Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

The Only Argument You EVER Have to Win [Podcast]

The Only Argument You EVER Have to Win

The Only Argument You EVER Have to Win

Can you imagine if there was only one argument that you had to win? If you could become a master at winning that one argument, everything in your life would work. You would be a winner everywhere in your life.  Would that be something worth mastering?

Well, there’s only one problem in all of human existence, and that is our belief and perception of separation from Source.

There is a something, an isness that is whole, complete and perfect, that is perfection itself, life itself. It never is born. It can never die. It has no beginning or end. It can’t be improved upon and it can’t be diminished.

It is the very source and substance, cause and effect, power and presence, principle and reality of all existence. It’s nature is good. It’s nature (not a good that’s opposite of a bad, but in all good) is an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent good that has nothing outside of it and nothing else within it except its own goodness.

Now, if you could just get what I just said, I don’t mean just intellectually but have a realization of it, you will have won the argument because that’s the truth principle – oneness, wholeness, perfection, god only, only god, love only, only love.

However, that’s not our experience. Our life experience is the relative perception and projection of this infinite perfection. So, we don’t experience the one real life directly.  We experience through our perception, through the filters of our mind and awareness which become beliefs and habits, which create circumstances and conditions.  That is what we call life experience.

Life experience can be all over the place. It literally can be anything depending on what dimension you’re in and how much you’re willing to believe in something. You can pretty much experience anything.  That doesn’t necessarily tell you what is reality, just as your beliefs don’t tell you what reality is. They tell you your best guess at it and your emotions don’t tell you reality. They tell you what you believe. The reason for this is because life is infinite.

There’s one mind, one consciousness, the mind of God, the intelligence of the universe, the all-knowing, all-containing, all-possessing, perfect mind. You’re a center in it, and it’s unfolding. So, you have the capacity to tap into it but it’s all within this consciousness that is within you. This is why Jesus said, “Take no thought for your life, for the clothes you’ll put on and the food, wherewithal you shall be clothed… but seek first the kingdom of heaven.” Then, he said, “And then all those things you’ve been striving after, those will be added unto you.” Buddha also taught us to go within. Lao Tzu, Guanyin, Shankara and the greatest masters and teachers all said that ultimately the solution and the answer to everything outside of you is inside of you – either go within or you’ll go without.

Ultimately, the greater the realization of your true self, your true nature, the realm of truth, and your connection, communion, and identification with that, the more everything resolves itself and your life reveals more and more bounty, abundance, and goodness.

That’s why it also says in the Bible, “If you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, no hurt, no harm can come down in your dwelling place.” I’m talking about this dimension with you – consciousness.

Now, what does that have to do with the only argument you ever have to win?

Well, in the most basic sense, as I mentioned above, the only lie is that you’re separate from this ultimate reality or ultimate good.  That’s the one and only problem, this sense of separation from it. So, the only solution is the realization of your oneness within.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Hey, Derek Rydall here, founder of the Law of Emergence and author of the best-selling book, Emergence. It’s just so great to be with you again. I just have to say that every time I get a chance to share and connect with this amazing community and join you on this journey of Emergence, of unlocking and unleashing your full potential and true purpose so that you can bring your gifts to the world, and together we can create a world that works for the highest good of all. Every time I get a chance to play with you in that and on that path, no matter where I’m at, no matter what’s going on in my day or my life, I just feel better. I think that’s a sign that I’m on my path. Do you know what I mean? I think it’s a sign that I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. I think when the apple tree apples, it’s in bliss. There can be a storm, there can be a drought, there can be scorching sun but when it’s expressing its unique fruit, it’s happy. That’s really the same for us. We’re designed to be in bliss. We’re designed to be free. We’re designed to be fulfilled. We’re designed to live a great and a bountiful life.

What I want to talk about today is the only argument you ever have to win. By the way, if you haven’t already had a chance to register for Emergence in iTunes and make sure you never miss a training, a talk and any of the special opportunities and gifts and things that I give away, the quantum prayers, et cetera, please take a moment and register for it. It’s free. You can get access to about a hundred trainings. We’re also constantly archiving them, so to make sure you never miss one or lose out on the dozens that are already there, just take a moment. It only takes literally half a minute to register for your free emergence podcast and then download of them. Get them all on your computer or phone and then now you own that library, and you’ll never lose them even when we archived them. I’ll be sending you new ones every week.

So, we’re talking about the only argument you ever have to win. That’s a pretty bold statement and a pretty big promise. Can you imagine if there was only one argument that you had to win? If you could become a master at winning that one argument, everything in your life would work. You would be a winner everywhere in your life. Would that be something worth mastering? Would that be something worth investing some time and energy to master the ability to win this argument? Well, there’s only one problem in all of human existence, and that is our sins of separation from source. Whatever name you call it – God, the Christ, the Buddha mind, the quantum field, the truth within, the higher power, the real self, ultimate reality – whatever name you call it, there is this something that really cannot be called anything. As it says in the Tao, the Tao that can be named is not the real Tao. There is a something, an isness that is whole and complete and perfect, is perfection itself, is life itself. It never is born. It can never die. It has no beginning or end. It can’t be improved upon and it can’t be diminished. It is the very source and substance, and cause and effect, and power and presence, and principle and reality of all existence. Its nature is good. Its nature, not a good that’s opposite of a bad, but in all good, an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent good that has nothing outside of it and nothing else within it except its own goodness.

Now, if you could just get what I just said, I don’t mean just intellectually but have a realization of it, you will have won the argument because that’s the truth principle – oneness, wholeness, perfection, god only, only god, love only, only love. Now, that’s not our experience. There is only this one life and this one life is great. It’s perfect. It’s the all good. It never changes, but our life experience is the relative perception and projection of this infinite perfection. So, we don’t experience the one real life directly.

We experience through our perception, through the filters of our mind and awareness which become beliefs, which become habits, which create circumstances and conditions. That is what we call life experience. So, life experience can be all over the place. I mean it literally can be anything depending on what dimension you’re in and how much you’re willing to believe in something. You can pretty much experience anything. That isn’t necessarily point to real life. That isn’t necessarily tell you what is reality just as your beliefs don’t tell you what reality is. They tell you your best guess at it and your emotions don’t tell you reality. They tell you what you believe. The reason for this is because life is infinite.

You can’t have a direct experience of infinity, right? Because the minute it becomes an experience, that is not infinite, that’s finite. That’s an experience as the Bhagavad Gita says, Take abundance from abundance and abundance still remains. Take infinity from infinity, you still have infinity left. So, you can never experience the infinite, immortal, eternal reality of god or source. You can have an encounter with it. You can have a realization of it. The minute it becomes some kind of sense or effect or experience, that is no longer it. That is now a relative perception of it which then becomes a relative projection of it. That’s fine. That’s the way it’s supposed to be though this infinite life is supposed to unfold and emerge as it says in the Bible from glory to greater glory, world without end, love, peace, joy, beauty, wisdom, creativity, inspiration without end. There’s no end to its unfoldment. Also, if you could experience it all at once, you’d be done. That would be it, right? You have a great experience of a movie and maybe you’d want to see it again in a few times. Maybe even it’s like an amazing movie with so many labels, you’d want to see it 20 times, but at some point, you’ll be done with it, right? Or, you’ll only want to experience it once every several years or like a great book. So, if you could experience all of life, you would be done with life, but that’s not the nature of life. It’s infinite and it’s forever unfolding as our relative experience.

The truth is there’s only this one life. There’s only this one power, presence, principle, substance and it’s within our consciousness that our consciousness is the one consciousness just at the level of our relative awareness of it. There’s one mind, one consciousness, the mind of God, the intelligence of the universe, the all-knowing, all-containing, all-possessing, perfect mind. We are a center in it. We are like God knowing itself as individual being. We’re a center in it, and it’s unfolding. So, we have the capacity to tap into it but it’s all within this consciousness that is within us. This is why Jesus said, Take no thought for your life, for the clothes you’ll put on and the food, wherewithal you shall be clothed, et cetera, but seek first the kingdom of heaven which he also said was within you. Then, he said, And then all those things you’ve been striving after, those will be added unto you. Buddha also taught us to go within. Lao Tzu, Guanyin, Shankara and the greatest masters and teachers all said that ultimately the solution and the answer to everything outside of you is inside of you, either go within or you’ll go without. Okay?

So, that’s like the fundamental rock bottom perennial teaching of the ages is that all answers are within you, as it says above the Oracle of Delphi know thyself and the Self meaning really the capital S. Now, you can certainly know all the layers of the self, and it’s valuable to do that. Ultimately, the realization of our true self, our true nature, this kingdom of heaven, this realm of truth, this nirvana, this reality of being, our connection with that, our communion with that, our deeper and purer identification with that, and the more we’re able to live and move and have our being in that, the more everything resolves itself and the more our life reveals more and more bounty and abundance and goodness. That’s why it also says in the Bible, If you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, no hurt, no harm can come down in your dwelling place. I’m talking about this dimension with you – consciousness. Now, what does that have to do with the only argument you ever have to win? Well, in the most basic sense, the only lie is that you’re separate from this ultimate reality or ultimate good, that’s the one and only lie. That’s the one and only problem, this sense of separation from it. So, the only solution is the realization of your oneness within.

This isness is the substance and source of everything real. It is the substance and source of all life, all power, all love, all good, all genius, all intelligence, all knowledge, all ideas and therefore everything necessary to live the fullest, most abundant life possible. All of that is contained within this isness, so when you realize your oneness with it, you are now one with all real life and being. I was going to say game over but really now, it’s a game on. Okay? Now, that perfect pattern of infinite potential that you are a unique expression of naturally and by grace unfold as your ever expanding, never ending adventure of joy and creativity and service in the world. It never dies, so it’s ongoing, okay? So, that’s the basic thing. The only problem is our sense of separation from this one life or source within us. The only solution therefore is the realization of our oneness with it. Because when you believe you’re separate from it, you now have beliefs that for example your love is somewhere out there. Now, what does that lead to? All of the problems in relationship, all of us getting into relationships to get loved, all of us twisting ourselves in pretzels to get love or not lose love, pretty much most of human motivation, to get love, to not be rejected, to be accepted so that we get love and feel loved and feel worthy and valuable. If we believe we’re separate from it, all of those problems ensue.

Likewise, what else is contained in the isness? Infinite supply, the substance of all form otherwise known as abundance, the real substance of all wealth. Well, when you believe you’re separate from supply a.k.a. abundance, a.k.a. wealth, what do you do? All of the problems and challenges that is the second probably biggest issue we face as human beings, struggling and striving to make ends meet, willing to do work that is not our true work in order to survive, forsaking our true work and service in order to do something we don’t love and don’t want to in order to survive – lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, going to work, killing each other, killing ourselves to try to get those dollars or those material things that we think is the source of our supply. This is the real meaning of the love of money is the root of all evil. Money is a symbol, an outer symbol, like the fruit on a tree is not the wealth of the tree. It’s a symbol of the invisible process that produces it. Dollars and all forms of wealth are symbols. Everything in the world is a symbol. It’s not the real thing. It’s an effect or a projection or a symbol of the real thing. So, when you fall in love with the symbol, become attached to the symbol, you produce what you would call evil results – lack, limitation, worry, doubt, fear, conflict, et cetera.

What is the word evil? Live spelled backwards. So, you live backwards to the real principle of life or you live outside in instead of inside out. That’s backwards. Therefore, when you believe the source of your life is outside of you, you’re living backwards, you’re going to produce all the things your human condition calls evil. The love of money is the root of all evil. The love of the symbols of wealth, abundance, power, security is the root of all evil. So, when you believe you’re separate from love, you go crazy. When you believe you’re separate from supply, you go crazy. Those are really kind of the two biggest things. Power will be the other one. If you believe you’re separate from power, and therefore there are other powers – powers of government, powers of parents, powers of spouses, powers of partners, powers of bullets and bombs and enemies and diseases, and then those are the bad powers. Maybe sometimes are bad and then other times, you think there’s good power outside of you – the power of other people to love you, the power of drugs and medicines, the power of even food. So, you believe that all these things outside of you are either a good power or a bad power. That’s what the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is trying to tell us. The belief that there’s good and evil out there, that there’s even good in evil at all is the pair of opposites to duality. It creates a sense of separation that there’s God over here and the devil over there, good over here and evil over there.

Now, we’re in a constant rat race to try to get more of the good and get rid of the bad. This is also what Buddha meant when he taught fundamentally that freedom from suffering, not so much just releasing desire but releasing this pattern of craving and aversion meaning the incessant need to get or get rid of in order to ultimately be free. The get and get rid of, the pain-pleasure mechanism, the good-bad mechanism of the mind is what the false self is fundamentally made of. So, that gets created from this sense of being separate from God or from good. We then produce this duality of good and evil and then a false self that has to live constantly to try to be more good or get more good and be less bad and get rid of the bad. That, in a nut shell, describes the whole human drama. It’s all based on a sense of separation from the only reality that there is which is god or good which is within you. So, then, what’s the solution to that? Whenever we’re tempted to believe that our good is outside of us, that there’s something bad outside of us, that there’s something good outside of us, what we need to do is ultimately come back within us, find our ground and anchoring within us again and convince ourselves that everything we could ever need is within us because that’s the truth, which is remembering, literally putting the members back together into wholeness again.

Our oneness with god or good whether it’s love, peace, joy, wealth, health, happiness, harmony, it’s all within us. So, we need to remember that. Re-member it. Re-cognize it, recognize it. We need to get back in touch with it. Seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness. We need to wake up again to the truth of who you really are, which is a unique expression of the only thing there is, which is god all good and as that happens progressively, we are waking up, we are becoming spiritually liberated and progressively, it shows up in our life as what we call improvement. The other side of that is whenever we’re tempted to believe there’s some bad out there, a disease, a war, a person, an ex-partner, whatever, an enemy, we have to now convince ourselves that that’s not true either. That’s an impossibility in God’s universe. There’s only God. There’s only good. There’s only love. There’s only oneness. You can’t have an infinite God plus. This is one party where there is not a plus one. Now, yes, it looks there’s bad and it’s scary, and in the human realm, bad can do bad to good but that’s only because you’re in that belief. If you dwell in the secret place of the Most High and the shadow of the Almighty, under the shadow, under the realization of this oneness, no hurt, no harm can come down your dwelling place. This is also why Jesus and many of the masters were constantly trying to tell us do not judge by appearances, forgive everybody over and over and over again, see through all these appearances, see the truth that we’re ultimately all innocent.

Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, that you don’t do what you got to do in the short term to make sure that if somebody is hurting themselves or others, they can’t do that. So, if somebody has to be put behind bars, fine so they don’t hurt themselves or others. Even though you close the door of the cell, you don’t close the door of your heart. Your main job is to keep working to see through the mask that they’re wearing, to the Christ of their being, to the Buddha of their being, to the lover and the innocent child of life of their real being. Not easy. That’s why Ralph Waldo Emerson said, God’s works will not be done to cowards.It’s not easy. What’s the alternative? To live in the constant round of pain and suffering, and war and conflict and all of that that is a part of.

How’s that working for you? How’s that working for us as a world? Constant endless wars, conflicts, us against them, partisanship. It will never ever end through our human means because that’s all part of the illusion of duality. That’s all part of the outside illusion. If you try to convince the world, you’re caught in the illusion. If you try to convince your spouse, you’re in the illusion; if you try to convince anybody that you’re good or that you’re not bad, or that they’re good, or that they’re not bad, or that…whatever the case maybe. Convincing and arguing has many levels. Sometimes, it’s just words but then it goes from there to fists, and then it goes from there to bullets, and then it goes from there to bombs. Those are all forms of arguments. Oh, yeah, you think you’re bigger than me. I’m going to convince you that I can destroy you by dropping a bomb on you, by killing you, by taking you to court, by firing you, by divorcing you, by whatever. These are all forms of an argument. You will never win that argument.

You may temporarily win it with one person by like cutting off the top of the weed; it will grow out in another area of your life because you’re still caught in the illusion. You’re trying to argue for a false premise. Even if you’re right, even if you prove that you’re right, you’re wrong. Do you see what I mean? If you could convince somebody that two plus two equals three until they agreed with you, they bow down, and said, You’re right. You’re right. You pop out your chest, Yes, I won the argument. No. You just lost. Now, you’re going to go around and keep spending money that two plus two equals three, and you’re going to go broke. So, every time you try to argue and convince anything outside of you, even if you win it, you’ve lost because the premise of that argument is already false. So, the only argument you ever need to win is the one within you. To bring it down, really down to the ground level… maybe you’ve had this experience. I know I have over and over again when I find myself arguing to convince somebody, let’s say it’s in my marriage or with my kids, that no, I’m not that guy you think I am. I’m not controlling or I’m not dominating or I’m not a boss, or I’m not a know-it-all, or whatever judgment they have of me, which in many cases, they’re actually correct.

What I’m trying to argue for that is that to understand that you’re not really in a relationship; the relationship is in you. Then, you project it onto the screen of your experience and you shadow dance with that person. So, the reason why I had to convince them that I wasn’t a bad guy is because inside of me, I actually believe that I was. I believe that I was controlling and I had shame around the controller. So, if I didn’t convince them, if I let them win that argument and I accepted that I was a controller, I will be in tremendous pain. Well, the ego won’t let that happen. So, it’s going to fight for its life to not feel that emotional pain because to the ego it’s equivalent to danger or death. So, I would fight and fight and fight. I remember one time, it finally just cracking open and I saw somehow, maybe because I’ve been a meditator, I suddenly got some spaciousness and I could see that I was arguing with myself, that I had so much judgment and guilt about this part of myself. I begin to work with that part of me.

This is the shadow work that I talk about and teach. I begin to just fall in love with the controller part of me, seek to understand him, see the gifts in him, to begin to release that resistance and judgment and shame. As that begin to happen, less and less that I have any need to defend myself because I discovered that the darkness and the light are both alike to thee as it says in the Bible and that this shadow part of me was just a wounded part of my divine self. When I really understood him and love him and gave him what he really needed, he came back into my wholeness again. He integrated. Whatever aberrated or destructive ways it was showing up began to show up less and less. It doesn’t mean sometimes people aren’t going to still call you that, but in those cases, if it’s not pushing your buttons, you don’t feel any need to defend and you have a spacious ability to really hear the feedback and potentially make changes if needed, you know that part of you has been healed now. Then, I would go a step further. Now that I wasn’t fighting to prove I wasn’t controlling, because I was controlling and in some cases, it’s really, really good to have use of your controller, and use of the selfish self and all these parts of us where they’re necessary, right? So, if I won the argument that I wasn’t controlling, not only was I going to continue to repress the pain, but I would lose the gift of that part of me. I would not integrate it back into me. If I won the argument that I wasn’t selfish, not only would I be repressing that pain and it would come out again, but I was losing the gift that the selfish shadow has for me. Do you see what I’m saying?

So, but then beyond that, I could then go deeper and see that once this was integrated, there was a deeper, purer, even more amazing, beautiful magnificent being sitting here in my underwear. I could start to affirm that part of me, even more completely and powerfully. I would win the argument because the other side of the argument, what I’m really trying to convince this person is I’m not a bad person, I’m a good person. I’m not unlovable; I am lovable. I’m not unworthy; I am worthy. As I heal the shadow, I could begin to really go deep into a communion and a contemplation of just how deeply and profoundly lovable and valuable and worthy I am. Now, I’m winning the real argument. I’m winning the argument within me that I do matter, that I am valuable, that I am worthy. Now, I don’t need to convince you of that. As I fall into that wholeness and rest into that wholeness, those outer conflicts and arguments start to go away because they were only showing up so that I could have an inner contemplation, an inner argument for lack of a better word. So, I could have a deeper, inner realization and win the argument within me. Now, this is true for other areas. Let’s say I look at my bank account and it appears to be broke or I don’t seem to have enough, I have more month at the end of my money. Well, what’s the lie there? The lie is that I don’t have enough. The lie is that I’m short. I don’t have a lot of abundance that this is the world of lack and limitation. Now, I might go out and argue with that by struggling and striving to make more, by struggling and striving to create more wealth. That’s arguing with those particular facts. Do you see that? I will never win that argument because it’s a false premise.

The false premise I’m trying to prove against is that the world isn’t lacking. The belief is that the world is lacking. My bank account is lacking. I’m lacking. Now, I’m going to prove that I can have more and earn more. So, what I’m trying to prove is already based on a lie. The truth is that I am one with this life of infinite abundance. I’m one with the source of all creation. Infinite supply is within me. So, instead of struggling and striving to manipulate conditions, to basically rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic, I go within. I seek first this inner kingdom, this inner reality of wholeness. I begin to research and apprentice under the truth principles of abundance. I begin to pray and meditate and affirm my oneness with god, with good, with life, with abundance. I begin to pray and affirm because I’m one with the one, that all that the Father has is mine, that the cattle on a thousand hills are mine, that all the riches of life are within me. I’m one. I have a divine inheritance and it’s infinite. It’s exhaustible. All that I could ever need is within me. All of my needs are met abundantly. Everything is working together for my good because the only thing going on is God. I start to feel that. It activates a frequency that is now congruent with Reality. Reality with capital R. So, God responds to you by corresponding to its own nature in you. Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens through you and as you, but it can only happen at the level of consciousness you have discovered.

t can’t force you because there is no life separate from you. Do you understand? So, it wants to be all of itself as you but it can only be as much of itself as you as you have realized it’s true about yourself. So, every one of these challenges and crises, this outer conflict is asking you to make a case for what’s true. Don’t make the case out there whether it’s verbal arguing or physical action that is really a physical argument – struggling, striving, trying to prove yourself, whatever. Make the case within you. Win the argument of truth within you, the truth that you’re one with the one and therefore you’re one with all the power and the presence, and the love, and the life, and the wisdom, and the truth, and the wealth, and the health, and the happiness of the infinite spirit itself that what is true about anyone, anywhere is true about everyone everywhere because there is only one of us here, that all the riches and wonders, and magnificence of the universe are not really out there; they’re all in consciousness. You’re not in the world; the world is in you. The whole kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God, the realm of the real is in your consciousness. It’s unfolding as an individual experience called your life, creating your own unique expression of the universe. Like a movie projector, what’s on the screen is what’s in the projector. If you don’t like it, you can’t go up and fight with the screen, and twist the screen around and yell at the characters and think they’re going to suddenly become different. It will never work. You have to go back into the projector and change the film. You got to put a new story in there. So, we have to go within. We have to win the argument within.

All issues of life stem from our consciousness. Nothing can come into our life except as the activity of our consciousness. That’s a bitter pill to swallow sometimes, but it’s not a blame the victim statement. There’s no blame or judgment at all, but it is a statement of principle. The fact that you don’t like it is sort of beside the point. The fact that you don’t like the truth that there’s a law of gravity, and if you walk up a cliff, you’re going to fall to your death. The principle of gravity is like… it doesn’t have any personal relationship to you. It doesn’t care what you think about it. It is what it is. The fact that youdon’t like that, if you go in the water and don’t know the principle of buoyancy, you’re going to sink. It’s too bad. You’re going to sink if you don’t live your life in alignment with the principle. If you stick your finger in a light socket, you’re going to get electrocuted because that’s the principle of electricity. If you understand and align with the right principles and don’t do that or wire your house correctly, it’s not going to burn down in a fire from an electrical fire because you’re in alignment with the principle. It’s not personal. It’s principle. The principle is that everything is in your consciousness. Nothing can come to you. It has to come out of you. If you want your life to be better, stop arguing with everyone and everything outside of you and win the argument of truth within you.

Convince yourself by whatever means necessary of what is true about you, of the highest possible truth, that you are a unique, infinite, indescribable and inexhaustible expression of all the power and the presence and the love of god, of life, that all the infinite wisdom and beauty, and abundance, and boldness, and courage, and strength, and commitment, and power, and confidence, and glory, everything you could ever want, hope for, desire to be all you were created to be is all within you. You brought it all with you and it’s all conspiring for your freedom and fulfillment. Everything is for you. Nothing is against you. You’re in your right place, right work, right relationships, right now maxing out to your full potential, living a destiny of greatness and shining your lights so brightly the people have to wear sunglasses around you and you’re living your dream and giving your gifts and making an impact, and you’re totally supported and loved every step of the way. This, my friends, is the truth. Guess what? As powerful as that may sound, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Who and what you are and what’s possible for us is beyond imagination, but you have to stop arguing with the world and win the argument within.

Yes, yes. I hope this has served you. If you love what you’re hearing or even just like it, please share it with friends, family members, loved ones. Let’s spread the good news. Let’s help everyone win the argument within so we stop arguing with each other. Sign up for the Emergence podcast in iTunes. Download all the episodes so you never lose one. Go to derekrydall.com. In the resources, get some free audios and various goodies to support you. If you haven’t grabbed a copy of my book, Emergence, you can go to www.myemergencebook.com and click on either the Amazon or Barnes & Noble button, get a copy, and then I’m going to give you a whole bunch of bonuses like over a thousand dollars in other programs and coaching and support. If you want to get a free mini e-course on the law of Emergence, go to www.lawofemergence.com. Again, I hope this has served you, my friends, my fellow Emergeneers. Until next time. Remember to live authentically, love unconditionally and follow your destiny.

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Derek Rydall
The Only Argument You EVER Have to Win
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