(Bonus Episode) The Universe Is Rigged In Your Favor

(Bonus Episode) The Universe Is Rigged In Your Favor

This is both a powerful principle and somewhat controversial because it doesn’t always look like the Universe is rigged in our favor.

When we say life is for us, we are tapping into the principle of oneness, and the truth that life is always working to express more of its wholeness, abundance, and perfection — always supporting its own fulfillment.

This means it’s all working for your highest and greatest good.

As W. Clement Stone said, “We must become inverse paranoids, believing that all of life is conspiring for us.” You are a unique infinite expression of life, and through and as you life gets to know itself as an individual being.

The Universe is conspiring to completely unleash its potential as you, yet we don’t experience it directly. We experience our relative perception, our belief about life, our thought about life or about a condition.

But because all there really is is love, and life forever giving and supporting itself, even those conditions that we would call “bad” are working together for our good. This episode shows you how to live in alignment with this..

[bctt tweet=”Every individual is an instrument through which the universe is seeking to put Itself on display” username=”derekrydall”]

When you begin to embrace this principle, every problem becomes answered prayer. Every so-called negative condition becomes an evolutionary catalyst. You begin to ask evolutionary or emerging questions:

“How does this support my growth and expansion? How is this making me stronger? How can I use this experience to become more awake, more aware, a purer, stronger instrument of life, of truth, of beauty, etc.?”

When you don’t understand this, you ask questions like “Why is this happening to me? What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with life? God, why have you forsaken me?”

Those questions keep you hooked into a paradigm of duality and separation, believing life isn’t for you, and that leads to more experiences that reflect that back to you.

Listen to this new podcast and learn how this principle works, and how you can put it to work in your life TODAY.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

The Fields Are Always Full: How to Transcend Seasons and Cycles, and Experience More Abundance NOW
Always Be Planting: How to Harvest Your Past and Seed Your Future
Ask Derek: How Do I Stay Productive When I’m Struggling or Uninspired?

To get these trainings now or see more of the free trainings available, CLICK HERE!

Matter vs. What Matters: Part 6, What Kills More — Science or Religion [Podcast]

Matter vs. What Matters: Part 6, What Kills More — Science or Religion [Podcast]

Part 6 of Derek’s Series.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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Part 5 of Matter vs What Matters – What Matters Becomes Matter [Podcast]

Part 5 of Matter vs What Matters – What Matters Becomes Matter [Podcast]

Part 5 of Derek’s Series.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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Matter vs. What Matters: Part 4, The Gift of Loss [Podcast]

Matter vs. What Matters: Part 4, The Gift of Loss [Podcast]

Part 4 of Derek’s Series.

To Your Emergence!

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Matter vs. What Matters: Part 3, The Fatal Flaw In Atheism [Podcast]

Matter vs. What Matters: Part 3, The Fatal Flaw In Atheism [Podcast]

Join us as we continue to delve into the seeming dichotomy between the seen and unseen and seek to find common ground and integration between the two — so that we can access and manifest the full potential of our lives, individually and collectively.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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Matter vs. What Matters: Part 2, Truth Is Not Objective Or Subjective, it is Infinite [Podcast]

Matter vs. What Matters: Part 2, Truth Is Not Objective Or Subjective, it is Infinite [Podcast]

Join me for another session in this series, in search of deeper truth, a greater understanding of reality, and our place in it — so we can thrive and prosper and evolve together towards a world that works for all!

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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