(Bonus Episode) The To-Don’t List: What Things to STOP Doing to Really Get You Going

(Bonus Episode) The To-Don’t List: What Things to STOP Doing to Really Get You Going

When people think about the greatest masters, in any field – from Buddha and Picasso to Einstein and Oprah – they often focus on what these leaders do (or have done) to create their great lives and work. But it’s often what they didn’t do, what they chose to stop doing, let go of, or turn their attention away from, that led to their exceptional lives and impact.

In this episode, you’ll learn this simple but powerful practice that, in and of itself will put you on the path for the best year of your life.

(Bonus Episode) Finding Your True Freedom

(Bonus Episode) Finding Your True Freedom

You know the logic: “If I just attract more money (or security or health), I’ll be free!” But, sooner or later, you’re back to being stressed, worried, and overwhelmed. What’s driving that? In this podcast, we’ll reveal the three-step process that awakens you from the illusion that binds you, breaks you out of the prison in your consciousness, and empowers you to, as one master teacher put it, “overcome this world” in order to experience your TRUE freedom.



(Bonus Episode) No Cause, No Solution, No Problem

(Bonus Episode) No Cause, No Solution, No Problem

Do problems come about because of bad karma, bad people, a bad childhood, or just bad luck? What if I told you there isn’t any real cause to your problems…and that understanding this is the only way to a permanent solution.

How would you live if you were suddenly free of your problems? Who would you be, what could you do? In this podcast, “No Cause, No Solution, No Problem,” I’ll share some life-changing tips and strategies for living a problem-free life of ever-expanding possibilities!

Listen to a clip of this week’s podcast, and FEEL THE SHIFT TODAY!



(Bonus Episode) Life vs Life Experience: The Master Key to Healing & Achieving Everything

(Bonus Episode) Life vs Life Experience: The Master Key to Healing & Achieving Everything

We don’t experience life as it is, we experience it through our perceptions about it. Life is already whole, perfect, and complete, but when we judge ‘life experience’ and let that determine what’s true and possible, we’re stuck with the limited beliefs of the world and can’t fulfill our deepest potential.

In today’s podcast, you’ll discover the fourfold path that sets you free from the shackles of past experience and opens you to the realm of ultimate reality — where unlimited power, abundance, and boundless joy are waiting to pour forth and renew your life on every level! It’s not personal, its principle; it’s not wishful thinking, it’s wish fulfilling!

(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek Episode 1 – Falling Apart or Falling Together

(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek Episode 1 – Falling Apart or Falling Together

In this first episode of the Ask Derek series, Derek deals with the challenge people face when they start working on themselves and experience their life getting worse! Is there something wrong with me, with my approach? Are things falling apart or falling together? What’s happening here?

He also answers the question of how one begins to build that deeper inner connection with Source, so that they can be anchored in a place of peace, joy, and security — regardless of what’s happening in the outer conditions. This is about real growth, real freedom, and ultimate fulfillment. Don’t miss it



(Bonus Episode) What Good Things Are In Your Way: Letting Go Of What Works for What’s Right

As your greater potential emerges and evolves, unfolding your deeper destiny, it feels good to hold onto something secure and to say “I can relax now, I’ve finally made it.”

But this sense of comfort, this sense that you can stop and let the storm go by not only doesn’t last, it actually hinders your progress.  Sometimes it’s not your PROBLEMS that you need to let go of, it’s your SOLUTIONS!

Today’s podcast shows you the way to rest WITHIN the eye of the storm, to ride that wave of ever-quickening unfoldment toward your greatest vision – and yet feel always supported by your true source.

Listen to “What Good Things Are in Your Way: Letting Go of What Works for What’s Right” to learn the secret of never-ending, ever-expanding growth and opportunity!



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