Do You Suffer from the Disease of Self-Improvement?

Do You Suffer from the Disease of Self-Improvement?

There is a disease in the Western World, and it’s called “self-improvement.”

The fundamental sense of inadequacy so many people feel is not linked to any actual deficiency or inability to achieve; it arises from a universal belief that we’re not already whole and complete.

A baby doesn’t suffer self-worth issues. It can’t walk, it can’t talk, it can’t eat on its own — it even needs someone else to wipe its butt! And yet it’s perfect and knows it.

Then “The Fall” begins.

It reaches for something and the parent says, “No,” “You can’t do that,” “Bad baby.” And it starts to sense that it’s less than perfect. Little by little, it adjusts its behavior to accommodate the Big People, to get fed, clothed, housed, loved — creating this false identity that believes there’s something wrong with it.

As it grows up, it’s bombarded by media and messages from every direction, saying it needs to improve itself by trying a new diet, buying a new car, getting the right clothes, going to the right school, joining the right group — with the promise that if it follows these rules, it will be happy, whole, loved by all. And the first time it obliges and receives the reward, the die is cast.

Along the way, however, some of us realize that this is insane and look for a cure to reverse this brainwashing.

Enter self-improvement.

It seems innocent enough. If we’re unhappy, worn-out, dragged down by the demands of the world, what we need is something to pick us up, patch us up, and buff and polish us until we shine. Right? But the underlying premise of self-improvement is that we’re wounded, broken and need to fix ourselves in order to be happy — the same belief-system that drives the media madness and its insane messages.

So just when we think we’ve finally gotten out, it pulls us back in again!

Using self-improvement to become free is like trying to dig yourself out of a hole; the more you try, the deeper you get into the dirt.

The problem is that this “self” we’re trying to improve doesn’t exist.

It’s a false persona, a fictional character. God (or whatever term you prefer) didn’t create it. And God doesn’t know anything about it. God, being God and all, can’t create anything but that which It is — Perfection.

Self-improvement is a fallacy, a defense mechanism — and it can never bring about lasting change. Even when we manage to improve this pseudo-self, we often feel more anxious and stressed, under increased pressure to keep propping up this self-image that, deep down, we know is false.

We get a bigger house but feel even less at home. We get a bigger paycheck but just feel broke at a higher income bracket. We get a slimmer body, but when we look in the mirror, we still see a fat person or live in fear that the “fat person” will take over again.

Enough with self-improvement! It’s time to join the Self-Acceptance Movement.

Right here and now, accept that you’re enough — more than enough — that you’re already whole, complete and perfect. I don’t mean that spiritually you’re whole even if humanly you’re a mess; I mean that whatever your lot is, you’re good enough.

If your body is larger than you want, love that part of yourself. Seek to understand it. Discover its gifts. Stop seeing it as a problem. Stop making yourself wrong. As you develop this radical self-acceptance, your body will naturally start craving foods and activities that reflect this consciousness of caring.

If you’re a selfish jerk, love the jerk in you. Seek to understand him, not change him. It never works on anyone else, so why would it work on you?! Soon, you’ll discover that he was just wearing a mask to hide a sacred gift that wasn’t safe to open when you were younger. Listen to him and he’ll become your ally, a source of strength. Then, ironically, he’ll no longer need to be a jerk to get your attention.

In other words, it’s all just been a big misunderstanding.

In Genesis, it says that a great sleep fell upon Adam. But nowhere does it say that he woke up. What if we never fell from the Garden, we’ve just been dreaming we did. What if we are Kings and Queens dreaming we are beggars and thieves?

Is it just me, or do you hear the alarm clock going off?

What do you say we stop hitting the snooze button and wake up.

Take some time today to do the following:

  1. Look at an area you think is bad or broken and ask, “What is my true nature? What is this trying to teach me about my higher potential, my real self? What gift is it trying to offer me?”
  2. Become quiet and ask, “What is the divine vision for my life? What’s trying to emerge now?”
  3. Imagine your ideal life, feel what it feels like, then let go of the picture. Allow the feeling to expand, filling your body, then your home. Then take that energy and bless everything in your life, everything about yourself, and the whole planet. This is your Visionary Vibration. Practice this daily, in the morning and before you go to sleep.

You are beautiful and powerful beyond your wildest dreams — literally standing in paradise right now. If you’re not seeing it, then your work isn’t to improve yourself, but to discover the magnificence that is already here, that you already are — then to act from that vision.

As you do, that new state of consciousness becomes clothed in new forms. True wisdom unfolds. Right action becomes inevitable. And a new world cannot help but emerge — a world that works for the highest good of all.

To your emergence!

The Urgency of Emergence

The Urgency of Emergence

There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

— Victor Hugo

The impulse for freedom seems to be sweeping the planet, from the Midwest to the Middle East. And no matter how hard people resist, nothing can hold these evolutionary energies back for long. Of course, this emergent impulse is obvious in popular uprisings against repressive rule. But the breakdown of our major systems — economic, educational, political, environmental — is also a sign of something larger trying to unfold, personally and globally. The crises we face today are not simply the result of mistakes we’ve made; they’re evolutionary catalysts, calling us to make deep changes to our vision and values, so that our next stage of potential can unfold.

Unfortunately, what often accounts for change is merely a cosmetic make-over — a stopgap solution that’s more about maintaining a false sense of safety and security. In other words, we try to change the world but stay the same. And it never works for long. It’s like holding a beach ball under water: Eventually, you let go and it pops up — often hitting you in the face. Or worse, like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, denying the deeper problem until the whole ship goes down. As Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem from the same level of thinking that caused it.” We must, as Gandhi said, “become the change we want to see in the world.”

There’s always something trying to be born. The universe isn’t neutral; it has a plan, a pattern — a Big Idea seeking willing places for Its ever-expanding expression. The good news is that It’s conspiring for our freedom. But to benefit, we must become what W. Clement Stone called “inverse paranoids,” believing life is plotting for us. This is rarely how we live. We often resist this “urge to emerge” because we’re afraid of change. To the ego, change is equivalent to death. But change isn’t the problem. Problems aren’t even the problem. Holding onto old forms instead of yielding to this evolutionary impulse is the problem, and the cause of our suffering.

This emerging energy always finds expression. When we deny it, it doesn’t disappear; it creates an inner pressure that must release, sometimes in destructive ways. Globally, it can erupt as political uprisings, wars or environmental disasters. Personally, it can break out as disease, financial collapse or relationship meltdown. But the meaning of these events isn’t that we’re being punished, or that someone’s to blame; it’s that we’re living in a world too small, and we must open up to a larger vision. As the Gospel of Thomas says, “If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you.” To use an analogy in nature, just as certain seeds require a forest fire to crack open their shells, crises burn away our limited self-concepts, allowing our deeper nature to come forth.

I’ve experienced this many times. It took a brush with death while doing a movie to crack open my actor’s ego and hear the call of my soul — a message that not only changed the course of my life, but saved it by taking me out of a world of substance abuse. After that, I prayed to have greater faith. But not until I burned through my savings, exhausted all external support, and was literally living on a prayer did I get humble enough to rely on a Power greater than myself. Out of those ashes, not only did I land a two-day job that earned me a year’s salary, but I learned to live more by insight than eyesight, which has led to a more abundant and empowered life.

It was the pain of waiting by the phone as an actor that motivated me to write scripts for myself; the struggle to survive as a screenwriter that inspired a six-figure script consulting business; and the agony of trying to fix other people’s scripts that made me a strong enough writer to sell my own. It was the collapse of yet another movie deal that gave birth to my first book, which not only led to more movie deals but another book that wove my writing and spiritual work into the path I’m now on. And it was the breakdown of my relationships and body that brought the emotional and spiritual breakthroughs which inspire everything I do today.

It could have gone very differently. My knock at death’s door could have accelerated my downward spiral into addiction. My money troubles could have led to a “secure” job that stifled my creativity. My career failings could have caused me to give up on my dream, and my deeper personal challenges could have made me give up on my whole life. Believe me, I had my moments of “It’s not fair” and “Why me?” and I still do. But I started asking better questions, like, “What larger life is trying to emerge?” and, “What do I have to become to allow it?” Then I listened and — as best I could — obeyed.

Your life, like the planet, might seem precariously perched on the edge of destruction. But whatever problem you’re facing, it contains the seed of your evolution, and will take your life to the next level if you’ll let it. It requires you to release the familiar, maybe even what seems safe, and become the change you want to see by asking better questions like the ones above, as well as, “Where am I playing safe, resisting the call to be more?” and “If I believed life supported me, that I had what it takes, what would I do?”

Then, do it.

Because the truth is, you do have what it takes, but you have to take what you have and use it. Then you’re given more. As Emerson said, “God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.” But to realize your potential, you must live on this emerging edge.

After all, if you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.


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