Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

What You Really Came Here For (And What You Didn’t) [Podcast]

What You Really Came Here For (And What You Didn't)

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You came to this planet to use this dimension of duality and contrast to awaken more fully to who and what you are.

You’re here to paint your unique masterpiece of love, life, and light onto the canvas of time and space so that others can see it and be liberated and awakened to their own greatness, joy, and genius.

Whether you call it painting on the canvas of life or performing your Divine drama on the stage of life, you came here because you have gifts to bring, and you have something to learn.

That’s where the very definition of human comes from, a Sanskrit term that means the dispenser of Divine gifts. As we talk about in the Emergence work, and really what all the great masters taught, everything is already within you – all the power, presence, life, and love of God, all that you could ever want. You’re not really even in the world, the world is in you. You have everything, and so this world can’t give you anything, except for a reflection of where you’re living in consciousness and a place or an opportunity to grow and to give.

There’s a unique way that shows up for you. It might uniquely show up as a writer, teacher, dancer, singer, author, healer, doctor, plumber, parent, architect, politician, lawyer. Yes, even a politician and lawyer! Although not everybody is living the Divine purpose within their profession, we all came here in a very unique and creative way to realize the life and the light of our true being and to shine it in a unique, gifted way that helps others to awaken and to do the same.

What didn’t you come here for? You didn’t come here to shop, to win an argument, to prove anything to anybody else, to win anything, to get a job even. You didn’t come here to get anything, to get a bunch of money, or real estate, to defeat the enemy, to get approval, validation or love from anybody.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t get a job, get into a relationship, don’t get a new car, or you don’t get some clothes. That’s all beautiful and wonderful, but you’re not here to get those things.

You get into the relationship so that you can have an opportunity to awaken to who you really are and give more of the love within you.

You get that job so that you have an opportunity to awaken to who you really are through the challenges and things, and to give of your giftedness.

You get a new car so that you have the transportation in this dimension to travel to the places you need to give of your love and give of your gifts.

You get a new home so that you can create a sanctuary and an environment where you can love each other and create, meditate, grow, play, sing, love and release more of your imprisoned splendor.

You go into the lands of the world so you can cultivate, nourish and honor them.  To create works of art and structures that support the awakening, loving , playing, sharing and the healing of our soul.

No matter what it is, whether its relationship, health, wealth, work, or personal development, we’ve been conditioned to believe that all of these things we need to get is the end game. The end game is to get and acquire the perfect home and the perfect job and the amount of money you want, the right relationship, and the piece of land. That if you get all that you’ve won the game. No.

You’ve only just begun it. That’s not the end result – that’s the preparation. Each one of those is like a plank in the platform from which now you can launch off from and give of your true life, your true gifts and your true purpose.

There’s some simple ways to test this: Can you take any of that stuff with you when you leave this planet? If you can’t take any of it with you, does that make any sense that you would have come here to get it? Think about that. If you can’t take the money, the houses, the cars, that person, then what can you take?

You can take the love that you activate. You can take the joy and the bliss that you active from giving of your heart and your gifts, being of service. You can take the wisdom you’ve discovered and developed and activated. Not necessarily the human knowledge, all that you learned about how to sell and make great business deals that will have no real value in the next dimension, but what you learned in terms of integrity, loyalty, service, love and honor, that translates into any dimension.

I invite you to contemplate this: once you leave this earthly place, will what you’ve done in this moment, what you’re striving for or arguing for, will it matter to the people you leave behind, to the world you leave behind?

As you begin to discover your ultimate purpose, some of the things you thought mattered, will fall away.

Your values will begin to shift, and it won’t be as important to do certain things. It won’t be as important to acquire stuff you don’t really need that aren’t truly opening your heart and mind and allowing you to give your gifts. It doesn’t mean you can’t have a big screen TV. You can have a home theater, but you’ll have a vision way bigger than that, and the vision will have something to do with truly awakening your heart, your mind, your soul, your creative genius, your loving, and helping others to do the same.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Welcome, Derek Rydall here, founder of the Law of Emergence and author of the bestselling book Emergence. Oh what a joy it is to be with you again. Just more and more I feel so happy when I get a chance to share this journey of Emergence with you, and just support you and see you and give my gifts. Its a real sign that youre on the right path when, regardless of whats going on in your life, you get to do that thing that you love you feel good. You know that youre doing the thing youre meant to. Just like when the tree gets to produce of its kind, its in bliss. Its such an honor and a pleasure to be here with you.

Today were talking about what you really came here for, and what you didnt. By the way, if you havent had a chance to sign up for Emergence, this podcast on iTunes, its absolutely free. There is about 100 episodes or trainings in there, but we archive them on a regular basis. I would invite you to sign up. Its free. Takes about a minute or less. Download all the episodes so that you own them now, and you wont lose any of them. Youll also be getting new ones every week. If you like what youre hearing, please share it with a loved one, a friend. One of the greatest gifts we can give someone else is education or inspiration. So what you really came here for, and what you didnt. Let me just start right out of the gate by telling you absolutely what you didnt come here for. What I mean by here I dont mean to this podcast; I mean to this planet. You did not come here to get a sale at Macys or Walmart. You did not come here for that Fire sale. You did not come here for Black Friday. No matter how much you like to shop till you drop, you did not drop into this dimension to shop. Thats the first thing I want you to know you didnt come here for. Im going to talk mostly about what you didnt come here for.

What you came here for, what we call came here for, is to use this dimension of duality and contrast to awaken more fully to who and what we are, and to paint our unique masterpiece of love and life and light onto the canvas of time and space so that others could see it and be liberated and awakened to their own greatness and their own joy and their own genius. Whether you call it painting on the canvas of life or performing your Divine drama on the stage of life, you came here because you have gifts to bring, and you have something to learn. Thats where the very definition of human comes from, a Sanskrit term that means the dispenser of Divine gifts. As we talk about in the Emergence work, and really what all the great masters taught, everything is already within you, all the power, presence, life, and love of God, all that you could ever want. Youre not really even in the world, the world is in you. You have everything, and so this world cant give you anything, except for a reflection of where youre living in consciousness and a place or an opportunity to grow and to give. Thats it. Thats what you came here for.

Now, theres a unique way that shows up. It might uniquely show up as a writer, teacher, dancer, singer, author, healer, doctor, plumber, parent, architect, politician, lawyer. Yes, even a politician and lawyer. Im sorry to tell you, thats also a Divine purpose. I dont know how many are actually living the Divine purpose within their profession, but you came here in a very unique and creative way to realize the life and the light of your true being and to shine it in a unique, gifted way that helps others to awaken and to do the same, and to have fun. Its a fun, dynamic, dramatic dimension of contrast and light, but thats what you came here for.

What didnt you come here for? Again, you didnt come here to shop. Nothing wrong with shopping, but weve kind of turned shopping into entertainment. You to the airport now, and a lot of airports are really just shopping malls surrounded by planes. As one of my mentors, Michael Beckwith, says, People are walking around looking for something to buy. Here what I said. Theyre not walking around to find the thing they really need. That creative impulse to give and share the gift of their life has been aberrated and corrupted into an energy of trying to get and acquire for the sake of acquiring. How many people have things in their closet with the tags still on them? Boxes in their garage that have never been opened from Amazon or the Home Shopping Club or whatever? The trash heaps of our country and the world are filled with this stuff. You didnt come here to shop.

You didnt come here, also, to win an argument, except the argument within yourself. Whenever youre in an argument, when youre in a situation, and youre so committed, like life or death, to prove youre right and that theyre wrong, to somehow exact revenge, you didnt come here for that. You didnt come here to prove anything to anybody else, except to prove the principle of truth, to prove that God is all there is, or love is all there is, or love will win the day, but not to prove that youre better than them or theyre less than you, or even to prove theyre better than you, which sometimes we unconsciously do. You didnt come here to prove any of that. You didnt come here to win anything, except the argument within your own heart, which is to convince yourself that you are one with the One of all life, the Source of all creation, that you are whole, complete, and beautiful and abundant and worthy and necessary. You came here to convince yourself of that and to prove that, and then to help prove it for everyone.

You didnt come here to prove that youre better than anyone. You didnt come here to prove someone else is wrong. You didnt come here to win a court case. You didnt come here to get a job even. You didnt come here to get a bunch of money. You didnt come here to get a bunch of real estate. You didnt come here to defeat the enemies, except the enemy within your own household, which is the only place it exists, within your consciousness. You didnt come here to get anything. You didnt come here to get approval or validation or love from anybody. No. You didnt come here even to get love. You came here to give it, because infinite love is within you.

That doesnt mean that we dont get a job, we dont get in a relationship, we dont get a new car, we dont get some clothes. Thats all beautiful and wonderful, but were not here to get those things. We get into the relationship so that we can have an opportunity to awaken to who we really are and give more of the love within us. We get that job so that we have an opportunity to awaken to who we really are through the challenges and things, and to give of our giftedness. We get a new car so that we have the transportation in this dimension to travel to the places we need to give of our love and give of our gifts. We get a new home so that we can create a sanctuary and an environment where we can love each other and create our things and meditate and grow and play and sing and love and release more of our imprisoned splendor. We go into the lands of the world so we can cultivate them and nourish them and honor them and create works of art and structures that support the awakening and the loving and the playing and the sharing and the healing of our soul.

No matter what it is, whether its relationship, health, wealth, work, personal development, all of these things that we have been conditioned to believe we need to get, that thats the end game. The end game is to get and acquire the perfect home and the perfect job and the amount of money we want, and the right relationship, and the piece of land. That if we get all that weve won the game. No. No. TranscriptionYouve only just begun it. Thats not the end result. Thats the preparation. Thats the beginning. Each one of those is like a plank in the platform from which now you can launch off from and give of your true life and your true gifts and your true purpose.

Theres some simple ways to test this. Can you take any of that stuff with you? If you cant take any of it with you, does that make any sense that you would have come here to get it? Think about that. If you cant take any of it with you, and you cant. You cant take the money. You cant take the houses and the cars. You cant even take that person. What can you take with you? You can take the love that you activate. You can take the joy and the bliss that you active from giving of your heart and your gifts, being of service. You can take the wisdom youve discovered and developed and activated. Not necessarily the human knowledge, all that you learned about how to sell and make great business deals. That will have no real value in the next dimension, but what you learned in terms of integrity and loyalty and service and love and honor, that translates into any dimension.

Did you really come here to learn how to build rocket ships or do brain surgery or make great deals or master mathematics, or even become a great singer or songwriter? No. Not really. You came here, and as part of your unique journey you master a craft or domain specific knowledge, so that in that area you can shine your light and life and give your gifts, but the gift youre giving isnt just the work of art or that beautiful structure you built, or that computer you designed. No. The gift is what quality of the spirit that particular thing allows to be activated in you and in others. How it supports others in giving their true soul gifts and awakening to their true self. So that work of art is not just a work of art. If youve done it from that deeper place it liberates peoples hearts and minds and spirits, whether its through emotional catharsis or spiritual awareness, and that computer gives them the tools they need to do their work and give of their gifts in the world. You see? When you really start to boil it down, the only thing that really matters, the only thing, is the activation and the discovery of who and what you really are, and the true qualities of your soul, and the full activation of those qualities, the love, the peace, the joy, the inner connection. Thats all that really matters.

Another test you can do is when youre in the midst of an argument or a struggle to achieve or attract or strategies and tactics to win and succeed, you can stop and ask yourself, especially if you feel constricted, contracted, pushy, afraid, angry, you can ask, Will this matter in 20 years? Start there. Will this matter in 20 years? Youre in the middle of a fight. Youre arguing with your wife about the fact that she charged too much on the credit card, or youre arguing with your husband the fact that he stayed out too late drinking with the buddies. Dont get me wrong. Im not saying you dont deal with the mundane things, but when you make it an issue, you make it an argument, you make it a fight, you make it a thing, you got to ask yourself, Will this matter in 20 years? In 20 years will I really care that my wife bought that dress without asking me? Will I really care that my husband stayed out late with the boys drinking? Whatever the case. Maybe thats kind of cliché examples. Do it the other way around. The husband bought that golf clubs that we couldnt afford, and the wife stayed out with her friends really late and didnt call, whatever. Will it really matter 20 years from now?

Again, Im not saying you dont deal with the real issues of the heart. If you have commitments and agreements, and they get breached, and youre afraid, absolutely, but thats this inner work, but its because you want to perfect your loving. Its because you want to have a deeper sense of peace. You want to feel more empowered. Thats what really matters, not the credit card bill or the extra golf clubs, or the fact that he leaves the toilet seat up all the time, or whatever. You want to ask yourself, Will this matter in 20 years? Then you ask yourself, after that, because maybe youll still convince yourself it does, Will this thing right here that Im fighting for or that Im struggling to attain, will it matter on my deathbed? If you really ask with sincerity, you might hear an answer like, Itll really matter, but not for the reason I thought. If I make this about me being right and them being wrong, and I fight, I might do damage to this relationship. I might not have it in 20 years. I might be alone on my deathbed. It matters for that reason. Youll most likely get, No. I mean, think about it. You want to also test this? Think about 20 years ago. Think about some of the things you thought meant everything. Its like life or death that you got that new shiny Mustang when you were a teenager, or the whole world was collapsing around you because she broke up with you, or your parent not letting you go out to that concert, and you hated them and wished they would die. Now you think about it 20 years later, 30 years, 40 years, and you laugh about it, or maybe you kind of feel ashamed about it. Youre like, how could I have thought that mattered so much?

Again, I have to qualify, because theres levels. Its not that theres not value and meaning in all of our challenges. When the young teenagers heart is broken, that does matter. Theres value in the work that that produces, but when we are fighting for our life and fighting and making something life and death and putting all of our energy into acquiring and achieving it or proving it, if we ask these questions we start to loosen our grip, and we start to ask, What does matter in this moment? Its not that Im right or wrong. Its not that I get or dont get. So what does matter? There is something that matters when that teenagers heart gets broken, when mom and dad wont let you go out, or when the person breaks your trust. There is something that matters, a matter of the heart and the soul. Theres something in that for the evolution and growth of your spirit, and ultimately a greater realization of your true purpose and a greater capacity to give of your gifts. There is something that matters as it pertains to that.

So when you ask these questions you can ask, In this moment, did I come to planet Earth in this moment to prove them wrong and prove me right? In this moment, this conflict, this struggling or striving, did I come to Earth for this thing? What did I really come to Earth for in this moment? If this was the only moment I had, I came to Earth just for this moment, because in a very real way thats true of every moment, Then what did I come here for right now. In this argument with my wife, what is the reason I came to Earth as it pertains to this argument? It sure isnt to prove myself right. What good is that going to do me? That would be a silly reason to travel through Universes and galaxies and cross the barrier of time and space, to make her wrong for buying a dress or make him wrong for buying those golf clubs. That would be pretty silly. You start to tap into the real reason you came here, the real reason for each moment, the real goal in each moment, the soul goal, and you start to realize what you didnt come here for.

Now, you can expand this question even further. We said 20 years, the end of your life, on your deathbed, will this matter, the thing youre fighting for or striving for? The next question you ask is, What about when I leave this dimension, and Im in some other dimension? Will this matter? Will these golf clubs really matter? Will this credit card bill really matter? Will any of my debt really matter? Will the fact that I might get a million dollars or $100,000 or $1,000, will that matter when Im flying around in some other dimension? No. Then that must not be the real reason you came for, you came to this moment for. That must not be really what youre here in this moment for. You could be making a deal, but the real reason youre making that deal must not be about the money youre going to get. There must be a deeper truer, purer reason. The more you can be tapped into that and coming from that while you make the deal, now you are in league and in alignment with your souls goal, your souls purpose. You understand what Im saying?

Then you can expand it even further and say, Once you leave this earthly place, will what youve done in this moment, what youre striving for or arguing for, will it matter to the people you leave behind, to the world you leave behind? In other words, if you fight and prove youre right and theyre wrong, once you leave will that have been of value to them? Once you leave, the fact that you managed to make millions of dollars, is that going to necessarily make a difference for the world? It might. If youre earning the money to grow a non-profit organization thats going to then use that money to feed people and help people and educate people so they can live their lives and give their gifts, then if thats in your motivation for attracting or achieving or attaining that, you are more aligned with your true purpose. Do you see what I mean?

Again, Im not saying that any surface activity is, in and of itself, wrong. A fight isnt wrong. A conflict isnt wrong. Acquiring things isnt wrong, but its deep down is the actual acquisition the thing? Is the money the thing? Is the proving yourself right or them wrong the thing? Is there something deeper? The more you can be anchored to that real thing you came here for, which has something to do with awakening to your true potential, your true selfhood, and giving of your true gifts to the world so that others can awaken to their self and give their gifts, thats the ultimate purpose of everybody. Thats really why we all came here, in our own unique ways. One might do it as a banker. One might do it as a plumber. One might do it as a healer. One might do it as an artist, but its not the plumbing and the healing and the banking that we came here for. Its not to get something in that relationship and puff up our ego and make us feel better than or less than. Its this deeper purpose to awaken to our true self, to perfect our loving, our giving, and to give forth of those qualities in a way that helps others wake up and give of their own.

As you expand this you begin to discover, and as you really do that you start to feel yourself losing your grip around this situation. It doesnt mean you wont still have some fear, some anger, some sadness, but at least now youre going to know, what am I meant to do with this fear, anger and sadness based on this new context of what Im really here for? If Im really here to wake up to my true self, which is a unique expression of life and love and God, now how do I work with the sadness, the anger? Do I try to make them wrong? Thats not going to help me realize my oneness with God or perfect my loving, but there is something in here that will. You keep working until you find what that is. Thats going to change the context of that argument. Its going to change the paradigm or the context of that conflict. Its going to change the context of that ambition, until more and more youre rooted in the real reason you came here for.

Some of the things you thought mattered will fall away. Your values will shift, and it wont be as important to do certain things. It wont be as important to acquire stuff you dont really need and thats not really opening your heart and mind and allowing you to give of your gifts. Youll have a bigger vision than your flat screen TV. Youll see that reverse. Most people, unfortunately, have bigger TV screens than the vision for their life. That will begin to reverse. It doesnt mean you cant have a big screen. You can have a home theater, but youll a vision way bigger than that, and the vision will have something to do with truly awakening your heart, your mind, your soul, your creative genius, your loving, and helping others to do the same. Are you getting this?

What did you really come here for? What didnt you come here for? You didnt come here to prove youre right and someone else is wrong. You didnt come to hurt someone, get revenge, acquire a bunch of stuff, a bunch of money, a bunch of titles behind your name. You didnt even come here to get your body in the greatest shape ever. Its okay to do that, but if youre compulsively into I got to lose this weight or gain these muscles or look better, all that vanity, what good is that going to be on your deathbed? What good is that going to be when youre flying around in another dimension with a different body? What good is that going to leave behind for the loved ones in the world that youve left? Nothing.

Again, to put it in context, maybe you did come here to help really learn how to honor yourself through the body and model what good health looks like so that that particular structure is strong and doesnt become a liability. So you have the energy and strength to keep growing and awakening and giving your gifts and teaching others and modeling for others to do the same. Now in that context, the energy you put towards looking and feeling great has real merit. Its in integrity with your emerging soul. So what did you really come here for? When youre in the midst of a conflict, of something youre striving to achieve or attain, ask that question.

Then expand it. Will this matter in 20 years, what I think Im here for in this moment? Will it matter in 20 years? Will it matter on my deathbed? What will I think about it when Im out of this dimension in a completely different one? Will it matter to the people in the world Ive left behind? You want to keep asking and adjusting until your answer is yes. This will matter 20 years from now. This will matter on my deathbed. This will matter when I leave this place, and this will matter for those I leave behind. In some way it will help for the greater expression of my heart and soul and love, and it will help others for their greater expression of that too. So that were creating a world that works for the highest good of all, that reflects more and more the ultimate nature of reality, of love, of wholeness, and when thats the answer you consistently can give, you know youre on track, youre on purpose, and youre living your purpose.

I  hope this has served you and inspired you and opened your heart and mind, and if you like what youre hearing, please share it with a friend, a loved one, a client. Share the love. Sign up for Emergence podcast on iTunes. Go to DerekRydall.com to get more additional resources. You can also get my bestselling book, Emergence, at MyEmergenceBook.com. If you click on the Barnes & Noble or Amazonbutton, buy it through there, and leave your info, Im going to give you over $1,000 in addition bonuses to support you in really getting results with it. If youd like a little mini course, mini ecourse, audio course, on the Law of Emergence and how to apply it to your life, just go to www.LawofEmergence.com. Again, its been my honor and pleasure to be here with you. Keep tuning in. Keep staying turned on, and until next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally, and follow your destiny.

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Derek Rydall
What You Really Came Here For (And What You Didn't)
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