PROVE IT! The Path To Mastering Manifestion In Any Area

PROVE IT! The Path To Mastering Manifestion In Any Area

I’m really excited to be talking about this particular topic today, Prove It! – The Path to Mastering Manifestation in any area.

I know that is a bold statement but this comes from a scriptural or biblical quote which says, Prove me now in this saith the Lord and I will open up the windows of heaven and pour forth a blessing too big to receive.[bctt tweet=”No matter what you lack in resources, you never lack in your ability to be resourceful – ‘full of source’ – again”]

So whatever teaching you studied, if you can get beyond the dogma and the doctrine, there are perennial principles that, when you understand them, apply and practice them, there is no particular one path fits all. There’s a principle and then there’s unlimited ways to express it. So the principle of proving it as I have spoken some other trainings is that there are principles to life, and ultimately they are all here everywhere expressing they’re not unfolding or evolving.

Life in its true nature does not evolve, life experience what we called evolution is the unfoldment of that which was first involuted. There is an underlying idea or principle or pattern.  So the ability to fly planes existed during the time of Buddha. But somebody had to come along and discover the principle and begin to create a structure that could work in harmony with it and when they did we had flight.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

The Focus Factor: How to Decide What’s NOW So You Can Do What’s Next [Podcast]

The Focus Factor: How to Decide What’s NOW So You Can Do What’s Next [Podcast]

You’re in the right place if you find yourself generally challenged to start and really move in the direction of your big endeavors, your big vision, even if you know what you want but to follow through on them once you start, and to actually complete them.

To make a choice or a decision, means to cut away from, versus to be perpetually sitting on your psychological emotional fence because you’re afraid that “What if the grasses are greener on the other side?”, “What if I’m making the wrong decision?”, “What if it doesn’t work out?”  All of which the ego is tricking us to believe or actually giving us good reasonable excuses for not taking action, for not making a decision; BUT they’re not actually, because the truth is you can never ultimately know what’s right except in hindsight.

[bctt tweet=”Real growth and momentum only comes from consistent, clear choices that are in alignment with your emerging vision and values.”]

Now, you can develop intuition to know what’s the right true move, regardless of outcomes and conditions; but, you don’t develop that until you start acting.  Then, through hindsight, discern what it felt like when your intuition led you to something that ultimately worked out, and what it felt like when it led to something that you can’t get to, except with having focus and the ability to make choices and decisions, to build the next stage of your life, to follow through to completion and to follow through all the thresholds that will otherwise tempt you to lose focus, to start something different, or to do multiple things at once.

If you experience all of these, of course you know you’re not alone.  It’s one of the most common complaints and challenges.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW. And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Life Doesn’t Care What You Want or Don’t Want (It Cares About This…) [Podcast]

Life Doesn’t Care What You Want or Don’t Want (It Cares About This…) [Podcast]

Life is friendly and all of life is conspiring for your highest good, and here this title says Life doesn’t care what you want or don’t want and then it says, it cares about this . . .

So it’s true. Life doesn’t care what you want or don’t want. Life doesn’t actually know that you want or don’t want. Life is not binary. Life experience is filled with duality – want, don’t want, craving and aversion as Buddha taught.

[bctt tweet=”Life is not binary”]

In fact the whole cornerstone of Buddhist teaching was the dissolving of that pattern of craving and aversion, which is the wanting and the not wanting, the incessant drive to get or get rid of in order to be free, with the understanding that the desire to want or not want actually is, the core source of the false self and all of the resistance and all of the suffering.

And when that mechanism dissolves, when you no longer want or don’t want, what is underneath it is the great ‘isness,’ is life itself, is wholeness itself, harmony itself, freedom itself, fulfillment itself, naturally expressing and naturally occurring.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!



Derek Rydall here, founder of the Law of Emergence and author of the bestselling book Emergence. And it’s just such an honor and a pleasure to be with you again. As we take a deep dive on this path of Emergence, this never ending, ever expanding unfoldment of your infinite potential, and hopefully this title of today’s talk piqued your interest. And that’s why you’re listening because of course I’m always talking about how life is for you, and life is friendly and all of life is conspiring for your highest good, and here this title says Life doesn’t care what you want or don’t want and then it says, it cares about this . . .

So it’s true life doesn’t care what you want or don’t want. Life doesn’t actually know that you want or don’t want. Life is not binary. Life experience is filled with duality, want, don’t want, craving and aversion as Buddha taught. In fact the whole cornerstone of Buddhist teaching was the dissolving of that pattern of craving and aversion, which is the wanting and the not wanting, the incessant drive to get or get rid of in order to be free, with the understanding that the desire to want or not want actually is, the core source of the false self and all of the resistance and all of the suffering. And when that mechanism dissolves, when you no longer want or don’t want ,what is underneath it is the great isness is life itself, is wholeness itself, harmony itself, freedom itself, fulfillment itself, naturally expressing and naturally occurring.

 Jesus taught the same thing just use different languages when he said if you try to save your life you’ll lose it but if you lose your life for my sake you’ll have life eternal. Same basic teaching or when he talked about loving your enemy and forgiving them and that the enemy was in your own household. He was also seeking to teach how to dissolve this incessant drive of wanting and not wanting, of trying to get or get rid of. Indeed all the great master teachers were fundamentally teaching that, because the very core of the false self is this pain pleasure mechanism. Are we seeking pleasure and seeking to avoid pain? And so the average human life is a constant circle and cycle of seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, but really getting nowhere in terms of our true awakening and our true evolution. So when you understand this and you understand the real nature of life itself, that it is non-dual, that life is an isness, that love has no opposite.

Fear is not the opposite of love except in the world of duality, there’s love and fear but in Reality, with a capital R, love has no opposite. Chaos is not the opposite of peace or peace is not the opposite of chaos. Peace in reality is non-dual, it has no opposite. All qualities of truth are infinite and omnipotent and omnipresent meaning there’s nothing opposite or other than them. Because all qualities of truth are ultimately synonymous with God or infinite intelligence or life itself whatever concept you want to use. That love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance or supply, freedom, fulfillment all of these are just other ways and names of describing the aspects or describing a facet of this one great jewel of divine reality.

They’re not separate, they’re not opposite, they have no opposite. And so the divine intelligence, the divine impulse of life it doesn’t know anything other than its own wholeness, harmony and perfection. As the bible says God’s eyes are too pure to behold iniquity, or as it says, I believe it’s in the Bhagavad Gita. I might be misquoting the right place, but the basic teaching is that there are seven veils between us and God but no veils between God and us. In other words, we have all these filters and perceptions and sense of duality and separation but from the perspective of divine intelligence it only knows us as its own, as itself, as an emanation of its light.

So this divine life, this divine intelligence which in ultimate truth is the only thing there really is, has no opposite, has no otherness. There’s nothing other than it so when you are wanting or not wanting it doesn’t know that language. It doesn’t hear you. I know that’s hard to understand especially it seem like a contradiction in terms. If God is all there is and God is everywhere how can God not be aware of that.  And it’s just that you’re having a perception of the sense of separation. You’re perceiving a sense of a self apart from life, a part from fulfillment and in that dream or really nightmare, you perceive yourself separate from the things you want or you perceive yourself as being or having a condition that you don’t want. And then you go about wanting to get more of something you don’t think you have or get rid of the thing you do have that you don’t want.

All of that is happening within the realm of the dream, within the realm of the hypnotic spell of separation. But only you are experiencing the hypnotic spell not the divine intelligence within you. It only knows you as itself, perfect, whole, complete. So when you are wanting and not wanting it’s not a signal that reaches this divine law within you, this divine life within you. It’s not acting upon the want or the not want. But here is what it does care about; here is what it is acting upon the law itself, the law of mind. It’s acting upon what you’re interested in; it’s acting upon what you are focused on. So this was a long way to get to the point that it doesn’t know or care what you want or don’t want. It cares about what you’re interested in. So if you say I want more abundance or I don’t want death, and if you’re saying that simultaneously you’re actually giving two messages because again all it hears is, it hears first the focus of abundance and then it hears the focus of death. It doesn’t hear that you don’t want death because there’s no duality in it, it is only aware that you’re focused on something.

There’s only a yes in the universe ultimately speaking or in this divine law. So if you’re focusing on I don’t want, I don’t want,  I don’t want ,all that it hears is whatever the focus is I don’t want to be sick , I don’t want to be sick, I don’t want to be unhealthy. I don’t want to be fat; I don’t want to be -all that its hearing is sick, unhealthy, fat, sick, unhealthy fat. Okay I guess they want to experience sick unhealthy and fat. And I know it sounds so odd because you’re clearly saying I don’t want that. But the focus of your attention is where the energy goes, the energy flows where your attention goes.

You know just like you’ve heard, you may be use the analogy of the race car driver. They’re learning how to drive and how to pull out of the spins and when the car starts spinning towards the wall, everything in the body does not want to hit the wall, everything in the instincts doesn’t want to hit the wall. And so the tendency is to look at the wall. I don’t want to hit that wall; I don’t want to hit that wall. So I better look at the wall and then what you do you hit the wall. And so even though you don’t want to hit the wall, the only way to pull out of the spin and give you the fighting chance of not hitting the wall, is to actually look away from the thing you don’t want, and look towards the thing you do even while you’re spinning towards the thing you don’t want – the wall. You got to look towards the finish line or towards the next bend or whatever. You got to look back on to the track to where you want to go and then the hands follow the eyes and you course correct. So of course you are not guaranteed in that example to always pull out of spin but you are guaranteed to hit the wall if you focus on the wall. If you focus on what you don’t want you are guaranteed to hit it.

So likewise, in life if your focus is on what you don’t want, if you are going into prayers and affirmations and praying and affirming about what you don’t want, what you’re actually programming into the law of mind and action is the very thing you don’t want. It’s like the story of the guy that was going on a family trip and he spent the first hour of the morning praying and affirming you know, that his family wasn’t in any danger, that they would be safe and that nothing bad would happen and you know he prayed and affirm this for an hour and got on a highway and got into a terrible accident, where they almost all died, they ended up all in the hospital. And afterwards as he reflected on this and got some counsel, he just could not understand it, and when the counselor, the practitioner was listening to them they finally said, well you spent an hour focused on not getting in an accident  even though you were saying I want to be safe , we don’t want to be hurt , we want to make sure we’re safe we’re surrounded by the car and the white light, the focus really was I don’t want us to be hurt or get in an accident. So you spent an hour creating a powerful energetic focus on accident.

So we want to be very mindful that in all of our prayer work and our affirmation work, just our thinking and our talking that whatever our dialogue is inside and out, that the focus is on what we do want. This is also why as I talked about in other trainings the questions you ask must contain the actual result you want. If you’re asking why is this happening to me? Why aren’t things working out for me?  The focus is on the thing you don’t want and so the answers you’re going to get will only bring you more of what you don’t want. You’ll get a bunch of reasons why it’s not working for you. But that’s not going to necessarily get you any closer to working.  Is it going to make you feel bad and worse and worse about yourself and just keep you plugged into the database of human consciousness of lack and limitation? But if you ask how can I become free or what is the divine lesson and opportunity for growth here or what is the larger version and vision of my life trying to emerge by means of this?

Now the focus even if you don’t have the answer, the focus is still basically saying I know there’s an answer here, I know there’s a solution. I know there’s something good here that’s trying to emerge, a lesson, a blessing, an expanded vision and that’s the focus. And so the answer to that question will bring you closer if not right to the doorstep of the thing you want. And so we have to be very mindful that when we frame and fashion our conversation inside and out that we focus on what we want.

Now of course the caveat to all of this is that if you’re focused on wanting just in general, the very concept of wanting connotes that you don’t have. So you want to be aware that whatever you’re wanting is actually an indication of what is trying to emerge. As I teach that desire is not a sign of something out side of you that you need to go get, but a sign of something inside of you trying to get out. So that deep desire, aka wanting is a signal of something, a seed that is hatching within you. You are pregnant and the baby is kicking and so you can still be aware of the want and the desire. You can absolutely make it a conscious awareness, yes I really do want to have more wealth or health or happiness or love. But then from the emergence model you have to begin to reorganize the way you deal with that want, the old model is I want this now let me go make it happen. The new model is I want this which means it’s already in me now let me make it welcome.

So we are no longer focusing on what we don’t want or if we are focusing on what we don’t want we only use it as a very brief moment of guidance because sometimes if you’re not sure what you do want focusing on what you don’t want as a contemplated exercise where you’re not necessarily giving a lot of energy in trying to like fix it you’re using it as a way to go, well I really really don’t want this kind of relationship or this kind of body. So then that gives you an idea then, a direction of what you do want which is some degree of the opposite of that.

I really, really don’t want to have to be in traffic all the time. Okay so well what would be the opposite to that? not being in traffic or maybe you look a little deeper why don’t you want to be in traffic? Because it makes me so angry and frustrated I really, really don’t want to be angry and frustrated for an hour or two or three every day. Okay so what do you want? What is the opposite of that? Being at peace, being happy. So what you want is either not being in traffic which could mean you get up earlier or leave work later, or if you can’t do that because you’ve gone a layer deeper, what you want is to be in a state of peace and joy.

So now you can ask good question how can I be in a state of peace and joy even while I’m in traffic? So you can still get what you really want, which really wasn’t about the traffic but was about the state of being. And you could go a little deeper and go well it’s a waste of time. But what would you rather be doing then? What would be the opposite of wasting the time? What would you do with that time? I would be creating something or learning about something, growing in some way. Great! So now you can fashion your want as I want to use my time in traffic to deepen my sense of peace and joy and to learn and to grow and to create in some way.

Now you’ve got a very real vision and you can actually go about creating that. Make you’re drive a mobile university, have your tape recorder, you know iPhone whatever the recording, dragon dictation or some recording  device and you could be creating things while you’re driving. You could be praying and affirming, you could be listening to audios. I’ve gotten easily more than a degree or two worth of knowledge in education by driving in traffic. But notice so that I use the not wanting traffic scratch the surface a little deeper to see what I really do want and then was able to flip that into a vision that could turn my driving into something that was truly nourishing, nurturing, inspiring and expanding. And maybe even if I really am honest it might allow me to grow in ways that I would have done otherwise, if I did not have that situation if I wasn’t a captured audience you know, a captive audience for that hour or two every day.

So focusing on what you don’t want for a moment as an exercise, to see what the opposite of it is, so that you could begin to unpack what you really do want, create a vision out of it and began to move towards that is a valuable exercise. But you don’t want to just unconsciously be a complainer and focus on what you don’t want and then try to change your life from a standpoint of what you don’t want. And then again once you’ve done discern what you do want ,you want to reframe that and in the emergence model which  is the understanding that that signal of something that you already have, a seed of potential planted in the soil of your soul that is now budding. And as it cracks open and buds it feels like a wanting or a desire but it’s really an emerging potential.

So you can still go for it but you begin to nurture it and feed it. And like you would a baby, when you’re pregnant with a baby  you don’t feel the kick and go, Oh my God I have to get a baby and start to go out and try to find the baby or even try to get pregnant again that would be called crazy. And a lot of people we’ve basically gone insane because we’ve got this desire which is a sign that we’re pregnant with something and then we go out and try to get it. And so you still can do a lot of things to nurture it you know the different lift, practice, work of living in the feel and telling the vibration of it already being done, praying, affirming, visualizing , radiating, taking wonderful appropriate actions steps.

 It’s all coming from the standpoint of I’m giving birth to something, and now I’m going to be and to do and to feel and show up as if this thing is emerging in my life, very different energy and much more congruent, much less resistance and ultimately a much greater chance that you’ll actually give birth to that next stage of your unfoldment. So don’t focus on what you don’t want, but you can use it to determine what you really do want and then reframe what you do want from the understanding that it means you’ve already got it, and now you just need to bring your inner and outer life into harmony with it, into integrity with it, so that you don’t make it happen but you make it welcome.

You midwife the birth of the next stage of your own growth and unfoldment. This is what life really cares about. It doesn’t care about what you want and don’t want. It just cares about what you’re focused on. So make sure you’re focused on what’s truly trying to emerge. I hope this has served you for a deeper dive. Make sure you go to; make sure you sign up for the podcast so that you can continue to get more and more of these emerging training and activations all that good stuff. If you go to you can get other free downloadable content trainings etc., to really support you on this journey of emergence. If you like this please leave a review and five stars, go to my Facebook page post a review or insights and get engaged, get involved and stay inspired. Until next time remember to live authentically, love unconditionally and follow your destiny.











What It Really Takes to Create The Best Year of Your Life [Podcast]

What It Really Takes to Create The Best Year of Your Life [Podcast]

Today’s episode is about what it really takes to create the best year of your life. First of all, what it really takes? Not what you think it takes, not what they tell you it takes, but what it really takes.

The best year of your life is a completely subjective thing. What is best? What is best? Now, from your ego standpoint, it has one idea. From your soul standpoint, it has a very different idea. As the old saying goes, “A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul”. It’s really important we acknowledge this because we’ve been conditioned to what is success, what is best, what is good, what is right, what should be, and what shouldn’t be; but most of that that we’ve been conditioned into from the world, the truth is often opposite.
[bctt tweet=”A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul”]

From the world standard, the best year would be a year free of pain, free of most challenges, free of lack and limitation and struggle. For most human consciousness, the best year would be greater wealth, greater success, greater health, greater relationships, improvement of our human experience. That’s what most people—and then again, it’s relative if you’re living in Syria and trying to get out the best year of your life would be to find a country that would be willing to take you in, so finding a safe place to live. If you’re on the street, it’ll be finding shelter.

So it’s always relative to where we are.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!


 Greetings my fellow Emergineers, Derek Rydall here, and it’s great to be with you in this eternal moment, whatever it is that you are hanging out in the time zone. What we’re talking about today is what it really takes to create the best year of your life. What it really takes? What it really takes to create the best year of your life? There’s so much coming through right now. I got to pick a lane because I got to feel this slot opening up so much because there’s so much just in that title. First of all, what it really takes? Not what you think it takes, not what they tell you it takes, but what it really takes.

The best year of your life is a completely subjective thing. What is best? What is best? Now, from your ego standpoint, it has one idea. From your soul standpoint, it has a very different idea. As the old saying goes, “A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul”. I was not going to talk about this but it’s just coming through really strong. It’s really important because we’ve been conditioned to what is success, what is best, what is good, what is right, what should be, and what shouldn’t be; but most of that that we’ve been conditioned into from the world, the truth is often opposite. From the world standard, the best year would be a year free of pain, free of most challenges, free of lack and limitation and struggle. For most human consciousness, the best year would be greater wealth, greater success, greater health, greater relationships, improvement of our human experience. That’s what most people—and then again, it’s relative if you’re living in Syria and trying to get out the best year of your life would be to find a country that would be willing to take you in, so finding a safe place to live. If you’re on the street, it’ll be finding shelter.

So it’s always relative to where we are. But it’s also, we have to really begin, if we’re really going to be individuals on a path of really waking up to our true potential, our true purpose, our true self, true spiritual liberation, not merely using God to get more stuff in the world, but using everything in our world to get closer to God. Whatever that means to you, closer to love, closer to truth, closer to beauty, closer to real freedom, real peace, remember, when we talk about God, we’re not talking about it anthropomorphic, white-bearded man in the sky, in the cloud with the scepter in one hand and sitting in a golden throne, and Jesus at his other hand. That’s not the God that we’re talking about. There is no such God. We’re talking about this principle, this presence, this divine something, that is our true nature and being and the ground of all being.

So there comes the point where we make the flip. We try to use all these things to improve our human experience, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Absolutely nothing wrong with that but what our soul is aching for, and if you’re in this community, and if you stay to hang around for any amount of time, is because your soul is aching for this other piece. And that is to awaken, to really become free because as long as you think the world has something for you, as long as you’re merely trying to improve your body or bank account or business, you are still trapped in a human dream. Again, there’s nothing wrong with having all the good things of life experience, but as long as that’s your main, prime motive, you are stuck on the wheel of human life and will suffer. If you sowed the flesh of the flesh, you will rip corruption. If you sowed the spirit, you will rip everlasting life, eternal life.

All that I was really saying is if you are anchoring yourself and planting yourself in that which is unchanging and real and to true about you, a.k.a. the spirit, love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, that has nothing to do with conditions, then you will rip a harvest that is eternal, that doesn’t change with the economy. You will live in a state of joy and peace and greater fulfillment regardless of condition. That’s real freedom. That is what everybody really wants if you can get them to think about it long enough. They think that it’s one of better paycheck or a better body, but then they know that that paycheck could go away and that body could break down the next day; so, what they really want is a state of peace and well-being, and abundance that the world cannot take away from them, that even if their body goes sideways and the bank account goes the other away, and their relationships go another way, they’re okay, and they know it because they’re anchored in the real, the real love, the real companionship, the real health, the real wealth, the real life that the world didn’t give to you and so the world can never take away.

So there comes a point where we have to choose what are we really going to primarily be about. I say primarily because the statement to be in the world but not of it. So we’re not just becoming ascended masters and floating off the planet, we are absolutely here to be in the world and to play full out, all systems go, out on the field, creating and building and projecting our concept and consciousness of good into the world. But, it’s the context that we live in that matters most, more than the content. So we’re definitely here to create some content, to write that book, launch that program, build the business, build the family, and then just paint a masterpiece on the canvas of time and space. But are we going to do it and forget that it’s our canvas and that we’re the artist and get lost in the picture, or are we going to do it from the context of I’m whole, I’m complete, I’m already free, I already have everything I could ever need and from that place, now I’m going to paint.

So there comes a point incrementally, sometimes dramatically, where we make that shift and for a lot of you, you’re making that shift, and for some of you, you’re making it but you don’t know it yet because the longer you hang out in this community, the more it’s going to get a hold of you and you’re not going to be able to help it because that’s the vibration of frequency and underlying intention of all this work, is to set you free, truly free. I’m saying all these to say that as we begin to think about what is it really takes to create the best year of life, we have to look at what is the best year really look at. Again, we have to decide how we are going to determine that. What is the criteria by which we determine that we’re having our best year or not?

If we’re going to use the world’s criteria of more money, improved health, relationships, whatever, that’s one metric and we will then be tying ourselves back into sowing to the flesh, tying ourselves back into all the ups and downs, in the rollercoaster ride of human consciousness, the laws of duality, up and down, good and bad, and we will to some greater or lesser extent, be fold along by the tides of the human trend. Will we decide that the best year has something to do with a deeper realization and demonstration of who and what we really are and why we are alive. In other words, at the end of the year, let alone the end of our life, it’s not so much what we have but what or who we become that determines our success.

It’s not so much how many possessions we’ve attained, but how much we are in possession of our true self and of the truth that makes us free. Have we gained some outer treasure or have we gained that pearl of great price? Have we laid up our treasures on earth where moth and rust will corrupt and thieves can break in and steal or have we laid up more treasure in heaven in consciousness, in the development of our conscious realization of these inner treasures where moth and rust can never corrupt, where thieves can never break in and steal, where the world can never take it away? That’s the treasure we take with us. So, that first inquiry and the first sort of challenge I put to you, my question is what’s going to be your definition of best year?

Again, I really want you to hear this, there’s no judgment which one you choose, and I want you to understand that when you choose the ladder which is it’s going to be about me having great possession of myself, greater possession of the truth, about who I become, it does not preclude you from also having and going for your outer success goals. We’ll talk about that. It’s not an either or. It’s just what is your priority and by priority, I mean at the end of the day or the end of any moment, or in the midst of any moment, when you must make a choice, choose this day who you will serve, God or mammon, truth or appearance, cost or effect, love or fear, the material acquisition or the spiritual realization. Which one are you going to choose? And that is determined by what is your priority and where is your commitment.

In other words, if you got a moment where there’s really a choice where you could go out and you could do something, say something, make a call, send an email, it’s really coming from a place of fear because you’re afraid if you don’t, you’ll lose something or you’ll be taken advantage of some kind of humanly driven acquisitive, some action based on your ego, based on the appearances, etc. Or are you going to choose to become still and to reclaim the truth about you and to re-anchor yourself on who and what you really are, and remember my best year is more peace, more joy, more love, more compassion, more of my real self; so, now in this moment, because that’s my priority, I’m going to choose that. So that’s what I mean to choose this day who you will serve, and it’s multiple moments throughout the day, but that’s determined by where have you made the commitment, where have you made the priority, what have you decided really is most important to you.

At the end of the year, do you want to have more possessions or more possession of yourself? And then based on that, because that’s your definition of best year, now on a daily, weekly, monthly moment-by-moment basis, when the choice arises, you get to know what you’re choosing, and that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. In fact, in many cases, it’s going to be really, really difficult. That’s why the way is straight and narrow and few there’d be that walk in, but if you decided that’s what best year looks like, you have to do the hard thing. If you don’t make a choice, if you try to kind of play both sides of the fence and never really get clear on what best year is for you and make that priority and commitment, then you are serving two masters; and if you try to serve two masters, that’s like trying to ride two horses at the same time going in opposite directions, not a pretty picture.

As the Bible says, it’s like you have a house divided and a house that’s divided cannot stand. So you have no structural integrity, and you’ll be not only torn internally, but you won’t be able to galvanize the energy to actually be truly successful in any direction. So you do have to choose which is going to be your primary context. Again, I want to say this also – it’s not like you make the choice now and you’re done. You have to keep re-choosing. You’re building a muscle. It’s in your heart of hearts, you really want to be anchored in the truth of your being, you want to become truly free, truly empowered, and the only way you can ever be empowered is that you choose the conscious spiritual path, you choose the path of having more possession of yourself. You will never ever be empowered truly if you’re choosing the former or the latter, whichever the order is.

The best year is defined by outer success because you’ll be always be at the whim of some external appearance and so you’ll always be having to give away your power to it. Whenever you make something external to you, your source of support, supply, security or safety, you have to start giving it your power and eventually you’ll become its servant. When the locus of power and control is within you, within your consciousness, that’s where you begin to have true power, true mastery, and ultimately true freedom. There is no other way to get that. I believe all of you want that. So I invite you all to make that choice but then again, it’s going to require on a moment by moment, sometimes, daily, weekly, monthly basis to re-choose and re-choose and re-choose, to get stronger and stronger in your ability to hold your place in that expanded space.

As we looked at this, if we decide that the best year looks like me having greater possession of my true self, looks like me becoming more of who I really am and letting more of that out, then we have to ask—and I also want to say that it changes the nature of how we judge what’s working, what’s not; what’s good, what’s not. When you go to the gym, and you work out really hard, it doesn’t always feel good and especially if you haven’t done it for a while or you’re taking it to a new level, the next day or two or there, it doesn’t always feel so good. If you remember the analogy of when you go to the gym, and let’s say you’re max weight, you can do 10 reps. What’s the easiest rep? The first rep. I joked. That’s actually the hardest because you got to go to the gym first, but let’s just sit and take that for granted. The easiest rep is the first one or second one once you get warmed up.

Then I ask what’s the hardest one and people will say the tenth rep. Now you all heard me tell this, so you know what the answer is here, and I would say no, it’s the eleventh rep. It’s the one you can’t do yet, because you can do the 10 reps. It’s hard, I mean it still requires effort but you already know you could do 10 but you can’t do more. That’s why they call it your max. It’s on the eleventh rep where all the growth happens. One through ten is just maintenance. So you have to get to the eleventh rep, maybe not every day, maybe not even every week, but frequently and regularly you have to push into the eleventh rep because that’s where all the growth happens.

So living your best life from that metaphor and your best year could mean real challenge. It could mean real challenge. It could mean a year full of challenge, struggle. Yes, pain even, doesn’t mean to be suffering because pain is inevitable suffering as a choice because we resist what’s happening. But it might be suffering. Edi Rama said years ago when they asked what did he think about America and how America is doing and he said, “I wish for the Americans more suffering,” and he meant it with absolute, loving compassion because he understood that America was a very young nation, very young and somewhat immature because they’re barring the revolutionary war and then the civil war. America has had a long, long time of just pretty much prosperity and power, not a lot of real growth, and interestingly, this was before 9/11, not that long before either.

So sometimes, again, a bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul. Sometimes the bad year for the ego is a good year for the soul. I’ve had what on some level, some people would consider a bad year in the sense of a really, really difficult challenging year where a lot of my structures were disabled, disintegrated, disassembled, let’s say, a lot of my identities and concepts around relationships, family, and all kinds of things, many is not most of my major life structures where had to be disassembled. I was at that point in the Rubix cube where I got in the bunch of sides looking really, really good and, remember the Rubix cube, what’s working that’s in your way and you get it all looking really good, but in order to get the next side of the next side, you got to keep messing it up. I got a bunch of sides looking really good, and I was like, “Oh, I’m really something. I got it going on.”

Then life was like you’ve been praying some pretty big prayers of transformation. To get to that next side, you got to let some things fall apart, some structures that can’t hold the next level. From an ego standpoint, it’s been a very, very difficult year. Now, there had been a lot of successes, too. I released a book, had it best seller, launched and had an amazing life event, have an amazing program happening, there’s lots and lots of good. But emotionally and spiritually, and again in all these areas, physically, financially, relationally, all those structures have been just torn down and disassembled. It’s like when you go to Ikea and you buy a whole bunch of new furniture. In the first few days or weeks, you just got rooms fall apart and pieces all over the place, and you’re like, “Oh, my God.” At the end of it, you’ve built everything and you’ve got all these extra pieces, then you’re really not in trouble. I know from a soul level, it’s one of the most productive years of my life.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you. From an ego level, from a human level, it’s really hard and I’ve wished, and still have a part of me that wishes, I didn’t have to go through it. And that’s why it’s so important that I have a practice and that I have support, my coaches, my spiritual practitioners, my friends, and that I have a practice that I go back to daily, hourly, moment by moment sometimes. Because my prayer for the best year of my life and the best life is to fully awaken, is to become truly free, is to become completely anchored in that that is real, so that I can stand in the face of any appearance and be the truth and know the truth and be the light and shine the light unconditionally and all conditionally, that I can pour the love and the joy and the peace, the gratitude and celebration and the power onto everyone and everything, everywhere at all times regardless of condition.

So that’s a big prayer. It’s a big intention. A lot of structures don’t support that internally and externally. So I’m saying all that to say that it’s really important as we set our sides for the best year, that we understand these elements to it. What does that really look like?? What does that really mean? Now again, we’re not setting the intention in going on there, I am really going out there and have a really great year in pain and suffering so I can grow. We’re not saying that. You don’t go to the gym with the vision and intention of lots of pain and suffering, I hope not. You have a vision for sure of a beautiful, healthy, vibrant, vital, athletic, maybe sculpted, strong, flexible, agile body. That’s the vision. The vision isn’t pain and suffering and breaking down and tearing muscles and all that. You understand that along the way, that’s going to happen. If you didn’t understand the process of growing from the work-out standpoint and you experience the pain and all that, you might misdiagnose that and stop.

So the same thing is true with your life. That the challenges you’re going through particularly as you’re going to conscious path are some of the most valuable and important and potent aspects of really creating a best year. So you’ll look at the best year and you say, “Okay, it’s going to look like me having more possession of myself, more possession of truth. It’s going to look like becoming more of my real self and letting more of real self out.” So we have to look at. So what is that real self? And that real self is the divine and it’s made up of, at least we’ve broken it down this way, into qualities: love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, creativity, gratitude, authenticity, truth, right? So the criteria for the best year is—am I more of these qualities? Are these more active in me? Am I more anchored in them? Are they become more important to me? Am I expressing more of them? I tell you that even though there’s all this challenge I’ve gone through, my internal generosity has magnified.

I’m getting chills here right now, so I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting it from me or from someone else.  I’m getting a lot of tears and chills coming through me right now. So there’s a download happening. Like the level of love in my heart for humanity, for those around me, especially those that I’ve experienced challenge with, the level of generosity, the inner desire to love and to serve and to be an instrument of service, it’s profoundly magnified to some moments where, I think I’ve shared it with you guys, where I literally wanted to give away everything. There was so much love and so much desire for people to have everything and that is real progress, spiritually speaking. That’s the sign of what I’ve been talking about and there are many more of those kinds of signs. Those are the real fruits of the spirit and just a greater and greater realization and dedication to my path.

So you have to look at yourself and go at the end of the year, am I more loving, more giving, more forgiving, more peaceful, more joyful, more grateful, creative, authentic. That’s one level of criteria. That’s the new bottom line versus do I have more money, do I have more health, do I have more relationships, do I have better relationships. You might not have better relationships. In some ways, a lot of you know that me and my wife separated, some of you maybe not if it’s new. That happened the end of last year. That was one of the big catalysts to my growth, something that is really been in the works for a while in terms of internally what was emerging, but in some respect, our current relationship is not better than it was then in the outer appearance of things. Internally, my level of love for her is magnified, and internally, my level of humility and just to my level of so many things. So we’re looking at a new bottom line.

In a very real way, I’m having this conversation with somebody last night. This is really a new emerging paradigm on the planet and that is that we have a bottom line on the planet right now that’s about living in an economy that’s non-renewable. It’s a non-renewable economy based on non-renewable resources based on raping and plundering the planet and war and killing and very masculine energy, run amok without the balance of the feminine. We keep trying to fix it but we’re still coming from the old paradigm, it’s because our bottom line is still is what are those quarterly numbers look like. Is there more money, more profit, profit at all cost, profit above people, profit above planet? That is the materialistic, human motive run amok that is non-sustainable and that it will destroy us.

In my micro concept, this is what we’re being called for as ourselves. We have to have a new bottom line. We have to have a new bottom line that looks at the end of the corner and goes not just do I have more money and more profit and more of what the world calls success? But do I have more of the biggest success? Am I more loving? Am I more forgiving? Am I more giving? Am I more generous in my heart? Am I more peaceful? Am I more joyful? Am I more grateful? It doesn’t mean we have all of these, but are you seeing some of the real fruits of the real new bottom line of this emerging paradigm on the planet. If your life is not aligned with that, you’re not in integrity with what we’re trying to emerge on the planet because what we’re trying to emerge is this new model that is sustainable, renewable, holistic, and when the bottom line is more love, more peace, more joy, more beauty, more real harmonizing prosperity and abundance, more gratitude, more creativity, that is renewable, that is inexhaustible and the fruits of that are greater and greater structures and institutions and organizations and environments that support to sustain everyone. Right?

So that is what you’re looking at. You might be saying, “This is all really nice, Derek. And you’re talking a lot today, Derek, and it’s very poetic, and it’s very sweet.” Yeah, I want that but you don’t understand. What I really just want to do is pay my bills and finish my book, and launch my business. I would say, “Cool.” I would ask if you would achieve those things, what will you be then? Why do you want those? And if you’re honest with yourself and you answer, keep asking, why do I want that? Well, I want to finish my book so I can’t sell it. Okay, why do you want to sell it? Because if I can sell it, I can grow my business. Why do you want to grow your business? If I grow my business, then I can have more money. Why do you want more money? Because if I have more money, I can pay my bills. Why do you want to pay your bills? Because I don’t want to be out on the street and be without power. So if you did have the power and you weren’t out on the street, why would you want that? So I can relax and enjoy my life. Okay, and if you’re relaxing and enjoying your life, why would you want that? What would that bring you? You find you take a deep breath and go, “I finally have peace.”

There you are. That’s what you really want. It’s not those other 50 things. It’s like, “Yeah, I finally be in joy. I finally feel secure. I finally had peace. I’d finally be happy. I finally feel good about myself.” Yeah, that’s what you’re actually going for, is that state of feeling good about yourself, of peace, of joy, of happiness, a sense of generosity if you had more abundance, whatever. So it’s those state of being that you’re really after. Always, since the beginning of time and forever, that’s all that every being will ever be really going for. It’s just they move to all the filters of separation. We don’t know that. The reason why that’s all that you’re going for—I really want you to hear this—is because that’s what you’re made of and the only impulse of life is to express more of itself and life is made of love and peace and joy, and beauty. You’re very nature in being with those qualities so the only way you’ll ever truly be free is in the expression of the more of you which is those qualities.

So everything is conspiring for you to reveal and express more of those qualities. That’s all that your heart and soul really longs for even though we’ve been tricked because we projected those qualities onto people, places, and conditions and believe therefore that the peace and the love and the joy was based on a certain amount of dollars and the bank or health and our body or relationships in our life, and we projected onto that for so long that now we’ve got this belief that say my love, peace and joy is in that condition. And that’s a lie. It has nothing to do with condition. Nothing. We can prove it because you could go within right now and activate those qualities even though the conditions have changed. So the real thing is you are always only really going after the state of consciousness, state of being.

So all I’m really suggesting is let’s cut out the middleman. Let’s go straight for what we really want. Let’s create a bottom line in our life that actually reflects what we really want, which is the truth for the world, the human, the companies that whatever that are just only profit motive. It’s because they believe if they have enough money, they’ll finally be safe, be powerful, be free. They want the same thing. They just don’t know it. It’s our job to know it and to live it. So let’s cut out the middleman and go straight for these. This is what it really means to seek first the kingdom of heaven when to take no anxious thought for your life, how you will be clothe, what you’ll be fed, etc., etc. but instead seek first the kingdom of heaven which Jesus said was within you which is another name for this state of connection, for this realm of the real, these qualities. Buddha called it Nirvana. Lao Tsu called it the Tao. They also all taught how to let go of that incessant mechanism of trying to control your conditions. Buddha called it craving and aversion.

In other word, you must let go of all craving and aversion, trying to get or get rid of in order to be free, and instead seek first Nirvana. Seek first the Tao. Seek first heaven which all of them taught was within you. Now in quantum physics, they’d say in your consciousness. So that’s really what we’re going after. The best year of our life is about a greater and greater connection to these qualities of our being, to our true nature and a greater realization of them and a greater expression of them. That’s what our soul is after. That’s what our true self is after. That’s all it really cares about—the emergence of more of these qualities and then we get to paint with the colors of our soul which are these qualities. We get to paint with those qualities of love and gratitude and joy and peace and abundance, and create this beautiful works of art called our relationships and our businesses, wonderful, but we know what we’re really doing now. We’re artist of the heart and the soul painting with the colors of our spirit onto the canvas of time and space.

So our focus is on developing our palette, developing and activating these colors, these qualities because we got a very rich, rich palette full of great wonderful abundant qualities to paint with. We can paint with these qualities no matter what the conditions are. They are unconditional and all conditional. They have nothing to do with conditions. And then the more we see this and acts from this, the freer we become from all conditions which is what we really, really want and then bonus, our conditions begin to match what we are being in expressing and painting. That’s what Jesus meant when he said seek first the kingdom, don’t worry about your life, don’t take thought about all those other things, seek first the kingdom, this connection and then those other things will be added onto you.

So the way to create your best year is to begin with the end in mind and then design a plan that puts you into a practice to activate and express more and more of these qualities, more and more of the colors of your soul. And as I said that also does include the outer success goals, the outer paintings that you want to paint. If you’re a great artist, you have a vision for the year like I want a… my wife is a nurse and she’s like I want to paint this kind of painting and this kind of painting, this kind of painting, that’s great. But she didn’t think the canvas was the source of the painting. She knew that her palette and her colors and her paints in her was the source of it and then she’d go about over time painting these paintings.

So you definitely still have your outer vision of what will your life look like when you painted this magnificent masterpiece on to the canvas of time and space with the colors of your soul. You definitely want to include that. But remember it’s secondary to your real soul goal which is in any given moment, week, month, if you find that you’re starting to make the achievement of some outer goal, to the detriment of these qualities of your soul, that’s when you have to stop and get back to your practice. So if you find the chasing after more dollars is actually cutting you off from the development and expression of more of a consciousness of abundance, you have to stop chasing the dollars at least for the moment and get connected again to abundance.

If you find that the chasing after a relationship or the chasing after your partner or spouse to get them to change that you don’t feel so uncomfortable is taking precedent over and actually cutting you off from a sense of feeling whole and complete, and loving and kind, you need to stop chasing relationship or stop chasing your spouse around the house and stop and get reconnected again to your real goal which is to feel whole, to feel loved, to feel loving, to activate the qualities of peace. So instead of convincing your partner that you’re a good person, which is actually making you feel it’s retarding your development of the qualities that would make you a good person, the joy, the peace, the love, etc., you have to stop and go back to that. When it comes to relationship, two HALVES do not make a whole. Two HAVES is the only thing that will make wholeness in relationship.

So if you’re seeking a relationship, or trying to control or manipulate a partner to get yourself to feel better, you have gone off the beam of your real goal, of what will really make the best year of your life and you need to stop and come back to activating, cultivating the qualities of your own soul, and then go back into that relationship and then go back to that client, to that business project. Now, not trying to get anything from it, as if you’re an artist going to a blank canvas and shaking the canvas and saying, “Why won’t you create some colors for me?” You’d look kind of crazy. You stop and you go back to your palette. You mix some more paint and you activate those qualities then you go back to the canvas and paint on it.

So now, you’re entering into that relationship for what you can give. You’re entering into that project for what you have to give – more joy, more abundance, more power. It’s why Jesus said when you pray; pray believing that you already have it that you may receive it. You’re not praying for your praying from. It’s not an out for nation; it’s an out from nation. You’re going out into the world not to get anything but to let more of your real self out. Yes? So that’s how you begin to think about your best year and then begin to design it, reverse engineer it. So one of the things I would invite to just to think about right now and do as homework is—so I want to open this up to some questions—is if you had overcome all your challenges this year and over the next year, we’re really preparing you for next year, and if you had achieved what you most deeply wanted in terms of the outer success goals, who would you be, how would you feel, how would you act or show up in the world?

What I would invite you to do is to break that down for each major life structure: health, wealth, work, relationship, spirituality, personal development, and service. Personal development is things like if you’re wanting to develop your ability to be a speaker or writer or a chess player, whatever, that’s personal development. You’re developing talents and capacities. Spirituality is obviously your spiritual practice and a deeper connection to the divine and all that. So looking at those areas, if you were to make the progress you most want in those areas, how would you feel, who would you be, so it’s qualities of feeling and qualities of being. A quality of feeling looks like peace, love, joy and quality of being is more active like loving, playful, spontaneous, outgoing, generous, it’s more active quality, and begin to articulate for those core, big goals that you would want to either overcome or achieve. What would those qualities be? And then that is what your real goal now becomes.

At the end of the year, my real goal isn’t just do I have more money. It’s do I have a greater sense of safety, security, power, confidence, whatever that means to you, whatever the qualities are, and then in terms of the way to determine, to create a metric around this, you can ask yourself very honestly on a scale from 0 to 100, where am I right now with this quality. Then at the end of each week or month or quarter, you can reassess the bottom line. So we can still use math here. We could still use metrics, and I think it’s very important that we do. Otherwise, we can fool ourselves, and go, “Okay, I started off as a 25%.” Zero to a hundred, 25. Of a greater sense, where I want to be at the year? I want to have a sense of at least be 100% more peaceful than I am now. So let’s say, I started off right now. I’m at 20. I want to be at least at 40 by the end of the year, as an example when choosing the scale of 0 to 100.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be at 100. If 100 means complete and total, perfect peace, you want to look at where are you really and what would be the kind of growth you want to see. I want to see a 50% improvement. That’s a really good improvement. Just think about it. If you could be 50% more loving, more peaceful, more compassionate, more of a feeling of abundance, of all needs met. 50% more by the end of the year, would that be a pretty good year? So you decide. But the answer is probably yes. So you could look at where you are, create a metric and then that’s the bottom line you judge by, and you could even create a metrics for each day, and go at the beginning of a day, “Where am I with my peace?”

Like if you’re a salesperson and you know that at the end of the year, you want to achieve $100,000 and to do that, you have to sell  a thousand of these programs, products or whatever, and for that means, every quarter, you have to sell 250 of them. That means every month, you have to sell 80 of them. Then that means every day, you have to sell whatever two and a half of them, whatever, it’d be 3 if it means business days. So then at the beginning of the day, you would have a metric. You started off at zero. By the end of the day, you’d see that I sell three. So you could begin to break this metrics down and look at, “Okay, today, I now know that in order to be I’m on track for my growth of 100% improvement of my peace, I realized that I need to see a 5% improvement, or 1% improvement, whatever that would be.”

Then you get really honest with where is your peace that morning on the scale from 0 to 100. If zero is baseline, it’s where you are. It’s where you were the day before or whatever; and 100 is achieving that 1% increase, whatever you decided. At the end of the day, look and see where am I on that scale, and you might go, “Yeah, I’m 100%. I did it. I’ve increased my peace by such and such.” Some of you are starting to glaze over whenever I talk numbers. We all have different intelligences, but it’s important because it’s hard to really manage what you don’t measure. A dream without a real plan is just a fantasy or a vision without a plan is a fantasy. A plan without a vision is chaos or mediocrity. But it’s important to break it down, so this is real, right? Like you’re really looking at your day or your week and going—am I making progress? Am I feeling a little bit more connected to this quality, a little bit more expressive of it? How many times today did I consciously express?

That could be one of the other ways. Like with sales conversion, they’ll have not just the number of sales they want to make per week but that will determine what is the number of conversations they need to have about the product to make that many sales. Let’s say 10 sales a week is 100 conversations. Then the metric is am I having those 20 conversations today. So you could look out a quality of joy, let’s say, and break it down and play with it and come up with the metric that say 10 acts of joy each week. And you can use the lift practice where you’re taking these qualities and breaking them down into the people, places, objects and activities that activate that quality and that becomes your metric. Let’s just say you realize joy is a quality and you discover that one of the activities that creates joy for you is dancing—music and dancing. And so you decide, “Okay, I’m going to dance to music for five minutes every day to get my joy fixed, to activate my joy.” That’s the metric I’ve got. And then if at the end of the day, you haven’t got that in yet, you might turn on some music and dance.

So you can start to play with this and break it down ultimately to create this best year of your life. It’s not just about, again, the outer success goal and the plans to achieve that, all which is great. It’s about creating a way of life that is actively activating these qualities of your being. And so you can reverse engineer it. Once you come up with your big vision which is the other success goal, then you reverse engineer it into the qualities and then you break it down into where would you want to be with those qualities, where are you from the scale of 0 to 100, and where would you want to be at the end of the year, and where would that be at the end of each quarter and then ultimately what kind of activities and people and situations would help you to activate those.

Now, you can start to put together a real life plan that is integrating those elements that you now know will lead you towards activating and expressing and bringing forth more and more of who and what you really are, more and more of the colors of your soul, the qualities of your heart, and you know that you’re now on track to what a best year really looks like and feels like. So I know that this is a lot and I didn’t realize how much I wanted to come through. I know this is a long talk and a lot of content. Hopefully you found it very helpful, and I really encourage you don’t just listen to it, get inspired and move on. Listen to the replay. Sit down with this, work on this. Work on this. People often would say in giving all these different ideas, “Okay, when do we get to the advanced stuff.” This is the advanced stuff.

The beginner’s work is all of the theories, the concepts, the principles, the ideas. The advanced class is practice. It’s all practice. So take something from this call today and put it in to practice and really do the work to play. You can think about it, dream about it, plan about going to the gym and being in great shape all your life and you will never grow a single muscle. You have to go to the gym and lift the weights. You can theorize and philosophize and write books on the power and the magnificence of broccoli but the only way you’re ever going to get the value of it and really grow is if you eat it. So, you got to do the real work. That’s the real path of mastery.

All right, my dear ones, let’s take a deep breath and allow this all to just soak in. As I just say a very brief prayer and knowing that the prayer has been ongoing, that we’re dropping down into this field of grace, where life is so very, very good all the time, where these qualities of love, joy, peace, beauty, abundance, wholeness, harmony, order are always expressing, are always emanating, always radiating, always fully and completely being themselves everywhere present. This is the presence that is never an absence. This infinite all loving, all giving, all knowing, all powerful presence, that is infinite so there’s nothing outside of it. It’s omnipresent so there’s no other present. Omnipotent, there’s no other power. Omniscience, omniscient, all true knowledge, there’s no other knowledge. There’s no other mind, no other intelligence. It’s all in all as all, it’s all there is, and that nature is love, is life, is goodness, there has no opposite. It is all there is, and therefore it’s all that we are.

All that there is to me is thee. All that there is to each and every one of us is unique, infinite, individualized expressions of the one life, the one love, the one power, the one presence, and nothing else. All the appearances of luck, limitation, world without fear, diminishment, disease, dysfunction, karma, astrology and every other ology, the whole human scene and experience from time and memorial, all of that is rolled up into this one ball called content, concept, belief, projection, perception. None of that is I. All of that is just a projection, a relative perception and projection of the infinite perfection and I am the infinite perfection, before Abraham, was I am. Meaning before all of human experience behind the whole human picture, I stand infinite, immortal, eternal, whole, complete, perfect, all loving, all giving, all knowing, all powerful, all containing, all possessing, nothing can be added to me, nothing can be taken away, no person, place or condition has ever diminish when I ought to, nor ever can who by taking thought can add one cubit to their stature.

What God has put no man can put asunder. All that there is is the power and the presence and the love of God infinitely expressing as the divine self that I am and nothing has ever touched that. Nothing has ever diminished that. Nothing ever can and in this holy instant, all the years of diminishment are now restored. Everything is made new. In this instant, all of the finished kingdom of infinite good, infinite riches and treasures of life that we could ever imagine in the so called future are right here, right now shining expressing circulating broadcasting right where each and every individual is because each and every individual on this call and in this community is a unique center in divine mind through which all of life shines in every shine. Yes, that’s it. So everything is conspiring to bring forth more life, more love, more truth, more beauty, more abundance, more of the divine, infinite pattern of perfection as each and every individual here. It’s dissolving, disintegrating, disassembling all the belief, concepts and structures that no longer serve the fulfillment of their destiny, of greatness which is happening now.

Oh, healings are breaking out. Miracles are breaking out, mentally, emotionally, physically, astrally and theoretically. Great transformation is the order of the day. Whatever needs to be seen, spoken, heard, thought, released, embraced, to support the full on emergence of genius and greatness and fulfillment and real power, real joy, real peace, the full manifestation of heaven on earth in every dimension of living is happening now. It’s happening right where each individual is. It’s the only thing happening. It’s the only power. It’s the only cost. So it’s a law of fulfillment on to where it is set. It needs no resistance, no obstruction. It is fulfilled, pressed down, shaken over. It is done, and so it is. Amen.

Ask Derek: How Do I Manifest More Money or Anything? [Podcast]

Ask Derek: How Do I Manifest More Money or Anything? [Podcast]

[bctt tweet=”Your desire is like the faint music under the static when you’re trying to find your favorite song.”]

How do I manifest more money, or just how do I manifest more, or how do I manifest period? It’s a very common question, and there’s a few things that are important to understand. The first thing is to understand what really is manifestation? Manifesting, from the Emergence model, really from the truth principle, is not about making something happen or appear that does not yet exist. To make something manifest to is to make that which is already happening, but is invisible or intangible or inaudible tangible, audible, manifest.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!


Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens through you, because planted in the soil of your soul is a seed of infinite potential waiting for the right conditions to grow, and the power to activate it is in your control. That’s the Law of Emergence, and this podcast gives you the tools to turn it on like never before. Welcome to Emergence, a revolutionary path for radical life change with Derek Rydall.

Welcome to another episode of Ask Derek. This is Derek Rydall. Not the sage on the stage, but your guide on the side for this journey of emergence, and with these episodes we’re dealing with core questions that have either been specifically asked, or that are most commonly asked, and this a very common question, how do I manifest more money, or just how do I manifest more, or how do I manifest period? It’s a very common question, and there’s a few things that are important to understand. The first thing is to understand what really is manifestation? Manifesting, from the Emergence model, really from the truth principle, is not about making something happen or appear that does not yet exist. To make something manifest to is to make that which is already happening, but is invisible or intangible or inaudible tangible, audible, manifest.

For example, when I’ve used the analogy of the radio station. Your favorite music is playing on some station, but it’s not manifest until you tune your dial into the frequency where that music is broadcasting. When your dial matches the dial where the station is, where the broadcast is happening, that music becomes manifest. Now, you didn’t make it happen. You made it welcome. It wasn’t in the future. It wasn’t in the distance. The music was broadcasting right where you are, but you needed to come into vibrational alignment or attunement with it. The minute that alignment happened, that station became manifest, or as I like to say, you had a manifest-station, a manifestation.

The same thing is true, all manifestation is making that which is invisible visible, making an invisible idea or activity or quality visible. Now, why is that important? Because even just beginning to know that and coming from that place you understand why it’s so important that you are in the feeling tone and the vibration of the thing you want to manifest, even before it’s manifest. Right? You have to be tuned into the radio station before the radio station becomes manifest, just as you’re tuning in. It’s not going to come manifest before you get to that alignment. You have to be in alignment, right? It’s important when you don’t understand this context you’re often trying to manifest from a sense of separation and limitation, from a premise that something’s missing, something’s broken, something’s lacking, something’s wrong. You don’t have it. It’s not happening. It’s in the distance, in the future. They have it, and now you’re going to try to attract it, achieve it, manipulate it, etc. That’s a recipe for resistance, struggle, stress, suffering, and even greater limitation ultimately. Even if you manifest a bigger paycheck on that level, you will just find yourself broke at a higher income bracket. Okay?

The second thing is to really, I’m just going to say right out of the gate, we have to get out of magical thinking. This isn’t magic. It’s not like say a prayer, say an affirmation, do nothing, and poof, your life changes. Now, is it possible that you come into such alignment with the truth of your being that a miracle can happen, which is simply the instant demonstration or instant manifestation of that which is always going on? Absolutely it can. As I say, plan your life as if you’re doing all the work, then live your life as if God is. So you’re open to the miracle. You’re open to the spontaneous breakthrough and insight. You’re open to the spontaneous acceleration, but you can’t plan for that. You can’t make a plan to have a miracle. Right?

You have to live your life or plan your life and be going about your life in a very real and practical way, but in the consciousness and the context of the vibration that it’s already done, that it’s already happening, that you’re already enough, that you’ve already arrived, and that miracles and spontaneous revelation is breaking out everywhere all the time. You live in that context, but you don’t wait for that to happen, and you don’t plan for that to happen. You do your practice and your prayer work and your inner work to become the consciousness and the context for that to happen, but then you get busy. You get to work. Right? You till that field, and you cultivate that soil, and you plant those seeds, and you water and weed and feed them, whether it’s the seeds of a literal garden or the seeds of creating financial abundance, or the seeds of a relationship, or wherever you want a great bountiful harvest in your life, in your work, in your relationships, with your clientele, with your practice, with your body. You live in the context and the consciousness that it’s already done, it’s already whole, complete, perfect, fulfilled, abundant, but then you absolutely have to get to work.

So we have to let go of magical thinking. It’s not like in the movie The Secret where you just dream and visualize a red bicycle, and it literally shows up at your front door. Again, I’m not saying that can’t happen. I’m saying that is really not how it normally occurs. There’s a reason for that. One of the reasons is that the process of doing the work play on a daily basis, of doing whatever it takes to get the result, in the context of truth, causes you to bump into thresholds, causes you to discover unconscious limited beliefs and patterns, causes you to develop your character and to build and embody qualities and activities of your soul in a permanent way, so that you actually are evolving. The real reason for goals is the evolution of your soul. If you just merely manifest more stuff, but you have not evolved in any way, that’s not real growth. There’s no real evolution there. There’s just manipulation of material.

Sometimes we don’t get the red bike appearing at our door. Sometimes, and most times, things don’t just poof, manifest out of thin air, because we are in a process of evolution, of discovering and uncovering more of our real self and anchoring and integrating and embodying it. So you’ve got to get to work, and you bring the joy and the peace and the gratitude and the celebration as if it’s already done to bear on whatever you’re doing. While you’re tilling that field, you bring the joy of the bountiful harvest to it. As the old Indian prayer is, you don’t just pray for rain, you pray rain. You pray and affirm from the consciousness as if the rain is falling and soaking you and soaking the ground and the harvest comes, and you eat the bounty, and everybody’s full and happy. From that place, now you pray. It’s from that place you get to work, and you write that book, or you go out and get that job, or you deliver that value to your clients, whatever it is.

I just want to make sure I’m disavowing you of any magical thinking, and this comes down to sometimes in this work we really just need to do some very basic, very practical things, and we’re avoiding the most obvious practical things. Like if you don’t have enough money, it’s amazing how many times I’ve seen people that don’t have enough money, and I say, do you have a job? They’re like, no. I’m like, that might be a good place to start. They’re like, but that’s not my mission and my purpose. My purpose is to be a bestselling author or create a thriving healing practice. I’m like, that’s great. That’s wonderful, and get a job, because there’s something in you needing to get that job and how it’s going to develop you. You’re not going to succeed in spite of the job, but because of it. I speak from very personal experiences around this. If you have to get a job to pay your bills, or you have to get two jobs to not only pay your bills, but have enough money to invest in your business and your education, then you get two jobs.

I don’t know if you heard the story about that woman that was on Oprah that lived in Africa in a little hut and ultimately wanted to be a doctor, and eventually ended up finding a way to America, New York. I think she had three or five kids, and ultimately kicked her husband out, because he was no good bum, and ended up working somewhere in the neighborhood of three jobs, raising three to five kids, while going to school full time and getting her doctorate. After I heard that, I was like I’ve just got no excuses. I’m not saying you have to be raising five kids, working three jobs, and going to full time school to become a doctor to prove that you’re really in this game, but when you look at that you have to look at yourself and go, am I really doing everything I can? If I need more money to invest in my growth and education, am I going and getting a job or two? If I really want to get more clients, am I really doing everything I can, or am I just doing a few things here and there? Am I making five calls a day? Am I going to events? Really.

Then that brings us to a very powerful but deceptively simple process called the 25 ways to manifest more. It’s as simple and as difficult as taking out a sheet of paper or your journal and writing down 25 ways you can manifest that result you want. If it’s more money, write 25 ways you can manifest more money. There are no ridiculous ways, but start with all the ways that you can think of that are real and practical. It could be getting a job, getting two jobs, asking for more hours at your current job, looking for additional projects at your current job. It can be selling things that you don’t need. It can be going out and getting new clients, offering your services at a deep discount for a short period to get a bunch of new clients or new opportunities. It can be going back to previous clients or opportunities and revitalizing them, going to existing clients and looking to add more value, upsell, side sell, downsell, supplementary, complementary offers and opportunities.

Like I’ve told the story of the gardener who mowed and blowed, the mow and blow model like most gardeners, but he began to look around and notice, really get to know the family and what their needs were and what their interests were, and he began to come up with a list of possible projects that could add more value to their life, their yard, their landscape, hardscape, different aspects around the house, building projects that he maybe could do, ways to do the garden differently or trim the hedges in the shapes of animals or whatever. He began to make these proposals to his clients, and one by one clients would accept one or more of these proposals, and he ended up doubling and tripling and really rapidly growing a business. Whereas all the other gardeners had the same opportunities, but they weren’t doing it. They weren’t looking for the opportunities. They weren’t becoming an opportunity machine. They didn’t realize that they were the Divine power plant, and a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it.

You’re a power plant. You can generate opportunity. Remember, from the Emergence model whatever is missing is what you’re not giving. Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens through you and as you. You’re a storehouse of infinite riches, but you have to start circulating it by asking and by giving. So doing the 25 ways to manifest more is a very powerful practical way to begin to unlock possibilities and get the creative juices flowing, so that you’re not just thinking there’s one or two ways here, but there’s literally infinite organizing power. That means there is infinite ways that the Universe can manifest your need, infinite. So if you think there’s only one or two or 10, you haven’t even begun. As you start to come up with more and more ideas, the ideas start to mate with each other, and new ideas get born. It becomes this plus this equals this. So now the ideas on your list start to create a whole new level, other levels of possibility, insights, opportunities. It’s a very powerful practice, and if it’s hard to do 25, then do 30. If it’s easy to do 25, do 50. You want to stretch yourself. You want to get past the obvious and begin to really open up, and that doesn’t mean the obvious ideas aren’t great ones. It’s just you want to really let this be a process to activate your creative thinking mechanism.

Now you have a list of ideas, and then you want to look for the ones that you can begin to embrace right away, the low hanging fruit. I already mentioned some of those. If you’ve got clients, going back to old clients and revitalizing them is one of the fastest ways to get new business. Going to existing clients and looking for new ways to add value to them, or your existing clients or list, family, friends, etc. and offering a really great deal. Just offering your services to family and friends at a really great deal, or even offering it for free for the first time in order to enroll them into more, a bigger package or ongoing support or service, or whatever your talents, gifts, and abilities are. Beginning to look at all the possible areas that they could serve.

This is the very practical and pragmatic approach to manifesting more. Now, once you come up with a list, you want to create a plan, so that you’re actually going to do these things. You’re going to live on purpose, not on accident. You’re not going to wake up and hope. You’re going to trade in your wishbone for a backbone, and you’re going to actually have a plan and put it on your schedule, and then do it whether you feel like it or not. This is what builds character. This is what builds self-esteem. You’re also going to have a practice, a daily practice. Remember, this is part of the core Emergence work, what I call the LIFT practice, Living In the Feeling Tone. If you haven’t listened to that podcast yet, please listen to it. You want to have a practice through meditation, prayer, affirmation, and just the activities you do in your day and the people you hang out with, and the things you consume in terms of media, etc.

You want to begin to design a way of life that activates a feeling tone as if this thing you want to manifest is already done. Visualization, vibration, radiation process, you get a free download of that at my site, in the free resources. I invite you to do that on a daily basis, and even more than once a day. You can use the LIFT practice to begin to refine and design your life and your relationships and your conversations so that you are eliminating things that bring your vibration down and put you in a state of lack, limitation, fear, doubt, and worry, which are not congruent with where you want to be. That’s tuning you into station K-LACK, instead of K-RICH. Then designing things into your life that do tune you into K-RICH, movies, music, TV, magazines, conversations, friends, environments that make you feel connected, abundant, successful, expanded, joyful, peaceful, grateful, etc. IIICISo that you’re building a way of life that begins to automatically lift you into the vibrational field where your dreams already are playing, that beat of abundance is broadcasting.

This is how you manifest more, more money, or more of anything. You understand the true nature of manifestation. It’s not making something happen that isn’t already there. It’s making that which is always happening tangible, visible, audible, manifest. You’re letting go of magical thinking, and you’re stepping into conscious action. You’re planning your life as if you’re doing all the work, then living in the context as if God is. You’re creating the 25 ways to manifest more. If 25 is hard, you do 30. If 25 is easy, you do 50. Then you’re developing the LIFT practice, so that on a daily basis through visualization, vibration, radiation, prayer, affirmation, and the design of your way of life, you’re creating an activation of the qualities of being that you’d be feeling if you were already living in the manifestation. So that you’re already there before it manifests, and then you begin to discover the true nature of freedom.

This is how you manifest more. Remember, that feeling tone, that sense of connection to the peace, the love, the joy, the gratitude, the inner sense of abundance, that is ultimately the real goal here. In all of your getting, get understanding. In all of your seeking, seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within, this Nirvana state, this state of peace, so that as you have this outer goal of manifesting more, which is fine, you have your real soul goal, your real evolutionary goal of in this moment being in peace, in joy, in gratitude, and for the next 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes or so you just check in again. Where am I? What’s my big success goal? How would I feel if I was living that? My goal now is just to be in that feeling tone, to be a state of peace.

As you do that, you build a subjective vibration. You attain the real goal of your soul, which is always a greater flowering of its own quality, its own nature. It doesn’t really care whether you have more money or more whatever. It only cares is more of it blossoming, and as that happens, that quality of consciousness clothes itself in form, as the more that you are now manifesting.

I hope this has served you. This has been an episode of Ask Derek. Please register, if you haven’t already, in iTunes on this podcast. Share it with a friend. Share a review, a five star review, in iTunes, so more people can hear about this. Post what you’re learning on our Facebook page. If you want more resources, go to and download all the free resources that are there to support you. Until next time, remember to stay engaged, stay connected, and stay inspired. Take care.

Thank you for listening to the Emergence podcast. Please visit to learn more and get a free training on the Law of Emergence. Thank you once again, and stay inspired.


The 5 Step Potential Activator [Podcast]

The 5 Step Potential Activator [Podcast]

Yes, you do have an awesome purpose, and you do have unlimited potential. We’re talking about today the Five Step Potential Activator, and this is a really powerful thing. We hear all kinds of things about potential, but one thing to really understand is that your problems are potential activators. That’s actually why they’re there. Understand that your potential always trumps your problems. Your potential is always, but only always, bigger than your problems.

[bctt tweet=”Yes, you do have an awesome purpose.”]
Just think about that for a moment. Whatever problem you face, whatever problem, your potential is bigger than that. Whether it’s mental, emotional, physical, relational, financial, your potential is bigger. Your potential is bigger. Indeed, your true nature is an infinite individualized expression of life itself, all the power, all the presence, all the substance, all the wisdom, all the genius, all of the whole of the cosmos uniquely individualized, uniquely knowing and expressing itself. That’s what you are.
Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!
Stay inspired!



Hey, Derek Rydall here, founder of the Law of Emergence, bestselling author of the book Emergence, and your guide on the side for this journey of emergence of the full potential and awesome purpose for which you were born. Yes, you do have an awesome purpose, and you do have unlimited potential. We’re talking about today the Five Step Potential Activator, and this is a really powerful thing. We hear all kinds of things about potential, but one thing to really understand is that your problems are potential activators. That’s actually why they’re there. Understand that your potential always trumps your problems. Your potential is always, but only always, bigger than your problems.

Just think about that for a moment. Whatever problem you face, whatever problem, your potential is bigger than that. Whether it’s mental, emotional, physical, relational, financial, your potential is bigger. Your potential is bigger. Indeed, your true nature is an infinite individualized expression of life itself, all the power, all the presence, all the substance, all the wisdom, all the genius, all of the whole of the cosmos uniquely individualized, uniquely knowing and expressing itself. That’s what you are. In order to experience that it must become manifest in some way, shape, or form, and in order for it to manifest, for it to come out of you, sometimes it requires challenge, crisis, problems, struggle. Just like the jack pine needs a forest fire to activate its potential. Just like there are many species in nature that need struggle, challenge, “problems”. The meaning and the message and the reason for that challenge, crisis, or problem is that there’s another level of evolution, another level of progress, another level of potential. So the very purpose of your problems is to pull out of you more potential. Make sense?

That’s why they’re happening. Your problems aren’t happening because you’re bad, because you’re a sinner, because of just merely karma. Karma may have created the starting point of a problem, but your karma does not determine your destiny, nor does your conditions determine your destiny. Your destiny is determined by your character, which is the etch of God on your soul, which is that level of embodiment of the truth of your being. Your character is determined by your core habits. Your habits are determined by your consistent actions. Your actions are determined by your emotions and by your beliefs, which are determined by your point of focus, intention, attention, and by how you choose to frame whatever condition you face.

Notice the thing that we often think is the thing that determines our life, condition, that’s actually way down at the bottom of the list of what determines our life. It has absolutely no determination unless you let it. It’s the starting point. Your condition is the starting point. From there you get to frame it. You get to decide what it means. What you decide that it means determines how you feel about it. How you feel about it determines what you do about it. What you do about it determines the habits. The habits determine your character. Your character determines your destiny. That problem is giving you a fresh starting point for a new journey of activating your potential. You can begin to get excited, because the truth is there’s only this infinite reality of wholeness and harmony, and it’s seeking to express itself in ever greater ways through and as you. So these challenges, everything is conspiring to reveal more, to put life even more fully on display.

There’s five core steps to taking your problems and turning them into potential, what I’m calling the Five Step Potential Activator. The first step is recognizing that that problem is a call to pull more potential out of you. It’s a call. You don’t want to try to avoid the problem. You don’t want to try to anesthetize yourself from the problem. That’s letting the call go to voice mail, and the Universe gets the message, mailbox full. You don’t want that call to go to your voice mail. You want to answer the call and recognize it’s a call to pull more of you out. That’s it. That’s it. It’s a sign that you’ve already activated a bigger life. Somewhere along the line you’ve said yes. You’ve intended. You’ve prayed. You’ve affirmed. Your back was against the wall. You cried out, and in that moment the larger version of your life, that greater dimension of your potential, that next step of your evolution, began to emerge, but then it bumped into your small self-concepts, your limited paradigms, and as it starts to bump into that and rub up against that, it creates what looks like a problem.

It means that somewhere along the line you’re still holding on to smaller ideas, concepts, or you just don’t yet have the infrastructure, mentally, emotionally, physically, vibrationally, energetically, etc. strong enough to carry the voltage, the wattage, the capacity, the velocity, of the life that’s trying to emerge. So it’s time to uplevel. It’s time to get to the 2.0 version. It’s time to create stronger structures to carry more energy, more capacity, so that you can express more of your beauty and your brilliance and your abundance. There’s some outdated worldview or self-concept, or just structures that are no longer able to carry what’s coming next. There’s more traffic that wants to come down the freeway of your life, and you’re going to have to start expanding the lanes. Some kind of growth is trying to happen. That’s the meaning and the purpose of that problem. That’s Step One, recognizing that, coming to terms with that, releasing all judgment and resistance, and getting ready to do the real work.

Step Two, ask what are the qualities or the quality or the skill or the skills that you would need to embody and express in order to be free and empowered in the midst of this problem? Notice Step Two is not how do I solve this problem? It’s what are the qualities. By the way, that’s not a terrible question to ask when we talk about asking the right questions. How do I solve this problem is not a terrible question, but it’s not the most effective or empowering question, because it ties you back into the energy and the frequency of the problem. Often times when you solve it at the same level of energy you just recreate that same problem in a different way. You haven’t actually evolved, and you just see the same problems getting recycled again in different ways. It’s the same frequency. Like you’ve heard me use the example of ice. You can’t solve the problem of ice as long as you’re living at 32 degrees. That’s where ice lives. Even if you pour hot water on it, you’ve solved it for a moment, but then what happens? That hot water now turns into more ice. You have to actually rise above that temperature to a higher frequency. You have to evolve, and then the problem isn’t solved, the problem dissolves, because it cannot live above that temperature. It cannot live in that higher frequency. This is true of all problems.

The real meaning of a problem is it’s time to evolve. You ask, what qualities or skills would I need to embody and express to be free and empowered in the midst of this problem? For example, it might be more trust, more peace, forgiveness, love. You may be struggling financially, and for you money and finances really represents safety, security. So what’s it’s really calling for you is a deeper quality of trust, a deeper inner conviction that you’re taken care of, that you’re okay, which a feeling tone of trust. In fact, that’s really what your soul is yearning to feel and experience and express, and you can know that just by imagining if I did have that money, how would I feel? There’d be this inner sense of freedom or fulfillment or trust, a sense that all was well and you were okay. That’s the quality that’s trying to be expressed. So you ask, what is that quality?

It might be a particular skill, which could be a skill of character or a literal skill, a skill like being more patient, or being more generous, being more focused, more determined, more resilience, more stick-to-itiveness. That’s like a skill of character that you’re being called to develop. Maybe the thing is not happening as fast as you think it should be happening, and it’s created a crisis, and rather than just digging in deeper and pushing harder, maybe what’s really being called is to develop patience, which is developing a capacity within you, as the course in miracles says, “Infinite patience brings about immediate results.” It’s a soulful capacity that when you develop patience it opens you up to be an instrument of greater power and potential in many areas. It’s also the evidence in consciousness that you’re already there. That’s why it says infinite patience brings about immediate results. It dissolves all resistance, all pushing and forcing, and is an underlying vibration that it’s already done.

Perhaps it’s focus or resilience, the willingness to stay at something even when all seems lost, even when you seem to be having failed. There’s a deeper soul stamina that’s trying to be built, that’s making you a stronger instrument for even bigger opportunities. You’re asking, what are the skills or qualities that I need to embody to be free and empowered in the midst of this problem? So even while the problem’s there, I’m good. I’m strong. I’m empowered. I’m free.

Third Step is you ask, who would I be if I overcame this? What qualities or skills would I be expressing or exhibiting? How would my character be different, changed, improved? What would I feel? Who would I be? How would I be able to show up, if I overcame this problem? So you allow yourself to imagine yourself on the other side of this. Who are you then? What are you capable of? How do you show up? How do you express yourself? Again, you begin to unpack some qualities. You can unpack these qualities in two ways, feeling qualities and being qualities. The feeling qualities are more static. The being qualities are more active, which again are more like the skills of character. A feeling quality would be peace, love, joy. A being quality would be generous, creative, outgoing, spontaneous, playful. You see how those lend themselves more to action, whereas the feeling qualities are more a state of being.

I know it’s ironic when I say the being qualities lead to more action, and the feeling qualities lead to more being, but essentially the feeling qualities are more static. You can’t really do them. The being qualities are more active. You can be them. You can consciously be them. You can ask, what would it look like for me to be more generous in this situation? That will lead to actions. Versus how does it feel to feel more peaceful, to feel peace, to feel joy, to feel love? It’s a feeling state.

You’re asking, what skills or qualities do I need to embody and express to be free and empowered in the midst of the problem, and who would I be and how would I be expressing if I overcame the problem? So you end up with a series, or maybe just one or two, qualities of feeling and/or being, which can also include skills. Some of these skills might be things like focus, determination, patience, stamina, perseverance, or whatever might come to you. They might even be more practical skills. Maybe organization comes through. You need to be more organized. It can be more practical. It’s whatever is necessary for your growth and development. What’s important to understand now is that what you’re discovering is not something you’re trying to do or add to the situation. What you’re discovering is that this condition, this problem is setting up the condition for those qualities that are already in you in latency and incipiency to come out, and even more, if you want to go down the rabbit hole even more, those qualities within your soul that want to express more have actually created the problem and the condition under which they will be able to express.

When you pray for patience, do you think the Universe just bops you on the head and says, you’re patient? No. Rarely. Usually you don’t just wake up more patient. Instead you end up finding yourself in long lines and traffic jams, and you might even cry out, “God, why have you forsaken me? What happened to my prayer of patience? I’m more angry and pissed off and impatient than ever before.” No, you’re not. What’s happened is that condition is revealing the pockets within you where you are caught in anger, judgment, complaint, unhealed issues, unforgiveness, and it’s creating the fever that’s pushing the poison out of your system. So that the natural effervescence of your soul, which is patient, can begin to emerge. So you can build the muscles and the infrastructure to hold the vibration of patience. Just like when you go to a gym, you don’t just go poof, you have muscles. You have to go into resistance training. When you’re in that traffic, that’s a form of resistance training to activate and grow the muscle of patience, amongst other things. Your current problem is the very resistance training that your soul has created for you, so that more of you can come out, more of those muscles of your being can be made manifest, more potential. Got it?

Then Step Four, now create a potential activation plan. It’s not enough usually just to notice there’s a problem, more is trying to emerge. What are the qualities that are trying to emerge? Okay. More love, more peace, more patience, more generosity, more focus. Now you’ve got to actually have a plan, just like you’d have a workout plan. Otherwise it’s often very likely that the inertia of old patterns and old habits will take over, and you won’t really have the focus and the continuity of action and ultimately the momentum to really grow and change. Create a plan.

You can have a 21 day plan, but ultimately I say stick to the plan until you get the results. If you want to lose weight you don’t just say a 21 day plan, and if after that I don’t lose the weight, I quit. Maybe you start off with a 21 day plan. Then you take these qualities and new skills, and you weave them into your daily plan and practice. There’s a variety of tools you can use, but the core goal is you’re going to activate and integrate and embody these qualities or skills that you’ve discovered is what’s being called forth from you. There’s the VVR process that I teach, visualization, vibration, radiation. Go to Go to the free resources section, and you can download that audio training to do that practice. There’s prayers and affirmations to activate those qualities. There’s just visualization, which is a part of the VVR process, where you visualize yourself living this life where you are expressing these qualities. There’s just the moment by moment practice of these qualities. If you’re trying to be more loving and patient, maybe you stop for a minute every hour, what I call the One Minute Mystic, and you stop and just tap back into the feeling of that quality or that vision. You set a goal that in any given hour, when you remember, for the next 30 minutes I’m going to practice this quality. I’m going to be loving. I’m going to be more generous. I’m going to be more patient. Then just see what unfolds.

The key is to create a real plan where you are practicing. If you’ve studied, as I go into some of my other trainings, the LIFT practice, and you can get that in my Emergence podcast archives or library. LIFT stands for Living in the Feeling Tone. I talk about in there how you can take these qualities and turn them into the people, places, objects, and activities. So you’re literally designing a way of life that is congruent with the qualities of character that you’re seeking to embody. You can literally begin to redesign your life around these qualities, which in many cases is also what’s seeking to emerge. This problem isn’t just seeking for you change your nature. It’s often seeking for you to change your way of life in some way. The people you hang out with, the conversations you have, the environments you spend time in, the things you put into your mind and into your mouth, as well as the things that come out of your mouth.

It’s often seeking for a revolution of your whole life, especially depending on the degree of the problem. Sometimes it’s just seeking for you to transform some aspect of character. I would definitely encourage you to get the LIFT practice podcast if you have not yet studied that. In any case, you’re creating a potential activation plan. That’s Step Four, so that you make it real. It’s not real until it’s really in your plan, and then on your calendar. You won’t do it otherwise, in most cases, until it becomes a habit.

Then Step Five, assess, reassess, on a weekly or daily basis. In other words, at the end of the day look at your day, and go, how did I do? Rank yourself. A scale from 0-10, 0 I didn’t do anything around this, 10 I gave it my all today. Just see if you can uplevel that a little bit every day until you’re getting a lot of 10 days, which just simply means you really showed up for this. You really gave it your all. It doesn’t mean you’re perfect. It doesn’t mean you decided to be loving and patient for the next 30 minutes, and you were perfect. It means you know you really showed up. That would be a 10. You can’t force growth. You can only show up fully to it. You would assess. It could be daily, or it could be weekly. Whatever interval you think feels appropriate, every other day. At least once a week. You’re looking to see, how did you do? Are you being or becoming more of this version of your new self in terms of these qualities and capacities and skills?

How is the problem? Rank the problem 0-10. 0 being there’s no problem, 10 being it’s as bad as I can imagine it when you start, and then when you reassess each week look at the problem and reassess it. It was a 10. Is it a 9 now? Is it a 10+? Is it 11? Without judgement, just notice. Sometimes a problem will seem to get worse before it gets better, because what’s really happening is as you’re doing the work to grow more of the unconscious layers come to the surface. Like an infection rising to the surface, like a sliver rising to the surface. If it’s not changing at all, you’re not feeling better and more of this new version of yourself at all after a period, go back to Step Two. Reevaluate the qualities or skills you need to develop. Just see. Is there anything you’re missing, or is there something new?

One set of qualities you definitely want to begin developing if you don’t already have is be patient and loving and kind to yourself. This is a process. You’re building new neural pathways, new conditioning. Sometimes changing conditioning you’ve had a lifetime, and conditioning and beliefs that your family, your friends, and society is potentially still bombarding you with. This may be a change in the way you’re being that you’re current circle of friends are totally not living. That’s not easy, or it might be a break from your tribe in a dramatic way. Maybe they’re a family of complainers, and maybe one of the things you have to let go of is complaining. Did that just send a shiver up your spine? Gossip or blaming.

By the way, I should add, as you’re developing these things that’s another way you can look at it. Not just what do you need to develop in terms of qualities or skills, but what do you need to let go of? As I talk about in the LIFT practice, it’s not just about reengineering people, places, objects, and things that are congruent into your life, but it’s about engineering the people, places, objects, and things that are no longer congruent out of your life wherever possible. The same thing is true here. You’re not just embodying and embracing new qualities and skills of character and being, but you might be letting go of some.

Often when you embody the thing it begins to release the thing that’s opposite it. It’s good to know what it is that’s being released. If you’re being called to embody more love and forgiveness, it’s impossible to do that while still holding onto blame or resentment. If you’re a person who’s got chronic blame and resentment, and you get a call to have more love and forgiveness, it’s good know what’s going to have to go. If you really do focus on love and forgiveness, it will bring up the blame and resentment, and that’s what I mean by things might get worse. You might find yourself more pissed off and angry and resentful at this person or at yourself, and that doesn’t mean it’s getting worse. It means that the depth of that root is coming to the surface. You just weren’t conscious of all of that pain. It’s starting to bubble up. Love casts out all fear. So when you embody and embrace a new quality, that which is not vibrationally in alignment with it starts to come up.

It’s a good practice to also write down what do you need to let go of? You may have to stop having conversations around the coffee pot at the coffee station at work about how bad the economy is or how bad other people are, or blaming the boss. You cannot become the next stage of your best self and hold onto those old bad habits. Can’t become an oak tree and stay an acorn. Can’t become a butterfly and stay a caterpillar. Sorry to tell you. I’m not really sorry to tell you, but I guess I’m saying that to your ego.

Be aware of that as you’re assessing, reevaluating, and being patient and kind to yourself, and to those around you, because as you’re growing through these processes you’re not always the easiest person to live with. Maybe that’s already true. It’s funny to think, when you’re in therapy, or you’re going to through growth and thinking about all the people you might want to blame, just imagine how many other people might be in therapy because of you. That’ll give you a good moment of pause. I’m sure that I have been the cause of many sessions of therapy and healing practices for others. Be kind. Be patient with yourself and with others as you grow through this.

Those are the five steps to the Five Step Potential Activator. As you do this more and more, this becomes a way of life too. This just becomes habitual, and then growth becomes a little more easy, or a little more continuous. It doesn’t have to always be these incredibly dramatic growth spurts, although you’ll still have those.

As a bonus, I invite you to get some accountability, get some leverage on your life, on your growth. Find a partner to work with, somebody you can do it together with. If you’re part of my groups, get in one of those groups and find somebody in one of those groups that you can work with. Do some kind of regular check in, whether it’s daily or weekly, when you do it together, or do it with a group. If you’re part of a Mastermind group, maybe you all do it together. It makes it more powerful, and when you come together in agreement around what you’re doing and what’s possible, where two or more are gathered in agreement, the higher potential becomes activated. It’s an accelerator to the potential activator. It ensures you’ll be less likely to fall off track, to go into hiding. When you do it alone it’s easy to fake yourself out. It’s easy to hide. When you do it together, much harder.

There’s the Five Step Potential Activator. I hope this has served you. Remember, you might get a little juice, a little inspired by listening to these trainings, but listening and learning the theory, that’s beginner’s play. If you really want to grow and master you’ve got to practice.

Thank you again for being part of this. Remember to go to Go to the Resources section. Get all the free stuff you can, so that I can truly support you in making a real difference in your life. If you haven’t already gotten the book Emergence, I invite you to get that book. It’s been named one of the top books by several entrepreneurs, and you can also go to and get all kinds of free bonus support when you get the book. If you haven’t joined my podcast and registered so that you can get all kinds of cutting edge or emerging edge training, please go to iTunes and check out the Emergence Podcast. Leave a review.

Until I see you next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally, and follow your destiny.





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