Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

Your Big Bold Audacious Goal: How to Create Instant Momentum that Catapults Your Life! [Podcast]

Your Big Bold Audacious Goal: How to Create Instant Momentum that Catapults Your Life!

Today we’re talking about your big, bold audacious goal, and how to create instant momentum that catapults your life.

That’s a fun agenda, right? Just the idea of having a big, bold audacious goal gives you energy, it gives you juice! Maybe it also brings up a little nervousness or overwhelm. You could be wondering: “Can I really add a big, bold audacious goal to my already busy life?”

Meaning is the oxygen to our souls, and having a deep meaning for why you’re living, why you’re getting up every day, and why you’re going through your day, is significant.

For instance, in the concentration camps they found that if people didn’t have something worthy to live for and to hold on for they had a much lower rate of survival.

Having a vision is life itself. Life exists to fully express itself, and because life is infinite, it’s like life wants to have a big bang every moment, and in a very real way it is. This incredible explosion of possibility, energy, power and creativity is the nature of life always in this moment. In this moment there’s always a big bang trying to happen, individually, collectively. Life is just bursting at the seams with so much power, intelligence, joy, and creative energy, that it could never be fully satisfied.  It says in Proverbs, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Another verse found in the bible is, “You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased, and all that I have is yours.”

There are three pieces to that spiritual equation: “You are my beloved”- it’s saying that life loves you, always and forever, unconditionally, no matter what. “In whom I am well pleased” – requires you to be willing to be an instrument of life, of God, truth, love, and when you’re willing to be that instrument, now the presence says, “I’m pleased. Why? Because I get to be more of myself as you, which is why the I that I Am exists.”

It’s why life exists. Life doesn’t exist merely to solve problems, in fact not at all. Life doesn’t exist to try to get somewhere. Life exists so that it can express its infinite nature. As you say yes to the fullness of live moving through you and are willing to commit to living at the highest, fullest level, now life, God, this presence says, “In you, I am well pleased.”

Then the third piece then kicks in, which is “…all that I have is yours.” Meaning, like the king of a great kingdom is looking at his daughters and sons and wondering, “Who do I give my full inheritance to? Who do I put on the throne?” It’s the one that’s actually going to do something with it. Not the one that’s over here just kind of kicking back and eating grapes and enjoying all the fruits, but not really doing anything about it, but the one over here who’s got a big vision; who’s going to go out there and make a difference, make an impact, and use all of the riches of the kingdom to fulfill and carry on a great mission.

Life is kind of seeing you that way. When you’re willing to have a big audacious bold goal, a vision for your life that really juices you up, you become a bigger channel for which more power and energy can flow through and as you.

It’s like if a tree is not bearing fruit on a branch that branch gets cut off so that it can support all the branches that are bearing fruit richly. It’s a principle.

In order to create instant momentum with your big, audacious goal, there’s some basic things that have to be in place; a checklist. All seven pieces need to be in place:

  • Have a clear, compelling goal,
  • that is rooted in your vision and values,
  • with a strong why,
  • heal the why-nots,
  • have a real plan/schedule,
  • have accountability,
  • leverage yourself,
  • and finally, be fully committed – all in.

You can’t jump to a bigger audacious goal if you don’t have these basics. This has to be a priority and an inner intention. It can’t be something you’re going to wait for next week.

For the full explanation of all the seven points and to support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Welcome, my fellow Emergineers, Derek Rydall here, founder of the Law of Emergence and author of the bestselling book Emergence.It’s great to be with you. It’s always so great to be with you, and just to feel your energy, to plus into this vortex of conscious individuals that are committed to really growing and changing and making a difference in their life and in the lives of others. It’s really a sacred group. It’s a sacred gathering, and I don’t ever want to take it for granted that I get this opportunity, not so much just to be the teacher in it, but to be just part of it, to be part of a group of people that are actually conscious and committed to growing and changing and healing and evolving and making a real difference in the world, whether it’s the world of their family, their community, their organization, or the larger planetary community. It’s such a blessing, and I think if you guys look at your life there’s not a lot of places where you have that, where you can come together with likeminded souls that are speaking the same language.

If you do have that other places, awesome, and if you don’t, we definitely want eventually to create a way of life that includes more and more of that kind of relationship, connection, and community. So that you’re surrounded by the people that represent who you deeply are and who you most want to be and where you want to go. I’m just feeling that gratitude of what a sacred group this is and what a blessing it is to be connected to you all and to come together like this. So I invite you to feel the gratitude and the gift that that really is, because there are a lot of people wandering around in the world that have a seed of something really powerful in them, and they don’t have the environment that’s cultivating it. They don’t have the people that are recognizing or supporting it, and that’s why a lot of those gifts sort of die on the vine, the fruit never comes to fruition, if it ever even grows at all. What a blessing this is.

Today we’re talking about your big, bold audacious goal, and how to create instant momentum that catapults your life. That’s a fun agenda, right? We all feel sort of energized by the idea of having a big, bold audacious goal, and just notice even thinking of that that the idea of having that kind of gives you energy. It gives you juice. Maybe it also brings up a little nervousness. Maybe for some of you it brings up a little bit of overwhelm, like can I really add a big, bold audacious goal to my already busy life? If you just feel into that, the idea of having something like that to live for gives you juice. It gives you energy. Meaning is the oxygen to our souls, and having a deep meaning for why you’re living and why you’re getting up every day, and why you’re going through your day, it’s significant, and that’s also why it says in Proverbs, Where there is no vision, the people perish. In the concentration camps they found that if people didn’t have something worthy to live for and to hold on for they had a much lower rate of survival.

This isn’t just a clever idea that we have, a big vision or a big goal that plugs us in. This is life itself. Life exists to fully express itself, and because life is infinite, it’s like life wants to have a big bang every moment, and in a very real way it is. This incredible explosion of possibility and energy and power and creativity is the nature of life always in this moment. In this moment there’s always a big bang trying to happen, individually, collectively, because life is just bursting at the seams with so much life, so much power, so much intelligence, so much joy, so much creative energy that it could never be fully satisfied, and that’s why wherever life finds a willing instrument who’s willing to really go for it, who’s willing to let life put itself on display, it’s like just imagine life is like waiting on its tiptoes, We got one. There’s one who’s really saying yes to their yes, who’s throwing away all the limitations and just saying, let’s go for it. Let’s be all in. Let’s just prove that anything is possible. Life is like, We’re going in. We’ve got one.

In the Bible, when it says, You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased, and all that I have is yours.There’s three pieces to that equations. It’s really a spiritual equation. You are my beloved. It’s saying that life loves you, always and forever, unconditionally, no matter what. In whom I am well pleased, requires you to be willing to be an instrument of life, of God, of truth, of love, and when you’re willing to be that instrument, now the presence says, I’m pleased in you. I’m well pleased. I love you no matter what, but now I’m well pleased. Why? Because I get to be more of myself as you, which is why the I that I am exists. It’s why life exists. Life doesn’t exist merely to solve problems, in fact not at all. Life doesn’t exist to try to get somewhere. Life exists so that it can express its infinite nature. So you are my beloved; you’re loved unconditionally, but as you say yes to the fullness of live moving through you and are willing to commit your life to living at the highest, fullest level, now life, God, this presence says, In you I am well pleased.

Then the third piece then kicks in, which is all that I have is yours. Meaning like the king of a great kingdom is looking at his daughters and sons and wondering, who do I give my full inheritance to? Who do I put on the throne? It’s the one that’s actually going to do something with it. Not the one that’s over here just kind of kicking back and eating grapes and enjoying all the fruits, but not really doing anything about it, but the one over here who’s got a big vision; who’s going to go out there and make a difference, make an impact, and use all of the riches of the kingdom to fulfill a great mission and to carry on the great work and the great mission. Life is kind of seeing you that way. When you’re willing to have a big audacious bold goal, vision for your life that really juices you up, that is no holds barred, then life is like, We got one. I’m well pleased in you. Now let’s funnel more power, more energy to this individual.Again, it’s like if the tree’s not bearing fruit on a branch that branch gets cut off, so that it can support all the branches that are bearing fruit richly. So it’s a principle.

We already know, if you’ve been listening for a while, there’s some basic things that have to be in place, and it’s a good checklist. It’s kind of like a pilot checklist, just to make sure you’ve got all these things in place around your vision, your goal. You’ve got to start with this. You can’t jump to a bigger audacious goal if you don’t have these basics. Obviously, number one is you’ve got to have a clear compelling goal or vision. You got to have something that is clear. If it’s still not clear, you can’t just jump to some big audacious version of it, because you don’t even have clarity yet. If it’s not clear, that has to be a priority. It has to be a priority today. It can’t be something you’re going to wait for next week. It’s got to become a priority, an inner intention. I remember when I wasn’t clear, and I reached a turning point. I would go every single day to the bookstore, at a time when bookstores were prevalent, and sit there with a pile of books around me on purpose and goals, and I would read, and I would journal, and I would meditate. I would that almost every single day, until it started to break through and have a level of clarity. You need that.

Number two, you need to make sure that vision, that goal, is rooted in your core values. It’s rooted in what you deeply, deeply want to be, want to represent, what really matters to you most, and in a vision. A goal that’s not linked to a vision is potentially either mediocrity or just the fulfillment of some parental fantasy or peer pressure. So you want it to be linked to your deepest heart’s vision and values, which in and of themselves are not based on survival, comfort, or convenience. If it’s a goal and a vision that’s based in I just need to make money, or I just need to look good, I need to be significant, it’s survival, or it’s comfort, or it’s convenience. I want to have enough money to just travel a lot. It’s not that those aren’t valuable and important, but those aren’t your core values. Your core values are something that is ultimately independent of whether it works or not. Do you understand what I mean? It’s about who am I really? What do I really stand for? What do I really represent? What do I really want to leave as a legacy? If I already had the name, the fame, and the fortune, who would I be then? What would I do then? Let me build my vision and my mission, and ultimately the goals that come from that, out of that position, out of that value system.

Then you need to have a strong why. You have to develop, consciously develop, and anchor in why you’re doing what you’re doing. As many strings you can attach to that, the better. Once you’ve got it rooted in your core values, then you can anchor it in other things. Obviously, to leave a legacy for your children, because of all the people you’re going to help, and you really allow yourself to see and visualize and feel the impact and feel the cost of not doing it and feel all the ways it impacts. You can literally go through every life structure: health, wealth, work, relationship, spirituality, service, etc. and really see how you going for this positively impacts all those areas. So you have a strong why. Then you have to heal your why knots. In other words, it’s these places where it gets knotted up in you, the values conflicts, the shadows, the limited beliefs. You have to be conscious of what’s blocking you, what’s stopping you, what’s scares you, what’s causing you to not be all in. You don’t really have free will and real choice until you have an expanded awareness of what’s driving you. You have to do some work around the why knots, so that you can untie the knots and really have a strong uninhibited why.

Then you need to put that into a real plan. You have to reverse engineer that big vision into a specific yearlong goal, or whatever the time period you’re focusing on, and you have to make it real. A vision without a plan is a fantasy. I know I say this over and over, but I also know that when I talk to you guys a large majority of you still don’t have a real plan. You don’t actually have a real plan. You have it in your head maybe. You have some ideas and goals and things you want to achieve, but you haven’t actually written it down and put it into a real plan. If somebody’s going to build a house or build a building, they don’t just go, I have this idea for this building, or this train station, this car, or whatever, and I’m thinking today let’s kind of play around with the paint color, whatever. No. They have a very real blueprint, a very real plan. If you look at anybody that’s achieved anything of significance, that’s almost always the case.

Eventually, as you’ve really embodied a way of life, you can get away with less planning in some cases, because it’s just who you are. You’ve built the habits, and you just know what you’re going for. Then ultimately, if you truly are awakened, and you’re so tapped into the Divine plan that you don’t need to write it down, it’s just living you moment by moment, but let’s be honest. Probably none of us are there yet. I know I’m not. If you are, please let me know, and I’ll let you teach a class on planning, on being awake. Most of us aren’t there yet, so we have to use these tools to anchor ourselves. Remember, I use the analogy of the plant. It’s growing. It needs a little structure around it to hold it up straight and true, so that it grows in the right way, until it’s strong enough to hold itself. A plan is that kind of a structure.

Then we need to also really put it on our schedule. Again, surprisingly, few people ever do this. They have a vision. They have a goal. They have a plan, and it’s nowhere to be found on their calendar. What’s on their calendar, if they even have a calendar at all, maybe the appointments for doctors, dentists, kids to their practices, and/or their work. They just know they’ve got to go to work 9-5, whatever the case may be. There’s a lot of resistance to having a real plan and a real schedule, because they don’t want to be blocked. They don’t want to be hindered. They don’t want to be limited. The irony is that you are profoundly limiting yourselves when you don’t give yourself structure. As one of the great composers, Stravinsky, said, I thank God for my limitations, for it was within them that I found true freedom. Some of the greatest creative artists understand the value of structure. Having that structure actually allows them to be free and create within that structure. Whereas without it it’s just all over the place, and they’re actually less able to productively create something real and specific. I know I keep hitting these points over and over, for those of you that a part of this community, but it’s because you guys aren’t doing it. Some of you aren’t. I know that without that you’re going to keep struggling, in most cases.

Then you have to create real leverage. So you’ve got the structure. You’ve got the plan. You’ve got it on your schedule. You’ve got to have leverage, meaning accountability partners, other things set up in your life that hold you accountable. If you don’t go to your job, you will get fired, and you won’t get paid. That’s called leverage. If you don’t sit down and write your book today, what’s going to happen? Nothing immediately. You might feel a little bad, and then you’ll go watch some TV or have a drink or a smoke or a pint of Haagen Dazs, and you’ll forget about the fact that you feel unfulfilled and sad that you didn’t do what you said you were going to do. There’s not a direct, obvious consequence, and then the mind is designed to prevent you from really growing and changing, so it’s really good at helping you not feel the consequence. We have to build that into our life. We have do that. If you’ve decided you’re going to write that book or build that program or create that website or create that practice or fill it with clients, you must have real targets and build into your life real accountability and leverage.

That’s one of the reasons you’re in this group, and you raise your hand, and I answer your questions is so you can be seen. So that you can be seen that you’re doing it or not doing it, and without judgment you get motivated to do it. There is a bit of public shame and public guilt that’s healthy. If you’ve said you’re going to do something, and you don’t do it, you should feel guilty about it, because that’s actually a signal that is telling you you’re not in integrity with yourself. That’s healthy guilt. So we don’t want to subvert that. We need that, until we’ve built the habit. So you don’t let it be something that takes you down. I’m terrible; I didn’t do this. You go, look, there’s that signal that I’m out of integrity. Let me be visible. Let me be humble. Let me acknowledge it. Let’s not hide anymore, so that I can feel the burn of not living up to my potential and not following through on my commitments.

So then that goes to the next level. We have to have a real commitment. Not a hope, not a wish, not merely an intention or a prayer, not merely an interest. Not I’d really like to do this; I think that’d be really great to write that book or launch that business or program. No. We have to be all in. The same way if you gave birth to a child or were pregnant with a child, you wouldn’t be like, I’m kind of interested in a child. I think that would be kind of cool. We’ll see how it goes. No. You’ve got to be all in with that new baby. You can’t some days just kind of ignore it, not think about it. You certainly want to when you’re a parent, but you can’t. You’re committed to raising this child. This thing that’s trying to be born in you, your dream, your vision, your goal, you have to be as committed to it, or it just will most likely not happen.

We’ve got to be really honest with ourselves about that. If we don’t have a real goal or vision, if we don’t get clear, if we don’t write it down, if we don’t create a real plan and a real schedule, and then real commitment, it’s probably not going to happen. We have to feel the reality of that. I can tell you, from experience, let’s just be honest. It’s hard enough to achieve our potential even when you have all these elements, because of the inertia of the world’s beliefs and our own stuff. If you don’t have these structures in place, it’s like the old saying, a failure to plan is a plan to fail. It’s literally you’ve got a plan to not succeed, if you don’t have a plan, and if you haven’t put these pieces together.

We have to have all seven of those pieces: a clear goal, compelling goal, rooted in our vision and values, with a strong why, heal the why knots, have a real plan, a real schedule, have accountability and leverage on ourselves, and be fully committed. All in. That means we’re going to have consistent action, ideally on a daily basis in some way, even if it’s just a few minutes here and there, and we’re going to follow through to completion. So we don’t start off writing our book and go, I hope I end up writing a book; that would be so cool. That’s like a basketball player heading down the court, or a football player heading down the field, and going, I’m kind of interested in making a goal. That would be pretty cool.They are all in. It’s like a honeybee. All they see is honey, and they go right to the place where the honey is. We have to ultimately be that committed to our vision, to our goal. We’re not hoping. We’re not wishing. We don’t have a wishbone; we have a backbone. We’re all in. This is the fundamental framework for achieving anything of merit or of value and making real progress and having real momentum.

There’s another element to this that helps it become that big, bold audacious goal and really can jumpstart our juice and our momentum and give us a quantum leap. Some of you felt it when I said in the beginning to imagine that. It kind of pumps you up a little bit. You feel this energetic jolt. What this means is when you’re focusing in on the goal and the vision, really the big vision or the big goal for your life, is you want it to be what I call the 100% dream or the 100% goal. For example, maybe you want to get in good shape. So your goal is to lose 20 pounds, 10 pounds, or get in great shape. That’s kind of interesting, but if instead your goal was I’m going to run a marathon. If you’re not interested in that, that wouldn’t be a good goal for you, but maybe you are. For me, as an example, just getting in physical fitness, in and of itself, isn’t that compelling to me, but there’s something within me that wants to prove a level of the capacity of the body that I’ve never experienced before. There’s this dream of like being in Navy SEAL shape, and something about that idea. I see this vision of me being able to be a parkour expert, jumping from building to building and flipping over things, like Navy SEAL shape.

Will I ever reach that? I don’t know, but it’s compelling. It’s juicy. It’s audacious. To prove, when I’m 50 and 60 and 70 and 80, to prove that the body is not designed to age and diminish; it’s actually spiritually designed to reveal more health and fitness with every passing year, because it’s infinite. Just like intelligence, you don’t expect that after 10 years of teaching something you’re going to have less knowledge. You expect you’re going to have more. Spiritually the same thing is true with the body. In potential we can have more energy, more power, more vitality, endlessly. That’s audacious. It’s so audacious, and I have certain physical challenges that made me sometimes go, Really? My body’s not necessarily, at least in this present condition, built for a lot of impact and running, so I get pain in my lower back and hips when I run a lot, and I run a lot. I can’t help it. So that seems audacious to me to have such a big goal. When I talk to certain people of a certain age they get pissed off at me. They’re like, You’re so young, of course you’re going to have some goal like that, but wait till you get our age and you start feeling all this. There’s a lot of pressure for me not to have such an audacious goal. That’s how you know you’re starting to tap into something. Like the idea of really creating a world without war, you’re going to get a lot of people that are going to think you’re insane. That’s one example.

You’ve got to come up with a goal. You want to play with your goal, with your vision, to the point where it’s like, I couldn’t imagine a better life. I couldn’t imagine a better vision. I remember one woman who was working on a goal, and she was an actress, and had a level of success, and she wanted to have a starring role in something, or whatever. It was kind of okay. Certainly it would be wonderful to have, but as she kept working on this what she eventually dropped into was, I want to win the Oscar, the Academy Award for Best Actress. It was suddenly this surge of energy moved through her. You know often that you’re on the verge of it when it’s almost embarrassing to admit.

Here’s another one of mine that’s almost embarrassing, but not really. I was at the Adele concert the other day, and it was at the Staples Center, 18-20,000 screaming fans. It was awesome. I couldn’t help sitting there looking at this packed arena with people holding their iPhones on flashlight, like we used to do with lighters, and just this energy of all of these individuals in harmony with Adele, and what it must feel like to be holding the space for such a large audience. I couldn’t help but feel and see the vision of me holding a space for a large stadium full of people. My mind dropped in a couple times, That’s kind of arrogant. You know the kind of stuff the ego will do, but it was like it felt so good. It felt so exciting, so energizing. I had to just surrender to it. That’s like a big audacious goal. I’m going to speak, and included also a level of performance, because I’m also a singer, and my ultimate vision has something to do with me using all of those gifts, so that I’m speaking and teaching and praying and performing, and it’s all blended, almost like a one man show, but transformational. That juiced me up.

Like my big vision of having a conscious multimedia entertainment company, which is a multimedia company which has got books and programs, film and TV, but all funneling this conscious message. I can’t help it. That’s a big audacious goal that won’t let go of me now that I’ve felt it and tapped into it. I’ve had it for a while now, and on an everyday basis I’m not necessarily experiencing that level of expression, but it keeps pulling me. It’s like a giant planet. When giant objects are near each other it creates a gravitational field. So when you have this big audacious goal it creates almost like a gravitational field that pulls you. Like the saying of one of my mentors, Michael Beckwith, The pain pushes until the vision pulls. We want to have such an audacious powerful juicy goal and vision that its gravitational pull on us is bigger than the gravitational pull of our pain. It’s pulling us up while the pain is trying to pull us down, but its pull is much bigger. That’s what we’re looking for. Even when we’re having hard days, weeks, months, challenges in different areas of our life, we just can’t pull ourselves out of the tractor beam of our big audacious goal.

As you look at your own life, what is your equivalent to that? Again, it’s not about big in the sense of quantity. It doesn’t mean instead of a million dollars I need to want a billion dollars, unless that does it for you. Right? There are certain people where the idea of becoming a billionaire is for some reason that’s profoundly motivating, but it could be other things. It’s not about quantity per say. It’s about a quality. It’s about stretching yourself and touching, it’s almost like that same place that you may have touched as a kid when you talk about I’m going to be an astronaut when I grow up. I remember one kid that I used to be in like a preschool thing with. He might have been a little younger than me. His big dream was when he grew up he wanted to be a shark. He was so passionate about growing up and becoming a shark. Like literally the fish, a shark, not an attorney or something. He wanted to be a shark. It was so sweet and cute and powerful. He was so passionate. He just studied everything about sharks. He read every book about sharks, watched everything. If something showed up about a shark he was right there. He probably went on to be like a marine biologist or something, or who knows.

What is that for you? What is that goal, that dream that to admit it is almost embarrassing? That to admit it almost makes you feel guilty or embarrassed or shy or nervous, like you’re going to be judged, or like you’re going to be held accountable to it, or people are going to think, family especially, are going to think you’re too big for your britches? What is that? As you open up to your vision and your dream, on a scale from 0-100, where does it feel right now? I don’t mean how far of it have you actually achieved. I mean, if you imagined achieving it, where is that on the scale for you? Is it a 20, a 30, a 50, a 60, 80? Feel the vision. See the vision. Feel it in your body.

Again, don’t worry about how. The how kills the what if you don’t first have a clear what. Don’t worry about how right now. I mean, how am I going to end up speaking to a stadium full of 20,000 people or more? I don’t know. How am I going to build a multimedia company that is doing blockbuster film and TV and books and programs, kind of like my Oprah, Harpo Studios kind of thing? I don’t know. It’s there. It’s pulling me. What is that? Wherever it’s at right now, just come up with a number. It’s okay wherever it is, but then ask yourself, what would make it 10 points higher? If it’s 30, what would make it a 40? If it’s a 60, what would make it a 70? If it’s a 90, what would make it 100? Sometimes when you get to the higher registers like 80 and 90 you could say, if it’s a 90, what would make it 95? You don’t want to skip over some of the distinctions. Just ask yourself that right now, and keep asking.

Remember, there’s a couple ways you can bring it up the scale. You can think in terms of the other areas of your life. There’s health, wealth, work, relationships, spiritual growth, personal development, service. So when you ask what would make it whatever the next 10 points higher is, you can look at is there some of those areas that aren’t being included? Maybe you’ve got this great vision, but you’re not including a soulmate or a life partner, and when you think about that, like I’m not only traveling the world and doing these amazing things, but I’m head over heels in love with a soulmate that totally gets me and supports me, and we’re doing it together. Suddenly that jumps up the scale. That starts to feel audacious. It could be within the goal itself you’re not dreaming big enough. Like you want to be enlightened or more conscious, is that really the fullness of what you want?

For me, what’s come through in visions is to be so conscious, so tapped in, that people are spontaneously healed in my presence, that people literally burst into flames spiritually speaking, burning away the old limited patterns and revealing their Christ nature, their Buddha nature, their true nature. I can see them in the crowd just like popping. That’s audacious. I mean, to be able to have the healing consciousness of a Jesus. I used to be very shy and embarrassed, but it would come through as a vision. Again, humanly I can’t do that, but these big visions are bubbling up. Will I ever achieve it? That’s not really as important as the fact that it’s calling me, and I’m saying yes to it, and I’m willing to hold that big audacious vision. It’s pulling me. It’s working on me. It’s working through me. So what is that for you?

Again, it doesn’t necessarily mean you go from I want to be more conscious to I want to heal like Jesus. That may not be your thing, but what is it? It might just be I want to have a family of a certain kind where we deeply and authentically love and see and support each other in relationships and community where it’s deep, rich, totally transparent and authentic relationships. I want to create a community like that. I want to be a writer that is as prolific as Stephen King, whatever. Again, it’s not about you looking out to the world to see what does the world call successful or good. It’s about you looking within yourself and saying, If I could truly have the life I deeply desire, what would that be? If there was one thing within that I deeply desire most, what would that be? That becomes kind of a core focal point. On a scale from 0-100, where does that feel for me? I’m not saying where do you think you are in the journey of achieving it. You’re not looking at your life and going, I’m only about 2% there. No. You’re feeling into the vision that you’re owning and saying, What does that feel like in my body to imagine living that? You’re looking for that goal that just totally lights you up, that vision that totally lights you up, totally turns you on.

Just play with that right now. Give yourself permission to go all the way, to be all in, to feel that twinge of fear or nervousness or embarrassment that you could claim such a big vision, such an audacious, bold goal or vision. Just continue to play with this. It’s okay if you don’t come to the 100% right now, but that’s something you could work with with an accountability partner in the group, and I highly encourage you to. You could reach out to somebody in the group today, if you’re not there yet, and say, You want to play with this big audacious goal process?

Just take a nice deep breath. Just sink down into wherever you are with it, whatever feels good about it. I’m just going to do a little quantum prayer to anchor this in. As we just drop down into this field of grace, just throwing ourselves wide open to the power and presence and love of God, of life itself, this impulse of life to utterly express and explode like a big bang of joy and ecstasy and creativity and abundance in every moment. Life is never holding, never holding anything back from us. We hold ourselves back from life, trying to let it mete out slow, drip by drip, for fear of it utterly consuming us or destroying us, or all the ways the ego defends and protects itself, but we’re saying now, no more. No holds barred. I’m ready and willing and able to be an instrument of the infinite inexhaustible life and light and love of God, of truth, of the Universe. I’m willing to be all that I was created to be. I’m willing to be all that I was created to be. I’m willing. I’m willing. I’m willing. I’m willing the will of God in my life. I’m calling forth my Divine plan to be fully realized and manifested in this incarnation. I do not leave this planet one second before I’ve totally fulfilled and actualized my destiny of greatness to the max.

Any worry, doubt, fear, any limited beliefs, concepts, mental, emotional, physical habits that would hinder, block, delay, or deny the fullness of life as me, that are in any way having me hide and play small and play safe, all of this now is utterly released, dissolved, disintegrated, transmuted back into pure raw energy that I can use for creativity. I’m saying yes to my yes. Yes to the biggest boldest, most audacious vision of possibility, of health and wealth and work, healing, service, spiritual awakening, love, companionship, family, community. I’m saying yes, yes. Use me. Send me. Thy will be done. Not my will, not this little human will that’s about preservation, comfort, convenience, safety, security, but Thy will, which is about the full revelation and manifestation of the Universe as a unique individualized expression called me. I am another way the whole Universe is putting itself on display, and I’m saying yes. Yes. Yes. I’m willing. I’m ready. I’m able. Use me. Send me. Right now. Anything that would slow this down, block this, deny this, delay this, I’m ready and willing now to let it all go. I’m ready to have the clarity of who and what I really am and why I am alive. I’m ready to have the confidence and the courage to commit to it fully. I’m ready to have the focus and the determination to create a real plan, a realschedule, and to really go for it every day in every way that I can. I’m ready. I’m willing. I’m able.

So in no uncertain terms I’m knowing that right where each and every individual is here, individualmeans undivided, undivided from the whole, right where each and every individual is here and in this community, there is an impulse of such power and such growth and healing and breakthrough capacity. There is a big bang trying to happen, and now it can, with ease and with grace, with dignity, on time and in time. Life is saying, you are my beloved in whom I am well pleased, and all that I have is yours. The cattle on a thousand hills. The fullness of the Earth. It’s all yours. It’s all here. It’s all now. Everything is conspiring for our freedom and fulfillment and awakening. Everything is conspiring to reveal such magnificence, mastery, majesty. Right now everything is conspiring to reveal such health, wealth, joy, connection. It’s happening right where each and every individual is here.

It’s breaking out as fresh insights, healings, new opportunities, relationships, guidance, clarity, compelling right action. All of life now is on our side, and we are entirely on our own side. We are a yes, with an exclamation point, not a question mark. We are all in. Use me. Send me. Thy will be done. This is the energy that courses through every dimension of our being and shows up now as progress, as momentum, as vision, as unstoppable power. I just give thanks for this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, life. Thank you. It’s happening. Something wonderful is happening. So it is. So I am, and so we are. Amen.

Just breathe and receive that activation.

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Derek Rydall
Your Big Bold Audacious Goal: How to Create Instant Momentum that Catapults Your Life!
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(Bonus Episode) The Radical Reversal, The Big Betrayal
(Bonus Episode) Your True Source of Power
(Bonus Episode) The To-Don’t List: What Things to STOP Doing to Really Get You Going
(Bonus Episode) Finding Your True Freedom