Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

(Bonus Episode) The Mighty Mo: How to Create Real Momentum

The Mighty Mo: How to Create Real Momentum

The biggest challenges for many of us is either getting and keeping momentum, or having momentum, but it going the opposite direction – downward momentum.

For the latter, it’s like having one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. We have a downward pull, and then we’re simultaneously having upward pull. If you’re driving and pushing to make stuff happen in your life, it’s because you’ve got momentum going in two directions.

The worst thing that we try to do when we’re pushing and pushing is to push more, or push harder, at least in same the way that we’ve been pushing.

We must notice where is the momentum going in the opposite direction. This is one of the deeper esoteric meanings of the Biblical statement, “Where two or more are gathered in agreement, there I am in the midst of them.” The two or more can certainly be two or more people as in a church, organization, spiritual organization, but it also represents the two or more aspects of ourselves – the conscious, the unconscious, the mental, emotional, physical. When all of those are in agreement, moving in the same direction, then you activate the larger pattern of your potential, and you have real momentum.

This is also one of the meanings behind the Biblical statement that you cannot serve two masters, or you will be a house divided and a house divided cannot stand. A lot of times, when we’re feeling stuck and we’re lacking real momentum, it’s because we’re trying to serve two masters. We are ambitious. We are, on one hand, going for something and then the other hand not believing it’s going to happen or not believing that we’re worthy, or whatever the case may be. We can’t get real momentum.

As the core of the Emergence work, we want to ultimately bring all of our life into congruence, into integrity with our biggest vision – all going in the same direction. That’s what develops the optimal level of momentum.

As we hit new levels of growth and unfoldment, we hit new thresholds. Those unconscious limited beliefs, or just those areas that need to be activated more fully, they come up, and they create these road blocks that slow us down. We have to look at them, whether it’s a shadow, a values conflict or just developing ourselves.

One of the biggest of misunderstandings and things we tell ourselves is “I’m stuck.” We believe that we actually can be stuck. The truth is you can never really be stuck, no matter what the situation is. Even if you’re literally bedridden right now – there’s four core areas where you can get momentum. They are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. (We could even say energetically, because you can actually separate out the energetics of it.)

If one of those areas is difficult or closed off at the moment, like being bedridden, you could sit and visualize and imagine yourself playing your sport and repeating it over and over, just getting it down to the most minute detail until you are just playing basketball masterfully. You see every little move of your hand. You can watch the best highlights of the golf swing and then imagine yourself doing it. Believe it or not, you are developing that skill mentally and emotionally, and creating real momentum.

This is true in any area. By practicing your talents, your gifts, your skills, at any level and any moment, there’s always a next step that you can do mentally and emotionally. There’s always something you can do to move forward.

The way you keep taking your life to higher levels is you have to habituate whatever level you’re working towards, so that that becomes a subconscious subjective pattern or habit. When you’re thinking about building momentum, it’s not just about going from zero to 60 quickly. Sometimes that’s necessary, but it’s more about developing the habits, to ultimately put momentum on autopilot.

Habit is ultimately what determines your character, and your character is what determines your destiny. Especially if you’re going, what seems to be going backwards, it requires patience as you’re building these new habits, because at first it might appear like you’re not getting any momentum.

If you try to move a big giant ship that is going in one direction, you turn it, you won’t see it turning right away – it takes time.

You can’t always judge by appearances where there’s real progress. If you’re building these habits based on your highest vision and based on the character you want to develop, then you are on the right track. It doesn’t have to be this grand high faluting vision. It’s just whatever that thing is you most feel and inspired to move towards.

You’re designing a way of life that allows you to mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and energetically start moving everything towards that direction.

At the most simplest level, how you get the Mighty Mo is to start moving… Move yourself emotionally, move yourself mentally, move yourself spiritually, and move yourself physically – you can always move no matter what, no matter who you are.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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Where are You REALLY?
When to Stay the Course, When to Change Directions
Why ALL Your Beliefs Limit You (And What You Should Do Instead)

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Full Transcript
[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Greetings, my fellow Emergineers. Derek Rydall here, and it’s so good to be with you again as we’re talking about the Mighty Mo, how to create real momentum in your life, even if your life is standing still or it’s going backwards. This is such an important aspect. The Mighty Mo obviously stands for momentum. Mighty Mo, Uncle Mo – it’s all about momentum. For so many of us, and of you, one of the biggest challenges is getting and keeping momentum. Ultimately, the reason why we don’t create momentum is a variety of things. We’re going to talk about that. A lot of us do have momentum, it’s just we have momentum that’s going either in the opposite direction, it’s downward momentum, or we have dual momentum. It’s like we have one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. We have a downward pull, and then we’re simultaneously having upward pull. If you’re driving and pushing to make stuff happen in your life, it’s because you’ve got momentum going in two directions.

This is called ambition. Ambition means you’re going in two directions at the same time. It’s like the Zen statement of trying to ride two horses at the same time that are going in different directions. When you’re pushing and struggling, oftentimes it’s because on one hand, you’ve got momentum going down or going backwards, or, for example, you’ve got an emotional or mental momentum in the direction of It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to work. Then, you are physically pushing and maybe mentally on some level also pushing, I’ve got to make it work. I’ve got to make it work. I’vegot to make it work. Again, it’s like running in place. It’s like running on a treadmill, or worse, having one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas. This is what creates burnout and ultimately overwhelm and breakdown.

The worst thing that we try to do when we’re pushing and pushing and pushing is just push more, just push harder, at least in the way that we’ve been pushing. It doesn’t mean we don’t want to keep working, but we don’t want to keep working or pushing in the way we have been. We want to notice where is the momentum going in the opposite direction, and how can we get all of us going in the same direction? This is one of the deeper esoteric meanings of the Biblical statement, Where two or more are gathered in agreement, there I am in the midst of them. The two or more can certainly be two or more people as in a church, organization, spiritual organization, but it also represents the two or more aspects of ourselves – the conscious, the unconscious, the mental, emotional, physical. When all of those are in agreement, moving in the same direction, then you activate the larger pattern of your potential, and you have real momentum. This is also one of the meanings behind the Biblical statement that you cannot serve two masters, or you will be a house divided and a house divided cannot stand. So, a lot of times, when we’re feeling stuck and we’re lacking real momentum, it’s because we’re just trying to serve two masters. We are ambitious. We are on one hand going for something, and then the other hand not believing it’s going to happen, not believing that we’re worthy, or whatever the case may be. We can’t get real momentum. Now, we’re just pushing and pushing and forcing or alternatively, we give up.Ultimately, as the core of the Emergence work, we wanted to ultimately bring all of our life into congruence, into integrity with our biggest vision, all going in the same direction. That’s what develops the optimal level of momentum. We’re not going to build or do it consistently forever and perfectly forever as we’re continuing to grow and unfold. As we hit new levels of growth and unfoldment, we hit new thresholds. Those unconscious limited beliefs, or just those areas that need to be activated more

Ultimately, as the core of the Emergence work, we wanted to ultimately bring all of our life into congruence, into integrity with our biggest vision, all going in the same direction. That’s what develops the optimal level of momentum. We’re not going to build or do it consistently forever and perfectly forever as we’re continuing to grow and unfold. As we hit new levels of growth and unfoldment, we hit new thresholds. Those unconscious limited beliefs, or just those areas that need to be activated more fully, they come up, and they create these road blocks that slow us down, and we have to look at them, whether it’s a shadow or values conflict or just developing ourselves. One of the biggest of misunderstandings and things we tell ourselves is I’m stuck. We believe that we actually can be stuck. We slipped into feeling like a victim and either don’t do anything, spend our time getting momentum around how much Ben & Jerry’s, Chunky Monkey or New York Super Fudge Chunk we can eat. We get a lot of momentum with that spoon and not enough momentum in the area that really matters most to us.

The truth is you can never really be stuck, no matter what the situation is. Let’s just say physically you are impaired and you’re bedridden, and let’s say you’re an athlete, and you’re like, You don’t understand, Derek, I can’t get momentum in the area of my athletic growth, because I’m literally bedridden right now. That’s not true, because there’s three core areas, or really four, where you can get momentum. That is mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We could even say energetically, because actually you can separate out the energetics of it. So, you can get momentum in all those areas. If one of those areas is difficult or closed off at the moment, like you’re bedridden, you could sit there and visualize and imagine yourself playing your sport and repeating it over and over and over and just getting it down to the most minute detail until you are just playing basketball masterfully, or whatever the thing may be, and you see every little move of your hand. You can be watching the best highlights of golf swing or whatever, and then imagine yourself doing it. Believe it or not, and I think you do believe it, you are developing that skill just mentally and emotionally, and creating real momentum.

In fact, they’ve done a study where they had three groups. One was practicing basketball, going out there and doing the drills. The other one was just visualizing themselves practicing, and the other group was visualizing and practicing. The one that was visualizing did just as good as the one that was just practicing their skill level and their growth. The one that visualized and practiced did better than both of them. The key is that they could just visualize practicing, and they were able to grow their skill level and be on par with those that were just physically practicing. This is true in the area. You might say, I don’t have the capacity to go…͟ It will be another example. Maybe you think something requires money to launch your business or something. In fact, it really doesn’t, but you could be visualizing it. You could be practicing your talents, your gifts, your skills. At any level at any moment, there’s always a next step that you can do mentally, emotionally. You could be working on your mental games that you are embodying the mental mindset for whatever it is the next stage of your life. You could be working on your emotional game so that you are emotionally resilient and activating the high quality positive emotions. You can be working on physically, meaning any of the physical attributes – walking, talking, creating, developing, and then energetically increasing your energy and energy flow in your body and radiating and expanding your energy field, and spiritually – prayer, meditation. There’s always something you can do to move forward.

deally, like I said at the start, you want to bring all of these in line with your highest vision, your deeper desire, so they’re all moving in the same direction. In some cases, some periods, one or more of them aren’t moving in the same direction, but if you get enough of them moving, it pulls the other one with you. When you are feeling stuck or stagnant or overwhelmed or burned out or doing a lot of pushing and forcing, as I said, you want to begin to identify where you are going in opposite directions. What do you really believe about this? What do you really feel about this? Likewise, if you’re just doing affirmations and meditation, but you’re not taking any physical action, that could be the missing piece to create real momentum. If you’re just sitting around affirming, I’m rich. I’m abundant. I’m successful. I’m a powerful coach, leader, teacher, author or whatever but you’re not actually writing every day or taking steps to get new clients or whatever the case may be, then you can feel and experience yourself being stuck. It’s what I called coming spiritually or affirmatively constipated, because you’re activating all this energy, but you’re not expressing it. So, if you do have the capability to be taking other actions in these other dimensions then you want to be doing that. You don’t want to be just affirming that you’re abundant. You want to be taking actions of an abundant person. You want to be generating emotions of an abundant person and having conversations like an abundant person. Little bit by little bit, you bring your whole life into integrity, into congruence.

The other thing about momentum is to understand ultimately you want to put momentum on autopilot. What this means is that understanding that what we mostly live by is habits. Most of our life is run by habits – mental, emotional, physical habits, even energetic patterns that had become habitual. So, you want to be aware of that. The way you keep taking your life to higher levels is you have to habituate whatever level you’re working towards, so that that becomes a subconscious subjective pattern or habit. When you’re thinking about building momentum, it’s not just about going from zero to 60 quickly. Sometimes that’s necessary as soon as you have to just come out of the gate fast and furious. It’s more about what are the habits, what are the daily habits? It might not look like you’re getting a lot of momentum if you’re just writing a hundred words a day. What happens is, over time, suddenly those hundreds add up, and it adds up literally to pages and pages. When you start to have a stack of pages in front of you, it affects your emotional and mental outlook on it. You start to develop a consciousness of having of abundance, of things that are happening. All these difference start to connect, and they create momentum. You may not see it right away.

Momentum is not always about being busy. In fact, oftentimes when you’re busy you don’t have real momentum. Busyness does not equal being productive, doing what matters most does. You somewhat had to sacrifice busyness for building habits, for doing the right thing, the most important thing, and doing it consistently even, and especially, when it’s not urgent – sitting and meditating every day, not only when you’re in a bad place. You don’t want to just have foxhole consciousness where you’re only going to pray and meditate when you’re in the foxhole and the bullets are wheezing over your head. You build the practice until meditation becomes a habit. You notice throughout the day it starts to have a transferring effect, and you start to think about and tap into, regularly, this prayer without ceasing. It starts to build momentum. You start going to the gym or walking around the block every day. At first, you don’t see any results and don’t feel like it’s making a difference, but it starts to build momentum. Habit is what we’re most after. More than we want just a quick fix or a quick results, we want to know that we’re designing a way of life through our habits that ultimately building our character. It’s like this is just the kind of person I am. I meditate every day. I work on my creativity every day. I exercise every day or multiple times a week. I spend this kind of time with family, friends, and loved ones on a regular basis. I put in X amount of time in building my business every day. This is just who I am. That becomes a habit and a way of life. As Confucius said, All men are the same, but it is their habits that separate them.

Habit is ultimately what determines your character, and your character is what determines your destiny. Especially if you’re going what seems to be going backwards, sometimes you have to be patient as you’re building these new habits, because at first it might appear like you’re not getting any momentum. If you try to move a big giant ship that is going in one direction, you turn it, and you don’t see it turning right away. It takes time. I’ve used the analogy of the racecar that’s sliding towards the wall. You turn the wheel the opposite way, turning it away from the wall towards the track, but it’s got momentum still and it slides towards the wall. You could be like, Oh, my God. It’s not working. It’s not working. Then, you turn the wheel. You look at the wall again, and the wheel turns back towards the wall, and you hit the wall. If you are willing to turn away from the wall, the problem, the place that you’re sliding towards, the momentum that you don’t want, this backwards momentum, and you keep your attention on the road and on the finish line and where you want to go, at some point, the wheels catch. The momentum in the opposite direction gets stopped, and you reverse course. There’s a period a lot of times when you’re going backwards, where it feels like you’re doing all this stuff and it’s still sliding towards the wall. I’m doing all this stuff, and I’m not losing any weight. I’m doing all this stuff, and I’m not getting any clients. I’m doing all this stuff, and I’m not feeling better, but then there’s an inflection point where all that you’ve done catches up and the tires catch, and you’re back on track again.

You have to be patient. You can’t always judge by appearances where there’s real progress. If you’re building these habits based on your highest vision, you’re building habits that are based on the character you want to develop, then you are on the right track. Does that mean you’ll never hit the wall? No. If you don’t do this, you’re almost certain to hit the wall. You’re taking your ideal vision of where you want to go. It doesn’t have to be this grand high faluting vision. It’s just whatever that thing is you most feel and inspired to move towards. You’re designing a way of life that allows you to mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and energetically start moving everything towards that direction. That does include your inner and your outer environment. Your outer environment helps to either create momentum or recharge momentum, to speed it up or to slow it down. If you’ve got relationships, activities and spaces that are cluttered or that are negative or that are not aligned with where you want to go, every time you see that picture or watch that program or listen to that music or talk to that person that it is energetically, emotionally going in a different direction, you are slowing your momentum down. You want to design a life inside and out that represents where you want to go and not where you’ve been or even necessarily where you are. You see that inspiring image or picture or token. You watch that inspiring program and listen to that inspiring audio. All of that develops momentum energetically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. You have conversations with people that are inspiring, that speak life into you, that are living their own life and that begins to bring momentum.

You’re designing a way of life inside and out that is about where you want to go, not where you’ve been. That’s how you build a reality that supports momentum. You do the daily practices that build the kinds of habits that represent the kind of character that you would be if you were living your ideal destiny. Regardless of where you’ve been or what you’re experiencing, you build those habits. In those areas where you really don’t feel like you can take action, then you focus on another area. As I said, if you just are feeling emotionally you’re so out of line, then you focus on what can I do physically. If I’m not feeling happy, what would a happy person do? I’m not able to generate happiness internally, let me find a way to do something physically, and now you have physical momentum, and then you activate emotional momentum. When you’re in that emotionally high place, that’s the best time to do your affirmations and your practice. Now you activate mental momentum and spiritual momentum. You see? You don’t have to wait. You just find your entry point, the place you can begin to move, and you go there. You don’t go, Oh, affirmations aren’t doing it for me today. I guess I’m screwed. No. If that’s not working, what can you do? Maybe you put on the piece of music and you dance. Suddenly, you’re feeling inspired again. You’re feeling energized. Now, say your affirmations or if none of that is working, maybe again, if I say emotionally you’re not feeling inspired to do the work you want to do, what can you do? Maybe you listen to a song, you take some physical action. You go out in nature or you call out a friend or whatever, but there’s always some next step. You don’t give yourself the luxury of being stuck.

Sometimes, what you need to continue and to stay in momentum is to do nothing. Nothing isn’t really a nothing, it’s an active resting. Remember that sound without space is just noise. Sound with the proper spacing is music. Action without rest is chaos. Action with the proper rest becomes productivity, creativity. Resting and space, both physical, mental, and emotional space, is a key component to creating momentum and to sustaining momentum. One of my favorite sayings is, play until you need to rest; rest until you want to play again. So, it’s a balance. Sometimes when you’re not feeling momentum and you’re pushing and pushing, stopping and becoming still is the most important thing you can do to get back on track again. The key is that wherever you are right now, begin where you are. Find that area where is your entry point and begin to align it with your bigger vision, and then one by one bring the rest of your life into alignment with it.

Now, what are some of the other things that prevent momentum? What are some of the areas we get stuck in? One is waiting. You’re waiting for some conditions to be right. You’re waiting for some person to be different. You’re feeling like a victim of them or of the situation. You’re wondering why you’re stuck. Whatever you’re waiting for, you’re waiting with, and then you’re weighing it down. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. Whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. When you’re waiting telling yourself, Well, I’ll do this when, or I’ll start this when, you’ve got to ask yourself, how can I start this now? I’ll start to do this or be this way when that person treats me this way or respects me more. Well, how can you start respecting yourself now? We don’t want to wait. Now, there is a Divine waiting in the sense that you’re doing the work, you’ve done the work, and you’re in that resting period again, which is a very conscious resting. If you find yourself saying, I can’t do this thing that I want to do. I can’t move towards it and create momentum until something outside of me changes or even something inside of me, like I use the example before Well, I can’t really feel happy today because I can’t say affirmations. They’re not working, and so I’m just going to wait until happiness in me. No, what can you do to generate that feeling, to make create momentum?

The other one, again, talking about emotions and feelings, is emotional reasoning. We say, Well, I just don’t feel like it. I want to write today, but I just don’t feel inspired, and then we don’t. We don’t write. I want to do this thing. I want to go exercise, but I just don’t feel like it. We’ve grown up being conditioned to believe that’s a logical reason not to do it. In fact, it’s not. It’s emotional reasoning. It’s a cognitive disorder, because your emotions don’t determine your actions. Your emotions don’t have any actual power over you, so you don’t want to let them determine your actions. You want to let your vision determine your actions, and then take the actions of a person who’s feeling the way you want to feel, and you’ll start to generate those feelings. Start to hold yourself the way a person holds. There’s been plenty of studies to show that our physiology, the way we use our physiology has a big part into how we feel emotionally. Right now, if you want to experience depression, you can do that. You can slump your shoulders, you can look down, you can slow your voice down, lower the register of it, and start to feel more depressed, or you can straighten your back and you can raise your voice a little bit and speed up a little bit and keep your gaze upward, and you start to feel better. That is where you took a depressed person and had them stand up on a table, back straight, head held high, looking up, say, Okay, now, tell me what you’re depressed about, and the person would have to lower their head and look down to access that information. If they didn’t let them, you said, You’ve got to keep your eyes up, keep your head up, keep your back straight. Now, tell me what you’re depressed about. They literally couldn’t access their depression. So, use your physiology, use your body, use that to create momentum.

Another thing that obviously stops momentum is our judgments, otherwise known as our shadows. We want to move in a particular direction, we’re hitting a threshold, and when we look and say, What am I afraid that’s going to happen if I do this? Oh, I’m going to fail, and then what would I make that mean about me or what would others think about me? You’re a loser, you’re a failure, you’re stupid, and so that’s why we’re not moving forward. So, you want to then stop, write that down and begin to address that very specifically and practically in shadow work. You don’t want to stop moving. You don’t want to go get that would be a good excuse for you to take a break for the next week and just do nothing but work on your shadow. You want to still take productive action in the direction of your vision. Now that you know there’s a judgment, there’s a shadow there, you’re not going to get caught in emotional reasoning and wait till you feel better about it, till you don’t feel afraid. You’re still going to take that action, but you’re also now going to work on the shadow which is equivalent to taking your foot off the brake. So, you still have your foot on the gas, but you’re now going to ease your foot off the brake by doing the shadow work.

The same thing is true with values conflicts. That’s where you want two different things, but they seem opposed to each other. You want space and freedom, and you want success and abundance. In your mind, they’ve been wired where in order to get success and abundance, you have to sacrifice space and freedom or time and freedom. In order to have time and freedom, you have to sacrifice success and abundance. You’re upbringing your experiences, that’s how you’ve been conditioned to believe. Of course, it’s not true, but it’s the map you’ve created. It’s the way your neurology has been wired. You discover by when you’re feeling stuck, you can ask questions like, if I achieve this or get this or do that, I’m afraid I’ll lose _____ or I’m afraid I’ll have to sacrifice _____. Do that question and answer period 5 or 10 times till you come up with a variety of things and start to see the pattern.I’m afraid if I really go for this, I’m going to have not enough time for myself. If I really go for this, it can take me away from family.

That’s a values conflict, and then you need to create a values affirmation, which is the more I do this or go for this, the more of this other thing I have, too. The more of this other thing I have and honor, the more of this other thing I go for. For example, the more successful and abundant I am in the world, the more time and freedom I have. The more I honor my legitimate need for time and freedom, the more inspired and empowered I am to create incredible success and abundance in the world. That becomes like a mantra, a values affirmation that rewires that, and so you begin to use that on a regular basis. You keep moving in the direction that your vision is calling. Again, you don’t wait to get the values affirmation all worked out, but now that becomes part of your daily practice while you’re also taking action.

This is why I created what I called the quantum plan. It’s not just outer action, outer action, outer action. It’s a plan that incorporates the objective and subjective parts of your brain of your awareness. You are developing and refining your daily practice in terms of building your inner life and the inner structures so that your inner life is moving in the same direction as your outer life. You’re working on both streams not one or the other and not one at the expense of the other. You don’t just stop outer actions to only work on inner actions. You don’t just stop inner action to only work on outer action which happens, right? We get so busy, we stop doing our daily practice. We lose momentum emotionally and spiritually, and then we wonder why the other action starts to lose momentum, and we start to feel tired or burned out or stressed or unclear. We focused all of our attention on the inner action, and once we hit a threshold, we stop the outer action, and then we wonder why we lose momentum and start to feel congested, constipated, sluggish, depressed. I’m doing all this meditation, prayer, affirmation, I’m depressed – because you’re not taking action. You’re not expressing it. You’re not circulating it. You’ve let go the outer for the inner or you let go of the inner for the outer. You become stressed, overwhelmed, burned out when you let go the outer for the inner. You become depressed, sluggish. So, you want to have both streams going, and then you put that together as part of your quantum plan so you’ve got a daily inner practice and a daily outer practice. All of it is aligned with your biggest vision. As you bump into those thresholds, you look deeper, you see what it’s really all about. Is it am I waiting for something? Is it emotional reasoning? Is it judgment or shadow? Is it values conflict? I add that piece to my daily practice. I keep moving outside and I got momentum again.

This is how you get the Mighty Mo. At the most simple level, how do you get momentum? You start moving. That’s the most basic level. Just start moving. Again, that doesn’t mean just physically start moving. It means just start moving in some capacity. Move yourself emotionally. Move yourself mentally. Move yourself spiritually. Move yourself physically. Again, when I use physical, that doesn’t just mean like walking. It means speaking, moving your body, expressing yourself creatively, etc. but just start moving. If you are moving in one of those dimensions, look at the other dimensions and see are you moving there too? If not, start getting that moving. This is how you create real momentum and really no longer can ever be stuck again. It doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges, you won’t have setbacks, you won’t have problems, you won’t feel bad some days but it won’t stop you. You won’t feel like a victim of it. Even if you do feel like a victim of it, you’ll look at that, you’ll do something about it. You won’t just stop. Eventually, this all becomes subjective. It becomes habit. Your life becomes now automatically designed. It starts to automatically produce this momentum. That habit pattern now develops your character. You literally evolve, you literally change, you literally become different, and now you’ve changed your destiny.

hope this has served you. I hope this has inspired you to find greater momentum, to realize that you can always move no matter what, no matter who you are. Stephen Hawking can’t move his body at all, but he certainly doesn’t have a lack of momentum in his life. Helen Keller couldn’t see or hear or speak very well, but it didn’t stop her from having momentum in her life. Many people have lost everything, gone bankrupt, had great tragedies, but they found that entry point to create momentum in their life. Wherever you are now, you can create real momentum and increase momentum. I invite you to pick one or two things you can do today to get momentum in some area where you felt otherwise stuck. Pick one or two things, and then share that in the Facebook group where you’re going to generate more momentum. Share that with your accountability partner. If you don’t have one, that’s a great way to get momentum. Get an accountability partner. Just reach out to somebody in the group. You’ll be off to the races. Just take a moment and just drop down into this field of grace, this prayer field. At least throw ourselves wide open. There’s always something trying to emerge, always more life, more light, more love, more truth, more beauty, more abundance. We just open ourselves now and the silence of our soul, we set an intention. We’re willing. We’re ready to be ever greater instruments of life and all of its many qualities than ever before. We’re available to more good than we’ve ever experienced or imagined. We’re available to be used more powerfully, more completely than we’ve ever imagined. We’re willing despite all appearances, all conditions, all past. We’re willing to be used. We’re willing to fulfill our purpose. We’re willing to be of service. We’re willing to be bigger, better, stronger, more awake, aware, creative than we’ve ever imagined. We’re just engaging willingness. I’m willing. I’m ready. I’m able. Use me. Send me.

Just take a moment and just drop down into this field of grace, this prayer field. At least throw ourselves wide open. There’s always something trying to emerge, always more life, more light, more love, more truth, more beauty, more abundance. We just open ourselves now and the silence of our soul, we set an intention. We’re willing. We’re ready to be ever greater instruments of life and all of its many qualities than ever before. We’re available to more good than we’ve ever experienced or imagined. We’re available to be used more powerfully, more completely than we’ve ever imagined. We’re willing despite all appearances, all conditions, all past. We’re willing to be used. We’re willing to fulfill our purpose. We’re willing to be of service. We’re willing to be bigger, better, stronger, more awake, aware, creative than we’ve ever imagined. We’re just engaging willingness. I’m willing. I’m ready. I’m able. Use me. Send me.

n this openness, in this availability, the whole Universe rushes to this place called each and every one of us, because it’s always looking for willing instrument to put itself on display. We’re just so available now, so willing. If any thoughts popped up, like a fear that somehow this is going to cause this to go in the wrong direction, or that God or life is going to somehow want us to do something we don’t, or that we’re going to have to sacrifice, we just notice any of that resistance. We bless it, and we release it, and we say I’m willing. I’m willing. I’m willing. Use me, life. Use me, God. Send me. Take over. Take over my whole life that it may become a transparency for the will of god, for the highest pattern of good, that my life may reveal and reflect the true order and harmony and abundance and beauty of the Universe and help and liberate and inspire and set others free along with me.

Wherever I’ve got and seemingly stuck, wherever I’ve created an excuse for why I can’t, why I’m not able, I’m willing not to let that remove. I’m willing for my life to just be a pure open channel for the full power and presence and love and brilliance of the universe of God. Like a mighty river rushing downhill without a boulder inside, I’m willing, I’m ready. Thy will be done. Whatever I need to see, feel, sense, embrace, release, speak, or do to be a channel and an instrument in the place where life can fulfill itself, where my destiny of greatness can be fulfilled, I’m ready and I’m willing now. No holds barred. In this space now, this flow continues to unfold. It finds all the pockets that are seemingly blocked and it opens them. Wherever where hungry were fed, wherever where thirsty were quenched, this energy, this flow now moves through our entire mind, body, heart and life transforming and transmuting everything to serve its higher purpose that we may truly fulfill that great and grand reason for which we came. It’s happening now. Breathe and receive this. Allow it. Allow gratitude to well up and so it is. Amen.

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Derek Rydall
The Mighty Mo: How to Create Real Momentum
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