by sublimity-001-main | Oct 7, 2024 | 2024, Emergence, Podcast, Spiritual Growth, Tools
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When you make someone or something outside of you the source of your safety, security, or supply, the universe is set up to betray you – so you’ll find your real source within again. It’s a painful way to learn this lesson, but it’s also the path to true power and freedom.
The truth Is, whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. So if you want more to come into your life, you must let more come out of you. The truth is, no matter what you lack in resources, you never lack in your ability to be resourceful – ‘full of source’ – again.’
And in this episode, “The Inner Manifestation Machine,” Derek walks you step-by-step through these universal principles of true prosperity, and gives you tools to apply them for real-world results in your life TODAY!
by sublimity-001-main | Oct 4, 2024 | 2024, Emergence, Podcast, Spiritual Growth
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We’ve been trained to believe that the world we see, touch, taste, and feel is the ‘real world,’ and the only way to create lasting change is to manipulate the conditions we find ourselves in.
But trying to improve your life by manipulating appearances is like trying to make a better movie by messing with the movie screen its projecting on. Life is not happening ‘out there,’ it’s happening within you. And only within you can you ultimately change it.
This reverses your whole framework of living. You realize you’re not on your way to more abundance, you’re coming from it. You’re not on your way back home to God, you are the way Life is putting Itself on display. You are the greatest Wonder of the World. But in order to experience this Truth, you must tap into it, become congruent with it, and live as if it’s so. This leads to ultimate freedom and power.
by sublimity-001-main | Sep 30, 2024 | 2024, Podcast, Purpose
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We struggle so hard to ‘cause things to happen.’ But cause & effect is an relative perception, not an absolute law. Nothing is causing anything; everything is creating the conditions for something to emerge. When you let go of a pencil and it falls, you didn’t ‘cause’ that. You created the conditions that allowed the invisible pull of gravity to ‘manifest.’ When you water, weed, and feed a seed, you don’t ‘cause’ a plant to happen. The plant was already there; you just created the conditions for its emergence.
Similarly, our belief that we have to cause our desires to manifest is actually the very resistance to them emerging. Like that plant in the seed, our desires are the invisible pull of the Thing We Want, trying to be born. The desire isn’t a sign of what’s outside that we must get, but a sign of what’s inside trying to get out. Once we understand this, the key is to then know how to create the conditions for the fulfillment of our desires to emerge.
by sublimity-001-main | Sep 27, 2024 | 2024, Emergence, Podcast, Purpose
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If you strive for safety and self-preservation, you’re guaranteed to die without really living. If you live for a vision bigger than yourself, you’ll live forever. The reason we remember great people is not because they maintained the status quo, but because they elevated life to a new level and took us with them. It’s not just the great things they did that move us, but the great lives they lived and the divine potential they activated in human consciousness.
This is what it means to live a Legendary Life. It’s not about merely solving problems, but about living a grand adventure filled with grand questions (it’s no accident the first part of that word is ‘Quest.’) A legendary life isn’t about getting a bigger box – whether it’s a box with doors called a house, a box with wheels called a car, or a box with money called a bank account – it’s about breaking out of the containers we’ve been put in and discovering a territory of beauty and abundance that can never be contained!
by sublimity-001-main | Sep 23, 2024 | 2024, Podcast, Spiritual Growth
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Your life is eternal, perfect, and unchanging. Life experience is your relative perception of this infinite perfection. The greatest block to living your full potential is the fear of death. But death is just the process of letting go of our limited self concepts.
What if you could die while you’re still alive? What if you could let go of all the limitations and experience your immortal, indestructible, unstoppable self NOW? What could be possible for you then? Who could you be, what could you accomplish?
by sublimity-001-main | Sep 20, 2024 | 2024, Emergence, Podcast
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You were designed to be, do, and contribute in a very unique way. All the power, wisdom, and genius you could ever need to fulfill your destiny are already within you, a perfect blueprint for total success, fulfillment, and impact. Like nature, with each species doing its own thing, creating a brilliant ecosystem, we were created to express the same level of elegance.
But society has conditioned us to believe we must fit in, conform, or do a lot of things we’re not built for. If nature operated the way we do, it would destroy itself. And when we spend too much time doing things we’re not designed for, we wreak havoc in the ecosystem of our own lives – and on the planet.
When you try to fit in, you become a commodity; when you bring your unique genius, you have no competition. In this podcast, “Own Your Genius Zone,” you’ll learn how to design your life so that your unique gifts and talents take priority, and your life can begin to flourish the way it was meant to.