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Why You Can’t Save the World …and Why You Shouldn’t

Emergence | A Revolutionary Path for Radical Change | Derek Rydall

Aren’t we here to save the world, or at least make it a better place?

Actually, the answer is “no.”

The “world” that each of us perceives is really a collection of beliefs or agreements about what’s possible and what’s right. It’s a set of values, norms, and mores that vary from country to country, culture to culture, and even from person to person.

Trying to save or improve a set of beliefs is like trying to save a dream or hold on to an idea.

As we know from the Emergence principle, however, there’s always a bigger idea or pattern emerging, like when a seed is unfolding and emerging into a plant and ultimately into the grand idea, the grand pattern of a mighty tree.

You are not here to save the seed, to protect it from cracking open and falling apart.

You are here to serve the emerging paradigm, the new vision, the larger idea of yourself – and the world – that is currently emerging through you.

And, when you move away from being a problem-solver, and become a vision holder instead, you tap into this infinite pattern of wholeness and perfection that’s always there, but that you have not seen because you’ve been struggling to solve what appears to be “wrong” with the world, with your life, or with some aspect of your life, such as your work, your relationship, or your health.

You’re not here to just be a better acorn, just to be a better nut. You are here to sprout and, ultimately, to let the mighty oak of your being emerge.

Listen to “Why You Can’t Save the World …And Why You Shouldn’t” now to set down your problems and watch your grandest vision begin to emerge!

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Derek Rydall
Emergence | A Revolutionary Path for Radical Change | Derek Rydall
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(Bonus Episode) Life vs Life Experience: The Master Key to Healing & Achieving Everything
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