity that’s generating our fruits, that’s generating our abundance and our opportunity. I see this happen. I’ve seen it happen to my own life. Little bit by little bit, we start to fall back into old patterns, and the fruits starts to dry up. We don’t see it happening – the whole direction of our mental, emotional, vibrational feel changes. We end up stagnating again.

Now, there are some cases where the level of outer success, we get such momentum that we can ride that momentum for a while, and we might even embody a new level of integration, and so we don’t entirely lose everything but we stagnate, we stop growing, and we don’t understand why. The other area where it’s just this common, because some of you may be thinking, Well, I’m not necessarily experiencing lots of successes or abundance or opportunities, but even just beginning to get out of pain – emotional, mental, physical pain – even just as we begin to get out of pain, we stop going back to the well of our soul and our Source to the real work. It’s like, Oh, I’m not in pain anymore. I’m good.It’s like you’re going to a coach or a healing practitioner or a spiritual therapist, and you’re really in pain when you start, and it’s like, I’m not in pain now. I’m good. I don’t need to keep going. Not understanding that, first of all, just merely getting out of pain is the first level, but it’s not in any way, shape, or form saying that you’ve got it, that you’ve integrated it. You’ve begun to move out of the pain threshold. Those roots, those sprouts, and those shoots aren’t necessarily strong enough to withstand the next threshold or the next storm or the next drought. Then you get beat back down again, something happened, and you misinterpret that and think, Oh, this stuff didn’t really work. There’s just something wrong with me. Life isn’t fair. You fall again. In some cases, you lose the momentum that you gained, because you didn’t really embody it. You just started getting momentum, but you didn’t integrate it yet. Now, you get to start all over again.

It can happen at the very early stages. I see this. I really just see this happen so often. People get so excited by being out of pain or starting to see the signs of the first fruits of their labors. It’s great to enjoy the fruit. It’s great to celebrate being out of pain. It’s great to celebrate progress and momentum and success, but don’t forget what got you there. Don’t lose track of what got you there. That’s the daily work of cultivating the soil of your soul, doing the inner work, all the cleaning and the integration work, all of that you’re doing. That’s really what’s most important, and it’s another way of interpreting when Jesus is saying to all the people that are like, How are we going to handle this thing and that thing and the other thing out in the world, take care of our body, and our clothing, and our food? He said, Take no thought for your life, but seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all these things will be added unto you.

Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. That means the right use. Don’t just seek the inner connection, but also continue with your practices, and those things that you’ve been seeking will be added unto you – fruits. Keep your focus on the truth, on the roots. Keep your attention on the roots. Keep that cultivation of the soil of your soul and the development of your consciousness and your character as the number one priority, forever. This is never going to change. Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t have seasons where it’s time to harvest. There really is a lot of outer work to do. That’s wonderful too, but still we must maintain our inner work, because it’s the foundation of everything. It’s so easy to get caught up in growth and progress or just not being in pain. It’s like an old statement, a metaphysical statement about people who have what’s called foxhole consciousness, meaning they’re going along, they’re fine as long as they’re not in pain or any particular suffering. The minute things start happening, the minute the bullets start flying, they have to jump in that foxhole. For those of you that may not know what I’m talking about, foxhole is the hole that soldiers are in wartime. They dig foxholes so they can get down below the ground level and so bullets are wheezing over their head.

So, it’s like this foxhole consciousness where it’s like only when things are going bad do they suddenly have their come to Jesus moment. They’re praying and affirming and meditating and doing all the work when things are bad, or at least appear to be bad. Suddenly, my rent is now due; I got to start praying; I got to meditate, and then the rent gets paid somehow, some way, either through coincidence, accidental alignment, or because they really do some good work. They popped out of that and they’re good. Then they’re going on with their life, and they keep trying to grow and succeed. Then, all of a sudden, things aren’t going good again, and they’re back in the foxhole. I got to pray, I got to meditate, I  got to do some work. I need some shadow work, got to get on a call with Derek, got to listen to a podcast. Then, they listen for a day or two or whatever, and they start to feel a little better. Then, they stop all that, and they’re not focused on their job or their family or whatever the case may be. On andon, this goes. There’s never really any progress. There’s never real momentum. It’s just a temporary Band-Aid. That’s not what this work is about.

This work is about developing a way of life. This is about changing your ultimate character, which allows you to fulfill your ultimate destiny. It’s about falling in love with the process and the practice, with prayer and meditation, and visualization, and affirmation, and getting together and dialoguing about high ideals, and nourishing and feeding yourself with high vibrational material as a way of life. Now, maybe, I’m preaching to the choir here, but I know even for myself that when life gets really full my practice has suffered, and then I’ve suffered as a result. We’re all susceptible to it. We just want to remember that what’s most important in our life, if we want to grow and progress, is that cultivation of our soil, of the soil of our soul, of the roots, the inner work that allows us to keep our consciousness clean and clear, and available, and keep us hooked up and connected to source. We want to make sure that we’re practicing this on a consistent enough basis that it becomes habit.

At least I hope you don’t do this – you don’t brush your teeth only when you have to go on a date or something, like Oh, I have a hot date, or I’m going to have to kiss somebody, then I’m going to brush my teeth today. I don’t have to kiss anybody or get close to anybody for the next week, so I don’t have to clean my teeth, or I’m not going to be around anybody, I don’t need to shower for the next however long days, weeks. Now, of course, there are some people that do that. I’m going to shower or brush my teeth when I have to actually be around people, or I’m just going to eat healthy food when I have to do something that requires a lot of energy. Otherwise, I’m just going to eat junk. We don’t do that. I’m only going to eat food on the days when I have things to do. We do everything else in our life that feeds us, nourishes us, and cleans us as a habit. This has to be just as important, if not more important.

There’s another way that this is important. It’s not so much stay rooted as you rise, but stay rooted even as you fall. This can be equally difficult depending on how intense it is. This looks like you’re going along and you’re doing the work and you’re starting to get some success, or maybe things get good, and then it gets bad again. Instead of going back to the practice, you don’t feel like you have the energy and the inspiration to sit down and meditate or pray. Instead, you distract yourself with some kind of anesthetic: internet, TV, shopping, overworking, whatever the case may be. The same is true that you want to, even when you don’t feel like it, and especially when you don’t feel like it. That’s the time to build those muscles, to build that inner soul stamina, so that you become stronger and stronger in your capacity to know the truth and feel the truth, and be the truth in the midst of any condition. That’s where you become truly unstoppable. That’s the real path of mastery. Likewise, when things are really going good and you’re feeling really good, that moment where the vibration is high, instead of going and frittering that away with activity, that’s a powerful opportunity. You’re on the mountain top. That’s a powerful opportunity to dig your roots even deeper, to anchor them even deeper, to integrate it even more fully. So, whether you’re feeling high or whether you’re feeling low, whether you’re rising or falling, you want to stay rooted, you want to keep digging your roots deeper, you want to make your practice of knowing the truth, feeling the truth, being the truth as the number activity of your life.

This is what all the great masters were trying to teach. To the ego, it feels like it’s boring or it’s a waste of time or we’re taking ourselves away from the things that we really want to do and really matter. All that’s real and valuable is spiritual and invisible and is within us. Everything that appears is a relative effect, a relative perception and projection of this infinite perfection. It’s like if you are in love with somebody, and they were like an actor, and they were up on the screen, and you could go and watch them on the movie screen on a regular basis. That’s one level of experiencing them, or you could actually go be with them, the real being. Which one would you prefer? Obviously, you prefer to be with the real being, not the image projected on the screen. Well, guess what? Your physical body, your physical relationships, your physical money, your physical business and work, all of that is the movie on the screen. Now, it’s beautiful. It’s wonderful. We enjoy it, but it’s not the real thing. The real relationship, the real work, the real life, and all that truly deeply matters, is not on the screen. It’s not in the projector. It’s not in the theater at all. You have to go outside of the theater of your experience. Inside, where the real source of that is the real love, the relationship, the real wealth, the real health, the real body. The real world is invisible, is spiritual, and is in consciousness. As that becomes more important to you than anything else, you start to embody that. You start to live in that consciousness, in that realm. You are now free, because the world never gave that to you, and the world can never take that away.

Once you have the real, then whatever happens in the world, whatever the economy is or your partnership is, or your family or your physical body, if you’ve got the real thing, it will always recreate itself in some kind of form. That’s what Jesus meant when he said, Tear down this temple, and I will rebuild it in three days. He was referring to his body. When he said, Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world,he’s talking about the I am presence that is no longer looking to the world as a Source. When he said, My kingdom is not of this world, or when he said, I had meat to eat you know not of,he was talking about the nourishment, the substance, the food of life, the manna from Heaven that was within him. He was constantly saying this. Buddha taught the same basic things saying that the real food, the real nourishment, the real love, the real connection, the real world, the real is spiritual and invisible and is in the soil of our soul, but we have to become more interested in it than what’s going on in the world of appearances and projection. As we do that, the ego will tell us we’re going to lose something outside of us or again, it feels like we’re bored or we’re cut off, we have to move through the experience of loneliness, sometimes isolation, sometimes fear of losing control. All of those things that are preventing us from going within and living in that place within. We have to move through those pockets – loneliness, separation, isolation, rich fear of rejection, abandonment, all of that, lost – because that’s the ego’s sense of personal material, sense of our self, that has to get dissolved and disintegrated.

Once we really have that real connection, this is what is also been called thepearl of great price. It says in the Bible, If a man finds the pearl in the field, he will sell everything for that pearl.It’s talking about that connection, that relationship with the truth of our being, because then that will forever fulfill us. That’s an investment that once we really have it, pays are returned on an investment forever. While it’s hard and scary, like that analogy of the guy who’s outside of his house in the dark, searching under street-lamp, and the neighbor says, What happened?I lost my key. The neighbor starts helping him search, and search, and search, and eventually, an hour later, the neighbor was like, Where did you lose the key? The man said, Well, I lost it inside the house, but the light is better out here. It’s too dark in the house.It’s dark and scary, and lonely, and isolating to go within and to do our practices on regular basis sometimes, but as we’re willing to do that, we root ourselves in reality to such an extent that no matter what the world does to the tree of our lives, whether the fires try to burn it down, the drought tries to dry it out, the winds try to blow it away, we’ll still be so rooted getting our source from a silent stream that runs deep beneath the surface of life, that none of those elements can take us out of the game. Even if it blows away some of our fruits and branches and leaves and burns our trunk and all of that, because we’ve got such deep roots we will be able to regrow our shoots and develop even richer fruits. That’s the secret to being unstoppable, to having unending growth and progress – is we have to make our inner work and rooting ourselves in the truth of our being more important than anything.

More than I want to change, fix, heal, control, manipulate anyone or anything, I want to know the truth that makes me free. I want to be so rooted in the truth that no matter what fire tries to burn me, what wind tries to blow me, what drought tries to dry me out, I’m rooted in the truth. I’m being fed by a stream that the world cannot give or take away. I’m eating a meat that the world knows not of. I’ve got the bread of life as my nourishment, and the world can do whatever it’s going to do. I’m not going to be reacting to it. I’m going to keep living from this deep place and expressing those rich fruits in my life. Harvest after harvest season after season. Now, this is tough stuff. The small print here is that this is the work of a path of mastery. Some of you may just not feel like you’re up to it. That’s okay. Stay in the group. Stay in the game. Stay in the path, and do your best, but have the intention. My intention is to make my connection to God, to Source, to the truth of my being, the number one relationship in my life, the number one activity of my life, the number one priority of my life no matter what. Continue to set that intention and watch like a seed that takes root as well and begin to develop rich fruits in terms of the growth of your practice and your demonstration.

Let’s just take a moment to stop right here and dig our roots a little deeper. As we stop wherever we are and close our eyes, if we can. If you’re driving, please do not close your eyes. There are other ways to practice while you’re driving, but closing your eyes is not one of them. Just allow yourself to drop down into your heart and feel the resonance in your heart with its deep desire to be connected, to be rooted like never before, to know the truth, to be the truth, to become free in the truth, to be so anchored in reality that nothing can sway you. As we just throw ourselves wide open to the power and the presence and the love of God, the love of this infinite life, this eternal wellspring of good that is always giving, always shining, always sharing, always fully and completely being itself as us just awaiting us to connect more deeply within. I simply know the truth that there is only one life, only one power, only one presence, one substance. There’s only one something, by whatever name we call it. It’s infinite. It’s eternal, immortal, indestructible, incorruptible, omniscient, omnipresent, and omniactive. It’s the only activity going on. There’s not a bunch of activities and interaction. There’s an omniactivity, one, one, one, loving and shining, and sharing, and giving, and radiating its infinite nature. We are a unique center in it. We are a unique instrument of it. We are a unique way that the whole of life is individualized itself, that all of the power and the presence, and the love, and the substance, and the wisdom, and the genius, the freedom, and the fulfillment is bursting forth in a unique and unprecedented way called each and every one of us. We are not being sourced by the world of appearances. The whole Kingdom of Heaven is within us. The whole of Nirvana is within us. Infinite support and supply and power is within us. It’s all within us, and it’s emerging as us.

We’re not getting our nourishment and our life from the world out there. As Jesus said when he was in the desert fasting, Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. He was saying we don’t live by materiality, but we’d live by this never-ending unfolding word or substance or wisdom of our Divine nature. It’s always speaking to us. It’s always ordering our steps. It’s always loving us, and supporting us, and guiding us. It has no judgment. It has no resistance. There’s no impatience in it. Just like a GPS on your iPhone, Siri. If you start to move in the wrong direction, she doesn’t say, What are you doing, fool? Get back on track. She just redirects you. She just says, Okay, take a left up here, and if you missed that turn, she doesn’t go, Oh my God, I can’t believe you just missed that turn also. Forget it. No. She just says with the same tone of voice, All right, take a U-turn here and continue on the route. If you missed that too, she doesn’t go, Oh, you are just a lost cause. I give up on you. I don’t like you. I don’t love you. Just leave me alone. No. She goes with the same tone, the same level of patience, as if it’s the first time, Okay, take a right here and try this new route. This will go on forever. You could keep missing the route, missing the turns, not honoring the guidance, but it just keeps coming. Okay, make a left. All right, try a right. How about a left up here? Okay, let’s try this.

This is what’s happening, this guidance, this love, it’s loving us unconditionally without any judgment, without any impatience, just waiting for us to answer the call. We’re answering it now. We’re saying, yes, I’m willing, I’m ready, I’m able. Use me. Send me. Command these hands and feet. I’m a servant of thee. I’m an instrument of thee, of love, and of life, and of light, and of truth, of beauty, and wisdom, and abundance. I’m willing to be a transparency of this Divine unconditional life. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to wake up and be free, to be a pure instrument of love and truth, and my Divine destiny of greatness. Come what may. I’m willing to let go all of false concepts, beliefs, perception, habits, anything, anyone, on any level that is not a part of my divine plan. It is no longer serving the highest enfoldment of my purpose, mission and good. I’m ready and willing to let it all be transformed by the renewing of my heart and mind. I’m willing. Use me. Send me, thy will be done.

In this prayer, whatever needs to be released or embraced, thought, spoken or done to allow and facilitate the enfoldment of our destiny, of the next stage of our evolution, it’s enfolding now on time and in time with his grace and dignity. We just breathe and receive. We let go and let God. We say yes to our yes, come what may. This is the vibration that’s activated in all of us now. Our life no longer has a question mark at the end of it, but an exclamation point. We’re standing for something. Now, life rushes to this place called us, so that it can put itself on display like never before. I just give thanks for this awareness. I’m so grateful, so grateful to be awake and aware, alive. Thank you, life. Thank you, God. Thank you, Divine and indwelling spirit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am grateful, and I let it be, and so it is. Amen. Just resting in that place of stillness, of connection, of activation, life self-appeal into where you are and what you need to enfold to the next level, not in your mind but just open up to what might be trying to come through.

Unconditional Giving: The Path of True Abundance [Podcast]

Unconditional Giving: The Path of True Abundance [Podcast]

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Summary

What is the Path of True Abundance?

Unconditional giving – it’s the whole foundation, and ultimately, the core principle of Emergence.

As the emergence work says, whatever is missing is what we’re not giving. Whatever we’re waiting for, we’re waiting with.

If you are really operating as if the whole kingdom of Heaven, as if all of the Universe was within you, and whatever was missing was what you are not giving, your life would look different, as would mine.

We are the way the whole Universe has individualized itself; we are unique individualized expressions of all of the power, the presence and the love of God. (Whatever term you use, this is what it means to be the son of God. This is what it means to be the offspring of the Most High. This is what it means to be a radiant light, the light of the world, the lights of every man and woman.)

Right where you are is the whole Universe, therefore, there is no God or power or anything separate from you, or outside of you, that’s going to come to you, ever.

[bctt tweet=”Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens through you and as you, because there is no life apart from you. You are life. You are the way life is expressing itself.” username=”derekrydall”]

Remember, you are not on your way to something. You’re not on your way to Heaven or to God, to abundance, to wholeness, or to love. You’re coming from the everything. Just as the sunbeam is not on its way to the sun, it is the sun expressing. It’s on its way to expressing more of that light, bringing that light into all the seeming dark places, delivering its gifts.

That’s who you are – coming from God, from love, from abundance. You are that place where the whole Universe gets to put itself on display in a unique and unprecedented way.

If all of that true, (and it is) what’s the mechanism by which you express your infinite being?

There is no mechanism that’s going to bring it to you. There’s only a mechanism that’s going to allow it to come through you and as you, and that mechanism is giving, unconditional giving.

Another word for that would be sharing, circulating, serving, expressing, radiating.

Listen to the podcast episode above for the full explanation and learn how you can put it to work in your life TODAY.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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Ask Derek: Why Aren’t Things Working Anymore?
How Do I Forgive ‘Bad’ People?
God is Not Santa Clause (And Other Shocking Truths)

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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Greetings my fellow Emergineers, Derek Rydall here. It’s just so awesome to be with you all again. I still look forward to the opportunity to connect with you on a deeper level and continue to anchor the truth that really makes us free. We’re talking today about Unconditional Giving, the Path of true Abundance. I’ve said this probably many times when I say, well, this is really the one. If you just get this, this is what it’s all about. This is the core most important principle in a nutshell or in an acorn shell. It is true that this is, and it’s true every time I say that, I guess, because when you go deep enough into any true principle, truth principle, you ultimately discover the whole thing. Just like if you go into any quality of truth deep enough, you end up finding the whole. If you go fully into love, you discover that it includes joy and peace and gratitude. If you go fully into gratitude, you discover it includes love, and peace, and joy, etc. When I say that, it’s not just a line. It really is true.

This principle that we’re talking about today – unconditional giving –it’s the whole foundation of Emergence and, ultimately, I’m probably talking about it as well, because at the time of this recording, I am in the midst of beginning my next book, which is all around Awakened Wealth, and the core principle of that is giving. As the emergence work says, whatever is missing is what we’re not giving. Whatever we’re waiting for, we’re waiting with. The truth is because everything is within us. I know we say this over and over again, but this is one of those truths that we have to keep remembering and anchoring in an ever deeper way, because there’s still many areas and ways in our life, ways that we think and feel, and walk, and talk that are not in integrity with this truth. If you are really operating as if the whole kingdom of Heaven was within you, as if all of the Universe was within you and whatever was missing was what you are not giving, your life would look different. As with mine, I’m not entirely operating on that. There’s still parts of me that look to the world and look to other people and unconsciously, or consciously, believe that somehow they’re my source, or that condition is my source and only if that condition would change, I would have more or be more. If only they would change, I could be more, do more, etc. That’s false, because everything is within us.

The whole of abundance, the whole of love, the whole of power that we are literally opening as eternity and infinity, as the Sanskrit term for man says the dispenser of Divine gifts, that we are the way the whole Universe has individualized itself, that we are unique individualized expressions of all of the power and the presence and the love of God. Again, whatever term you use, this is what it means to be the son of God. This is what it means to be the offspring of the Most High. This is what it means to be a radiant light, the light of the world, the lights of every man and woman. It’s saying that right where you are is the whole Universe. Right where you are is the whole of the Godhead. Right where you are, you are at the center, and you are a center in Divine mind. Therefore, there is no God or power or anything separate from you or outside of you that’s going to come to you, ever. Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens through you and as you, because there is no life apart from you. You are life. You are the way life is expressing itself.

Remember, you are not on your way to something. You’re not on your way to Heaven or to God, or to abundance, or to wholeness, or to love. You’re not on your way to anything. You’re coming from the everything. Just as the sunbeam is not on its way to the sun, it is the sun expressing. It’s on its way to expressing more of that light, bringing that light into all the seeming dark places, delivering its gifts. That’s who you are. You are coming from God, from love, from abundance, from infinite, immortal, eternal being. You’re never going to go to it. You’re never going to arrive or reach any of those qualities or things. You are the thing itself coming from that. You are the way infinite love is happening. You are the way inexhaustible wealth and abundance is expressing. You are that place where the whole Universe gets to put itself on display in a unique and unprecedented way.

If all of that true, and it is, what’s the mechanism by which you express your infinite being? There is no mechanism that’s going to bring it to you. There’s only a mechanism that’s going to allow it to come through you and as you, and that mechanism is giving, unconditional giving. Another word for that would be sharing, circulating, serving, expressing, radiating. Fundamentally, if you want anything more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you. If you want more love, it’s not going to come from your partner. It has to come from you. If you want more abundance, it’s not going to come from the clients, the economy, and the government. It has to come from you. Now, it can come through these channels. In fact, there’s not just one or two or three channels through which your love or abundance or whatever can come through, there is infinite organizing power. The Universe has an infinite way to express and to channel your good. It’s not being channeled, because we often talk about things being channeled to us as if it’s coming from some other place but us; it’s not. You can never, ever get outside of your consciousness, because, again, you’re not in the world, the world is in you. It’s in your consciousness. You are not a material body or personality construct that had a birth date and will have a death date and that’s all there is to you. You are a field of consciousness. Indeed, you are the field of consciousness knowing itself uniquely, and everything is in you.

God isn’t just in all things; all things are in God. You are God. You are the Divine consciousness knowing itself as individual being. Everything is in your consciousness. You can never get outside of your consciousness. There is no person, place or condition or power or law outside of your consciousness that’s going to maybe someday hopefully operate upon you. There is no such thing. Your consciousness is infinite. Therefore, there cannot be infinity plus. You literally are managing your own unique experience of the entire Universe in your consciousness. Whatever is an activity of your consciousness eventually becomes an experience. Whatever is not an activity of your consciousness cannot become experience, so whatever experience you’re having, good, bad or indifferent, it can only happen as an activity of your consciousness. It can never happen because someone or something outside of you has done it to you. There is no such someone or something. You’re it. There’s nobody out here but you. There’s only one I am, and I am expressing myself in an infinite variety of individuality, but it’s still I. you are that I. If you want more of whatever to come in to your experience, you have to begin to find a way to access and activate and express the more.

Now, this is core of the Awakened Wealth framework of the seven gifts, the seven ways you generate. Once you know that all of creation is not material, it’s spiritual, it’s invisible, it’s consciousness, you know that’s the real nature of all stuff. It’s consciousness. The real source of all stuff is consciousness, so it’s all here. It’s all within you. It’s all now. The next logical question is: How do I get it out? How do I get start manifesting it? Remember, manifestation is not making something happen that isn’t already here; it’s making what’s all we hear visible tangible. You can’t manifest anything that doesn’t already exist. You can only make visible that which is. Just like on a radio, you can’t make any song manifest that isn’t already broadcasting. You can only tune into the broadcast already in progress, and when you tune into that station, that music becomes manifest. In other words, you have a manifest station, the station becomes manifest. You didn’t make it happen, you made it welcome by tuning in. So the broadcast of your life is already at hand.

This is what Jesus was saying when he said, Heaven is not going to come. It’s not going to be absurd, it’s not going to be over there or over here. Behold it’s already at hand, it’s already within you, but you’re judging by appearances and having eyes you see not, having ears you hear not. In other words, you’re using your physical senses to determine what’s here and what’s real, and you’re asleep. It’s already here. It’s already now, and it’s already happening, but it’s spiritual and it’s invisible. Instead of trying to manipulate appearances, seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within you, make that contact and begin to express it, begin to live it, begin to shine it. Shine your light so brightly that all will see the works of God. When they see me, they see he that sent me. I mean these are all just different ways of saying what I’m saying that have been spoken by Jesus and Buddha and Krishna and all the great masters. It comes down to this: You have it all. You are it all. Now, what you’re going to do about it?

Don’t wait for anybody. Don’t wait for anything. They’re waiting for you. When there’s a problem or there’s a need, you’re like, God, why won’t you do something about this? God’s like, What do you think I put you there for? You are an extension of me. You are me individualized. I can’t do anything for you that you won’t let me do though and as you. God responds to you by corresponding to its nature in you, because there is no God apart from you. You’re it. You’re the point where God gets to be God. If you’re not letting it out of you in that point and in that area, God can’t be God as you. It can’t become an experience. The key about this, with the seven gifts, is—I won’t go to the whole process here. If you haven’t done the Awakened Wealth work, I highly encourage you, because it’s a master, a program in understanding the real nature of abundance, what it is, where it is and how to generate it regardless of conditions. The key is that one of the things I want to say, because I know a lot of you already feel a little bit burnt out or overwhelmed, and you might be feeling like, Oh, God, he’s telling me I’ve got to give more. I’m tired. Remember that giving, unconditional giving, includes you, meaning don’t forget to give to yourself.

Remember the Law of Circulation is such that you cannot give what you don’t have. You have to activate it within yourself. You have to fill yourself up. You cannot keep what you don’t give. You have to circulate it. Finally, you cannot sustain what you don’t receive. You have to receive it. You have to let life love you and support you and really acknowledge and notice where it’s happening in your life so you can really become cognizant of all the ways you’re being blessed, and loved, and supported, because you are, but you’re not receiving it consciously. You’re either denying it or deflecting it or you’re just not noticing it. This is one of the deeper meanings of that count your blessings. There’s a reason you want to count them, because the more you acknowledge where you’re being blessed, what you appreciate appreciates, that consciousness expands, and you start to really feel just how blessed you are. Right outside my window, a couple beautiful hummingbirds just showed up. You have to make sure to include yourself in the giving strategy.

What this also looks like is where in your life right now, in a relationship or situation, are you looking to somebody to give something to you? If that’s happening in that area, you are literally blocking that quality from being expressed in your life. Let’s say it’s respect or love. You must begin by giving it to yourself and asking a question like If I was to fully respect myself or fully love myself, how would I show up in this relationship, at this place of business or whatever it may be, in my family, with my children, with my mate? Begin to fill yourself up. What you might hear things like Well, I would have this conversation with them. I would ask them for my needs. I would take 100% responsibility to get my needs met”.

That’s the other thing. This is sort of a sidebar, but it’s an important piece. In relationship, we think relationships are 50-50. Well, I asked him for something, and he didn’t give it to me. I told him I wanted to talk but he didn’t have time. We leave it at that, and we feel resentful or sad or rejected. That’s not taking responsibility. Relationship isn’t 50-50. It’s a 100-100. It’s 200% proposition. You’ve got to take 100% responsibility for the result you want. You say, Hey, honey. Can we have some time to talk? I want to talk about some things, and I really need more time with you. I really love more time with you,and he’s like, I’m just so busy and blah, blah, blah. Instead of getting rejected – you might feel that rejection – but, you go, Okay, I understand. When could you talk?Well, I’m just so busy right now.We have to talk. It’s really important to me.I can’t talk about it right now.Okay, well, when can you talk about it?I don’t know. I’m going to have this and have that. You’re like, I really understand. Is there anything I can do to help you and support you so that we can have some time to talk? In other words, you continue to negotiate. You continue to move towards the result you want. You don’t just let it go because they’re resistant. Now, it doesn’t mean you’re forcing and demanding. Nothing in what I just said is that, but it means you take 100% responsibility. What you’re really doing then is you’re owning that this result is true for you and real for you. If still you’re not getting whatever that is that you need and not being able to express it, then that really shows you something about that relationship that needs to be addressed. You might after then begin to express it with more and more dramatic terms.

If you are truly in integrity and asking for what you want and moving in that direction and giving yourself that sense of self-love and respect, enough to be willing to stand for what is important to you, because that’s what self-love and respect will ultimately bring you to. It will bring you to a place where you stand for what matters no matter what. They might be totally railing against you. They might be saying, You want too much or too needy. You know inside all you’re doing is standing for what’s right and what’s true, even if that means this relationship or this job eventually changes form. At the same time, you’re continuing to ask: If I loved myself or if I respected myself or valued or appreciated myself, how would I show up? How would I treat myself? What would I do? What would I stop doing? So, you’re continuing to fill yourself up. You’re continuing to do and be in a way that nourishes you, that gives you those qualities.

Then, you move to the second piece which is, now that you have something real to give, you look at that quality that you were waiting to get from that person or even trying to get, and you start giving it to them. You notice, where am I not really respecting or loving them? Where am I so caught up in trying to get my need that I become blind to their needs? Now, you can extend the giving and start circulating it by giving it to them unconditionally. Remember, it’s unconditionally. You’re not giving to them to get anything, because the minute you start giving to get, you’ve fallen off the loop. This isn’t a quid pro quo Universe. It’s unconditional. The sun doesn’t give you its light in order to get something from you. God, the Divine intelligence, isn’t giving of itself in order to get something from you. There is no such relationship. You are the way it is giving of itself. It’s unconditional, because it is a state of fulfillment. It doesn’t have anything to get back. You are a state of infinite fulfillment, so there’s nothing to get from anyone or anything. The minute you start to do that, you have to stop and remember No, I got it all. I don’t need anything from anyone.”

At the same time, I notice I sound like there’s a dichotomy here, and it appears that way when you’re dealing with words and the world of duality. At the same time, when you are asking for what you want from someone, more time or whatever the case may be, a promotion, whatever, you might say, Well, Derek, you just said I don’t need anything. Why would I be asking for that? When you are in this proper framework, you understand internally that, again, you are not this body, that you are not in a relationship, all of these relationships are in you. These are all dimensions of you. In this world, there is what we call interaction, an exchange and channels and all of that. One of the ways it manifests is by asking and receiving from each other. If you’re in a consciousness of knowing you have it all, that they’re not your Source, they are merely a channel, then when you ask for what you want, you’re not trying to get anything from them. You are opening yourself up and saying, I’m willing to receive from whatever channel. I’m asking this channel right now, but I’m opening up and saying I’m available. You are giving to yourself that love, that respect by asking. Do you see?

From that state, the asking is a form of giving to yourself. In many cases, you are actually giving to them, because by letting them have the opportunity to be a channel of your good, they get to grow, they get to expand. When they become a bigger channel by giving to you, they now are a bigger channel to allow more life to flow through them. Be careful. I don’t want you to get caught in the weeds of what is really semantics, but I understand how it can be confusing sometimes. It sounds like I’m telling you to go ask for stuff, but it’s not really that. Asking becomes the way by which you give to yourself, you give to them. You turn a transactional relationship into a transformational one, because you know you’re the Source. If they say no, if you truly follow through and own the result and they still can’t or won’t give it to you, that’s fine, because they were never the Source. They’re just one channel. So, you give it to yourself, and you open up another channel or reveal itself. Those channels that aren’t willing or able to be the channel of your good, they’ll either change, or they’ll move out of your life, or another channel will come in and that can take care of it.

The key here, as you’re giving, you’re first giving to yourself, then you’re giving whatever the missing quality is to the other individual or to the condition. Like my example of being a waiter, how I stopped waiting and started serving. I began to give, first to myself to fill myself up with these qualities that I will be living if I was living my destiny. Then, I began giving and bringing those qualities to my place of business, to the waiter’s job, to the other waiters, to the customers. I began to serve with a level of excellence and creativity and passion and love as if I was living my destiny. That channel of that restaurant wasn’t able to contain that, and it kept taking me out, fired me three times. It couldn’t handle it. Eventually, a larger channel revealed itself and was able to flow my good into my life. That’s how it works. You give to yourself. You fill yourself up. You give to others, and it’s unconditional. You’re not seeking anything in return. Just breathe that in for a moment, because that can be a sticky point for some people.

Now, just as a caveat, this does not mean that if you’ve entered into an agreement with somebody, and they certainly agreed upon duties, tasks, activities, you’ve hired somebody to do something or somebody has hired you to do something, whatever the case maybe, and you paid them to give you some service or whatever, or you’re married and there are certain consensual agreements about what piece that you handle, that doesn’t mean that you don’t hold each other accountable. That doesn’t mean you’ll go, Derek said I should not ask for anything in return, so here I am, I’m going to give you all my time and energy. If you don’t pay me, fine. That’s not what I’m saying, although I am saying that in thesenseof for whatever the reason they breached the contract, you can still rest assured knowing that you lose nothing, because they are at best a channel, but never your Source. Whatever you’re giving unconditionally, it will always come back to you pressed down and overflowing. Whatever bread you cast upon water, circles back around you. You might give a whole lot to somebody. They may totally not receive it or breach an agreement or just give you nothing back, that’s fine. If you held them accountable and they still don’t, you rest assured knowing that because that channel is not willing or able, another channel will show up.

When you’re giving, you’re not giving and looking to that source or that place to get it back. You’re giving because that’s your nature, because you have it all. You’re giving and circulating because that’s the way you get to allow more life to come into your experience. The channel that it comes back towards you in or from is not really your business. You want to be careful, because you don’t want to limit the channel. You don’t want to limit the idea that your wealth and abundance can only come from your job, or if you’re married and you don’t work, they can only come from your spouse. Whatever the case may be, you don’t want to limit at all. If you’re in a particular country where there’s a particular economic situation, no, you don’t want to limit to that. You never look to any one particular place as your channel. You know that there are infinite organizing possibilities, infinite channels. You just want to put the Universe in your debt, because you can never out give God. You just want to be such a massive giver, such a massive generator of light force. Just feel that. I’m just feeling it right now.

I want to tell you this, too. You heard me talked about it recently, about a couple of experiences in the last several months where I had such an impulse to give that I actually, my ego got worried I was going to give everything. Then, it happened again. The second time, I realized,This is how life feels all the time. Life itself is an exhaustible giver, an inexhaustible giving-ness. That’s its nature. I got, That’s what life is. That’s when I begin to have this prayer move through me that I want to be an unconditional, all conditional giver. I want to be a transparency, an instrument of the unconditional, all conditional life and love of God. I want to be that place where the Universe has no blockage, that it can pour its life and its love, and its generosity, and its service through and as me unconditionally. If I can as the Scripture says, Be ye perfect even as your father in Heaven is perfect.It’s talking about coming into the realization alignment that you are that thing itself, to begin to live and give the way God does, because God is at the center of your being. When it says, He shines his light on the just and the unjust, pours his rains on the saint and the sinner, God is no respecter of person,it’s speaking a principle to us, that we are meant to give, and to love, and to shine, and to pour on saint, on the sinner, on the just, on the unjust. We are praying to no longer even have the capacity to withhold if we wanted to.

That’s the prayer I want to engage you in. My prayer is that I am such a pure, open channel of the unconditional, all conditional life and love and giving-ness of God that I couldn’t withhold the good of God if I wanted to, that life floods though me and flows through me and blesses everyone and everything on every level, including and especially me, no matter what, like the sun. The sun doesn’t go, Well, I’ll shine my light over here, because you’re good, you’ve been praying, and I won’t shine it over here. No, that’s not the way the Universe works. Now, you can always put on your shades and put on sunscreen and block out the sun, but the sun will keep shining. You can curse the sun, I hate the sun. I hate all this. The sun will keep shining on you.

The same thing is true of life. You can hate life. You can deny life. You can reject life. You can judge and attack and condemn life, but life will keep serving and blessing, and loving, and shining, and pouring. It doesn’t have a choice. That’s its nature. It’s just waiting for you to open up and receive it, to throw open the blinds and the curtains, and remove all the protection and stand naked in the light of pure love and giving-ness that is always, always, always blessing you then, to intend to become that same blessing to everyone and everything in your life that you may be able to really say, When you see me, you see the God that sent me. I let my life so shine that all may see the great works and be liberated as well.  That happens whether you’re saying anything or doing anything. It just becomes a field you represent –unconditional giving.

As you open that up, your channel becomes bigger and becomes stronger. It becomes able to carry more velocity, more power, more energy, and you’re able to pour and shine and circulate more and more and more. It begins to look like what the world calls you’re having more and more and more. What’s really just happened is you’ve allowed more and more to express through you. It will look like all kinds of things are coming to you, but what’s really happened is you’ve let more and more of life come through you to the path of unconditional giving. You just learned to love every part of you. Remember the saint, the sinner and the just and the unjust are not out there, they’re really in you. You begin to bless and love, and serve, and support all of you unconditionally as well, as you also begin to extend that for others.

Just take a breath right now. Remember, this includes especially the word forgiveness. Just look at the word for-giving, not for-taking, not for withholding –for-giving. Wherever you’re unforgiving, you are withholding. You are saying, In this spot, I will not allow love or peace or generosity or whatever it may be. Then, you think you have a good reason – they did me wrong, they cheated me, they lied, cheated, stole, betrayed, rejected. There are no justified resentments. On a spiritual path, there is no justified resentment. Here’s why. It’s not personal. It’s principle. Wherever you are holding a judgment, or a resentment, or an unforgiveness towards someone, no matter what they’ve done, you are saying, In this area, in this channel, I will not let life flow through me. You think you’re hurting them or somehow blocking their good in doing them, getting your revenge or somehow it would be a betrayal of you to forgive them, etc., etc., but understand, remember, life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. So, wherever you’re withholding love and truth, and the full-on loving and giving-ness towards someone, in that capacity and to that extent, you are blocking that from coming out of you, and to that extent that you’re blocking more life and love from coming out of you. No matter what the mind says is the reason, to that extent, you are preventing that level of love and good to show up in your life. Like the old saying, Not forgiving someone and thinking you’re going to hurt them is like you drinking poison and thinking that’s going to do something to them. Wherever you’re withholding your love, your appreciation, your complementariness, whatever your withholding anything, wherever you’re not full on loving and blessing someone, you are blocking your good. In a very real way, that’s nothing to do with them. You’re blocking life from coming out of you.

If you could imagine you’ve got all these openings for all of life, and you also want all of the centers of your being to be wide open and just radiating like the sun. Every little judgment, regret, resentment, unforgiveness, it’s like putting a cork in that hole, putting a cork in that channel. If you could imagine this radiant being with all these little openings where all the beams of light shine out until it creates its glorious sun of your being, and every little one of those is putting like a stopper on those. So you’re going to see like there goes one beam, there goes another beam, there goes another beam, until eventually there’s a whole big dark spot over here, and then eventually there’s a big dark gap over here. Pretty soon, the light is just fragmented, is shrunken. That is what you’re doing when you hold onto a resentment or regret, a judgment, an unforgiveness. There are no justified resentments, not if you want to be free, not if you want to be healed and whole and abundant and fulfill your purpose. If you just want to be right but be in Hell, then go ahead and hold onto your judgment, to your resentment, to your unforgiveness. I literally mean anyone. I don’t care if they’re a murderer, a rapist, a terrorist, a politician. No matter who, it doesn’t matter. Your job is to love your enemies, which are really in your own household. Your job is to be the light and the love.

Now, again, another caveat. This doesn’t mean, loving and forgiving and giving, doesn’t mean you necessarily are in conversation or in a relationship with them in terms of a form where you’re talking. You’re always in relationship, but as the old story goes, the woman that’s doing all this growth and healing and she’s expanding, and her husband just won’t do it. She keeps inviting him, and he keeps rejecting it, judging her. She keeps doing the work, and loving herself, and loving him and inviting him, and eventually she’s really becoming empowered. He gets a little nervous. He said, What? If I don’t grow, you’re not going to love me anymore? She said, Of course not, honey, I’ll always love you. I’ll miss you, but I’ll love you.She’s not going to hang around and be in an unloving environment that’s not in integrity with who she’s become, and neither should any of us. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t stay in and do the work. As much as possible, you want to do the work so that you are not reacting, but whether it’s a job or a relationship or whatever the case may be, they may very well come a point where you are loving, you are free, when you think about them, all you feel is love, gratitude, appreciation, and this environment or relationship is no longer in integrity. It doesn’t mean that you’re better than necessary. It just means to continue to love and honor, and value myself, to continue to live in integrity with my vision and my truth, I have to move on. I love you. I’ll miss you. Sometimes, that’s when the real growth and change happens for the other party, but not necessarily.

This is sort of the spectrum of what living the unconditional giving, a life of unconditional giving, looks like. Then you start to discover that you’re no longer afraid of circumstances or people doing or not doing, because you really start to realize they’re not your Source, they never were. They’re not your source of companionship, or love, or wealth, or support, or power, or recognition, or reward, or respect, or validation. They’re not, and they never were. You and you alone are your own salvation. In fact, even I here, I’m not your source of truth and teaching, and empowerment. At best, I’m a channel of your own inner teacher. If you’re not willing to receive, and you’re not giving in some level to yourself, you may not even be able to receive what I’m giving to you. That’s the other thing that can happen. You can be in a relationship or situation where you’re being blessed, but you can’t even see it or receive it because of your own blind spot, your own blockages. That’s why we have to really give to ourselves first, so we can start to really be aware, and then start to notice the blessings and receive them. The path of unconditional giving is the master path. It puts you in a right relationship to the Universe, a right relationship to your emerging soul. It allows you to be a being that frees others in the same way, because in relationship, then you start to realize to not be codependent anymore and to not let people make you their source either. You can begin to gently give them back to themselves. This is the path of unconditional giving, and I invite you onto this path. I know you’re ready.

I  just invite you to look at one area of your life right now where you are struggling, where you are perhaps looking to someone or something as your Source. Just notice what is the quality or thing I am trying to get from them or waiting or hoping or wanting? We want to trade in our wishbone for a backbone here. We want to take a stand for whatever the quality is that appears to be missing. Take that one quality, and, even now, just ask yourself. If I was to give this to myself, let’s say the quality was love or respect. If I was to totally love and respect myself, what would that look like in this relationship or situation? If I was to give ____ to myself, for myself, with myself, how would I show up in this relationship or situation? What would I do? What would I stop doing? What would I do differently? How would I hold myself? Just see what bubbles up. Just make note of that, and this is going to become your contemplation. Over the next seven days, you’re going to work with this quality in this area and begin to take back your power here. Remember, whenever you make anybody or anything outside of you your source, the Universe is set up to fail you, so you can take your power back, so you can be your real self and give you real gifts. As long as you make something or someone outside of you your source of safety, security, support, or supply, you have to start controlling, cajoling, manipulating, shrinking, twisting yourself into all manner of things to get what you think you don’t have or to hold on what you afraid they’ll take, and you’re not present or available to really flow the life and the gifts that you’re here to give.

From a universal perspective, as that shrinks and shrinks and shrinks until you’re no longer able to give your gifts, you no longer have a value here. That’s the real esoteric meaning of Jesus cursing the fig tree because it wasn’t bearing any fruit. If a branch does not bear fruit, it is cut off. It is pruned. If we are giving that power away by looking to something outside of us as our Source, we are shrinking our channel until we’re not able to give the fruits that we were created for. Look at this one area and notice where you’re looking to someone or something else. Notice what the quality is that you’re going to take responsibility for. You’re going to take responsibility for giving it to yourself and activating it within yourself. Then, you can look at. Notice that quality and ask, where am I withholding that very same quality from them? For example, if it’s your partner and you’re waiting for love or respect, ask where am I withholding love and respect from them? Start to notice where you’re judging them, because you’re so caught up in your own needs, you’re not really hearing them and seeing them, because all you can see is what’s missing for you. Just notice that without judgment. Ask if I was to give that quality, what would that look like? If I was to love or respect or whatever the quality is to them, what would that look like?

The other final piece here is you can look at: Where is this quality showing up in my life that I feel is missing? So, love or respect. First of all, look at that specific relationship or situation and go, where in this relationship is this quality already being given me, even though I may have not seen it? Start to really look, because you’ll start to see that they may very well be giving you that quality in the way they know how, or there may be some very obvious places where they are, and you want to start to notice that. It’s all about having a consciousness of having. You start notice, Oh, look at right there. They did love me or respect me. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted it to look like, but they were trying to love and respect me there. Over here, when they do that thing, they’re trying to love me. That’s the way love is happening through them. Oh, yeah, and over here, too. They’re paying all the bills. They’re paying this bill. They’re loving me. They’re supporting me. They’re respecting… wow, it really is there. They may not be there in the way you want it, or completely there, but you start to notice it’s there. That starts to activate it and fill you up. You even can expand it and go, Where else in my life is this quality actually already showing up for me, coming to me? You’re like, Oh, my friend over here. This person over there. Then, you’ll even expand beyond people, and you’ll go, Well, the way the sun is just there for me, or the way the earth just supports me, or the way there’s indoor plumbing and central heating…͟You start to notice all these ways that love and respect, and support, and whatever is actually very much present in your life. This is the third part of the circulation principle, the receiving.

The blessings are all around us, are we seeing them? Are we receiving them? First, we’re filling ourselves up. How would I show up? How would I give to myself if I was loving and respecting myself? That’s having, because you can’t give what you don’t have. Then, we can begin to extend that and go, Where can I begin to give it? What would I look like to give it to this person or this situation? Finally, Where is it already appearing or happening in this situation and beyond that I can start to breathe and receive and count my blessings? This is your initiation into the path of unconditional giving. Take another deep breath as we just let this drop in and anchor in and you commit to this path. More than anything, I want to be a transparency and instrument of the unconditional giving of God, the unconditional giving of love, of life. As it drops down into this field of grace, just throw ourselves wide open like never before. To this power and this presence and this love that is always giving off itself everywhere, no withholding in it whatsoever.

Life is shining and giving and pouring. The fields are white unto the harvest. The cattle on a thousand hills is yours. The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof, and all that the Father has is thine. This is the principle. There is abundance everywhere. There is love, peace, joy, beauty everywhere and it’s unconditionally giving of itself through you and through you and as you now… now. Its only condition is that you receive it, that you become available to it, that you allow it, that you see it. You don’t have to earn it. You don’t have to achieve it. You don’t have to worthy of it. It’s grace, amazing grace, the giving-ness and given-ness of God – always pouring, always flowing, always available. We’re already living and moving and having our being in heaven, in harmony, in exhaustible good. We never left, we never fell. We’re already home. We’re already whole. We’re already complete. Our only prayer is, Oh, let me see it the way it really is. Let me be it the way it really is. Let me be an instrument and a transparency, so that all of life can flow through me and as me and to me and all around me, that my life may so glorify the one and only life that everybody that comes into my space is uplifted and healed, and blessed, that the multitudes are fed, that the blind see, that that sick are healed, that the crippled walk, that my life becomes the grace of God, the blessing of the Universe forever pouring forth.”

This is our true purpose. This is the law that is being activated now. We are the light of the world. Whatever needs to be released or embraced, thought, spoken, or done to allow this to be so, to allow our light to be up in its wattage, to move from being a 10-watt or 50-watt to a thousand watts, to move from being a dimwit to a powerful wattage. We’re willing. We’re ready. We’re able. Use us. Send us. Thy will be done. This is the prayer of our heart. Use me, life. Use me. I’m ready to be expanded and stretched that more of life and love, and truth, and power, and wisdom can pour through me than ever before. I’m ready to go from being merely a garden hose to a fire hose. I’m willing to be as open and available than I have ever imagined. I know now that in this collective agreement, something wonderful is taking place. Our yes factor is high. Our life is not a question mark; it’s an exclamation point. We’re saying yes, yes, yes. I’m ready. I’m willing. I’m able to be a bigger channel of Divine giving than ever before. It’s happening now and so it is. Amen. Just breathe, receive.




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