Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

(Bonus Episode) Quantum Healing: Getting Unstuck No Matter What

Quantum Healing: Getting Unstuck No Matter What

Nowhere in the Universe is anything stuck. Energy is always moving – always flowing. Even when it’s stuck, it’s moving; it’s just moving in a very constricted spot.

No matter what situation you’re in, the reason why you think you’re stuck – the reason you feel stuck is that you have (A) an expectation of what the outcome should look like, (B) an expectation of what you should be like, of what you should be able to do, be, have, or create in that moment or under those circumstances.

Because of your expectations or perception that something or someone outside of you has to change in order for things to happen in the way that you want, you feel stuck.  We hear things like, “I don’t have the money right now so I’m stuck”, “I can’t feel happy and joyful and grateful when I’m at a job that I dislike, so I’m stuck”, etc…

On it goes, where you’re putting the locus of power outside of you – in people, places, things, and conditions, even putting it in your current mental-emotional patterns – as if the current energy level, emotional pattern, or mental pattern is power over you: “I can’t write today because I’m uninspired”, “I don’t have the energy to exercise, so I’m stuck”.

At whatever point you feel stuck, there’s always something you can do to get the energy flowing in the direction that you want to be going. Whether it’s taking some action, having a conversation, acting regardless of how you feel, or doing some prayer or meditation around it, you can always do something.

Begin to activate the qualities of what it is you want to do or who you want to be.  You are a Divine power plant – and a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it. So, you don’t wait for inspiration, you generate it. How? By acting like a person who is inspired. You want to act from the point of knowing that you are the source of it, and then it generates.

Feeling stuck is an opportunity to discover just how powerful you are, how resourceful you are, and to develop your own wings so that you can fly into a much larger reality.

Listen to the audio to receive quantum healing around getting unstuck in any area of your own life – no matter what

Full Transcript

How to Get Unstuck No Matter What Welcome to Emergence, a revolutionary path for radical life change. This is Derek Rydall, the founder of the Law of Emergence, author of the best-selling book, Emergence, and your guide on the side for this powerful journey of awakening into our full potential through this model of Emergence, which is in many cases the complete reversal of so many of the ways weve learned that life operates. Its not something I made up. This is the perennial truth teaching. This is what all the great masters taught, even though its been often misunderstood and misinterpreted, that is the fundamental premise that everything you could ever want, hope or desire, or need is within you. Therefore, the world has nothing to give you, and the world cant take anything away. The world is a mirror, a canvas, and a feedback system. You are the dispenser of the Divine gifts of the Universe. You have come as a portal, an opening, an instrument of all of infinite good, here to shine it in the unique and unprecedented way. The more and more you realize this, the more you are freed from being a victim, the more you are freed from being at the whim of anything or anyone outside of you. You become a true catalyst for transformation, a powerful leader in whatever area you endeavor.

So, what were talking about in this particular session is how to get unstuck no matter what. This isnt so much about all the different specific things you can do in specific situations, like youre stuck on the side of the road, how do you get out of that? Youre stuck writing your book, how do you get out of that? Its more first and foremost a philosophical shift in understanding that stuckness is a state of mind. Its an illusion. Nowhere in the Universe is anything stuck. Energy is always moving, always flowing. Even when its stuck, its moving. Its just moving in a very constricted spot. The other thing is that no matter what situation youre in, the reason why we think were stuck– and I want you to follow along with the situation that you may be feeling stuck in. The reason we feel stuck is that we have (A) an expectation of what the outcome should look like, (B) an expectation of what we should be like, of what we should be able to do or be, or have, or create in that moment or under those circumstances.

We have some expectation. Because things arent appearing like that, were feeling stuck or afraid, or were not able to take action. Because of that expectation, or because of the false perception that we think that something or someone outside of us has to change in order for us to do, be, have, create or contribute in the way that we want; therefore, were waiting for that thing to change, and so we feel stuck. I dont have the money right now to do whatever, and so Im stuck. Im in a relationship, and this person pays all my bills, so Im stuck in this relationship. Im at a job that I hate, but I need to make a living, so Im stuck. I cant feel happy and joyful and grateful when Im at a job that I hate, so Im stuck. On and on it goes, where were putting the locus of power outside of us in people, places, things, and conditions, even putting it in our current mental emotional patterns. Well, I just feel depressed, so Im stuck. I just dont feel inspired, so Im stuck. I cant write today or do whatever my creative action is. I dont have the energy in my body, so Im stuck. I cant exercise today – as if the current energy level or emotional pattern, or mental pattern is power over us.

When you really step back and realize the thoughts, the feelings, and the sensations – all of that is part of the content of your consciousness. You, the witness, are the only point of power. Your thoughts arent power. Your feelings arent power, not even your body is a power. You, the Divine consciousness, the I am’ that you are, is the only point of power onto your life. As it says in some of the ancient scriptures, Youve been given dominion over everything. The I that you are, the witness, is the point of infinitepower and infinite resource. Theres never a lack of resource, theres only a lack of resourcefulness. If you look at the word resourceful, it means to be full of source again, to be resourced, reconnected to source. It doesnt mean to go out and get more stuff. So, no matter how many resources appear to be lacking outside of you, or even inside of you, because all thats just content, you have the power to be resourceful at any moment you choose.

As it says in the Bible that Gods manna falls fresh from heavy every day, and metaphysically or esoterically speaking, that means that the substance of life falls fresh over and over and over in this moment. It talks about if you try to hold on to it, it will rot in your hands. If you try to save it for tomorrow, it will rot, and you wont be able to eat it. So, always in this moment, there is fresh manna, fresh supply, fresh insight, fresh energy, but you have to reclaim dominion. You have to look at the thoughts and the patterns that you bought into, that this thought or this emotion or this body, or this person, or this condition, or this economy, or this job, or this family has to change before I can be unstuck. That is fundamentally false. In any moment, you can choose again. In any moment, you can start moving your attention, which moves your energy. Energy flows where your attention goes. Remember, from the Emergence model, if youre waiting on anything or anyone, whatever youre waiting for, youre waiting with and youre weighing it down. So, as I say, this is the ultimate wait loss program.

Just look at an area right now where you feel youre stuck. Ill give you some examples. For example, if you feel like you really want to write that book, but youre stuck because you dont know what to write about, then you want to ask the question, What could I do to move towards this vision? If you do the Night Pages where its talking about what I have, what I have accomplished, what I can do, what Im grateful for, and thats to begin to reverse the condition where we tend to look at life and say – Why dont I have? What havent I done? Why cant I do and whats missing for my life and therefore Im ungrateful and unhappy about. That becomes a habit from a place of survival, but you can reverse that. When you find yourself going, Well, I dont have this ability or this resource right now; I dont know what to write about, in the example of the book, you can say, Well, what do I know? What could I do? Sincerely ask that, and you might begin to hear – What I could research? How to come up with good ideas for a book? I could journal about what matters to me most, or I could take something Im interested in and just start free writing about it now. I dont have inspiration. Okay. So, remember you are a Divine power plant. A power plant doesnt receive energy, it generates it. So, you dont wait for inspiration, you generate it. How? By acting like a person whos inspired.

Same with if you dont feel like you have the energy to go exercise. You dont wait for energy. You go exercise, and you activate the energy, because its infinite, but it must be activated obviously, because if all of infinite energy was just to manifest within you it would completely annihilate you. It would annihilate all sense of your personality structures, right? It will annihilate the entire universe around you, too, right? It will just destroy everything. The energy has to unfold. It has to emerge. The governor on that, or the mechanism for that, is your activation of it based on your attention. So, youre never waiting for energy or inspiration. You are acting from the point of knowing you are the source of it, and then it generates.

So, maybe youre feeling like, Well, I cant even come up with an idea for the book, so just keep stepping it back. I cant write because Im just not inspired. I dont have any ideas. Okay. So, you ask, What do I have or what could I do? Youre like, Well, I cant even come up with an idea for the book. Im still stuck. Im even more stuck now. Then, I could say, Well, just start writing. You go, Oh, myhand is paralyzed. Im just giving you the worst case scenario. I cant even write. I cant even move and lift my hand. Im stuck. Okay, What can I do? What can I do? What can I do? You keep asking. You start to go, well, I could visualize the life of my dreams as a published writer, writing, publish, impacting people. I could spend the next 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes really getting into that vision and really feeling it, really seeing myself writing in the books, piling up impact in the world and the financial remuneration and whatever. Now, you notice whats happening? Youre not feeling stuck. Youre starting to feel inspired. Youre starting to feel juices flowing, and maybe you even get inspired with an idea of what to write. You could be in that visualization, take it to the end, and then look down and see, What are the kinds of books Ive written? You might notice a title or an idea popped in, and suddenly youre off to the races.

The point is at whatever point you feel stuck, theres always something you can do to get the energy flowing in the direction that you want to be going, whether its taking some action, whether its having a conversation, whether its acting regardless of how you feel, which is very, very critical, whether its imagining it, whether its doing some prayer or meditation around it. You can always do something. Youre in a relationship, and you feel like my story where I felt completely stuck at my waiters job. I needed the money. I thought I needed the job. I thought there was no other better job that I could have found at that time. The place was making me miserable and all. I thought it was making me miserable. On and on and on, I just felt so stuck, but as I begin to ask, what can I do, I begin to realize, well, I can begin to cultivate the feelings and the sense of if I was living my ideal life and my ideal dream job. I can start to activate those feelings in me through the various tools that we teach.

As I begin to do that, I begin to feel a little better, and I thought what else can I do? I can begin to show up and be more like the person I really want to be regardless of the situation. I can be more loving, more kind, more generous, more of service, more excellent. I begin to do that, and I was like, Wow! Look at that. I can do that. I began to feel even better, and I thought, I can begin to really look at myself and take responsibility for all the places Im blaming or projecting.I begin to do that and I begin to feel more empowered, and then I got fired, and I came back, and I did it again, and I got fired. I came back, and I did it again. What it was is every time I felt like I was up against the wall, I felt like I was stuck, I went back to: What can I do so that I can show up more fully for my life, and I begin to activate the feelings, the being, take a more productive action, be more the person I really wanted to be, do the inner healing work and step by step, I grew so big that that place could no longer hold me. So, I came from a place where I felt completely stuck to outgrowing it into a whole new world of possibilities.

Its like the example of the chicken and the egg. The chicken eventually grows to a point where its completely run out of room. It’s cramped and stuck in a small egg shell, nowhere to go, no way out, or so it seems. It runs out of food, so now it’s hungry, and theres nowhere to get more resources, or so it seems, and then it’s surrounded by its own waste matter. So, it smells, it stinks, it’s hungry and it’s cramped. It’s completely stuck. Now, to that self-consciousness like some of us, you might have started to complain, Oh, God, why have you forsaken me? Why did my parents abandon me? Why did they put me to such terrible situation? Whats my karma, my past life, my astrology, my numerology, picture-ology? It would have spun around and around, exhausted itself, eventually given out and maybe even died, but instead, what did that chicken do, that little baby chick? It starts to focus on where might there be some nourishment? It goes on a journey of searching for whatever little bit of nourishment there is. It doesnt focus on whats missing. It focuses on what is. It begins to find a little nourishment there, a little nourishment there, enough to get it by.

As its doing that, its also pecking, because thats how it looks for nourishment. As its pecking, its strengthening its neck muscles and its lung muscles. Its cracking the shell until eventually it sets free into a much larger life, and its no longer stuck. Because sometimes when were stuck, we just wish and pray that somebody would come and save us – God or a family member or a partner or whoever. If that chicken was just saved, somebody just cracked it open and let it free, Oh, you poor thing, youre so stuck,it would have died, because it wouldnt have gone through the transformational trial to build the strength and the muscles and its lungs and wings to survive in a larger world. The same is true for you. Where youre feeling stuck, not only that youre now stuck, but its an opportunity to discover just how powerful you are, how resourceful you and to develop your own wings so that you can fly into a much larger reality.

So, this is your invitation, this is your challenge to look at that area where youre feeling stuck and go to this process and discover how you can begin to get yourself unstuck. Start to make a game of it, start to look for other places where you feel stuck, and do this process and get unstuck. Please come share your insights, your breakthroughs, even your miracles in our Facebook page. If you want more tools to support you, go to derekrydall.com and go to the blog and get free tools there as well and the latest show notes for the podcasts. You can also, if you havent already done so, register for this podcast on iTunes so that you make sure you get them while theyre hot and not miss any of them and not lose out on all the archives before we archive them. So, go ahead and do that now. Please leave a review and share it with a friend if you think it can help. Thank you so much for being here and being part of this community of Emergineers. Until next time. Remember to live authentically, love unconditionally and follow your destiny.

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Derek Rydall
Quantum Healing: Getting Unstuck No Matter What
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