(Bonus Episode) Why You Must Worship the Ground You Walk On

(Bonus Episode) Why You Must Worship the Ground You Walk On

“Who do you think you are, God’s gift to the world?”

Heck yeah!

You are literally the gift of God to the world, just like me.

Now you might be thinking, “What is this crazy person talking about? Has he looked around at human nature lately?”

Don’t worry. I’m not blind to the facts of experience.

Yes, there are a lot of crazy people. Frankly, we’re all pretty crazy …humanly speaking.

But that’s not who you and I really are. And that’s not what we’re worshiping.

You are the Buddha, the Christ, the light of the world.

In fact, the very word “human” comes from the Sanskrit for “man” and means the “dispenser of Divine gifts.”

So the very ground you walk on is holy and sacred and hallowed. Because you walk on it.

Therefore you must worship the ground you walk on.

The alternative is false modesty, false humility, or worse: self-loathing.

It’s not arrogant or egotistical to worship yourself. It’s arrogant and egotistical to beat yourself up, to think of yourself as less than gorgeous and beautiful and powerful and wonderful.

That’s arrogant. That’s pure ego.

Listen to “Why You Must Worship the Ground You Walk On” now to rediscover the love, joy, peace, beauty, abundance, wisdom, genius, and magnificence that’s shining within you.

(Bonus Episode) The End of Tomorrow

(Bonus Episode) The End of Tomorrow

The End of Tomorrow: How to Stop Anticipating Your Future Good & Start Participating in it NOW!

There is no such thing as a future. The past is a memory, the future is a fantasy. Even the present is in your imagination. The ‘now’ moment, is the only thing that’s real.

The essence of the Law of Emergence is that everything is now. Everything that will be done, is already done. Everything you could be, you already are.

All the joy and the happiness and fulfillment you will ever experience as the result of what you want is already here.

Check in with yourself. Any time you are anticipating, ask yourself, if I already had this, how would I behave or react differently? Let this define your actions to bring the desired outcome forward rather than acting from a place of ‘want’.

Listen to this episode now so you can start participating in your future good NOW.

Stay inspired!

(BONUS EPISODE) The Difference Between Dreamers and Achievers

(BONUS EPISODE) The Difference Between Dreamers and Achievers

In this journey of truly living a radically alive and totally fulfilled life where we don’t live life on accident, but we live life on purpose, with a purpose, and allow that true and complete potential of our life to emerge.

You can do this.

You were designed to do this, and as I’ve worked with people all around the world from Academy Award winners and Emmy winners to Fortune 500 executives to artists and authors and teachers and coaches and speakers and healers, from most walks of life this principle has proven itself out. The Law of Emergence which states that when the conditions match the pattern within the seed the potential naturally emerges.

The good news is that unlike seeds in nature, which are indigenous and are dependent on their external environment, you are endogenous, which means you bring your environment with you wherever you go.

So no matter where you’ve been planted, what side of the tracks, no matter how much sun is out or how many clouds are blocking the light, you have the power through self-effulgence to turn on the light, to fertilize and cultivate the soil of your soul and create the right and ripe conditions for that destiny of greatness, that seed of infinite potential to emerge in your business, in your family, in every area of your life.

Listen to this episode to find out these clues and to support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW. And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay Inspired!

(BONUS EPISODE) Create Your Compelling Vision Now

(BONUS EPISODE) Create Your Compelling Vision Now

Create your compelling vision not just for life but for the coming 12 months wherever that falls for you right now.

There is a Chinese saying when is the best time to plant a tree? 30 years ago – And when is the next best time? Now!

Wherever you are in your journey it doesn’t matter what ever time of the year it is doesn’t matter. The date is arbitrary the right time to create your compelling vision for next 12 months 12 days 12 hours is always NOW. It’s always the right time to tap back in.

There is always something seeking to emerge, there is always a larger version of you seeking to emerge, more life more light, peace, love, joy, beauty abundance, harmony.

All that makes life wonderful and good is infinite and exhaustible and uniquely patterned as you. And it’s always unfolding, always knocking at the door of your consciousness saying ‘Let Me Out’.

The more and more we are willing to live on that emerging edge of newness the more we will find our life continually renewed and restored. In fact the only place that real security exists is on that emerging edge, the emerging impulse, that evolutionary impulse.

If you’re ready and willing to live on the emerging edge listen to episode 120 of the emergence podcast and support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW.

Stay Inspired!

(Bonus Episode) The Myth of Believing, The Secret of Achieving

(Bonus Episode) The Myth of Believing, The Secret of Achieving

The Myth of Believing and the Secret to Achieving. This is somewhat provocative and maybe even a little shocking for some of you. Particularly if you are immersed in the self-help, in spiritual agility, and the whole field of changing our thoughts and our beliefs in order to create the life of our dreams.

You see, while there is truth-the power of your thoughts. The importance of mindset. These are all very, very important elements. But in fact, it’s become in a way a disease where the idea that we have to feel it, to do it, to believe it. We have to believe it to achieve it. We have to feel confident to do it. It has created in many individuals this waiting period.

We are not going for our life. We are not living our life. We are not doing the thing we most want to do in creating and being because we are waiting.

We are waiting to believe it.

We are waiting to feel it.

We are waiting to have the confidence.

We are waiting for it not be scary and we checking in, with our beliefs. I’m I there yet?

We are contemplating our navel instead of getting out there where the action is and going forward. This is really becomes a problem that I see more and more. Where individuals are waiting.

Remember from the Emergence model. Whatever you are waiting for you are waiting with. Whatever is missing is what you are not giving. Where you are not generating your divine power plan.

A power plan doesn’t receive energy it generates it. You are waiting for amuse to knock. You are waiting for inspirations. As if it’s going to come knock at your door, but instead of understanding it’s the inspiration is in you.

YOU have to act like an inspired person and you will activate inspiration.

YOU have to act like a confident person and you activate confidence because it’s ALL IN YOU.

YOU see the truth is it’s already done. It’s already happening.

What you need to do is to become in alignment with that which already is happening.

Listen now to episode 121 ‘The Myth of Believing, The Secret of Achieving’ of the Emergence Podcast. to Find out these clues and to support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW. And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay Inspired!

(BONUS EPISODE) Ask Derek: Is It Ego or Guidance Talking

(BONUS EPISODE) Ask Derek: Is It Ego or Guidance Talking

Welcome to another episode of Ask Derek. Where we do shorter trainings based on the most popular questions that you have asked over the weeks, months, years, in our groups, in our forms, and in our classes, as a way to get a quicker hit than some of our longer trainings. To really create a library of very clear answers to the most important and often the most debilitating issues that block us from really living our full potential. Activating our full emergence.

Today’s question is such a common one. Is it ego or guidance talking? Or is it my ego or my spirit talking?

This question often comes from an unconscious shadow, brought about by an early experience where someone has taught themselves to doubt their own judgement.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and  start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Shadow Process


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