Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

Unconditional Living. How to be Joyful, Successful and Free ALL THE TIME! [Podcast]

The self is unconditional and unconditioned, immaculately conceived Derek Rydall

As we take a deep dive into unconditional living, how to be joyful, successful, and free all the time. Now this is a bold promise and premise, but it’s really the way we were designed to live, and it’s something that’s been unfolding and emerging for me over time, and the thing about it is, we’ve heard about unconditional loving, and that basically means to love someone without conditions. It also means to love them regardless of conditions. So they don’t have to earn your love, and they can never lose your love, because your love is independent of any criteria or agenda or conditions. That’s unconditional love. Another word for that is agape love. It is the love of God, Divine. That is the truest nature of love, and that is the true nature of life, and that is our true nature.

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What we don’t often think about is the rest of the qualities of our being, the rest of the qualities of life: peace, joy, radiant gratitude, celebration, freedom, fulfillment, all of these other qualities. The same principle applies that all of these qualities: love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, freedom, gratitude, celebration, generosity, service, support, all of these qualities are meant to be, and are ultimately as unconditional as agape love.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!



Welcome, Derek Rydall here, founder of the Law of Emergence process, and author of the bestselling book, Emergence, and it’s just so great to be with you again, as we take a deep dive into unconditional living, how to be joyful, successful, and free all the time. Now this is a bold promise and premise, but it’s really the way we were designed to live, and it’s something that’s been unfolding and emerging for me over time, and the thing about it is, we’ve heard about unconditional loving, and that basically means to love someone without conditions. It also means to love them regardless of conditions. So they don’t have to earn your love, and they can never lose your love, because your love is independent of any criteria or agenda or conditions. That’s unconditional love. Another word for that is agape love. It is the love of God, Divine. That is the truest nature of love, and that is the true nature of life, and that is our true nature.

What we don’t often think about is the rest of the qualities of our being, the rest of the qualities of life: peace, joy, radiant gratitude, celebration, freedom, fulfillment, all of these other qualities. The same principle applies that all of these qualities: love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, freedom, gratitude, celebration, generosity, service, support, all of these qualities are meant to be, and are ultimately as unconditional as agape love. They are all in some regards synonyms for each other, synonyms for God, for the Divine Intelligence. As it says in the Bible, “He shines his light on the just and the unjust, pours his rain on the saint and the sinner,” or maybe it’s the other way around. It says, “God is no respecter of persons.” What it’s saying is the whole personal sense of self, which is good/bad, saint/sinner, sick/healthy, rich/poor, good today/not so good tomorrow, worthy today/not worthy tomorrow, that whole personality way of living, the way we take care or treat ourselves or others based on personality, based on stature and status, name, fame, and fortune, based on conditions, that whole box, that whole paradigm of looking at ourselves and each other and life, that’s the personhood. That’s the personal sense of life, and it says God is no respecter of that. Meaning the mind of God and the mind of Divine Intelligence, is has no knowledge of that, and supposedly even in the Akashic Records there is no record of a person. It means a mask. It means a concept of the self, but it’s not the self.

The self is unconditional and unconditioned, immaculately conceived. It is not a product of time, space, conditions, karma, astrology, or any ology. It’s not a product of any of that. It’s a product of Divine Consciousness, of Divine Substance. That’s our true nature, and made in the image and likeness of God means that we are ultimately designed to be like God. By the way, when I say God, I have to say this occasionally, I’m not talking about a man with a beard in the sky. I’m talking about this presence and principle of life that is a Divine Intelligence, the Force, the energy behind all of creation, the first cause out of which everything emanates. Made in the image and likeness of that means that we are like it. We are a chip off the old Divine block. We are an emanation, a radiation, a beam of this one sun. So that means that we are meant to live the same way as it describes in that scriptural passage, to shine our light on the saint and the sinner, to pour our rain, our nourishment, on the just and the unjust, and what that means is that we’re supposed to be shining these qualities regardless of conditions. There’s no criteria. There’s no agenda. Nobody has to earn them, and nobody can do anything to prevent them, because they are our nature. Our nature is love. Our nature is peace. Our nature is joy. Our nature is radiant beauty and gratitude and generosity. Not a generosity once we’ve been given something, but our nature is givingness, because our nature is infinite fulfillment.

We’re not just merely talking about how we treat others, of course. Indeed, and in fact, initially it’s really how we treat ourselves and how we show up in our own life on a day to day basis, because in our own life we are deciding whether we will be happy or joyful or giving or loving to ourselves, or just to allow ourselves to feel those qualities based on conditions. So if my body’s feeling good today, I feel happy or peaceful. If it’s not feeling good, I feel angry or sad or frustrated. If my bank account is looking good today, or I get a new client today, I’m feeling happy, joyful, confident, powerful. If I lose a client, or have to pay bills, and I’m in debt, I feel sad, scared, angry, victimized. We think that’s normal, and it seems very justified and very reasonable, and from the human standpoint it is. It’s a life completely and totally lived as a reaction, not as a proaction, as a victim, not as a victor, not as a leader. It’s a life lived asleep in the dream that we are merely the product of our conditions, and that conditions determine what we think, what we feel, what we say, and what we do, and I really want you to hear this truth.

Conditions determine nothing. Nothing. I feel like I have to shout it. A condition has no power. It cannot determine what you think, what you feel, what you say, or what you do ultimately. Any more than the wake of a boat determines where the boat goes. The wake is not pushing the boat; the wake is the effect of the boat. It’s the ripple the boat leaves behind. All conditions are the wake of our current, or rather our past energy output. All conditions are effect. They are merely appearances, perceptions coagulated into experience. They have no power. They have no life. They have no law. They have nothing to hold them together. It’s the wake of our boat. They’re not driving the boat. They’re not driving our life. They’re not determining what we think, feel, speak, or do.

Now, all they determine is a starting point. That’s it. they determine a starting point, but then what you make of that, how you decide to feel about that, what you decide to think about that, how you frame it, determines what you ultimately end up believing about it, what you ultimately end up feeling about it, what you ultimately end up saying and doing about it, and that determines your character, and your character determines your destiny and determines the next wake or ripple that you create in your experience, otherwise known as a new condition. The condition itself doesn’t determine anything. It’s a feedback system. It lets you know where you’re living in consciousness. It’s always a representation of the past, just as the wake is. It’s not telling you what is driving under the hood right now. That will appear as the next moment, or the next day, or the next week, or the next month, as it unfolds.

That’s also why it’s very important that when you’re doing the inner work to develop a new mindset and heartset and soulset and activating new power that you don’t look out at your experience and go, it’s not working, because what you’re looking at is the past. You may be doing the work in the present, and it may not be showing up yet. There might be a time lag, a download time, before it becomes coagulated as experience. Like the analogy of the car spinning out towards the wall, and if you turn the wheel towards the wall, or look towards the wall, you’re going to hit the wall. You have to look away from the wall, and your hands follow your eyes, and it starts to course correct, but even when you’ve turned the wheel away from the wall, the car is still often sliding towards the wall for a while. It’s still got momentum towards the problem, towards the wall. If you then look at the situation and judge by appearance, by conditions, and think, it’s not working, and take your hands off the wheel or turn the wheel back towards the wall, you’re going to crash. If you just keep the wheel turned away from the wall, keep your eyes on the prize, on the vision, on the way, eventually the wheels catch, and the car pulls out of the turn.

The same is true with our own life. Your life condition is the past. It’s just telling you where you were. It’s not necessarily telling you where you are, unless you are thinking and feeling and doing exactly the same thing as you were yesterday and the day before and the day before, and it has no power to determine your future, not even to determine your present. This is what I really want to talk to you about today is that what you think about it, you have metacognition, the ability to think about what you’re thinking about. This is what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God. You have the ability to think independent of circumstance. As you think, so shall you be. As you focus your attention on what you want to focus on, not what the condition would seem to be tempting you to focus on, you activate a feeling tone based on that focus.

So even in the midst of what might look like a lack and limitation situation, you can frame it as this is an opportunity for me to really get stronger. This is showing up so that I can dig deep. This lack of resources is showing up so that I can become more resourceful, and then turn your attention to that. Begin to imagine yourself having all of your needs met. Begin to activate a feeling of abundance, joy, power, peace. Meditate on that feeling tone. Fill your being with it. Radiate it into your environment, and actually begin to feel joyful and peaceful and abundant, even when your conditions are telling you the exact opposite. As you hold your space in that expanded place, or hold your place in that expanded space, eventually that frequency integrates. It embodies. It becomes a permanent part of your signature frequency, and then that feeling tone becomes clothed. That new frequency gets clothed or coagulated into new experience.

Living an unconditional life, unconditional living, and how to be joyful, successful, and free all the time means starting by the realization that your conditions have never, cannot, never will, determine what you think, what you feel, what you say, and ultimately what you do. I say ultimately, because temporarily they may determine what you do, in the sense of if your legs have been broken, and you can’t walk, then that condition of broken legs is temporarily limiting your ability to walk, but it can’t limit your ability to imagine yourself walking again and running and exercising, and imaging yourself living the life you want to live and other wonderful things in your life, and feeling what that feels like and beginning to feel wonderful and powerful. There are many examples of people that were told they’d never walk again, that were paralyzed, in bed for days, weeks, months, and visualized and activated a life of vibrant athletic health, vigor, and regrew nerves and bones and muscles, and defied all the doctor’s orders. You’ve heard these stories. These are not just anecdotal. There’s a principle at work.

Even if you never did literally walk the way you used to, that can still not prevent you from living the life you were designed and destined for, a level of joy, a level of power and peace, because your state of consciousness has nothing to do with your state of condition, other than that the condition can create the experience, the pressure, that in some cases forces you to have to dig deeper and get stronger. The same way that when you go into a gym, and you are lifting weights or running on the treadmill or the track, that condition forces your muscles to grow. It tears them and causes a rebuilding cycle to kick in. As in nature, the forest fire causes the jack pine and many other trees and parts of nature to ultimately break down and to grow and evolve, but it’s not that the condition is doing that. The condition is literally creating the condition to reveal the potential that was always there.

When the wind blows and the apple falls off the tree, the wind doesn’t actually cause the apple to fall. From the Emergence paradigm, there’s only emergence. There’s not cause and effect. The wind created a condition that revealed or made manifest the principle of gravity that was always pulling on the apple. By creating that condition, it allowed that gravity to pull the apple down. That was always there in potential. The wind created the condition to manifest that invisible potential. The same is true for you. Within you, your potential is always bigger than the problems you face and the conditions you face. If you face a condition that appears to be very sad, the joy within you is always infinitely greater. If you face a condition that appears to be limited, the abundance in you is infinitely greater. If you face a condition that appears to be sickness, the health and the vitality and the joy in you, infinitely greater. So all these conditions are doing is giving you the challenge and the charge to dig deeper, to become resourceful, to turn on that heart light, to activate that potential, to stand in your true Divine authority. As the Bible says, “Prove me in this, and I will open up the windows of Heaven and pour forth a blessing too big to receive.”

Unconditional living is about beginning to understand that your joy, your peace, your love, your power, your freedom, your fulfillment, has nothing to do with conditions, and your job, your work, your work play from now on is to decide, who do I want to be? How do I want to feel? What do I want to shine? How do I want to show up? Now my practice is in this moment, and for the next 30-60 minutes, throughout the day, to be that individual, to shine that light, to be in love, in gratitude, to open up and invite peace, regardless of conditions. The real goal then becomes not making a lot of money or healing your body, or getting a better relationship, per say. That can certainly be a part of your vision and be on your wish list and all that, but real goal is how would you feel, and who would you be, if you had those things, which is the soul’s real goal anyway. You’d be happy, joyful, peaceful, relaxed, etc.

So your real goal is now, starting with one or so of those, is to begin to get in a state of being and feeling and radiating and showing up as that being now. That means when you pray, when you meditate, you’re not trying to pray for anything. You’re praying from it. As Jesus said, “Pray believing that you already have, that you may receive.” That wasn’t a metaphysical trick to attract something you don’t have. It was the mystical truth that you already have it, and so prayer becomes the way by which you touch the ultimate nature of your being and activate it. Affirmations are not a-for-mations. They’re a-from-mations. You are affirming from. I have it all. I am the light of the world. I am the dispenser of Divine gifts, which is the real definition of human in the Sanskrit. I am a unique, infinite, individualized expression of all the power, the presence, the love, and the life of God, of infinite good. The whole Universe is in me. The Kingdom of Heaven is in me. Nirvana is in me. The Tao is in me. It’s all in me, so whatever’s missing is what I’m not giving. Whatever I’m waiting for, I’m waiting with and weighing it down. Life’s not going to happen to me. It has to happen through and as me. It won’t just happen. It will happen just. It will happen by law, by order, by me living under the principle that I already have it all, and I must shine it. I must share it. I must circulate it. I must generate it. I must activate it.

If I ever find myself saying, “God, what are you going to do about this?” Know that God is saying back to you, “That’s what I sent you there for.” You are the ambassador, the emanation, the radiation of the light here to shine it. If there’s darkness, you don’t rail at the darkness. You remember, I’m the light. I’m supposed to shine more light in this area. If there’s sadness, you don’t go, why is this happening to me? You go, I am the joy. This is showing up so I can activate more joy and embody more joy permanently. If there’s chaos, you remember I am the peace that passes all understanding. If there’s lack, you remember I am the source of infinite supply. It’s all within me. It has nothing to do with the conditions. I am an unconditional, all conditional instrument, radiant transparency of the life and light and love of God, here to shine it, to share it, to circulate it like never before. In a unique and unprecedented way that only I can. I’m not waiting for anything to change. I’m not waiting for anyone to change. I’m not even waiting for me to change. I’m going to be the change I want to see now.

Show me, God. Show me, Life. Where is the love? Where is the joy? Where is the peace in me? Let’s bring it. Come on. Right here, right now. I’m living and moving and having my being in the infinite Kingdom of God, in an infinite realm of unbounded good. I’m living in it now. It’s living in me now. It’s not bound by time or space, and has nothing to do with conditions. It’s here. It’s now. It’s happening. Let there be light. You begin to pray with that kind of fervor. You begin to affirm it. You begin to stomp your feet and shake your hands and lift your spirit and open your mind and activate your heart. You don’t wait for anything or anyone to change. You’re the change you’ve been waiting for. You’re the answer you’ve been looking for. You’re the solution in this moment. If you’re looking around looking for someone to come save you or something to come save you, look in a mirror, and you’ll have your answer.

Now, it’s not easy. That’s the fine print, because we’ve been conditioned. So the natural habits are to react to the situation and condition, feel victimized by it, angry, sad, scared, withdrawn, etc. and to believe that something or someone has to change, including us. All that’s natural and normal. It’s not really normal, but it is human nature let’s just say. It’s all really altered and aberrated, but it’s very familiar. We’ve been conditioned that way, so you have to be gentle and kind and patient as you’re rebuilding a new habit, which is in every day your priority, your core goal, is to be the answer, to be the joy, to be in the peace, to be the love, the gratitude, the celebration, the generosity that you’re waiting for someone else to be, or that you think you would be if you had what you thought you should have. That’s the work play.

As you build that as a habit, you begin to find that you’re able to be joyful even in the midst of sorrow. You’re able to be peaceful even in the midst of chaos. You’re able to feel powerful and confident and safe even in the midst of lack and limitation. Now you are truly able to be the light in the world, and you’re not only an answer to yourself, but now you become an answer to everyone that touches your field. This is my charge to you. This is my invitation to you. Unconditional living.

Just start with a simple practice. Pick one quality, love, peace, joy, gratitude, generosity. If it’s something like abundance, embodying the quality of generosity or gratitude is a very good way to start. Just make it your practice, as part of the One Minute Mystic that I teach, to just stop every hour as a practice. Set your timer on your watch or your iPhone or your computer, and stop every hour. Remind yourself that conditions don’t determine how you think, how you feel. Whatever’s going on, name it all good. Give thanks for it all. Affirm that it’s all working together for your highest good and the good of all, and then cultivate whatever quality you want to work on. It can start by a simple prayer of, Dear God, or life, please fill me with peace or joy, regardless of circumstances. Then from there you can see if you start to feel it, or you can do a quick visualization and imagine something that would bring that feeling tone. Then as you start to feel it, affirm it.

You’ve prayed the prayer, fill my heart with peace, or joy, or confidence, or power, and then you visualize a brief scene that allows you feel a little hit of that. It could be something that you’ve already experienced, or imagining something that would make you feel that way. Then as you’re feeling that peace or that joy or that power or that confidence, now you affirm it. I am an expression of pure peace, of radiant joy, of unbounded abundance, power, confidence. Just riff on that, and just vibrate and activate and stir that feeling tone. Then time permitting you can also do the radiation, where you now radiate it. Just take a deep breath and as you breathe out feel it filling your body first with a breath or two or three. Then radiate it. You can raise your hands and imagine the planet in front of you like a small ball, or just raise your hands, or just imagine your mind’s eye breathing out and this energy radiates and fills your environment, radiates and blesses everyone and everything in your life. Radiates and blesses everyone and everything on the planet. Until you’ve just created a field where all, everything is in this field of your radiance. Then put your hand on your heart, and bring it all back. You can keep it radiating, but now give it to yourself is what I mean. Then take a breath, and then go on with your day.

Now, I described several parts there. You don’t necessarily have the time or have the need to do all of that every time. Sometimes it might just be stopping for 30 seconds, or 10 seconds even, or just a minute. It might take that long just to get back into the state of the feeling tone and do a brief affirmation. Other times you might get caught up in it and have the time to do two or three or five minute process and include all of it, the prayer to be filled with the quality, the visualization to activate the quality, the affirmation to begin generating the quality, and then the radiation to begin giving it away and circulating the quality, because you cannot give what you don’t have. So you have to first have it, and then you cannot keep what you don’t give away. Then finally the receiving of it, because you cannot sustain what you don’t receive. So you take that full cycle. Maybe you do that full cycle a few times a day, but you stop for 30 seconds or a minute, five, six, seven, a dozen times a day.

As you do that, over time, sometimes dramatically, and otherwise incrementally, you begin to build up this frequency and vibration and integration and embodiment, and you just start to beam that energy, regardless of conditions. Then when new conditions arise that challenge you, you just get to go deeper. You get purify more fully. You get to get stronger in that quality. This is unconditional living, how to be joyful, successful, and free all the time.

I hope this has served you, and please don’t just listen to this. Listening and theory is wonderful, and that’s beginners work. Practice is the path of mastery and manifestation. Please take this, even if all you do is stop once a day, and begin to practice unconditional living, being the light and the answer that you want. You’ll be on your way. Share what you’re getting in our Facebook groups, or on my Facebook fan page, so I know that this is serving you. Leave a review in iTunes for me, so that I can know that this is serving you. Whenever you leave a review I’ll do some extra energetic work to support you. Share it with your friends and loved ones and clients that this can serve. If you haven’t already registered for iTunes or for this podcast, please join it so that you don’t miss any of these teachings and trainings to support you in living the life of your dreams, fulfilling the destiny of greatness that’s in you. Because you are here to deliver a very special gift, I promise you. I guarantee it. Everything is conspiring for that.

I hope this has helped in that conspiracy, and until next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally, and follow your destiny. Stay inspired.









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Derek Rydall
The self is unconditional and unconditioned, immaculately conceived Derek Rydall
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