How to Get Back All You’ve Lost

How to Get Back All You’ve Lost

What if everything you think you’ve lost is actually still here, waiting for you to reclaim it? What if all the pain you’ve been through has been growing gifts and powers that will emerge when you know how to unlock them?
Your persistent problems are not a sign that you’re broken, they’re a clue that a larger life is trying to emerge. It may seem impossible now, but remember everything we take for granted today was once believed impossible…and everything we believe is impossible today will someday be inevitable.
Stop Lying to Yourself

Stop Lying to Yourself

Cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies for living the Best Year of Your Life! World’s #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness.


Heart of Gold, Soul of Steel

As a spiritual warrior, you’re designed to shine your light and pay your light bill …as well as having really great lampshades! The Spiritual Warrior is anchored in their heart and rooted in their soul – but isn’t soft in the face of challenges. She isn’t a doormat, she’s a welcome mat. She values and respects others, but never at the expense of herself.

Her motto is ‘Love your neighbor, but don’t take their shi*t.’

To master this level of being, we must embrace the seeming-dark parts of ourselves, those wounded places we’ve been trying to heal, hide, or get rid of – because they hold some of our greatest gifts of power and potential.

This requires building up our ‘soul stamina,’ the ability to be so tapped into our deepest truth that we can hold our place in a more expanded space regardless of conditions. We can be loving and strong; we can have a wishbone and a backbone. And no matter what comes our way, our soul remains unshakable, unbreakable, unsinkable and unstoppable.

For many of us on a spiritual path, this sounds like a rough road – or worse, it feels unspiritual or downright blasphemous! The reason is that we have shadows around power. Often, our spiritual journey was initiated by being wounded at the hands of someone who was in their shadow.

Rather than coming from their authentic power, they lashed out at us, attacking, blaming, shaming, or controlling. This caused our experience of power to become distorted, a source of pain and shame, and as a result we decided to shut those parts of us off and repress our own strength.

As we grow, this leads to developing an aversion to these qualities of success, power, and strength. They become shadows, often with highly charged labels like ‘selfish, aggressive, mean, etc.’ And to compensate we create the opposite masks: we strive to become kind, loving, caring and generous.

In themselves, these are beautiful qualities to develop, and are the ‘gift of our shadow.’ But when they come from a reaction to our shadows, they carry with them a self-destructive energy. We begin to say ‘yes’ when we really mean ‘no.’ We deny our needs, our dream, our truth, in fear that to really go for it would make us look too selfish or aggressive – those shadows we’ve been fighting against.

The result: we give away too much of ourselves, grow bitter, angry, resentful, and ultimately burn out.

The problem is we’ve only been growing one side of us. We’re lopsided. And it’s time to embrace this whole other half, the shadow side. As we integrate the angry, controlling, dominating, selfish parts of us, rather than becoming the destructive version of those, these qualities are transmuted into power, healthy boundaries, and strong structures to build the life we truly want and deserve – and all in a way that still honors and respects those around us (although they may not like it at first!)

This is what shadow work allows you to do. It’s a powerful and necessary tool of the Spiritual Warrior. It allows you love all of yourself. And then, through that compassionate heart, to embrace and love all of humanity. It allows you to stand in the face of all appearances of lack, limitation, fear, and danger, and see through it to the heart of truth, to the true being.

In this way, your very presence becomes a liberating force in the lives of those you touch. You become the light that dissolves the darkness, because you have first embraced it.

To begin this shadow walk, practice these simple steps:

  1. Notice the parts of you that you have made wrong – especially the shadows mentioned above – and start inviting them, one at ta time, into your heart
  2. Begin with the one that has the strongest charge, and ask it what it needs from you to feel loved, honored, and respected, so that it can take it’s rightful place in your life again.
  3. Ask what you and your life will look like once you have allowed this shadow to be fully integrated again.
  4. As you receive guidance, honor it. And watch your power and influence grow!

For more training on developing your Soul Stamina, check out the podcast “Heart of Gold, Soul of Steel”:

To Your Emergence!

P.S. – I’ve brought together some of the best, most ’emerging-edge’ free events/trainings to help you take your life to the next level. Please check them out below (under Free Trainings) and give your self these gifts!

Stop, Look, and Listen: the Master Path to Success

Stop, Look, and Listen: the Master Path to Success

…3 SIMPLE steps all the great masters teach …and many self-improvement strategies don’t…

Did you know that every problem comes from the same source — and so does every solution? Did you know that most self-improvement strategies teach you how to handle these problems backwards?

Fortunately, the great Masters have left a blueprint for how to really heal, become free, and create a life of true fulfillment – no matter what conditions we face. And when we practice this, we discover what’s really going on and how to take our life to the next level. Nothing can sabotage our success when we understand this ancient practice.

Take Off the Training Wheels!

Take Off the Training Wheels!

Just as some plants need a structure to help them grow, we also need support to ensure we grow straight and don’t fall over. This could be parents, friends, partners, healers, and even our savings account! But if we aren’t willing to let them go and learn to lean on an inner support and balance, the very things that helped us grow, will become the things that stop us.
Training wheels are a great way to learn how to ride a bike, but you can’t go fast, go far, or do wheelies with them! Today’s podcast shows you how to let go of all the unconscious structures that have been holding you back, so you can ride like the wind, live like a winner, and reach places you never thought possible.
“The Greatest Love of All” …this is THE template for healing every relationship in your life…

“The Greatest Love of All” …this is THE template for healing every relationship in your life…


The #1 MASSIVE Mistake Most People Make that Keeps them Fighting With Each Other, Feeling Lonely, and Dancing With Shadows …Reveals the SECRET to a Truly Empowered Relationship…

What’s really going on in our relationships when we go deeper and “intimacy” becomes trying to “fix” each other? It’s a secret gate we all must pass through as we grow spiritually. To grow, we must confront an existential realization of aloneness, which, for our ego, is very painful. And so, instead, we project this pain onto each other in a “shadow dance” that seeks validation, approval and love.

In this week’s episode, you’ll discover how to pass beyond the gatekeeper, to release that painful loneliness and move to the next level in all your relationships – including the one with yourself.

Listen to “The Greatest Love of All,” where you will finally rest in the relationship glow, harmony, bliss and ecstasy that you deserve.



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