Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

The Path of True Freedom

Emergence | A Revolutionary Path for Radical Change | Derek Rydall

There are different types of freedom: emotional, mental, physical, social, financial and many more.

These types of freedom are what we strive to achieve by escaping what have been called “The Five Gates of Hell” that trap us in emotionalism, intellectualism, sensualism, personalism, and materialism.

Ultimately, real freedom can never exist as long as we believe someone or something outside of our consciousness is the source of anything in our life.

As long as we’re caught in any way believing that anything outside of our pure center of awareness – any thought, person, situation, emotion, condition, law – is our source, we cannot be free.

Because we are caught in one of these Five Gates of Hell.

(It sounds pretty bleak, doesn’t it?)

We’re hypnotized into striving to get more and more and more from outside us, or get rid of what is inside us in order to feel okay. We’re on a treadmill of false freedom.

This is the ego’s grandest trick, and it is bleak, indeed!

Listen to “The Path of True Freedom” today to discover how to step off the egoic treadmill that traps you …so instead of trying to achieve freedom FROM your problems, you can experience freedom TO enjoy your perfect consciousness.

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Derek Rydall
Emergence | A Revolutionary Path for Radical Change | Derek Rydall
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(Bonus Episode) The Radical Reversal, The Big Betrayal
(Bonus Episode) Your True Source of Power
(Bonus Episode) The To-Don’t List: What Things to STOP Doing to Really Get You Going
(Bonus Episode) Finding Your True Freedom