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The LIFT Practice: Reclaiming Your Destiny [Podcast]

Stop Waiting Derek Rydall

The LIFT practice stands for Living in the Feeling Tone, and this is part of the Emergence process. Essentially the basic premise of Emergence, is that everything you could ever need to be all you were created to be is already within you. Just like the oak tree is already in the acorn, a perfect pattern awaiting the right conditions, and when those conditions match the pattern within the seed, that inherent pattern of potential naturally emerges. The same thing is true for you.

There’s a perfect pattern of your destiny that is already planted in the soil of your soul, and when the conditions are congruent with that pattern, when they match that pattern, it naturally emerges. Another way to think of it is your favorite music is broadcasting right where you are right now, amongst a bunch of broadcast stations, but you can’t hear the music, experience the music. The music is not yet manifest, even though it’s fully present and broadcasting. It’s not manifest until you tune the dial of your radio so that your frequency matches the frequency of that broadcast. When you do that, when the frequencies match, then that broadcast that was already playing becomes manifest. That station that was always playing becomes manifest. You have found your manifest-station.

So the process of Emergence, fundamentally speaking, is identifying, number one, what is that seed that’s seeking to emerge in your life? Otherwise known as the vision, whether it’s in some are of your life or your life in general. What is the vision that’s trying to emerge in your life? There are clues for that all around you.

Listen to this episode to find out these clues and to support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW. And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already! Stay Inspired!


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Derek Rydall
Stop Waiting Derek Rydall
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