(BONUS EPISODE) What In The Heaven Are You Waiting For? How to Step Into Your Full Expression NOW!

(BONUS EPISODE) What In The Heaven Are You Waiting For? How to Step Into Your Full Expression NOW!

Listen in as the World’s #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings …and begin living y​our​ Emergence!

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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(BONUS EPISODE) The Only Goal That Matters: The One Minute Mystic

(BONUS EPISODE) The Only Goal That Matters: The One Minute Mystic

I’m very excited to talk about today’s topic, “The Only Goal That Matters: The One Minute Mystic”.

The real principle of life, of ultimate liberation and fulfillment, is to seek first that connection within you. To begin to organize your whole life and your whole living around only one thing – to seek God consciousness, Love consciousness, connection with this Divine Spirit, this evolutionary impulse, the Real.

This inner source is Cause.  When you are one with it and are consciously connected and feeling its flow, it manifests Effect according to your Divine pattern.

The One Minute Mystic is about beginning to develop a way of life where you’re stopping on a regular basis, just for a minute, maybe even only 30 seconds, and pulling yourself out of the hypnotic spell of the world and of your own mind.  Freeing yourself from a conditioned set of programs that are constantly bombarding you to believe that if you just had more of this, or less of that, you’ll be free.

[bctt tweet=”The only problem is our sense of separation from God. The only solution is the realization that we are One.” username=”derekrydall”]

From this day forward, your driving goal is to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within you, the Nirvanic state. To seek first the deeper connection with the Divine, to be a place of peace and love and truth for the next 30 to 60 minutes.

I invite you to call this connection forth as the activity of your awareness every day, and ultimately every hour.

When was the last time you’ve paused to reconnect with your Divine Truth?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!

Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Ask Derek: How Do I Manifest More Money or Anything?
Why Your Soul Doesn’t Care if You Succeed
Getting to Your Yes

To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!

(BONUS EPISODE) Snap Out of It! The 5 Hypnotic Spells Sabotaging Your Success

(BONUS EPISODE) Snap Out of It! The 5 Hypnotic Spells Sabotaging Your Success

It’s such an honor to bring you this very powerful topic, ‘Snap Out of It! The Five Hypnotic Spells Sabotaging Your Success’.

What I’m talking about when I say “Snap out of it!” is about waking up from our limited life perceptions; waking up out of these hypnotic spells about life and beholding life as it really is.

The truth is that indeed all there really is is love, life, harmony and wholeness, inexhaustible good expressing everywhere, as everyone all the time. It has always been so and always will be, but we only experience our limited perception, or our relative perception, of this infinite perfection.
It’s often not even really our perception. It’s a universal perception that has been passed down for millennia and we just uniquely adopted it, but it’s not real.

[bctt tweet=”We don’t experience life as it is, we experience our relative perception of it.” username=”derekrydall”]

Ultimately all transformational work is about coming back to this truth principle, waking up to oneness. When you get that, you realize the only limit to your capacity to express and experience the full bounty and abundance of life is how much you’re willing to give, to generate and to circulate from within your own infinite being.

Are you ready to explore what I believe to be the five core hypnotic spells that are sabotaging your success?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Ask Derek: What if I Can’t Meditate?
Quantum Prayer: The Potential Activator [Podcast] BONUS EPISODE
The Price of True Freedom

To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!

(BONUS EPISODE) Loving Your Enemy: The True Path of Healing & Mastery

(BONUS EPISODE) Loving Your Enemy: The True Path of Healing & Mastery

It’s just an honor to do this deep dive with you into ‘Loving Your Enemy, the True Path of Healing and Mastery’.

We often think about this demand or command from the Bible, ‘love your enemy’, having to do with other people. It doesn’t really have anything to do with people. But principally speaking, it refers to all that you judge bad or negative, in your body and your world. For instance, it refers to a quality or characteristic about a person that pushes your button: they’re needy, they’re greedy, they’re selfish, they’re a thief, etc.

Ultimately, all of those qualities are in you. They’re not out there. If they push your button in any way, shape, or form, they’re all in you. They make you sad, mad, scared, angry, fearful, resentful, and defensive. It’s all in you.

You’re not in the world; the world is in you. You’re not in relationships; relationships are all in you. You’re a field of consciousness that includes all of it. Your unique experience of it all is showing where you need to grow, showing you fragmented parts of your own psyche to embrace and integrate and fall in love with.  The enemy is actually showing you where the evolution is trying to happen, where the next stage of possibility is trying to happen.

[bctt tweet=”The call to ‘love your enemies’ applies to ALL that you judge bad or negative, in your body and world.” username=”derekrydall”]

To love your enemy means you get to be in love with all of you and everyone, regardless of the appearance or the condition. You get to be a transparency for reality and an instrument of greater destiny, of greater potential. This is the power of loving your enemy.

At the end of the day, you’ll begin to realize we’re not really here to save the world. We’re not here to save or improve a condition. We’re here to serve the emerging possibility, the emerging vision.

You don’t merely want to get rid of the enemy, you want to discover what’s trying to emerge, what’s the treasure, what’s the new possibility!

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Ask Derek: What if I Can’t Meditate?
Quantum Prayer: The Potential Activator [Podcast] BONUS EPISODE
The Price of True Freedom

To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!

(BONUS EPISODE) Ask Derek: How Do I Stay Productive When I’m Struggling or Uninspired?

(BONUS EPISODE) Ask Derek: How Do I Stay Productive When I’m Struggling or Uninspired?


How to be more productive and really get things done is one of the most common questions and issues. But it often has to do with a need to just do what has to be done EVEN when things don’t seem for you.

The reason is that conditions don’t actually determine who we are or how we show up. They have no power of themselves. This is the first fundamental principle we must understand and embrace to become free and productive.

[bctt tweet=”Don’t check your emotions to decide if you’ll follow through on your commitments.” username=”derekrydall”]

Secondly, many people seem to check in with their emotions before doing something. In other words, they wait to ‘feel’ like it. But your emotions also don’t determine who you are or what you do.
Emotions tell you what you believe, not what’s true. Your deepest desires and highest vision is what you want to honor, no matter what. That’s the commitment that builds character. And character determines destiny.
But, finally, sheer willpower will only get you so far. You need more than will and even willingness, you need a PLAN. That way you’re not living on accident, you’re living on purpose.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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(BONUS EPISODE) This is What it Really Takes

(BONUS EPISODE) This is What it Really Takes

Life is alive, and it’s purpose is to live, give, share, shine, circulate and to put itself on ever-greater display.

If you’re not saying yes to your yes and coming into integrity with that emerging vision and purpose of your life, then you’re not fulfilling your reason for being here.

You’re like an extra piece in this Divine puzzle, and extra pieces get pushed to the side. I’m not saying this to scare you. I’m saying this because this call is about what it really takes to make it, to grow, to heal, to succeed, and to sustain.

My commitment is to be an individual who knows you can handle the truth and who tells it to you like it is.

To be full-on leaders of your life, full-on givers of your gifts, where your structures are strong, where you’re wealthy, healthy, happy, in love, connected, and contributing citizens in the world, you need to able to see it the way it really is.

[bctt tweet=”Life doesn’t just happen, it happens just — through divine law.” username=”derekrydall”]

You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t the answer to a call. Now you have to consciously cooperate with that call. You have to consciously collaborate, co-labor, with it.

Then you’ll need to open up and anchor yourself in a vision that’s better than it is, in the Truth, and begin doing what it really takes to answer Life’s call.

Will you answer the call?



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