Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

From Resources to Resourcefulness [Podcast]

From Resources to Resourcefulness

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]From Resources to Resourcefulness

As you’ve been discovering, the Source of all creation is within you. The Source of all life, law and power is in consciousness – and consciousness is in you. You are a unique expression of Divine consciousness.

You also have come to understand that because you are one with it, like the light is one with the sun, you’re not on your way to more of anything. Just like the sunbeam is not on its way to the sun, it is an emanation of light. It’s coming from the sun. It’s the way the sun expresses itself, and you are the way God expresses; the way life expresses.

What does this have to do with going from resources to resourcefulness?

Regardless of how much or little is appearing, in terms of outer resources around money or abundance, talents, abilities, relationships, or opportunities, the real key to having abundance is your resourcefulness. Your capacity to tap into this source of infinite supply and to be a channel and an instrument of that, determines how much resources you have. Your resourcefulness ultimately determines your level of resources.

[bctt tweet=”There is never a lack of resources, only a lack of resourcefulness — and you can always be more resourceful, so you are never lacking anything! ” username=”derekrydall”]

We have come to many points in history where we believed we were going to run out of valuable resources. For example, there was a time when the wild mustang horse was going seemingly extinct, and there were not nearly enough to meet the needs of the population. It was the end of times as we knew it, because this was our core mode of transportation and of getting around. Then somebody came along named Henry Ford, and created a car called the Mustang.

Of course, that wasn’t the first car he created, but he basically developed the combustion engine, that had the equivalent of all these horses under the hood.

When that threshold was hit, where there appeared to be a lack of resources, we became innovative. Something was created that allowed us to get even more power with even less resource.

In your own personal life the same metaphor applies. As you bump into those places and moments in your own timeline where you feel like you’re out of options or you’re out of resources, and the only way you could grow your life is to have more physical resources, it very well may be a reimagining of your existing resources that’s required.

You’ve probably heard the analogy: Everybody has the same amount of time… It’s not that you need to have more time, it’s how can you take the time you have and use it more effectively?

It’s not about just having more space. It’s how can you take the space you have and use it more powerfully and effectively?

It’s not about just having more stuff. In fact, some of the greatest entrepreneurial and creative efforts have been because they had a seeming restriction of resources, time, money, or space, and as a result they had to dig deeper. They had to become more innovative and creative. They had reimagine, and out of that came a whole new way of doing something, and maybe even a whole new way of life for many others as a result.

You’re being asked to think differently. First and foremost, from a spiritual standpoint, to recognize that you want to be connected to the Source of all life, which is within you, because that’s where everything unfolds.

All the innovations, ideas, and breakthroughs come from somebody who has, on some level, tapped in beyond mere human thinkingness, beyond merely the human imagination, to what I call emergination, which is the imagination of the soul.

It is not bound by precedent. It’s not bound by conditions or circumstances. The imagination of the soul doesn’t even look at the physical conditions to determine what’s possible. It can create from seemingly nothing, and when you combine that with the imagination of the mind, where you can look at the existing resources, but start to think outside of the box, even create a whole new kind of box, or create something that doesn’t even require a box, you’ve got the potential for real breakthroughs and magic.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Welcome to Emergence. This is Derek Ryall, founder of the Law of Emergence, and author of the bestselling book Emergence. I just want to welcome you on this journey of never ending, ever expanding, unfoldment of your infinite potential. Life is emergent. Life doesn’t happen to us. It happens through us and as us, and there’s always more to be revealed, and this is a particularly important piece of the Emergence picture to talk about today, as we are on the topic of going from resources to resourcefulness. There’s never a lack of resources, on one hand, but there can be a lack of resourcefulness. If you look at the word resourceful, it means to be full of Source again. To be resourced means to be reconnected to the Source, to be filled up again by the Source.

As we’ve been discovering, the Source of all creation is within us. It’s not outside of us. The Source of all life and law and power is in consciousness, and consciousness is in us. We are unique expressions of Divine consciousness. We are unique centers in the one mind of the Universe, or the one mind of God, whatever concept or metaphor you want to use. We are not separate from it, but we are the ways it is expressing. We also have come to understand that because we are one with it, like the light is one with the sun, we’re not on our way to more of anything. We’re not on our way to more life, more love, more light, more abundance, more anything. We are coming from the fount of all life. We are coming from abundance, from wholeness, from life, from love, from power. Just like the sunbeam is not on its way to the sun. It’s not on its way to light. It is an emanation of light. It’s coming from the sun. It is the way the sun represents and individualizes itself. It’s the way the sun expresses itself, and we are the way God expresses, the way life expresses.

So what does this have to do with going from resources to resourcefulness? It’s important to understand that regardless of what appears at the level of resources, in terms of outer amounts of things, our resources around money or abundance, our resources around talents and abilities, our resources around people and friendships and relationships and opportunities and raw materials of life and the building materials of life. Regardless of how much there appears to be or how little there appears to be, the real key to having abundance is our resourcefulness, meaning our capacity to tap in to this source of infinite supply, of infinite life and intelligence and power and abundance that never runs out, that never runs dry. Our capacity to be tapped into that, to be a fountain of that, to be a channel and an instrument of that, determines how much resources we have. So it is our resourcefulness that ultimately determines our level of resource.

It’s important to note also, on some practical levels, that actually, physically, materially, on the planet even what we know of there is more than enough to meet all of our needs abundantly, more than enough wealth, more than enough materiality, more than enough of everything. Even where there appears to be not enough, let’s say there may appear to be a lack or shortage of clean drinking water, there’s certainly not a lack of water. Our planet is, a vast majority of it, is oceans, and so what there’s a lack of is our capacity or willingness to innovate and create the technology to turn a great degree of that ocean water into clean drinking water, which we absolutely could do. There’s on one hand more than enough resources to go around, and even where there appears to not be, there is the raw materials that could become those suitable elements for life and abundance and thriving available to us.

Then there’s the other level, which is all of the resources we haven’t even discovered yet. Again, all of the levels of innovation in technology that would allow us to get so much more out of what we do have. For example, there’s no lack of energy. Energy is infinite. Energy is everywhere. There’s not any less energy now than there was at the time of Buddha, and there’s also not any more energy. We’ve gotten better at accessing energy, and we’ve largely been an oil economy, so that we’ve been using what could feel like nonrenewable resources, but, in fact, as we are innovating we can access the solar power, wind power, thermal power, all other forms. So again, it’s not about the resource. It’s about the resourcefulness. It’s about our innovativeness, our creativity, our willingness to move out of comfort and convenience and be willing to stretch and grow and become more innovative.

It’s also important to know that we have come to many points in history where we believed we were going to run out. Where we believed we were going to run out of oil, or where we believed we were going to run out of some other kind of valuable resource. For example, there was a time when the wild mustang horse was going seemingly extinct, or at least there just was fewer and fewer, and not nearly enough to meet the needs of the population of the need for horse drawn buggies and riding horses, when that was the main mode of transportation. There was at one point a headline in the front of major newspapers saying that the wild mustang was going extinct and that we were on the verge of some kind of major collapse. It was the end of times as we knew it, because this was our core mode of transportation and of getting around. Then somebody came along named Henry Ford, and created the Mustang, the car. Of course, that wasn’t the first car he created, but he basically developed the combustion engine, or developed the automobile, and now they put the horses under the hood. So we’re driving around with not just one or two or five horses, but 50, 60, 100, 200 horsepower, whatever. I don’t really know cars that well, but a lot of horsepower. So we have the equivalent of all these horses, and we don’t have to raise a bunch of horses and feed a bunch of horses. It’s okay whether we have a lot of horses or don’t, because when we hit that threshold where there appeared to be a lack of resources, we became innovative. We created something that allowed us to get even more power with even less resource.

There’s an example of the aphid, I believe it is. It’s this little bug that’s crawling around on the branches of a bush, and at a certain point they’re all over the bush, and they’re eating the leaves, and they’re about to run out of leaves. Which means they’re about to run out of food. Which means they’re on the verge of dying, of the collapse of their culture, of their society as aphids. Just before they completely run out, they grow wings. An evolutionary trigger is hit. They grow wings, and they can fly away now and fly to other sources. From their myopic perspective, their world is simply this bush and these leaves. They can’t really get anywhere else. It’s beyond the scope of their paradigm to imagine that there are virtually unlimited bushes and leaves and food sources. This is all they know, until they’re almost about to run out of their resources, and suddenly their biology and evolution kicks in and makes them more resourceful. They grow wings, and they’re now able to fly to virtually unlimited amounts of food sources.

This same evolutionary process that’s happened continuously in our society, continuously in the evolution of humanity, where we hit a point where we feel like we’re all out, where we’ve reached the end of the line. We have no more resources, and then, bam, innovation happens. Evolution kicks in. We develop something biologically, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, creatively, physically. We discover fire. We invent the wheel. We invent the printing press. We invent Xerox copies so we don’t have to handwrite everything and print set everything. Suddenly we can distribute more literature and more information, which causes an explosion in knowledge and education and innovation. Then we develop the internet, and suddenly people can share insights and support and opportunity.

Suddenly billion dollar businesses are created virtually overnight. It took Marriott, or Hilton, 100 years to develop and have whatever number of rooms they have. Let’s say 100,000 or 80,000 rooms around the world. 100 years to develop that structure and that platform. It took Air BnB like a couple years to develop 100,000 rooms around the planet and to have a market share and a company value worth more than Hilton. Not in 100 years, but in a couple or a few. It took how many years to develop the whole taxi system and all the infrastructure that seems to be required, all the resources that seem to be required. So the idea would be to grow and expand we would have to double, triple, quadruple our resources. Then somebody came along and created Uber, and without having to create any new resources they reinvented the existing resources, people and their own cars, and made it a business bigger than the taxi industry. Not in a matter of decades and decades, but in a matter of a few years.

I really want you to grasp the significance of this. Not because you want to go out and invent the next Air BnB or the next Uber or the next internet level technology. Although I want you to understand that that same capacity to do what used to take 100 years in a matter of a couple years exists in virtually every area of our life. I also want you to see, and I want you to get, that it wasn’t the idea of linearity and material thinking that the only way to increase our resources is to have more physical stuff. We need to build more cars and build more hotel chains. No. They didn’t have to build a single new hotel, Air BnB. They literally had an innovative concept using the latest technology and internet that utilized all of these existing homes and rooms around the world. Not only was it a massive innovation where they were becoming more resourceful, they were tapped into an intelligence, a Divine idea. They did not increase the resources; they increased their resourcefulness, were able to reutilize existing resources, and create a massive opportunity and a massive movement. Also, all those people who had extra rooms and extra real estate suddenly was transformed into tremendous value. That’s what an entrepreneur does, they’re transformers. They take resources at one level and transform them to a whole new level of value and of usage. They took existing homes and rooms and turned it into a business that’s worth billions, and also put billions into the pockets of those people that had those existing resources. You see what I mean?

There’s so many ways we can unpack this, but the key I want you to understand is in your own personal life the same metaphor applies, as you bump into those places and those moments in your own timeline where you feel like you’re out of options, you’re out of resources, and the only way you could grow your life is to have more physical resources. I need to have more physical time, more physical space, more physical money, more physical people, whatever the thing is where you think it needs some kind of multiplication of physical resources. In fact, it very well might be a reimagining of your existing resources. You know the old analogy. Everybody has the same amount of time. It’s not that you have to have more time. It’s how can you take the time you have and use it more effectively? It’s not about just having more space. It’s how can you take the space you have and use it more powerfully and effectively? How can you think of it in different dimensions? It’s not about just having more stuff. In fact, some of the greatest entrepreneurial and creative efforts have been because they had a seeming restriction of resources, time, money, space, and as a result they had to dig deeper. They had to become more innovative and creative. They had reimagine, and out of that came a whole new way of doing something, and maybe even a whole new way of life for many, many more to come.

It’s in our limitation that we actually become more resourceful. It’s during a time of recession that we develop resourcefulness. It’s during a time of constriction that we are called to expand. We’ve been taught to adapt, and that’s what I call a hypnotic wealth spell, adapt to your circumstances. What that usually means is shrink to fit it. No. When there’s constriction, the Awakened Wealth principle is to expand in the face of contraction. Expand your thinking. Expand the sense of possibility. Expand your channel. Become more open, more available, more hopeful, more creative, more innovative, and ultimately, more resourceful, and on the other side of that seeming contraction, you will develop something new, innovative, more that will allow for a greater use of existing resources, which will equal more resources, or a greater expression of more resources.

We’re being asked to think differently. First and foremost, from a spiritual standpoint, to recognize that we want to be connected to the Source of all life, which is within us, Divine consciousness within us, Divine intelligence within us, because that’s where everything unfolds. All the innovations, all the ideas, all the breakthroughs come from somebody who has on some level tapped in beyond mere human thinkingness, beyond merely the human imagination, to what I call emergination, which is the imagination of the soul. Which is not bound by precedent. It’s not bound by conditions and circumstances. The imagination of the soul doesn’t even look at the physical conditions to determine what’s possible. It can create from seeming nothing, and when you combine that with the imagination of the mind, where you can look at the existing resources, but start to think outside of the box, and even create a whole new kind of box, or create something that doesn’t even require a box, now you’ve got the potential for real breakthroughs, real magic. Evolution expressing through human imagination and innovation.

So there’s different ways to look at this, but the key to really get here is no matter what seemingly lack of resources you’re facing, a lack of time, a lack of space, a lack of money, a lack of opportunity, a lack of relationship, a lack of health, a lack of wealth, whatever it might appear to be, economic constriction, governmental limitation, cultural, family limitation, constriction, restriction. You want to begin to train yourself to not look at what’s in your bank account, what’s in your body, what’s in the body of your affairs, to let that determine what’s true and what’s possible. All that tells you is what has come before, what thinking has come before. It doesn’t tell you what’s true and what’s possible. What’s true and what’s possible is infinite and inexhaustible, and so when you bump into those areas where there appears to be a lack, that is like the aphids on the branches where they’re running out of resources. There’s some evolutionary leap that’s trying to happen through you, some larger paradigm, some larger perception.

Remember, we’re not here to save the world. All the world is is a collection of agreements. We don’t want to save that. We’re here to serve the emerging possibility, the emerging pattern, the emerging potential. There’s always more trying to emerge, always more knocking at the door, always more. Why?Because life is infinite, and all of the expressions of life are infinite. Your mind, your body, yourself, the idea of family, home, business, work, community, whatever. These are infinite ideas. Meaning they can never be contained in time and space. They can never be contained in a finite experience or expression. The minute it becomes form, it’s finite. Form can never fully encapsulate or contain infinity or eternity.It’s always unfolding. This is the meaning of the Bible passage, From glory to greater glory, world without end.

Now, again, for those of you that are new to this, when I talk about the Bible this is not Christian teaching, per say. Jesus wasn’t a Christian. Actually, he was a Jew, and none of his disciples were Christians. They were Jews. This is not a Christian teaching. It’s not even a Jewish teaching. It’s truth teaching, and when you understand truth teaching you see that, whether it was Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tsu, Quan Yin, etc. they’re all fundamentally teaching very similar things, just in their own way based on their own culture. I just particularly understand and relate to the way it’s spoken and taught in the Bible, and also somewhat in Buddhism, so I use those references a lot. I see it is a truth teaching, not as a fundamentalist religious dogmatic restrictive thing. Just as a side note for those of you that might be new to this.

It says in the Bible, Behold, I make all things new, and All the years the locusts have eaten shall be restored unto you, and The manna falls fresh from Heaven every day. All of these are sayings that are pointing to a principle. How can all the years the locusts have eaten be restored unto you? Why? Because who you are and whatever it is is seeking to unfold in your life, its nature is infinite and inexhaustible. Even if it gets corrupted and diminished and destroyed by the ravages of time, space, limited belief, experience, and all that, there’s always more. There’s always the next level seeking to unfold. The potential is always greater than the apparent problem. The problem is, in fact, creating the conditions for an evolutionary leap. It’s like going to the workout room, the gym, and going into resistance training. It tears your muscles, and it breaks you down temporarily, so that it kicks in a trigger mechanism that causes you to develop even stronger muscles. Everything is conspiring to reveal more and more and more forever. More life, more love, more peace, more joy, more health, more wealth, more abundance, more generosity, more creativity, more mastery, more masterpieces, more of all that makes life rich and wonderful and beautiful and good.

This is all that’s really going on, and it’s going on right where you are, and it’s going on everywhere. This one impulse of never ending, ever expanding good. This one infinite idea or pattern of infinite perfection, unfolding and unfurling forever. You are a unique center in that. Your life is a unique ray of that, a unique expression of that or branch of that. There’s always more trying to unfold, but we have to shift our awareness from merely looking to resources to determine what’s possible and what’s really here, because the appearance is a liar. The appearance is just showing you a relative projection of the infinite perfection. The appearance is an old thought, an old perception. It doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy the good appearances and learn from the seeming bad ones, but you don’t let them determine what’s real and what’s possible. You tap back into the Source of all creation, into your imagination and your emergination. You become resourceful, full of Source again. Tapped into Source again. Then you become this fountain of never ending, ever expanding wisdom, insight, creativity, innovation, which shows up as new opportunity, greater and greater abundance of resources, or complete reimagining of existing resources, allowing you to get more and more out of less and less, and ultimately more and more out of seemingly nothing. That’s becoming truly resourceful.

Those valley experiences when you are in the Valley of Despair, you are developing your mountain top consciousness. When you’re in a recession, you’re there to develop resourcefulness. When you bump into what appears to be lack, you’re being called to dig deeper. When there’s a drought, you’re being called to dig deeper to touch that wellspring that runs beneath the surface, so that you can drink from that silent stream that the world can’t give you, and the world can’t take away. Then your tree can grow tall, your branches wide, your roots deep, and your fruits sweet, regardless of the outer conditions, because you’re not getting your resources from the world of appearance. You’re getting them directly from Source itself.

So how do you practice this? The first thing is you want to begin to recognize and notice where you are looking to outer resources or the lack thereof and buying into and believing that’s all you’ve got, and that that’s telling you the truth. Instead you have to stop, disengage from that belief and any reactive patterns that you might try to manipulate or withdraw from that experience, and instead turn within and ask, what is the larger idea seeking to emerge here? What is the larger possibility, the better, more efficient, more effective vision that’s trying to emerge by means of this particular experience? You want to remember that, just like the aphids running out of leaves, they were on the verge of sprouting wings. Just like all the wild mustangs going extinct, we were on the verge of creating the automobile and being able to drive and move much further much faster.

It’s not just that things remain the same when the new level of resourcefulness shows up, but it’s always an evolutionary leap that allows us not just to improve in that one area, but it allows us truly to expand the possibilities in all areas. When the automobile was created it didn’t just solve the problem of a lack of horses. I really want you to get that distinction too. That’s why we’ve got to be more than problem solvers. We have to be vision holders, because it didn’t just solve the problem of horses; it expanded the realm of possibility far beyond that. It allowed people to start creating suburbs and living in suburbs and going and working in the city, creating whole different level of communities, and then branching out. More opportunity and more land was viable, and then whole new housing communities, which again created a whole new level of job and work and abundance and opportunity, and on and on and on. The development of the automobile didn’t just solve the problem of a lack of horses.

Likewise, the development of the wheel, when we didn’t have that, didn’t just solve the lack of having to move around on horseback or on whatever. The development of fire didn’t just merely solve the problem of being cold or not being able to cook the food so that it would digest better, etc. It actually led to so many developments when we could burn and cook food. It actually changed our biology. It allowed us to be stronger, to get more value out of the food, to become more diverse, to be able to travel more. Then ultimately those insights around fire became all kinds of things. It allowed people to use fire to burn down certain things, fight off animals, get food quicker and more easily by burning down certain fields and then gathering up the animals that had been killed by that fire, and then eating them. It expanded all kinds of resources. The development of the printing press didn’t just save all the time and energy of having people to copy books by hand. It allowed for the development, the dissemination of information, education, inspiration far and wide, and created a whole industry of literature and literacy, and then all the ways that that information now was able to spread. It’s, of course, considered one of the greatest innovations and evolutionary inventions of our time.

The same is true for your life. That problem you’re facing and the innovation and the deeper resourcefulness it’s calling from you isn’t just about solving that problem. It’s about living in a larger realm of possibility that can impact virtually every area of your life and beyond your life, and beyond what you can imagine. I invite you to embrace this. Identify those areas where you’re merely leaning on resources, or bemoaning the seeming lack of resources, whether it’s time, space, money, talent, opportunity, and instead ask, what’s the larger idea trying to emerge here? What’s the larger possibility? Who do I have to be to step into that? What do I have to release or embrace to become that in consciousness? You can also look around at all of your life and say, what resources do I have, instead of what don’t I have? What do I have, and how can I use what I have in an even more powerful, resourceful, creative way, to have more, do more, create more, and contribute more?

Suddenly that little time you do have you can utilize it for better and better purposes. That little space you do have you can utilize it for bigger and better purposes. The little bit of talent you do seem to have, when you start using it it multiplies. It expands. If all you can do is start a little lemonade stand, pretty soon you make a little bit of money, and you can start a second lemonade stand. Then you learn enough that you can hire some of the neighborhood kids. I used to tell my kids, start a lemonade stand if you want to be an entrepreneur, you want to have a lot of money or whatever. Start where you are. There’s this one story of this kid that did that, and pretty soon created like a chain of lemonade stands around the neighborhood, got the other kids to participate, took a percentage of the profit. Starting from one little lemonade stand, one little can of lemonade concentrate, a few piece of plywood and some construction paper, and making a few pennies, a few dimes, a few nickels, and eventually making dollars, tens of dollars, hundreds of dollars. From asking, what resources do I have, and how can I put them to use in a more resourceful, innovative, creative way?

If you couple that with, what is the larger vision trying to emerge as me by means of this? What is the larger possibility? Who do I have to become to step into it? What do I have to let go of or embrace to become it? When you combine those two things, that’s tapping into the emergination, the soul’s imagination, and the other question of what do I have, and how can I use it more creatively and resourcefully is tapping into the human imagination. You work with everything that exists in form already, and you open up to everything that is not yet in form, but is the source of all creation. You combine emergination and imagination, and you get unlimited potential. You get true resourcefulness, to be full of Source again.

I hope this has served you. I hope you’ll take an action today and put this into practice, and whenever you find yourself leaning on an outer resource or bemoaning the lack of a resource you’ll stop, and you’ll reconnect to the Source, instead of leaning on resource. If you want to go deeper into this work, make sure you register for this podcast, The Emergence Podcast, on iTunes, so you never miss a powerful episode. Go to DerekRydall.com and go to the free resource section and download free trainings. If you haven’t grabbed my bestselling book, Emergence, you can go to GetEmergenceBook.com and get a copy of the book, as well as some other bonuses, and really take your life, your work, your creativity, and your contribution, to a whole new level. I hope this has served you. If it has, share it with a friend, with two. Take an action today. Until next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally, and follow your destiny.

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Derek Rydall
From Resources to Resourcefulness
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