Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

Time, Health, Wealth, Work, and Relationship Freedom: The Path of Liberation [Podcast]

Time, Health, Wealth, Work, and Relationship Freedom: The Path of Liberation

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Do you know that 99.99% of the world is run by the belief that if we could just change conditions, we could become safe, secure, significant and free?

It’s a 180 degrees opposite of what the great teachings taught. The fundamental teaching of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Quan Yin, Shankara were not about improving your human experience in order to be free. They were exactly the opposite.

As long as we’re trying to manipulate the world to be happy, safe or significant, we are slaves, prisoners, ruled over by an empire of human beliefs in lack, limitation, and separation.

Freedom won’t just come to you. It has to be earned by right of consciousness. Jesus taught, don’t try to save and improve your life. Let it go and seek a deeper connection. Buddha taught, do not engage in craving and aversion, which is basically the incessant need to try to get or get rid of it in order to be free or happy (in other words, manipulating appearances and conditions.) Buddha’s whole teaching was based on an idea of the whole false self, that all suffering is based on this part of us that is seeking to manipulate conditions in order to be free.

There’s no freedom in thinking you have to get something or get rid of something, change something in order to be free. That’s not freedom, that’s enslavement. Freedom is an inside job. When you can be in a place of peace, regardless of conditions, you’re really free.

[bctt tweet=”No amount of human improvement will ever make you safe, secure, significant or free. ” username=”derekrydall”]

When we drop down a little bit deeper into these life structures – time, health, wealth, work, relationships – you can begin to see how this applies in these areas of your life.

It’s important to understand that all human experience is a relative projection of our limited perception of infinite perfection. Time is a relative expression of eternity. It’s completely relative, bendable and flexible. That’s why if you’re with somebody you really love, an hour might feel like it went by in a minute. If you’re doing something you really hate, a minute feels like an hour. As Einstein described in his theory of relativity, time is relative. It’s just a construct. Eternity is what’s real.

So, if you’re trying to base what’s real and true on what’s in time and space, you’re already completely lost. You’re as far away from as if truth didn’t even exist because time and space are not real. There’s a bigger idea that is infinite and eternal. It’s trying to emerge as your life, as the world right now. That idea is what’s real, not all the relative expressions of it that are sometimes very chaotic, very disturbing and very challenging. None of that is truth or substance. None of that is governed or maintained by Divine life, law or power which means it has no power at all. The only thing governed and maintained by life, law or power is what is true, what is real, what is spiritual – which means it is eternal and unchanging.

You want to continuously seek a greater realization of the eternal unchanging truth of our being, or of any of these life structures -time, wealth, and health – to move into a greater state of well-being.

You can completely renew and restore each of these structures of your life forever, to the extent that you awake into this truth, because your body, wealth, work, health, and relationships are spiritual, infinite, immortal, eternal ideas and activities that never diminish, that never run out. The more free you get in this truth, you’ll be able to reveal an ever-increasing expansion and capacity in every area.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Greetings, my fellow Emergineers. Derek Rydall, here. It’s just so awesome to be with you again. It’s such an honor and a pleasure to have a chance to just dive in, to dive beneath the surface mind, all the surface tension of the world, all the stuff going on in the world that grabs our attention and tempts us to believe in lack, limitation, fear, and separation. Just take a pause, take a breath, and dive beneath all those appearances, all those beliefs, all the rhetoric, all the inner turmoil, the inner weather and storms, and touch ultimate reality a little bit. Just have a moment to deep dive beneath all the effects, all the old effects. When you look at your life, you’re not seeing the present, you’re seeing the past. You’re seeing what has already happened, what has already been accepted or believed in consciousness and is now projected onto the screen of your experience, like the wake of a boat. The wake of the boat isn’t driving the boat. It’s the energy in the boat presently, in the person steering it.

It’s so easy to be steered around by the wake of our life, to be driven by the wake of our life, which is called appearances and conditions – mental, emotional, physical appearances and conditions. All of that is the wake. It has no actual power or substance. It’s the wake. It’s the evidence in the trail we’ve left from previous thinking and actions. Yet we often have been almost completely hypnotized into looking at all of that and letting that determine where our boats are going to go, and it has no power. It has no real substance. It’s an effect. So, it’s just very important. That’s why we stop and we meditate and pray. We’re not praying to make something happen or to manipulate conditions. We’re not praying to move the wake around. We’re praying to touch reality, but not seek to get anything from it, to be influenced by it. We meditate to touch the reality of our being, to be receptive to this reality, to this unprecedented, unconditional life and substance that has never happened, that has nothing to do with conditions. The Divine, the spirit, God, by whatever name you call it, is not trying to change the world. It’s not trying to make the world better, not even trying to make your life better. It’s really important to hear this, because if God or spirit or Divine intelligence was trying to make your life better or the world better, it would know that there’s a problem. It would see lack. It would see limitation. It would see separation, and as thou see us, so thou be us.

Whatever is known in Divine consciousness is a permanent reality. That’s why it says in the Bible, God’s eyes are too pure to behold inequity, because whatever God knows, whatever Divine intelligence knows, that’s the way it is eternally. Do you understand? If God could know that two plus two might equal three, the whole principle of mathematics would fall apart. So, the Divine intelligence doesn’t know about your problems. It doesn’t know about the world’s problems. In Divine intelligence, there are no problems. There’s only perfect ideas, perfect patterns, a Divine perfect template of infinite, immortal, eternal wholeness, harmony, abundance, freedom and fulfillment. There are no issues, no problems, no separation, no limitation, no birth, no death, and no diminishment. There are no other beings or minds, or bodies to contend or conflict, or compete with. None of that exists in Divine intelligence. All of that exist in time. The time, space continuum is a canvas upon which we’re painting with our perceptions of reality. That’s it. There’s infinite perfection. There’s our relative perception of it and then there’s our human projection onto the canvas of time and space, and we call that human experience. We call that our life.

It’s just a projection of a relative of the infinite perfection. So, we have to take these moments to realize that this Divine intelligence of our being, its real focus and purpose is not to improve things. Its focus and purpose is just to reveal and emerge and express more of its infinite perfection. What that looks like is improvement. It looks like evolution and innovation and progress. There is none of those things and Divine intelligence. There’s only a perfect idea, like a movie already on the film reel. It unfolds to give the illusion of something happening and unfolding. It’s already done. It’s already in the can, as the saying goes. Likewise, as the Scripture says, I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of good, not of evil, to give you an expected end. So, Divine intelligence already knows how it all works out, and we all win. In the end, we’re all victorious. In the end, we’re all fully awakened, fully alive, totally fulfilled, living and loving and shining to the max.

The Divine intelligence only knows that. It only knows that you’re already whole, that you’re already complete, that you’re already free, that you’re already a perfect idea and expression of itself. That’s all that it knows and sees when it sees you. So, when we pray and meditate and do all the work we’re doing, we’re ultimately not trying to manipulate anything, but to have an awareness of how God sees us, to have an awareness of how God sees the world. In other words, to have an awareness of how this Divine intelligence and reality of our being knows and sees and holds us. That’s why that prayer of awakening I say is, more than I want to fix, change, heal, control, manipulate anyone or anything, I want to wake up to the truth that makes me free. I want to see the way you see.

So, our prayer is never to set things right, which is manipulation, but to see things rightly, which is awakening, revelation, realization. So, I have no intention to talk about any of those, but it must have been a need to be said. It really isn’t the topic, although in a way, it really is, because the topic is all about freedom. It’s funny too, because I look at the topic and the title of this training, of this call, and I was like That’s big enough to drive a truck through.It’s so general. The title is literally Time, Health, Wealth, Work, and Relationship Freedom – The Path of Liberation. I look at them, and I’m like What in the world I’m planning on talking about, besides everything? I understand what I mean now, as I looked at it. I don’t plan these talks out. I let the title to drop in, and then on the day, I open up and maybe take a note or two and see what flows. I understand this. It took me a moment. I had to get back into the space where this arose from. It is very much in a way what I’ve just been talking about even, now that I think about it. So, see, Derek doesn’t always know what the heck he’s doing, but the Spirit always does. So, that’s why I try to do what Ralph Waldo Emerson said and remove my bloated sense of nothingness out of the way of the Divine circuits, because God knows what God had planned. God knows what God wants to talk about.

So, the key here is that– I got to laugh, because it’s just so funny how I did not have any idea why I was saying everything I’m saying, and then the first note I wrote on here was as long as we’re trying to manipulate the world to be happy, safe or significant, we are slaves, prisoners, ruled over by an empire of human beliefs in lack, limitation, and separation. So, I guess, the Spirit knew exactly what it was planning here. So, here’s the thing. There is no freedom in the world. There is no peace or safety in the world. No amount of human improvement will ever make you safe, secure, significant or free. Just let that sink in for a moment, and you may go, Oh, yeah, I know that, because you heard me say it or heard other people say it, but do you understand the implications of that? Do you know that 99.99% of the world is run by the belief that if we could just change conditions, we could become safe, secure, significant and free? Do you know that 99.999% of every legislation and country and product and industry is almost entirely built on and ran by the belief that if we could just make conditions better, we will eventually be safe, secure, significant and free?

So, what I’m suggesting is a thought as radical of an idea as you can possibly imagine. Maybe because you heard me say it before, maybe many times before, it doesn’t sound so radical, but I really want you to let it sink in, because most of what you’re doing in your life is based on a belief that if you could just change the conditions, you’ll be okay. That is fundamentally false. It’s a 180 degrees opposite of what the great teachings taught. The great religious teachings did not teach how to improve your humanhood. Certainly, there were some basic things to stabilize some of the human structures so that you would have time for the deeper contemplation. The fundamental teaching of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Quan Yin, Shankara – they were not about improving your human experience in order to be free. They were exactly the opposite. That’s why Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world.That’s why he didn’t say, Here’s how you make your human life better. He said, If you try to save your life, you’ll lose it, but if you’re willing to lose your life for My sake, meaning the Christ or the highest idea of truth within you, then you’ll have life eternal. He said, Take no thought for your life, not the clothes you’re going to wear, the food you’re going to eat or whatever. Don’t worry about any of that stuff. That’s already taken care of. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Today’s problems are sufficient unto today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Just don’t take anxious thought for anything in the world.

In other words, don’t be a problem solver. Seek first the kingdom of Heaven within you, and all of those things will be added onto you. It actually said, Seek first the kingdom of Heaven and its righteousnesswhich means the understanding of the principles, really understand how this thing called life works. Then, that understanding will breed right action and what the world calls improvement. He also said, You must know the truth and then the truth will make you free. It doesn’t just make you free. Freedom doesn’t just happen, it happens just – meaning it’s lawful and it’s orderly, and it’s based on principle. You have to know the truth, right? If you believe two plus two equals three, it’s not just going to eventually one day dawn on you, except by working through the problem of always lacking, always lacking, always getting short change, and eventually going what’s the truth here? What’s wrong here? What’s going on here? Having a realization that two plus two equals four. Now, you’ve got a knowing, and that knowing instantly changes your experience.

It won’t just happen to you. Freedom won’t just come to you. It has to be earned by right of consciousness. Jesus taught, don’t try to save and improve your life. Let it go and seek a deeper connection. Buddha taught, do not engage in craving and aversion, which is basically the incessant need to try to get or get rid of it in order to be free or happy; in other words, manipulating appearances and conditions. Buddha’s whole teaching was based in an idea of the whole false self, and all suffering is based on this part of us that is seeking to manipulate conditions in order to be free. He said, observe that until it dissolves and disintegrates; in other words, die daily, do not try to save your life, let it go, and then you will touch Nirvana or Heaven or ultimate reality, and you will find that place of equanimity where you are no longer moved or bothered by the world or appearances, and now you will begin to taste real freedom.

There’s no freedom in thinking you have to get something or get rid of something, change something in order to be free. That’s not freedom. That’s enslavement. Freedom is an inside job. When you realize your wholeness and your freedom and your abundance and your safety spiritually and can be in that place of peace, regardless of conditions, now you’re really free. You could be locked up in a prison cell, and you’re free, and you’re in joy, and you’re in peace. So, real freedom, real fulfillment, comes when we stop trying to merely change the world and the conditions. When we drop down a little bit deeper into these different areas, these life structures – time, health, wealth, work, relationships – it’s important that we don’t just take what I’m saying, and then kind of move on in a general sense, but we really look at these areas and think how does this apply in these areas. So, when we look at time, it’s important to understand that all human experience, as I said in the beginning, is a relative projection of our limited perception of infinite perfection. So, there’s perfection, there’s perception, there’s projection, and then there’s protection, which is where we wrap our ego around that experience, and we call it reality. We put a frame around it. We hang it on the gallery of our mind and say, that’s what’s true. That’s you. That’s me. That’s the world. It’s just a gallery of pictures that we put frames around.

So, everything is a relative expression of an infinite perfection. Time is a relative expression of eternity. Time is completely relative, completely bendable and flexible. That’s why if you’re with somebody you really, really love, an hour might feel like it went by in a minute. If you’re doing something you really, really hate, a minute feels like an hour, as Einstein described in his theory of relativity. Time is relative. Time is just a construct. Eternity is what’s real, and eternity isn’t a long time. See, that’s what we do. We think eternity is a long time, because what we’ve been conditioned to do is project our mortal material concept. We think life is material and life is temporal and life is mortal, we project it onto all the spiritual teachings, and that’s why we end up with fundamentalist religions where we think Heaven is a literal place above the clouds, and God is a man with a beard on a throne, and Jesus is literally sitting next to Him, I don’t know what, fanning him, bringing him wine. I’m not sure what people think he’s doing, but this is a material perception of spiritual reality. Spiritual reality has nothing to do with material reality. Material reality is a relative expression of spiritual reality so you can begin to see heavy peeking out and the symbols of what’s true, but you got to be willing to not interpret it materially. You have to interpret it spiritually. Seek first the kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness.

So, time is a relative expression of eternity, which is a state of being now. It’s not a long time. It’s a now-ness that is forever. Even saying forever, we think a long time, but it’s not. It’s when you step out of time, what is left is eternity. It has no beginning. It has no end. You can get a little bit of a sense of it when you think of space and vast space where there’s no planet or stars or anything. The same thing with space. Let’s look at space. Space is a relative expression of infinity. Infinity isn’t a lot of space or a lot of stuff, infinity is like when you think about two plus two equals four…oryou think about the number four. There are literally infinite ways to express four. There’s no end to it. Two plus two, two times two, five minus one, a billion minus 999,999,996. Four is infinite. So, it doesn’t mean it’s a lot. It means there’s no end to its expression. This is true of everything. Behind everything, there is an infinite idea, an infinite pattern, and there’s no end to it. You can imagine numbers ever running out. There’s no end to it. There’s no beginning either. So, infinity is reality. Eternity is reality. Time and space is a relative construct, a canvas. It’s not real. It’s not truth.

So, if you’re trying to base what’s real and true on what’s in time and space, you’re already completely lost. You’re as far away from as if truth didn’t even exist because time and space are not real, but you can start there as a bread crumb and ask these kind of questions, begin to appear and see what’s really here, what’s really trying to emerge. There’s a bigger idea that is infinite and eternal. It’s trying to emerge as my life, as the world right now. That idea is what’s real, not all the relative expressions of it that are sometimes very chaotic and very disturbing and very challenging. None of that is truth. None of that is substance. None of that is power and none of that is real. None of that is governed or maintained by Divine life or law or power which means it has no power at all. The only thing governed and maintained by life, law or power is what is true, what is real, what is spiritual which means it is eternal and unchanging.

So, we want to continuously seek a greater realization of the eternal unchanging truth of our being, or of any of these life structures so we move into health. What we call health is basically the proper workings of the organs and functions of the body, but that’s not health. I want you to really hear that. That might be the evidence of the consciousness of health, but it’s not health. The body, the organs and functions are not the source of health. Health as a spiritual, eternal quality of being which is wholeness, which is the eternal, indestructible, incorruptible life of God, which is the body of God, the temple of the universe, that’s the real body. It’s spiritual. It has no size. It has no structure. It’s a spiritual idea and activity. The more that’s realized in consciousness, this consciousness of wholeness and oneness, and the activity and the energy of spirit, then that is interpreted as organs, functions, bone, ligaments, tendon, and tissues in a healthy way. In fact, every organ, every action of the body is actually an infinite, immortal, eternal, spiritual idea and activity that has no beginning and no ending, that does not age, that does not diminish, that can never be sick, but because we have a mortal, material time-space bound concept of body, that’s what we experience. We’re not experiencing the body directly. We’re experiencing our mortal, personal, temporal perception of body. When you look down at this physical thing, that’s not your body, that’s your mortal material perception of the body which is actually the body of God which is actually infinite, immortal, eternal, indestructible, incorruptible, it was never born, it will never die, and it can never age. Age is a function of the belief in time. The more you’re out of time, the less you’ll age.

So, we want to continuously seek a greater realization of the eternal unchanging truth of our being, or of any of these life structures so we move into health. What we call health is basically the proper workings of the organs and functions of the body, but that’s not health. I want you to really hear that. That might be the evidence of the consciousness of health, but it’s not health. The body, the organs and functions are not the source of health. Health as a spiritual, eternal quality of being which is wholeness, which is the eternal, indestructible, incorruptible life of God, which is the body of God, the temple of the universe, that’s the real body. It’s spiritual. It has no size. It has no structure. It’s a spiritual idea and activity. The more that’s realized in consciousness, this consciousness of wholeness and oneness, and the activity and the energy of spirit, then that is interpreted as organs, functions, bone, ligaments, tendon, and tissues in a healthy way. In fact, every organ, every action of the body is actually an infinite, immortal, eternal, spiritual idea and activity that has no beginning and no ending, that does not age, that does not diminish, that can never be sick, but because we have a mortal, material time-space bound concept of body, that’s what we experience. We’re not experiencing the body directly. We’re experiencing our mortal, personal, temporal perception of body. When you look down at this physical thing, that’s not your body, that’s your mortal material perception of the body which is actually the body of God which is actually infinite, immortal, eternal, indestructible, incorruptible, it was never born, it will never die, and it can never age. Age is a function of the belief in time. The more you’re out of time, the less you’ll age.

We get down to money or wealth, so we talk about time, health and wealth, wealth freedom. There is no freedom in having a lot of money. That’s not wealth freedom, because you can lose it. The economy can go south. The dollar can collapse. You can have a billion dollars and the value of dollar could go into the tank, and now, what do you have? Your job could go away. You could get fired. You could have a lot of money but then get sued and lost most or all of it. I mean there’s no safety or freedom in physical material wealth. It’s just a fruit of a consciousness of wealth. If you have that consciousness of wealth, which is spiritual and internal, and it’s not based on dollars and fruits and all that, now you’re free. When Jesus said, If you tear down this temple, I will rebuild it in three days, he was talking about the body temple, because he knew that the body was spiritual, not material.

He knew you could never kill the body, but the same thing is true for all of these temples of our life, the temple of wealth, the temple of health, the temple of relationship, the temple of time, the temple of work, or purpose. All of these are spiritual, and the world can tear down the material concept. Time and space can seem to erode and wear down material concepts, but when you’re living in the spiritual temple, in the spiritual reality of your being, you will continuously rebuild it because you’re living in what’s real and the substance of experience will continue to clothe itself based on what you’re knowing and holding in consciousness. So, you’ll never again fear what the world can do to you. You’ll never again fear what time and space and experience can do because you’ll know that that’s not your source and that has no power, that in three days which is a metaphor for a cycle, you will rebuild. Pull all the fruit off a tree and in three days, otherwise, known as the new season, you will have a whole new harvest of fruit.

You can completely renew and restore every temple of your life, every structure of your life forever when you awake into this truth and to the extent that you awake into this truth, because your body, your wealth, your work, your health, and your relationships are spiritual, infinite, immortal, eternal ideas and activities that never diminish, that never run out and in fact, not only can you completely rebuild and restore anything, that’s why it says, I shall restore the years the locust have eaten. You will not just restore every temple, every area of your life. The more free you get in this truth, you’ll be able to reveal an ever-increasing expansion and capacity in every area so that with every passing year, you not only restore your body but you have more strength, more health, more power, more stamina, more athleticism, more flexibility and agility. You don’t only restore your mind but you have more genius, more brilliance, more intelligence, more inspiration, more productivity and creativity. You not only restore all the relationships but you have more love, more compassion, patience, understanding, more of depth of intimacy and connection, play and joy, adventure and aliveness in every area from glory to greater glory world without end. This is the description of reality, of spiritual reality.

Freedom can only be had to the extent that you’re living in that reality, to the extent that you’re seeking your freedom in the world through manipulating time trying to manipulate and manage your physical body, trying to manipulate and achieve money and wealth, trying to hold on to or manipulate or achieve the right work or the right relationships. You will never ever have freedom. As the relationship saying goes, when it comes to relationships, Two halves do not make a whole; only two haves make wholeness. In other words, when you come into relationship not to get anything by coming in from wholeness and knowing you’re just there to give and to share to commune, to be in love, not to get love. Then, now, you begin the journey of real freedom in relationship and the real possibility of relationship. As long as you’re trying to get anything, you can never be free because you believe they are the source of whatever you’re trying to get. As long as you’re trying to get anything at work, you’re not going to be free. As long as you’re trying to get anything from anyone or anything in the world, orwaiting for something, or believing you can’t be and do until something changes, all those are signs that you become imprisoned in time and space.

Freedom means letting go of everyone and everything as a source and anchoring yourself in the source, no longer leaning on resource but leaning on the source within you. That is the only place you’ll ever find freedom, safety, security, significance or fulfillment. There is none in this world, but that’s not bad news. It might sound bad at first, but that is what the great masters taught. They didn’t teach how to attract. They didn’t teach how to achieve. They taught that the work is already been done. In the beginning was God and was the Word, and the Word was with God, and all that was made was made out of the Word and God saw it and named it all good. In other words, it’s good. It’s done and nothing was made without the Word. So, only God, only this Divine intelligence made everything. It’s done. It’s done. This Divine intelligence isn’t going to do anything more. It’s not a project in process. It’s done. Life is done. Two plus two exists. It was never created, and it can never be destroyed. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do – the musical scale exists, and, by the way, it’s infinitely more than those notes, as is our ideas of Math. The true depth and potential of Math and Music, it’s so multidimensional and multifaceted, our human mind could never grasp within its completeness. This is true about everything and everyone, but it’s done.

All real growth and evolution is never ever about adding anything or achieving or attracting or improving anything. It’s always about a greater realization of what already Is, what’s already here – the laws of aerodynamics, the laws of electro conductivity, the laws of buoyancy, the laws of everything that is created everything in our life – already exists and already existed. At the time of Buddha, you could have had flying planes and computers if you had only realized those principles. It’s already done. Your life is done. Your destiny is fulfilled. You’re already whole, complete, perfect, free, fulfilled, living and moving, and having your being in heaven, in harmony, in pure good, perfect love, perfect piece, total bliss and ecstasy and paradise on every level in every way, already here and now and forever. You can never leave it, you can never lose it, you can never earn it or achieve it. You’re it. Tag you’re it.

Now, the work is to have an ever greater realization of what I just expressed. So, it’s not just word. It’s not just theories and thoughts and beliefs, but it’s an absolute undeniable knowingness to the extent that you know what I just said, to that extent where you will be free and to that extent where your life show forth the health, the wealth, the wisdom, the fulfillment, the love, that your human mind has been seeking. So, this is the path of real liberation. This is the path of real Emergence. This is really what Emergence is teaching. It appears on the surface. I draw you in by talking about in some ways making your mind think that Emergence is about making your life better and improving and achieving and all that good stuff, and then once you’re in, and it’s too late, now, I let you see what it’s really about or you begin to discover that yourself. Now, to be clear, it does ultimately lead to improvement and to better life but it leads to in a way that perhaps we have not been conditioned. The other thing is in all of this, I’m not saying you don’t need to and shouldn’t be doing things in the world.

The fact that it’s already done and the fact that you’re already it, it doesn’t mean that you’ll just sit around and wait. Remember. It doesn’t mean you don’t get in the game and play. It doesn’t mean you don’t still work with your thoughts, your feelings, your conversations, your actions, but now, you’re not doing all of that to make it happen. You’re doing all of that to create the conditions that make what is already happening welcomed, okay? So, just because the music is already broadcasting, it doesn’t mean it’s just going to play over your radio. No. You have to do the work of tuning that dial into the station. Just because it’s already here, it doesn’t mean it’s going to just broadcast. I mean it’s already broadcasting, it doesn’t mean it’s going to become manifest. So, you still have to work with all the structures and you definitely want to be a good steward of everything you have, your body, your mind, your business, your relationships, but fundamentally, you’re doing it to create ever greater congruence and integrity, to speak and think and walk and talk and show up ever increasingly as if it’s already done, it’s already happening, I’ve already got it all, I’m whole, I’m complete, I’m free, and I’m fulfilled.

So, this is your charge. This is your opportunity. I invite you on this path of true liberation. I hope this has served you and supported you and inspired you. It may be even stretch you a little bit. Just take a moment and just drop down into this field of grace as we throw ourselves wide open to the power and the presence and the love of God – this Divine intelligence that governs everything and created everything out of itself and this presence that is not only in everything but everything is in it, meaning that everything’s true nature is Divine, whole, complete, and perfect. There is nothing outside of our other than the Divine. Being infinite, you can’t have an infinity plus. Being omnipresent, you can’t have something that’s everywhere in its fullness and have something somewhere else. Being omnipotent, all powerful, you can’t have another power outside of omnipotence. Being omniscient, all science, all knowing, all truth, you can’t have another truth, or another mind or another intelligence. There’s only one.

There’s only one. Its nature is pure love, goodness and perfection, wholeness and completeness. It is the only thing going on. It’s going on here and now, but we must know it consciously and that’s what we’re doing right now. We are knowing the truth, that the truth will make us free. We’re developing a consciousness of truth, instead of a consciousness of the relative perceptions. We’re knowing that right where each and every individual here is is all of the power and the presence and the love of God, all of the infinite God head, all of the infinity of the universe rushing and pouring and expressing each unique perfection as each individual here and as every one that this community is connected to. All that is going on is a never-ending unfoldment of Divine perfection, abundance, wholeness, completeness, freedom and fulfillment.

This word that I’m speaking is the vibration is the wholeness and freedom and it dissolves and disintegrates all frequencies, beliefs, concepts, identities that are not true, that are not congruent. It activates the realization in everyone here of who they really are and why they’re alive. It activates the power and the potential and the wisdom and the guidance and the direction and the compelling right action. It activates the momentum, the energy, the strength, and the courage in everything that is needed to make them a congruent place where the fullness of life can now put itself on display and prove that all that there is is God, all that there is is love, all that there is is oneness. Prove it, and prove that all error, all fear, all lack has no power over us whatsoever. We are now ever greater instrument to prove this in our individual and collective lives, to demonstrate a destiny of greatness. It’s unfolding now. As whatever needs to be spoken or heard, taught or done, everything is working together for our good. All is well, and so it is, now and forever. Amen. Just take a moment and feel that activation.

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Derek Rydall
Time, Health, Wealth, Work, and Relationship Freedom: The Path of Liberation
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