Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

Why God Can’t Help You [Podcast]

Why God Can't Help You

Why do I say God can’t help you?

It’s because we have this understanding that there’s this God or presence that can be influenced.

Be good, and you’re going to get God’s favor. Be bad, and you’re going to get punished. We’re praying, meditating, and affirming, doing whatever we do to try to influence God by whatever name, nature or concept we hold.

It’s important to understand God the same way we understand principle.

[bctt tweet=”[bctt tweet=”Life isn’t personal, it’s principle. Just being a good person won’t get you results, being a master of principle will.” username=”derekrydall”]

If you’re praying to electricity, no matter how good you are, if you put your finger in the light socket you’re going to get electrocuted. No amount of prayers or meditation is going to prevent that because you’re not in alignment with the principle.

The electricity is doing what electricity does. Your job is to understand electricity and to live in integrity with it, and then you experience the benefits of it. The same is true with every other principle.

God is being God. God can only do God. God can’t do anything more or less than what God’s already doing.

Through mind, heart, emotion, practice and understanding of this principle, you can come into greater alignment, and therefore reap the fruits of the presence that is always giving of itself.

God can absolutely transform your life and do all kinds of magnificent things in and as you, not because it’s doing anything personally for you, but because you’ve done the work to come into harmony with it.

Listen to this new podcast for the full explanation and learn how you can put it to work in your life TODAY.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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