(Bonus Episode) The First Love: a Secret Path to Unstoppable Success

(Bonus Episode) The First Love: a Secret Path to Unstoppable Success

People end up becoming like those they love. In fact, we end up becoming ONE with whatever we love.

Alas, the same is true about what we hate. So the secret to unstoppable success is to keep your eye and your heart singly dedicated on your ultimate emerging condition.

Listen to today’s episode, “The First Love: a Secret Path to Unstoppable Success,” and find out how to embrace everything you love.

(Bonus Episode) Hands On With Pamelah Landers

(Bonus Episode) Hands On With Pamelah Landers

What does it feel like to let go of it all, to fall down …and to be caught and held? It is the most beautiful experience you can imagine.

This is the experience of Emergence.

Listen in on this amazing conversation between Derek Rydall and Pamelah Landers, Master Hand Analyst and International Best-Selling Hand Analysis Author (www.HandsOnCompany.com).

(Bonus Episode) Always New, Always Now, Always Full: the Niagara Principle

(Bonus Episode) Always New, Always Now, Always Full: the Niagara Principle

Niagara Falls: beautiful, powerful, magnificent. A wonder of the world. It never ages because the water, the energy, the life force that’s pouring over it is always new in every instant.

But what is Niagara Falls, really? It’s nothing. It’s an empty space where Lake Erie pours forth in a unique way.

In fact, if you took Lake Erie away, isolating Niagara as a thing in and of itself, the flow would stop. Whatever small amount of water was contained within that space would begin to stagnate and age. It would lose the constituent qualities that it had when it flowed freely. Ultimately, with no flow, it would become a swamp where nothing could thrive and where everything dies.

This is the analogy of human living – as an isolated thing, without Source –  versus spiritual living – as a magnificent pouring-forth of the infinite flow of the Divine.

(Bonus Episode) Derek on the On Purpose Show with Susyn Reeve and Rikk Hansen

(Bonus Episode) Derek on the On Purpose Show with Susyn Reeve and Rikk Hansen

“I’ve Already Got It.”
Imagine taking a stand for that truth today.

If that’s true – if you already are, if you already have, if it’s already happening – then how would you show up?
If it’s true that you are already ENOUGH …then how will you show up in the world now?

Today’s episode brings you an interview from the On Purpose Show with Susyn Reeve and Rikk Hansen in which we shift the paradigm and begin to acknowledge and accept that everything we deeply want we’ve already got.

This is the starting point …because “You don’t get what you want, you get who you are.”

(Bonus Episode) The Patience of Unanswered Prayer: How to Nurture the Seed of Your Soul Until Its Time to Grow

(Bonus Episode) The Patience of Unanswered Prayer: How to Nurture the Seed of Your Soul Until Its Time to Grow

“God, please send me some rent money.”

This is what so many prayers look like. We pray for something we feel is lacking, something that’s “out there.”

But, there really is no “out there” out there. Your point of consciousness is the entry point through which all of life pours forth into expression. You are the evolving point of the mind of the Universe itself – there is no God, life, or consciousness separate from you, your life, or your consciousness.

Ultimately whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving.

So if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen through and as your consciousness. There is no other way.

Today’s audio reveals the way to pray through and as your consciousness.

(Bonus Episode) Derek on the Miriam Knight Show

(Bonus Episode) Derek on the Miriam Knight Show

If God is all-loving and all-knowing, where does all the suffering come from? We are the source of everything that shows up in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re going, every road will take you there. You must have a vision of where you want your life to go, or you cannot develop the navigation system to take you to it. Just like you can’t cultivate the right conditions for a seed to grow if you don’t know what kind of seed that is. Suffering arises because of this struggle to achieve a vision that we haven’t identified.

Listen to this interview between Miriam Knight, founder of New Consciousness Review (ncreview.com) and Derek Rydall, author of Emergence: 7 Steps to Radical Life Change, in which is revealed one of the most powerful clues to realizing and tapping in to your vision to bring its full emergence into your life.


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