(BONUS EPISODE) The Power of No

(BONUS EPISODE) The Power of No

I’m excited to talk about this particular topic today – the Power of No.

We’ve talked a lot about the power of yes – saying yes to your yes, which is critical to learn how to get in touch with, and say yes to what matters to you most.

What’s maybe not talked about as often, but is really as important, is getting clear on your no’s.

Our no actually allow us to set healthy boundaries. The lack of having a clear no blocks our ability to ultimately allow life to organically, spontaneously unfold through us.

Where are you using your energy saying yes to too many people, places, things, and where you can begin to say no, so that you can say yes to those things that are going to move the dial in terms of your big vision, and that really matter most to you?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(BONUS EPISODE) Getting to Your Yes

(BONUS EPISODE) Getting to Your Yes

Today we’re talking about one of my favorite, favorite topics lately, that I have had so many insights and distinctions around, and that is ‘Getting to your yes – the only thing you need to succeed.’

The more I think about this, there are really only two things you ever need to do in order to move your life forward. That is to get clear on your yes and to say yes to your yes. That’s it.

It’s the only activity that there is, and it’s infinite.

Your yes shows up as a sincere burning desire, that thing trying to emerge as you. It is the evolutionary edge of your own being. It is the next version of your greatest vision, knocking at the door of your consciousness trying to get out.

The question is, will you say yes to your life, so that yes is the emerging impulse?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(Bonus Episode) Why Your Soul Doesn’t Care if You Succeed

(Bonus Episode) Why Your Soul Doesn’t Care if You Succeed

In this topic we’re talking about ‘Why Your Soul Doesn’t Care if You Succeed. (And will it even sabotage your success?)’

You know I like to be a little controversial or a little provocative and say things that sound contradictory, but it’s really not.

What’s important to understand is that at a soul level your true nature isn’t material, it isn’t physical. Your true nature is spiritual, your true nature is consciousness, your true nature is qualitative, not quantitative. So what your soul really cares about isn’t quantities or material or physical manifestation.

From the soul standpoint, in terms of the soul path and the soul purpose, you didn’t come to earth to get a bunch a stuff, to acquire a bunch of money and houses and stocks and bonds and even relationships and anything in the world that appears. From the soul level it did not come to get any of that primarily because you can’t take any of that with you, right?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek: What If I Hate Sales and Marketing?

(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek: What If I Hate Sales and Marketing?

Welcome to another episode of ask Derek, as we explore this very important question: What if I hate sales and marketing?

This is such a common question that is asked or posed in various ways, by individuals who have a lot of resistance and objections, when it comes to putting their work and gifts out there. This is partly because of the structures around power/money that we learned growing up.

For instance, we could have been made to think that things connected to money often resulted in some kind of pain, shame or guilt.

So for many of you, you have a burning desire to share your gifts in the world: your book, your teachings, coaching, healing, or consulting, but you’re finding taking the actual steps to market, or close the deal, very difficult.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(Bonus Episode)The Commitment Code: How to Use Your Word to Make Quantum Leaps (And Why Your Wrong Use of It Is Sabotaging Your Life)

(Bonus Episode)The Commitment Code: How to Use Your Word to Make Quantum Leaps (And Why Your Wrong Use of It Is Sabotaging Your Life)

It’s an honor and a pleasure to bring you today’s topic, The Commitment Code: How to Use Your Word to Make Quantum Leaps, and Why Your Wrong Use of them is Sabotaging Your Life.

This is such an important topic, and there are several areas I want to touch upon with this, but the essential principle is this – Making and keeping your word is one of the most powerful and fundamental ways you build self-worth, self-confidence, and ultimately, integrity.

When you make or give your word, and keep it, you send a message which says “I can trust myself”, “I believe in myself”, “I am competent”… All of which breeds confidence, so you begin taking more chances, putting yourself out there more, and making bigger commitments to yourself.

[bctt tweet=”Commitment is the foundation of building character.” username=”derekrydall”]

There is a mechanism to which this upward spiral of the confidence-competence loop is created, and giving and keeping your word is that mechanism. Making and keeping commitment is that mechanism.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Behold, Be Held, Be Whole – How to Activate True Healing and Abundance
Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: The Choice is Yours
No Cause, No Solution, No Problem

To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!

(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek: How Do I Find My Purpose?

(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek: How Do I Find My Purpose?

We’re diving into another really important, and frequently asked question, “How do I find my purpose?”

This questions is also phrased as, “What if I don’t know my purpose?” or “How do I know this is my purpose?”

The first thing to understand is one of the reasons why we have a hard time finding an answering to this question, is that, first of all, we think that our purpose has to be some big grand thing, and so we are often missing the tree for the forest.
Other times we think our purpose means our job, but it’s important to understand your job is one very important aspect of your purpose.

Everybody has the same ultimate purpose, which is to awaken to their true identity, to come into self-actualization, and give their unique gift.

While all of our purpose is the same, our mission is a refined or more niched aspect of that, having at its root, some dimension of self-actualization and delivering your unique gift in your own way.

It’s time to get clear on who you are, why you are alive, get clear on your vision and mission and start living it out fully – then all of that energy will move through the branches of your life and begin to create new blossoms, new fruit, and a harvest of good, heretofore un-imagined.  Are you willing?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!


Stay inspired!

Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Behold, Be Held, Be Whole – How to Activate True Healing and Abundance
Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: The Choice is Yours
No Cause, No Solution, No Problem

To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!


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