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God is not Santa Claus (And many other shocking truths).
Today’s topic comes from this fundamental idea that, God, as we’ve been conditioned to know it (whether you believe in a God or not) is a power outside of us.
We are unpacking these ideas, busting these myths, and letting go of old limited archaic concepts of God, life, and power, in order to come to a deeper and truer understanding of life principles.
What I really want you to get is the fundamental understanding that life is not personal, it’s principle. The nature of God is an isness. God is a principle and a presence. It’s not something that’s changing or something that evolves.
On some level, this has entered into our culture and conditioning, into the way we see ourselves, life, and the way we see the universe (Again, whether you believe in a God or you believe in a universal power, universal laws, or you believe in good luck.)
[bctt tweet=”God is a respecter of principle, of law, because God is principle, God is law.” username=”derekrydall”]
All of that is a part of this fundamental concept of our belief in God. Your belief or your concept of what God is absolutely has a major impact on how you experience life, how you live life, and to the level that which you get to express the full potential of life.
The first and foremost thing we need to understand is that there is no God or no power out there, not in the North Pole, not on the North Star and not in the stars. All the power is within you.
Listen to the podcast episode above for the full explanation and learn how you can put it to work in your life TODAY.
And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!
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Rest, Play, Repeat: Embracing Ups & Downs and Finding Flow
The Fields Are Always Full: How to Transcend Seasons and Cycles, and Experience More Abundance NOW
Why God Can’t Help You
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(Follow Derek on Instagram for more quotes)[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5236″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”5240″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Full Transcript
Derek Rydall here, founder of the law of Emergence and author of the best-selling book, Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change. It’s just so great to be with you again on this deep dive journey of emergence and really of understanding the principles that underlie the most effective and efficient way to create a life of your dreams. There really are principles to life. If you’ve been listening for a while, you know that this is not life. Ultimately, life is not personal; it’s principle. It’s not luck; it’s law. Now, there’s a deeply personal, devotional, loving, sweet, tender aspect to life. It’s very real. It’s very intimate. The underlying structures of life, the things that guarantee that life is going to work is not emotional; it’s not personal. Isn’t that a good thing? Let’s be honest, if life, if the Divine intelligence, the underlying intelligence of all of life was like a human being, don’t you have days where you just don’t feel like getting out of bed? What if the principle of aerodynamics just someday didn’t feel like operating? The planes will be falling out of the sky as well as birds. What if the principle of buoyancy just wasn’t having a good day? Boats would be sinking everywhere, and some seasons the trees wouldn’t blossom fruits, and some seasons the birds wouldn’t fly south, the magnetic pulse would shift. Obviously, it would be chaos. The planets would fall out of orbit, crashing to each other. Everything that we ultimately depend on is
Everything that we ultimately depend on is principle, not personal; law, not luck. There is an order we can depend on. There is an order we can lean on. There is an order we can trust in. It’s unfailing. It’s undenying. It has no withholding. It’s perfect. It’s whole. It’s complete. The thing about it is that we’re not experiencing that fall order. We’re only experiencing as much of the order as we’ve allowed ourselves to be conscious of and to come into harmony with, right? As I’ve talked in previous episodes, the law of buoyancy is always in operation, but you could still sink if you don’t understand the principle of buoyancy, and you don’t know how to operate in harmony with it. You can sink, you can drown, but that’s not because of the law of buoyancy and the principle of buoyancy isn’t operating. It’s because you haven’t learned to come in harmony with it. The same is true with the law of aerodynamics. It’s always operating. If you are in harmony with it, your plane flies.
There are many, many underlying principles that are infinite, that are eternal, that are universal, that we’ve yet to fully understand and to come into harmony, with to build a boat, to build a life that is in integrity with it, so that our life can float and fly at ever greater levels. That potential is here. This is what the great spiritual teachers and philosophers are trying to get to, and even the great truly conscious scientists that are truly about discovering the greater truths rather than dogmatically and fundamentally trying to hold to the axiom, that if you can’t taste it, touch it and measure it, it’s not real. That’s not truth teaching. In fact, the exact opposite is true. If you can taste it, touch it and measure it, it’s not real. It’s a relative effect. What is real is infinite, and therefore can never be measured, except as it unfolds. The great mystic teachers are trying to teach us these perennial truths and principles that when we learn to come into alignment with them, our life works better and better. Our life bears richer and richer fruits. It’s not woo-woo. It’s not religious. Religion, in the truest, meaning comes from a term religio which means to bind one back, like the word ligament. It means to bind you back to the truth, bind you back to those principles of living. That’s the real purpose of religion. It’s to discover and to bind you, to anchor you into principles of living that promote a greater and greater life, and ultimately total spiritual liberation which means to be completely free and unencumbered by conditions, able to live and thrive and express regardless of conditions and live from that infinite, immortal, eternal nature of your being.
This is what we’re doing in these Emergence podcasts and trainings – is we are seeking to uncover and understand and ultimately design a way of life that is totally in harmony with the highest universal principles, this underlying order that is here to support us, and that will allow us to fly to heights you are too far, unimagined. When I’m talking about religion and God and all of that, if you need to reinterpret it in terms of universal principles and all of that, please do that. Know that this is not dogmatic. This is not fundamentalist. This is not religious or doctrinal. This is about principle. This is about understanding how life really works so that we can come into harmony, so that our life expression can work even better. I feel like I need to delay that foundation again to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing. Some of these podcasts, they are a little bit down the rabbit hole and other ones are much more practical because we need to balance them both. We need to be in the world, but ultimately not of it. We need to expand our consciousness to understand these deeper or higher principles, but then we also need very practical structural guidance to actually implement and apply them. It’s both.
Right now, what we’re talking about in this particular podcast today is the idea that God is not Santa Claus and many other shocking truths. This comes from this fundamental idea that God as we’ve been conditioned to know it, whether you believe in a God or not, it’s a part of your archetypal makeup. It’s a belief in a power outside of us. It’s a belief that this power is anthropomorphic, meaning it’s a man of some kind or to go with a more feminist movement version, it’s a woman. God is neither a woman nor a man. God is not a person. God is a principle and a presence. It’s important to understand that the nature of God is an isness. It’s not something that’s changing, something that evolves. It’s not like a person as the old joke goes, God made man in his image and likeness and man has been trying to repay the favor ever since trying to make God in man’s image and likeness. God is no such thing. The reason why this is important – whatever your belief, wherever along the spectrum of belief you fall –is that on some level, this has entered into our culture, into our conditioning, into the way we see ourselves, the way we see life, the way we see the universe, whether you believe in a God or you believe in a universal power or you believe in universal laws or you believe in good fortune or good luck. All of that is a part of this fundamental concept of our belief in God. You may call it luck, or you may call it the muse, or good fortune, or providence, or just universal power. Your belief or your concept of what God is, whether you say you believe in God or not, it absolutely has a major impact on how you experience life, how you live life and to the level that which you get to express the full potential of life.
It’s really important that we are unpacking these ideas, we are busting these myths. We’re letting go of this old limited archaic concepts of God, life and power and coming to a deeper and truer understanding. The first and foremost thing we need to understand, which all the great master teachers taught us, is that there is no God or no power out there, that there isn’t some power out there, not in the North Pole and not on the North Star and not be on the stars. All the power is within you. Jesus said, The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. If Christians had only gotten that piece right, things would be very different. I’m not knocking Christians. I’m saying that that’s a fundamental missing piece to understanding the entire teachings. The same thing is true with Buddha. He has called it Nirvana, but he said that was within you. Lao Tzu talked about the Tao, and all the great teachers gave it a different name based on cultural conditioning and idioms, and just their own creative expression of it, but they’re all talking about the same thing. They’re talking about the realm of the real – that infinite, immortal, eternal changeless something. Quantum physicists call it the quantum field. They may not quite say that it’s within you, but they say that you are within the field. You are a wavelength of consciousness within the field. They also would say there’s no separation or division. There’s not really a place where you stop and the field starts or the field stops and you start. They’re really saying the same thing.
It’s all within you, not so much within your physical body, but your material body is within your consciousness and your consciousness is unbounded. Your consciousness, in its truest and purest sense, is God’s consciousness. Now, it may have other content in it right now: perceptions, beliefs, filters that create an experience less than Divine just like the ocean has lot of garbage in it, but the garbage is floating in the ocean, in the pure ocean. Whatever garbage you have in your consciousness, and we all have some, your consciousness, your pure consciousness is spirit, is God’s consciousness, is where the kingdom of heaven, nirvana, and all of the good and richest exists. That’s the first thing. All the power, all the substance is in you, in your consciousness. The second thing is that this power or presence or life that we call God or higher power, it’s not a person. It’s not personal, and it’s not changing or changeable. It’s principle. It’s lawful. It’s immutable. It’s not in time and space. Time and space are constructs. Time and space is the canvas upon which we paint with the colors of our soul but this presence is not in time and space. It’s not evolving. There’s no medium of evolution. Evolution is simply the enfoldment of that which has been enfolded. It’s evoluting that which has been involuted. The presence of the Divine, this presence of life, the source and the cause of all creation –it’s not changing. It’s an infinite, immortal, eternal isness.
Again, when I say infinite, infinite doesn’t mean a lot. That’s how we are imposing our material concept on spiritual reality. Infinite is a quality. It’s just an isness. It’s hard to conceive with our mind because our mind, that part of mind trying to conceive is finite and understands finite concepts. Space is a relative expression of infinity. Time is a relative expression of eternity. Eternity is not a long time. Eternity is the quality of this now moment. All of your tomorrows and yesterdays are part of God’s now, God’s today so there’s a now moment. There’s a now moment that is unchanging, and there’s an infinite substance and an infinite beingness that is unchanging. As that unfolds in a medium of expression, like time and space, time and space is the way we measure the enfoldment of infinite immortal expression. The infinite immortal being has no time or space, and, therefore, it’s not changing, because its nature is infinite and eternal, there’s no end to its expression. Now, just take a breath, because I know that this stuff is hard to grasp, and even as I’m using words, I’m activating a field of awareness so that you can catch what’s between the words. You can catch the consciousness behind the words as the saying goes, The stuff cannot really be taught, truth cannot really be taught; it must be caught in consciousness. This presence, this Divine life, God, whatever you want to call it, is unchanging, infinite, immortal, eternal being, and it contains within it all possibility except that it’s not really possibility, it’s not potentiality, it’s actualize.
Now, just take a breath, because I know that this stuff is hard to grasp, and even as I’m using words, I’m activating a field of awareness so that you can catch what’s between the words. You can catch the consciousness behind the words as the saying goes, The stuff cannot really be taught, truth cannot really be taught; it must be caught in consciousness. This presence, this Divine life, God, whatever you want to call it, is unchanging, infinite, immortal, eternal being, and it contains within it all possibility except that it’s not really possibility, it’s not potentiality, it’s actualize.
Again, that’s hard to understand, but it’s already done, it’s already complete, it’s already happening, it’s fully expressing, and it’s now. What we are is a state of consciousness, a center of consciousness within this one consciousness that is unfolding forever. That’s what it means to be the child of God, the son of God, the offspring of God. We are an infinite individualized expression of this one life. We are the way It is knowing and expressing itself as individual being, okay? It’s unfolding because without that sense of individual being, God can’t even experience itself. This is the way God experiences itself as individual being and it’s unfolding. At the center of this being, there is this nucleus. There is this power, presence, intelligence and Divine ideal the God had that it’s not changing, that it never will, that it’s never born, that never dies, that never improves, that never diminishes – and this is what’s called the kingdom of God or nirvana.
Why is it important to say that God is not Santa Claus? What’s the practical value of understanding this fundamental nature of what God is, what the Divine is? Well, one is what I’ve said in the beginning of this which is that it helps to begin to release us from this fearful concept of God, this wrathful God, this emotional God, this God of reward and punishment. We can start to relax in knowing there is no such God. There is no God that’s going to reward you for good behavior or punish you for bad behavior. There is no God like a Santa Claus checking his list, seeing if you’re naughty or nice, and giving you a lump of coal, or sending you to eternal flames and Sulphur if you’re not. There is no such God.
God is a principle and a power, and an intelligence to the center of your being at the center of all being, that is light, that is love, that is all giving, that has no withholding, that its wholeness and completeness and perfection itself. It can’t be anything but what it is. No amount of your do-gooding or bad-doing can change the nature of the Divine center of life. No amount of prayers or lack of prayers can change it. What all of your doing and praying does is two things: it makes you more or less receptive, more or less in integrity with the way God is, with the way you really are. As I said before, the law of buoyancy cannot withhold itself from you. You could be the most evil person on the planet, but if you bring yourself into alignment with the law of buoyancy, you’re going to float. You can be the greatest person on the planet, the most do-gooding. You can be Mother Theresa, Gandhi, you could be Jesus. If you don’t understand the laws of buoyancy and you’re not floating correctly, you’re going to sink. Now you might say, Well, Jesus walked on water. Maybe he can defy the laws of buoyancy. That’s another topic. The point is that this presence is the same way.
When you’re praying and affirming, and doing all that you’re doing, when we talked about designing a life that’s in harmony, with affirmations and meditations and all of that, all of that is not trying to change the nature of the Universe or change the nature of God. The same way when I talked about the radio analogy, and I say that your favorite music is broadcasting right where you are, and you tune the dial of your frequency, your radio, until it matches the frequency where that music is playing and suddenly the music becomes manifest. Now, the music wasn’t in the distance, it wasn’t in the future. You didn’t make the music happen; you made the music welcome by tuning into it, by making your frequency come into alignment with the frequency where the music was playing, right? We can all understand that. There’s nothing woo-woo about that. The key thing is that you could be the evilest person in the world, but if you tune your dial right, you’ll get the music the same way as the greatest person in the world. You canbe the greatest person in the world. You could pray all of your life. If you don’t know how to tune, or don’t know the station, you’ll never going to get that music. It’s not because the music isn’t playing. It’s because you don’t know and understand where the music is playing and how to tune into it. That’s all. It has nothing to do with good or bad behavior, but your good behavior, bad behavior, prayers, meditations, affirmations and all the work you do is either tuning you into that station of your greatest potential where that beat of abundance is playing, that symphony of success or the Divine is shining its life and light or you’re not tuning into it, right?
If you now go back and really study the teachings of Jesus and Buddha, and the great masters, you’ll discover all they’re really doing is teaching these fundamental things: there’s this one life, it’s the only life there is, it’s all good, it’s who and what you really are, now, here’s how you tune into it. Take no thought for your life. Stop worrying about all that stuff, seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all those things will be added. When you pray, pray believing that you already have that you may receive. Buddha: Release all craving and aversion. Find your equanimity, that middle path. Be still and know that I am in the midst of the God. I mean they’re all just teaching you how to tune in to what’s already broadcasting. Jesus said the fields are already white onto the harvest. He said, heaven will not come by observation. It’s already at hand and it’s already within you, but having eyes you see it not; having ears, you hear it not because you’re judging by appearances, and it’s tuning you out of the frequency of where wholeness and harmony is existing which is right here, right now. Love your neighbors. Forgive your enemies seventy times seven. That wasn’t a moral teaching. That was teaching how to tune in to the vibration of wholeness, to the reality of God within you and then your life blossoms from that place. The music begins to manifest. These are not moralistic teachings. These are principles. These are teaching you how to build a boat, design a plane that flies, a boat that floats, a life that soars. It’s principle.
God is not a Santa Claus. You can pray for the rest of your life. If you’re praying with an underlying idea that it’s some God outside of you that’s going to hear all your good prayers and eventually answer them, you’re going to be pretty unhappy. Now, the other reason to understand why God neither punishes or rewards so you no longer have to do good or worry about what you’re doing that God’s going to hurt you or you worry he will punish you, but it’s also what’s called the law of karma or the law of cause and effect. At the relative level, like does attract like, action does create an equal or opposite reaction mentally, emotionally and physically. Just like when you plant a seed in the ground, God is not growing that seed, okay? It’s the same way to think of it. If you plant the seed and you cultivate the soil correctly, you plant an apple seed, you get an apple tree. If you do the right cultivation, you follow the principle, you get an apple tree; you don’t get an orange tree ever, ever. That’s not because God is rewarding you for being a good farmer or a good gardener. It’s because the seed in which you’re planting already contains the thing that it will bring forth. The apple is already in the apple seed. The effect is already in the cause. You’re planting it in accordance with law, the law of emergence and the soil. God has nothing to do with that except that the underlying principle of life is fulfillment, is abundance, is harmony, and the whole process of planting seeds and harvesting fruits is a relative expression of this underlying eternal nature of reality, if you can capture what I just said. It’s not that there’s a God that’s blessing some farmers and not blessing on others, pouring rain on one and not on the other. In fact, in Scripture, it say, God pours his rain on the just and the unjust, shines his light on the saint and the sinner. God is no respecter of persons. It says it right there.
Again, God is not a respecter of person; God is a respecter of principle, of law, because God is principle, God is law. When you come into harmony with these Divine principles, no matter what, it must manifest. The other good thing about that is as it says, Although your sins may have been as red as crimson, now, they will be as white as snow. What it’s saying is that in a holy instant, when you come into harmony with the truth of your being, you could have been the most dastardly person in all time, but in the mind of God, there’s no such record of that person. The moment you come into the harmony with the truth, the truth sets you free, and those karmic change are broken. You come out of the law and under grace. This is what that song, Amazing Grace, is about. It’s available to you now, but if you think of God as a Santa Claus, and you think you have to pay your dues and overcome lifetime karma and all of that, again, it’s that very paradigm that’s holding your prisoner, not God. God is not withholding anything from you. God is not withholding anything from you. God could not if God wanted to, any more than the law of electricity or buoyancy or aerodynamics can withhold from you.
God is principle. God is law and God is intimate love. It is very personal and very intimate, so it can feel very personal and very intimate, and very gracious and just sweet. The underlying operation of it has no bearing on devotional, emotional aspects. It will operate lawfully no matter what. That’s a good thing. Again, we can depend on that. We can lean on that. That’s what it means to lean on the everlasting arms of God. That’s what it means when it says, I know the thoughts I think towards you, saith the LORD, thoughts of good not of evil to give you an expected end. This principle knows the outcome, and the outcome is always good, but you have to come into alignment with it. You have to realize it’s within you. God can only do for you what you do for yourself or God can only operate through and as you to the extent that you are operating as if you are this presence of God, as if you are one with this presence and this principle. That’s what it means when it says, Be ye perfect even as your father in Heaven is perfect.
Again, this is not religious. I’m using the scriptural analogies, anecdotes, quotes for those of you that maybe have heard of them before, so in the context that you can start to see, Oh, that’s what that Bible is trying to tell me. Whatever the Bible is you read, whether it’s the Christian, the Jewish, the Buddhist, the Hindu, the Muslim, it doesn’t matter. There’s still principle in there. You strip away all the dogma and doctrine, and cultural idioms, there’s what’s called the perennial teaching that expands all of these great teachings. That’s ultimately what we want to become students of. What is the underlying perennial teachings of the ages that is just for all time? Then, we can read these different scriptures and philosophies and go, Oh, that’s what they’re saying. Oh, they’re all saying fundamentally the same thing with little tweaks here and there, and little creative additions here and there, but fundamentally, they’re all teaching this one thing: the true nature of life, the true nature of God, the true nature of us, and how to live in harmony with it so that our life bears witness to the magnificence of the universe. It’s not magical. It’s not woo-woo. It’s actually principle. It’s actually scientific, but in order to begin to really apprehend this and live this, we have to move out of some of these mythological ways of seeing things, fundamentalist ways of seeing things, overly romantic ways of seeing things, and realize God is not Santa Claus. God does not punish. God does not reward. God does not give and God does not take. God is no respecter of persons. This Divine presence is like the sun, it’s always shining, always giving of its fullness, never ever withholds, but you can pull the blinds down. You can put on sunglasses. You can put on sunscreen. You can close the door, turn off all the lights and live in the dark if you choose, but that has nothing to do with the fact that the sun is always shining, always radiating its goodness. If you want to go out into it, you can soak up that vitamin D. If you learn how to come into harmony with it, you can get a good tan. You can get even heal, get healthy from it. You can grow your garden. Same thing with electricity, it’s always expressing. It’s everywhere. There’s no lack of energy, but if you don’t build the right structure and you don’t plug in, it might as well not exist. You could pray to electricity all day long, but if you don’t have the right structure, and you don’t plug in, those prayers won’t be answered. You can be a terrible person, but if you know how to plug in your appliance, it’s going to work. You can be the best person in the world, but if you don’t know how to plug in, you’re going to be in the dark. The electricity does not punish you, and it does not reward you. If you don’t understand it, you can stick your finger in the light socket, and it can electrocute you. You could be Mother Teresa and be electrocuted. You can be Hitler and plug in and have your lights turned on. It’s no respecter of persons. This goes to the point a lot of times when we don’t understand why good things happened to bad people and bad things happened to good people, because principle is no respecter of people. It’s a respecter of principle. Some really, really good people do not know how to live in principle with certain things, and they suffer from that. Some bad people do know how to live in principle with certain things, and they benefit from that.
This Divine presence is like the sun, it’s always shining, always giving of its fullness, never ever withholds, but you can pull the blinds down. You can put on sunglasses. You can put on sunscreen. You can close the door, turn off all the lights and live in the dark if you choose, but that has nothing to do with the fact that the sun is always shining, always radiating its goodness. If you want to go out into it, you can soak up that vitamin D. If you learn how to come into harmony with it, you can get a good tan. You can get even heal, get healthy from it. You can grow your garden. Same thing with electricity, it’s always expressing. It’s everywhere. There’s no lack of energy, but if you don’t build the right structure and you don’t plug in, it might as well not exist. You could pray to electricity all day long, but if you don’t have the right structure, and you don’t plug in, those prayers won’t be answered. You can be a terrible person, but if you know how to plug in your appliance, it’s going to work. You can be the best person in the world, but if you don’t know how to plug in, you’re going to be in the dark. The electricity does not punish you, and it does not reward you. If you don’t understand it, you can stick your finger in the light socket, and it can electrocute you. You could be Mother Teresa and be electrocuted. You can be Hitler and plug in and have your lights turned on. It’s no respecter of persons. This goes to the point a lot of times when we don’t understand why good things happened to bad people and bad things happened to good people, because principle is no respecter of people. It’s a respecter of principle. Some really, really good people do not know how to live in principle with certain things, and they suffer from that. Some bad people do know how to live in principle with certain things, and they benefit from that.
Now, again, there is the karmic law, or the law of cause and effect, and if you are doing a lot of good, truly doing good and coming from a good heart, you are sowing seeds that will reap fruits, but they may not be the fruits you want. I’ve talked about this before. You may still be broke living in a shack but have a lot of people that love you. If you want to be loving and have a lot of people that love you and be abundant, you need to apprentice under the principle of wealth and abundance and know how that principle of life operates. You could know it, master that principle but have a cold heart and be rich and wealthy and nobody likes you. You see? So you can be on either side of the equation. What I really want you to get is the fundamental understanding that life is not personal, it’s principle. It’s never personal, not even your relationship with other people is personal. That’s all another topic. As you understand this and begin to get this, it’s going to change the nature of your prayer, your meditation. You’ll begin to remember you’re not ever praying for anything; you’re praying from something. You’re getting in touch with this kingdom within, this heaven within, this wholeness within, this abundance and power within, and your prayer becomes the opening, the way which you express and radiate, and pour forth rather than the way you try to pull to you. That’s the meaning. That’s what Jesus meant when he said, When you pray, pray believing you have that you may receive. That’s not a metaphysical trick to attract; it was the mystical truth that you already got it.
This begins to change your relationship with God, with the Divine, with power, with the Universe, and with yourself. It allows you to begin to step into more of your Divine authority, to let go of childish ways of trying to do good, to get rewards and avoid doing the wrong things so you don’t get punished. That’s a relationship with a child to their parent. You can begin to let that go now. It doesn’t mean you don’t still do good and try not to do bad, but you understand now the reason why you’re doing good or not doing bad is because you’re trying to design a life and be a person that is more and more in integrity with the truth of your being. You want to live a life of wealth and health and happiness and love and power and joy and creative genius. Well, if you are living that life, how would you feel? Who would you be and how would you act? Write those qualities down and begin to design your life and a way that you can feel, be and act that way. You’re not doing any of that to make any of that happen or to please some external God. You’re doing that because it feels good to live in integrity with your true self and you’re tuning by doing that, you’re striking a vibrational chord that is tuning you into the station where your music is playing so that eventually that station becomes manifest and you have your manifestation. Manifestation is not about making something happen that’s not happening. It’s about making that which is always happening visible, tangible. That’s all it is.
Heaven is at hand now. You’re living and moving and having your being in paradise, in wholeness, in fulfillment infinitely, immortality and eternally. You can never lose it. It can never be diminished. It’s all here now. It’s all you now. Now, your work play is to do whatever you need to do inside and out to begin to think, speak, walk and talk, and design a way of life as if this is true. Then, pray from that place, affirm from that place, and watch as your life experience begins to bear more and more witness to the truth about life itself. I hope this has served you and until next time. I invite you to go to derekrydall.com and check out the free resources, download, get the free trainings, get more support, take action and make this real. You can go to getemergencebook.com if you haven’t gotten a copy of my best-selling book, Emergence, and click on the Barnes & Noble or Amazon button there, put your information in there. Once you’ve bought it, I’m going to give $1791 in free training and bonuses. You can also just go to emergencetraining.com and get a free training on the emergence process itself. Whatever you do, I really encourage you to do something today, to take your life to the next level and until next time. Remember to live authentically, love unconditionally and follow your destiny.