by sublimity-001-main | Jan 27, 2023 | 2023, Emergence, Podcast, Wealth and Abundance
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Cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies for living the Best Year of Your Life! World’s #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness.
by sublimity-001-main | Jan 25, 2023 | 2023, Emergence, Podcast, Spiritual Growth, Wealth and Abundance, Work and Business
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Welcome to another episode of ask Derek, as we explore this very important question: What if I hate sales and marketing?
This is such a common question that is asked or posed in various ways, by individuals who have a lot of resistance and objections, when it comes to putting their work and gifts out there. This is partly because of the structures around power/money that we learned growing up.
For instance, we could have been made to think that things connected to money often resulted in some kind of pain, shame or guilt.
So for many of you, you have a burning desire to share your gifts in the world: your book, your teachings, coaching, healing, or consulting, but you’re finding taking the actual steps to market, or close the deal, very difficult.
[bctt tweet=”Give your business a sacred purpose.” username=”derekrydall”]
Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.
And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!
by sublimity-001-main | Jan 23, 2023 | 2023, Emergence, Podcast, Spiritual Growth
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It’s an honor and a pleasure to bring you today’s topic, The Commitment Code: How to Use Your Word to Make Quantum Leaps, and Why Your Wrong Use of them is Sabotaging Your Life.
This is such an important topic, and there are several areas I want to touch upon with this, but the essential principle is this – Making and keeping your word is one of the most powerful and fundamental ways you build self-worth, self-confidence, and ultimately, integrity.
When you make or give your word, and keep it, you send a message which says “I can trust myself”, “I believe in myself”, “I am competent”… All of which breeds confidence, so you begin taking more chances, putting yourself out there more, and making bigger commitments to yourself.
[bctt tweet=”Commitment is the foundation of building character.” username=”derekrydall”]
There is a mechanism to which this upward spiral of the confidence-competence loop is created, and giving and keeping your word is that mechanism. Making and keeping commitment is that mechanism.
Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.
And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!
Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:
Behold, Be Held, Be Whole – How to Activate True Healing and Abundance
Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: The Choice is Yours
No Cause, No Solution, No Problem
To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!
by sublimity-001-main | Jan 20, 2023 | 2023, Emergence, Podcast, Purpose, Spiritual Growth
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We’re diving into another really important, and frequently asked question, “How do I find my purpose?”
This questions is also phrased as, “What if I don’t know my purpose?” or “How do I know this is my purpose?”
The first thing to understand is one of the reasons why we have a hard time finding an answering to this question, is that, first of all, we think that our purpose has to be some big grand thing, and so we are often missing the tree for the forest.
Other times we think our purpose means our job, but it’s important to understand your job is one very important aspect of your purpose.
[bctt tweet=”Like the sun, true vision is always shining. It’s always waiting for you to pierce the weather of your mind and let its warm revitalizing power into your life.” username=”derekrydall”]
Everybody has the same ultimate purpose, which is to awaken to their true identity, to come into self-actualization, and give their unique gift.
While all of our purpose is the same, our mission is a refined or more niched aspect of that, having at its root, some dimension of self-actualization and delivering your unique gift in your own way.
It’s time to get clear on who you are, why you are alive, get clear on your vision and mission and start living it out fully – then all of that energy will move through the branches of your life and begin to create new blossoms, new fruit, and a harvest of good, heretofore un-imagined. Are you willing?
Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.
And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!
Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:
Behold, Be Held, Be Whole – How to Activate True Healing and Abundance
Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: The Choice is Yours
No Cause, No Solution, No Problem
To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!
by sublimity-001-main | Jan 16, 2023 | 2023, Emergence, Podcast, Spiritual Growth
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I’m so inspired in general with today’s topic, The Best Day of Your Life: How to Create Rituals That Put Your Growth and Success on Autopilot!
When we talk about creating the best day of your life, we’re using the day as a template, as a platform to design, build and structure your ideal day.
You want to look at this day as your masterpiece. This is your work of art, your great sculpture. You get to sculpt this day in a way that reflects and reveals your unique artistry.
How you show up in this moment is what determines how you show up in the future moments. If you’re not showing up with a specific quality of being in this moment, it’s not going to magically show up in the next.
[bctt tweet=”Today is a perfect idea in the mind of the Universe, it’s a Divine template.” username=”derekrydall”]
Are you showing up as the artist of your life and really giving it your all?
Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.
And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!
Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:
Ask Dere: How Do I Manifest More Money or Anything?
Why Your Soul Doesn’t Care if You Succeed
No Cause, No Solution, No Problem
To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!
by sublimity-001-main | Jan 13, 2023 | 2023, Emergence, Podcast, Purpose, Spiritual Growth, Work and Business
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Today’s topic is yet another important one: ‘Your Action is Your Religion’.
It’s part of an unfolding series of topics, around this theme of Whatever It Takes and The Commitment Code.
There is this belief that you can’t do something unless you feel it or believe it… That you can’t take action until you feel inspired to do so, or you can’t really step into that life and do that thing until you are at some certain state and have really worked out all of our issues around it.
But it’s absolutely not legitimate. It’s what’s called ’emotional reasoning’. It’s just an excuse that we’ve come to be conditioned around our feelings and our beliefs, that they have to somehow be in a certain state in order for us to do the thing we want or the thing we’re committed to… But as I’ve been talking about in my latest topics, that’s absolutely false.
[bctt tweet=”You don’t have to believe it to achieve it” username=”derekrydall”]
Now, while it’s certainly great to be inspired when you sit down to write, for example, it’s not a prerequisite. Likewise, it’s great to have the energy when you go to the gym to work out, but it’s not a prerequisite. Just go work out, take the action and the energy often follows.
Is there compelling action, congruent with your highest vision, that you need to start taking?
Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.
And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!
Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:
Ask Dere: How Do I Manifest More Money or Anything?
Why Your Soul Doesn’t Care if You Succeed
Whatever It Takes
To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!