(Bonus Episode) How to Get Back All You’ve Lost

(Bonus Episode) How to Get Back All You’ve Lost

What if everything you think you’ve lost is actually still here, waiting for you to reclaim it? What if all the pain you’ve been through has been growing gifts and powers that will emerge when you know how to unlock them?
Your persistent problems are not a sign that you’re broken, they’re a clue that a larger life is trying to emerge. It may seem impossible now, but remember everything we take for granted today was once believed impossible…and everything we believe is impossible today will someday be inevitable.
(Bonus Episode) The Urgency of Emergence or an “Emergency”: Which Will You Choose?

(Bonus Episode) The Urgency of Emergence or an “Emergency”: Which Will You Choose?

Most people don’t have ‘Free Will,’ they have ‘Free Won’t.’ Free Will is a product of expanded awareness; until you see the patterns running you, you aren’t choosing, you’re just reacting. When you’re reacting to these unconscious blocks, you’re unable to respond to your deepest calling. And life is calling, whether you hear the ringing or not. The question is, will you answer it or let it go to voicemail – where it will get the message ‘mailbox full!’

In today’s training you’ll discover what the Urgency of Emergence is and why you must deal with it before it becomes an emergency. Because the fact is, life is progressive; there is an evolutionary impulse sweeping the planet, and your only choice is whether you will go willingly with it…or be dragged kicking and screaming!
(Bonus Episode) From Problem-Solver to Vision Holder

(Bonus Episode) From Problem-Solver to Vision Holder

Within the frequency of your problem, the solution doesn’t exist. Within the frequency of your vision, the problem doesn’t exist. So as long as you are focused on your problem, you are stuck with it. But if you’ll have the courage to seek the truth of your being – even when the bill collector is knocking at your door – you will open up a power and potential previously untapped (and maybe even unimagined).

 Ice won’t melt until you rise above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (no matter what you do). That’s where ice lives. Likewise, your problems won’t go away until you rise above the level that they exist on. You must stop adapting or wrestling with circumstances and expand in the face of all contraction. This includes surrounding yourself with the people, places, things, activities, and thoughts that represent your future, not your past.
In this week’s episode you’ll learn how to make this leap and take your life to a whole new level.
(Bonus Episode) The Inner Manifestation Machine

(Bonus Episode) The Inner Manifestation Machine

(Bonus Episode) Radical Empowerment

(Bonus Episode) Radical Empowerment

We’ve been trained to believe that the world we see, touch, taste, and feel is the ‘real world,’ and the only way to create lasting change is to manipulate the conditions we find ourselves in.

But trying to improve your life by manipulating appearances is like trying to make a better movie by messing with the movie screen its projecting on. Life is not happening ‘out there,’ it’s happening within you. And only within you can you ultimately change it.

This reverses your whole framework of living. You realize you’re not on your way to more abundance, you’re coming from it. You’re not on your way back home to God, you are the way Life is putting Itself on display. You are the greatest Wonder of the World. But in order to experience this Truth, you must tap into it, become congruent with it, and live as if it’s so. This leads to ultimate freedom and power.

(Bonus Episode) What You Really Want Really Wants You: the Secret Language of Desire

(Bonus Episode) What You Really Want Really Wants You: the Secret Language of Desire

We struggle so hard to ‘cause things to happen.’ But cause & effect is an relative perception, not an absolute law. Nothing is causing anything; everything is creating the conditions for something to emerge. When you let go of a pencil and it falls, you didn’t ‘cause’ that. You created the conditions that allowed the invisible pull of gravity to ‘manifest.’ When you water, weed, and feed a seed, you don’t ‘cause’ a plant to happen. The plant was already there; you just created the conditions for its emergence.

Similarly, our belief that we have to cause our desires to manifest is actually the very resistance to them emerging. Like that plant in the seed, our desires are the invisible pull of the Thing We Want, trying to be born. The desire isn’t a sign of what’s outside that we must get, but a sign of what’s inside trying to get out. Once we understand this, the key is to then know how to create the conditions for the fulfillment of our desires to emerge.


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