Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

(Bonus Episode) Why Life is Set Up to Fail You

Why Life is Set Up to Fail You

Some people think that life is largely against us, that life is the roll of the dice. As Einstein said, “The dice of God are always loaded.” It means that life doesn’t just happen, but life happens just. There is order. There is a certain pattern and lawfulness to life.

Chaos theory says if you step back far enough from what appears to be random chaos, you will see a pattern. You will see order. The Universe is not chaotic. It is chaortic.

What I really mean by ‘why life is set up to fail you’ is something I call the great betrayal, or the big betrayal. I talk about it in my Awakened Wealth work. It’s best to tell you by means of a story…

The basic story is how years ago when I was first on a spiritual path, and I had pulled out of society for the most part to go on this inward journey. I was doing all of the right things. I was doing so much deep inner work, and there was a lot of great benefits for it, a level of peace and joy and creativity that was emerging. At the same time, as that was emerging my bank balance was submerging. It was collapsing. It was going away, and eventually I found myself broke, literally living on a prayer, and sitting in my meditation chair in the middle of the room with a bill collector knocking at the back door and the landlord knocking at the front door, on the verge of being evicted. Having no human means to support myself anymore.

I was, to be quite honest, pissed off at God. I had what I call my Gary Sinise moment. I don’t think Forest Gump was even out at that point, but I know call it my Gary Sinise moment. Where he’s in Forest Gump, and he’s on the mast of the ship, and shaking his fist at the heavens and the storm and saying, “Bring it on, God.” I didn’t understand. How did all my efforts get me back to this place again where I was once again broke? I remember saying, “This stuff is either a bunch of BS, or there’s something real here. One way or the other I’m not getting up from this chair until I know. I’m not going to go through this cycle again and again anymore. I’m done.”

I sat in that meditation chair, and I sat and sat. Daylight turned to dusk. The crickets come out for their nightly chorus, and I began to wrestle my demons and get pinned to the floor.

At some point in the middle of the night this awareness broke through, and I don’t know if it was a voice or a thought, but it was definitely Divine awareness of guidance. It said, essentially, “You made your savings account your God.”

I had basically had a savings account, a nest egg, and I was leaving that alone as a form of security, but then putting all my extra things or whatever I was doing beyond any money that was coming in, if I needed more money I was just putting it on credit cards. I had built up this credit card debt, but I wasn’t touching the next egg. Little bit by little bit it dwindled until it was pretty much nothing. It said, “You made that savings account your God, your Source.” Essentially, thou shalt have no other gods before me. I half expected to turn around and see Moses there holding a tablet up, looking strangely like Charlton Heston!

As soon as that awareness broke through this peace came over me. It was like this pressure valve released, and all the stress drained away. The insight that came was that it’s literally designed this way – that you don’t put anything outside of you as your God, as your Source. When you make anything outside of you your Source of safety, supply, security, or support, it’s designed to fail you.

The reason is because when you make something outside of you your source what starts to happen? You start to give away your power to that thing or person you think is your Source.

Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject to get the full explanation, and learn how to put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Also, if you haven’t experienced the FREE AWAKENED WEALTH Video Trainings, check these out! There are already tons of comments of people having breakthroughs from these. But it all comes down today, Friiday September 2…

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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Full Transcript
[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Welcome to Emergence, the revolutionary path for radical life change. This is Derek Rydall, founder of the Law of Emergence, bestselling author of the book Emergence, and your guide on the side for this journey of awakening the full potential in every area of your life through this process and model of emergence. Today were going to be talking about why life is set up to fail you. Isnt that just a crazy title? Why would life be set up to fail us? Now some people think that life is largely against us, that life is a crap shoot, that life is the roll of the dice. As Einstein said, The dice of God are always loaded. It means that life doesnt just happen, but life happens just. There is order. There is a certain pattern and lawfulness to life. Chaos theory says if you step back far enough from what appears to be random chaos you will see a pattern. You will see order. The Universe is not chaotic. It is chaortic.

Why life is set up to fail you, and what I really mean by that its something I call the great betrayal, or the big betrayal. I talk about it in my Awakened Wealth work. Its best to tell you by means of a story. The basic story is how years ago when I was first on a spiritual path, and I had pulled out of society for the most part to go on this inward journey. I was doing all of the right things. I was doing so much deep inner work, and there was a lot of great benefits for it, a level of peace and joy and creativity that was emerging. At the same time, as that was emerging my bank balance was submerging. It was collapsing. It was going away, and eventually I found myself broke, literally living on a prayer, and sitting in my meditation chair in the middle of the room with a bill collector knocking at the back door and the landlord knocking at the front door, on the verge of being evicted. Having no human means to support myself anymore.

I was, to be quite honest, pissed off at God. I had what I call my Gary Sinise moment. I dont think Forest Gump was even out at that point, but I know call it my Gary Sinise moment. Where hes in Forest Gump, and hes on the mast of the ship, and hes shaking his fist at the heavens and the storm and saying, Bring it on, God. I didnt understand. How did all my efforts get me back to this place again where I was once again broke? I remember saying, This stuff is either a bunch of BS, or theres something real here. One way or the other Im not getting up from this chair until I know. Im not going to go through this cycle again and again anymore. Im done. I sat in that meditation chair, and I sat and sat. Daylight turned to dusk. The crickets come out for their nightly chorus, and I began to wrestle my demons and get pinned to the floor.

At some point in the middle of the night this awareness broke through, and I dont know if it was a voice or a thought, but it was definitely Divine awareness of guidance. It said, essentially, You made your savings account your God. I had basically had a savings account, a nest egg, and I was leaving that alone as a form of security, but then putting all my extra things or whatever I was doing beyond any money that was coming in, if I needed more money I was just putting it on credit cards. I had built up this credit card debt, but I wasnt touching the next egg. Little bit by little bit it dwindled until it was pretty much nothing. It said, You made that savings account your God, your Source. Essentially, thou shalt have no other gods before me. I half expected to turn around and see Moses there holding a tablet up, looking strangely like Charlton Heston.

As soon as that awareness broke through this peace came over me. It was like this pressure valve released, and all the stress drained away. The insight that came was that its literally designed this way that you dont put anything outside of you as your God, as your Source. Just think of it that way. Whatever language you like. If you dont like the word God thats fine. Think of it as Source, as the source of your life, as the source of your supply, your safety, your security, and your support. I basically said, When you make anything outside of you your Source of safety, supply, security, or support, its designed to fail you. The reason is because when you make something outside of you your source whatstarts to happen? You start to give away your power to that thing or person you think is your Source. If its a job you start to be less and less who you really are, or if theres something you really want to say or do you maybe dont, because youre afraid youll lose your source of employment.

You might be going right now, duh, Derek. My job is my source of employment. No. its actually not. If youve been following these teachings for some time, or any time, you know that thats true. Theres only one Source of everything, and that is God, or Divine Spirit, or whatever you want to call it, Uncle Joe if thats what you want to call it. Whatever you call it, you have to understand that its within you. This is what all the great teachers and teachings have ever said. The Kingdom of Heaven, the Nirvanic Realm, the Tao, whatever name, its within you. Within you is the center and the Source of all of creation. Not within your ego, not within your body, not within your personality, but within your consciousness, within your soul, which is your true nature and being. It is the Source of everything. Thats why the word for man in Sanskrit means the dispenser of Divine gifts. You are literally an opening, an instrument of the Universe, of Heaven. You are literally the opening, the portal through which all of infinity gets to pour forth. Nothing comes into this world unless it comes through us. Thats why from the Emergence model whatever is missing is what youre not giving, and whatever youre waiting for youre waiting with, and often weighing it down. This is ultimately the greatest wait loss program.

Heres what happens. When you make something outside of you your Source, whether its a bank account, a boss, a business, a client, you have to start manipulating and controlling and cajoling and twisting yourself into a pretzel to do and be whatever you think is necessary to get what you think you dont have, or to hold on to what you think someone can take away. Right? If you think its the government, or you think its your partner, your spouse, family members, whatever it is, you cannot truly be in a place of power, because you have to keep adjusting to something outside of you. If the economy starts to take a dive, you will panic, and you will start to withdrawal and shrink and constrict and adapt, which is the worst thing to do. To constrict and shrink in the face of contraction is exactly the opposite of what you need to do. You need to expand in the face of it. You cant expand if you think thats your Source. If you think the economy is your Source, and when it shrinks youre obviously going to shrink. Youre going to adjust. Youre going to cut back, cut down.

I remember years ago when I had this awareness. I had already had this official awareness, but it was one of the recessions, and my initial fearful response was to cut back, cut down, reduce my charitable giving, maybe even stop it for a time. What came through was, No. Were going to double it. I was like, What? What do you mean double it? It was the remembrance, you are the Source of infinite supply. Youre not beholden on whats going on out there. Nows a chance to prove it. I dont know if I doubled it, perhaps I did, but I definitely greatly increased it and began to give even more. On the other side of that so-called recession where so many people I knew their savings accounts, their income had shrunk. Some of them were even losing their homes. Mine had greatly expanded, perhaps even doubled or more. There was so much potential on the horizon, because I recognized and I practiced the truth that I was the Source, not I, Derek, but this I that I am, the same I that you are.

As you notice where youre giving your power away, you also begin to resent that Source, if its a person, if its a partner, a spouse, a boss, and you start to feel guilty or ashamed within yourself. You start to resent yourself. You start to feel cheated, betrayed. Just notice that. Notice wherever you feel someone is your Source. Notice your relationship to that person. Notice how you can feel used or cheated or betrayed so easily. Notice how theres elements of resentment. Notice how theres a part of you that wants to break away and perhaps even has from a rebellious standpoint. Notice the times where you have made something your Source, and its gotten worse and worse until eventually that source did fail you, did cheat you, did betray you. You may still be really hurting from that, like they really did cheat you, betray you, but no. They played their part exactly as they were supposed to.

The Universe is designed to fail you. Life is set up to fail you when you put your power, your source of safety, security, supply, or support in anyone or anything outside of you, so that ultimately you will come back home again to realize that everything you could ever need is within you. When you get hooked up with the Source within you, and really understand that it is everything you could ever need, now you begin to free yourself from these power plays. You begin to free yourself from all the resentment and feeling like a victim. You begin to heal those relationships. You begin to forgive others, release others, forgive them their debts. You realize nobody owes you anything. Nobody. Not even God. Its all within you.

Likewise, you begin to realize you dont owe anybody anything either, because its all within them too. That doesnt mean that you dont ask for help and that you dont help others. Its quite the opposite. Once you realize youre the Source, you know that you dont owe anybody anything, but because you know youre the Source of infinite good, you start thrilling in all the opportunities to give. Giving starts to be your greatest joy. Its like more and more all you want to do is give. You live to give. Then you start to look around and realize thats what all of life is doing. Look at nature. Its so abundant. Its so lavish. Its so opulent. This invisible presence of nature, it doesnt just give enough to get by. Are there just enough leaves to get by on the trees? Are there just enough stars to get by? Just enough grains of sand? Just enough species, just enough anything? No. Theres more than enough. Theres abundance. As the scriptural passage says, I have come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly. You start to realize that you play the same role. Its all that you can do to just keep giving and sharing and shining and circulating this infinite storehouse of good within you. Then you start to notice that you cant out give God. The more you give, the more life seems to give back to you, pressed down and overflowing. You cast your bread upon the waters of life by giving and giving, and it circulates around back to you multiplied.

Whats really happening is that the more you know youre Source, and you give from that consciousness that you are Source, you expand the portals of your consciousness. You become a bigger place. The Universe goes, Theres someone who knows who they are. Theres someone through which I can completely shine. The Universe pours more and more and more through you, because it wants to put itself on display. It says, You are my beloved, in whom now I am well pleased, and all that I have is yours. It just pours and pours through you, as you. That consciousness then manifests as what appears to be more and more situations where you are blessed, where you are rewarded, where you are given to.

In order to get to that state you have to begin the practice of fasting from getting, from seeking to get. You have to begin to notice all these places where life has seemed to fail you its because youve made something or someone outside of you your Source. You need to begin the practice of what I call the giving challenge where you begin to practice as if its actually true that everything is within you, because truth doesnt do you any good if you dont know it and if you dont live it. Thats why it says, You shall know the truth, and then the truth shall make you free. The truth doesnt just make you free, like electricity knowing that its everywhere doesnt do you any good unless youre plugged in.

Likewise faith without works is dead. You must act upon the good you know. You must live from it, live into it. It doesnt mean you have to start walking on water or give all that you have away to the poor. It does mean you have to begin to take steps in living and acting as if. Just start with those places where its a little uncomfortable, like when you go to work out for the first time you dont go and lift weights so heavy that it rips your muscles, because then you end up in the hospital and cant work out for the next month or longer. Heres my challenge to you. I want to invite you to take the giving challenge. Lets just say for the next seven days. You begin to write down all the places youve been looking to get something, to get love, validation, approval, support, supply. Anyone or anything youre trying to get something from or believe that they should be giving it to you, maybe youve even stopped trying, because youre resigned or resentful, write it all down. Then I want you to reverse the flow and become a giver.

Heres how the giving works. Its based on the Law of Circulation. You cannot give what you dont have. The first step is wherever youve been trying to get something you have to give it to yourself, whether its love, validation, appreciation, respect. You ask, what would it look like if I really loved or validated or appreciated myself? How would I act today or in this relationship or at the job or in this moment if I really, and then fill in the quality, loved myself, validated myself, approved or appreciated myself? How would I be today or in this situation? What would I do? What would I say? What would I stop doing? What would I do more of or less of? Thats the first step. You have to give it to yourself.

If its money youre trying to generate more in your life, if its something physical, you can do it a couple ways. One is you can look for ways to spend money on yourself in a way that you have withheld from yourself in the past or currently. It doesnt have to be major. Maybe its like you just wanted to get some organic apples, because theyre high in pesticides, but you find yourself going, I just cant do that. Its $0.99 extra. Youve wanted to get a massage, and maybe youre better at giving to others, but you just dont give it to yourself in those areas. Find some area like that. The other way you can work with money or physical things that youre trying to generate is ask, how would I feel about myself if I had more money, or if I had more of that thing? Maybe you would say, Id feel more confident, more powerful, more worthy. Then you can ask, if I truly treated myself as a person who is more worthy, if Ireally believed I was worthy, how would I show up today? If I really believed or felt confident, how might I show up today? Thats the first step. You cannot give what you dont have, so you begin to practice giving to yourself.

The second step is you cannot keep what you dont give away. So you have to now look to those places youve been trying to get and start to find ways to give the thing you were trying to get. If its a boss, youre looking for more respect, look for legitimate ways to give that boss more respect. You dont have to limit it there. You can try to give it in other places too. That would be the main focus. Youre giving it to yourself, you cannot give what you dont have. Youre giving it away, because you cannot keep what you dont give.

Then finally you cannot sustain what you dont receiver. You notice, just be aware where life or others are trying to give you something, love, validation, appreciation, respect, even if its in their own awkward way. Its actually love coming at you, and you can look in the area where youre struggling, but you can also be open to it anywhere. You start to notice how much is coming to you that you dont notice, that you take for granted, that you misinterpret. Not just from people, but just look around you and notice the chair youre sitting on. Its supporting you. Its giving you support. That sun thats shining is giving you Vitamin D and other nutrients, warmth. Just look around and begin to catalog and inventory all the things that are coming, and breathe it in. Somebody compliments you, they say, That dress is great. You notice how you might normally go, This old thing? Thats you deflecting that love. They mention something. They try to do something nice for you, and you want to immediately give it back to them. They give you a gift. You want to immediately give them a gift. Thats you not letting it in. When somebody compliments you, take it in, say thank you, and be quiet. Dont have to give them one back. They give you a gift. Thank you. Really take it in. You dont have to give it back.

Thats the Law of Circulation. Youre write down all the places youre trying to get. Youre going to fast for the next seven days from trying to get anything, and youre going to feast on the Law of Circulation and the giving, giving to yourself, giving to others, and then receiving. Its like one complete breath cycle. Breathing in, breathing out, and once you exhale all that out from your lungs naturally receiving the air back in again.

Now when I say youre fasting from getting that doesnt mean you dont get to keep doing stuff in life, that you dont get to keep going out there and trying and doing good work. Lets say you have a book, and you want to get it published. That doesnt mean you stop sending out query letters. Thats not what I mean. I mean you look at those areas where you believe theyre your Source, and you shift that dynamic. If you shift that dynamic you can still be asking for help, asking for a promotion, asking for a book deal, seeking out a new client, but its from an energy of knowing theyre not your source. Your good does not come from them, although it may come through them. Theyre a channel. Theyre not the Source. You, and you alone, are the source. You got it?

I invite you to post your comments about this on our Facebook page. Go to DerekRydall.com, get some of the free tools there, and make sure to put this into action. If you havent already registered for this podcast, and you want to keep getting high value actionable content to support you on your journey of total emergence, please do that now. Leave a review in iTunes. It helps us to be seen by more people. It helps us to keep doing this podcast. Until next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally, and follow your destiny.

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Derek Rydall
Why Life is Set Up to Fail You
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