Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

(Bonus Episode) The Dark Night of the Soil

Emergence | A Revolutionary Path for Radical Change | Derek Rydall

We all have challenges and struggles, big and small.

Because life is progressive, there’s more trying to unfold all the time. The next stage of our life is constantly emerging.

And the next.

But we become identified with current mental, emotional, and physical forms, believing that’s who we are and that’s what life is.

We find comfort and security in these beliefs.

Self-improvement teachings urge us to push forward harder and faster. Yet, to the extent that you’re consciously desiring that bigger, better life …you’re activating that emerging impulse and it is going to crack and push against the shells of your personal identities and limited concepts.

Listen to “The Dark Night of the Soil” now to awaken to the spirituality that leads to true freedom and release from suffering.

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Derek Rydall
Emergence | A Revolutionary Path for Radical Change | Derek Rydall
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(Bonus Episode) Life vs Life Experience: The Master Key to Healing & Achieving Everything
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