Why You Can’t Save the World …and Why You Shouldn’t

Why You Can’t Save the World …and Why You Shouldn’t

Aren’t we here to save the world, or at least make it a better place?

Actually, the answer is “no.”

The “world” that each of us perceives is really a collection of beliefs or agreements about what’s possible and what’s right. It’s a set of values, norms, and mores that vary from country to country, culture to culture, and even from person to person.

Trying to save or improve a set of beliefs is like trying to save a dream or hold on to an idea.

As we know from the Emergence principle, however, there’s always a bigger idea or pattern emerging, like when a seed is unfolding and emerging into a plant and ultimately into the grand idea, the grand pattern of a mighty tree.

You are not here to save the seed, to protect it from cracking open and falling apart.

You are here to serve the emerging paradigm, the new vision, the larger idea of yourself – and the world – that is currently emerging through you.

And, when you move away from being a problem-solver, and become a vision holder instead, you tap into this infinite pattern of wholeness and perfection that’s always there, but that you have not seen because you’ve been struggling to solve what appears to be “wrong” with the world, with your life, or with some aspect of your life, such as your work, your relationship, or your health.

You’re not here to just be a better acorn, just to be a better nut. You are here to sprout and, ultimately, to let the mighty oak of your being emerge.

Listen to “Why You Can’t Save the World …And Why You Shouldn’t” now to set down your problems and watch your grandest vision begin to emerge!

If I Really Was God, What Then?

If I Really Was God, What Then?

We ask, “Hey God, where are you? We need help down here!”

And God’s like, “What do you think I sent YOU for?” You ARE the help!”

Many of us spiritually-minded folks are waiting for some power to touch us on the top of the head, for something to happen to us – enlightenment, Grace, whatever – before we can really show up and be who we really are.

We’re kind of waiting for God to show up.

This constant and incessant drive to get what seems missing or get rid of what seems to be a problem comes from a mortal sense of self apart from God.

But you can’t add anything to God. Any prayer or affirmation to get or add to yourself is pointless.

Today’s episode shows you how to ask a completely different question in order to give what appears missing, to radiate the love that heretofore we were seeking, and to pour that imprisoned splendor into the world.

The best part? Compared to the frantic action we’re used to using to try and get what we want, the real work of being happy looks a lot like just resting.

Listen now to find out how to get back into a state of knowing and remembering the love, abundance, joy, and peace that you desire for yourself.

Stepping Back to Spring Forward: the Process of Renewal

Stepping Back to Spring Forward: the Process of Renewal

Why is it that even when we have a compulsive need to move forward it can be almost impossible to follow through? Why do we find ourselves surfing the internet, watching TV, procrastinating instead of pursuing our dreams? Why do we keep recreating the same problems and sabotaging ourselves?

It’s because these activities let us feel that we are in control when we really aren’t.
You don’t have free will until you have an expanded awareness: until you see all the patterns that are taking your daily energy and leaving you with barely enough to survive, or even putting you into energetic debt as you hold on to unresolved problems, incomplete relationships, or old grudges.

When our energy is going toward these patterns, we’re walking asleep, dreaming that we’re awake. Dreaming that we’re making choices when really these patterns are running the show.

So we have to be willing to step back in order to spring forward. Today’s episode shows you how to do that and free up all your energy, right now.

The 3 Steps to Unlocking Your Deepest Purpose

The 3 Steps to Unlocking Your Deepest Purpose

Like an acorn is a perfect acorn that becomes a perfect oak tree, there is not a part of you from beginning to end that isn’t exactly what you should be. And so, the harder we try to change, the deeper in the hole we get because the basic principle of life – the Law of Emergence – is disrupted, stopping us from knowing that our inherent perfection. We find a new partner but have the same old fights. We strive for an ever-bigger paycheck but end up broke at a higher income bracket. Today’s episode shares three steps to uncovering the one simple, radical truth: the answer is already in you.


Living a Legendary Life: Launch Your Quest, Take Your Stand, and Leave Your Mark

Living a Legendary Life: Launch Your Quest, Take Your Stand, and Leave Your Mark

If you strive for safety and self-preservation, you’re guaranteed to die without really living. If you live for a vision bigger than yourself, you’ll live forever. The reason we remember great people is not because they maintained the status quo, but because they elevated life to a new level and took us with them. It’s not just the great things they did that move us, but the great lives they lived and the divine potential they activated in human consciousness.

This is what it means to live a Legendary Life. It’s not about merely solving problems, but about living a grand adventure filled with grand questions (it’s no accident the first part of that word is ‘Quest.’) A legendary life isn’t about getting a bigger box – whether it’s a box with doors called a house, a box with wheels called a car, or a box with money called a bank account – it’s about breaking out of the containers we’ve been put in and discovering a territory of beauty and abundance that can never be contained!


What You Really Want Really Wants You: the Secret Language of Desire

What You Really Want Really Wants You: the Secret Language of Desire

We struggle so hard to ‘cause things to happen.’ But cause & effect is an relative perception, not an absolute law. Nothing is causing anything; everything is creating the conditions for something to emerge. When you let go of a pencil and it falls, you didn’t ‘cause’ that. You created the conditions that allowed the invisible pull of gravity to ‘manifest.’ When you water, weed, and feed a seed, you don’t ‘cause’ a plant to happen. The plant was already there; you just created the conditions for its emergence.

Similarly, our belief that we have to cause our desires to manifest is actually the very resistance to them emerging. Like that plant in the seed, our desires are the invisible pull of the Thing We Want, trying to be born. The desire isn’t a sign of what’s outside that we must get, but a sign of what’s inside trying to get out. Once we understand this, the key is to then know how to create the conditions for the fulfillment of our desires to emerge.


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