Learn Every Day,Life Without Limits

(Bonus Episode) Have a Backbone, Not a Wishbone

Have a Backbone, Not a Wishbone

Whether you’re on a spiritual path or not, it’s very easy to get into magical thinking. It’s easy to think life operates based on personality or emotion, or based on just being “good people”.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t do good. Doing good is one component of being in harmony with the principle of life, but it’s only one. If you’re doing good deeds, but emotionally you feel unworthy, or mentally you have beliefs and patterns of lack, you’re actually living out of alignment.

It’s important to understand this piece – it doesn’t matter how much you wish for or how nice of a person you are – that’s not enough. There are good people suffering everywhere, every day. You must begin to release that wishbone, release the magical thinking, and begin to have a backbone.

[bctt tweet=”A Spiritual Warrior has a heart of gold, but a soul of steel – so anchored in the truth that they’re unmoved by appearances.” username=”derekrydall”]

You can have an open heart, a heart as big as the world, the heart of God, but you need to have a soul that is strong, that has stamina, that is rooted in the principle of Truth. You want to begin to learn how to have a deeper understanding and embodiment of the principle, in order to stand stronger.

If you’re not experiencing abundance, for example, do not merely wish, pray or hope for abundance, but learn to understand and apprentice under the principle of abundance. Allow your conversations be unwavering in speaking it, your actions to become undaunted in walking it – regardless of conditions.

When you make knowing the truth, owning the truth, and embodying the truth your number one priority over your feelings, over your hopes, wishes and conditions, that’s having a backbone instead of a wishbone.

Remember, from the Emergence model, whatever you’re waiting for, you’re waiting with, and you’re weighing it down. So you must get on the ultimate wait loss program and let go of all the wait, because it’s already happening.

Jesus, one of the great master teachers, taught this principle, “When you pray, pray believing that you already have that you may receive.” That wasn’t a metaphysical trick to attract it. It was a mystical truth – that you already have it. Elsewhere it says in the Bible, “To he who has, more will be given, and it will be multiplied, but to he who has not, even that which he has will be taken away.” It’s talking about a state of consciousness – the state of having.

If any part of you is waiting for something to happen, you are creating a sense of lag time and separation that doesn’t exist in truth, but that now must become part of your experience. Your job as a spiritual warrior, with a backbone and not a wishbone, is to stand in the truth, the vibration and the mindset, and even the action that “I already am. I already have. It’s already done.”

Do not give yourself the luxury of putting your good in the future. You’re not waiting for your miracle. A miracle is an instant demonstration of what’s already true in reality and you can never experience it until you become fully present. This present moment is the only moment where all good exists. All good, all wealth, health, happiness, love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, wisdom, genius –  all of it only exists now.

It doesn’t exist in the past, which is just a memory. It doesn’t exist in the future, which is just a fantasy. It doesn’t even exist in the temporal present, which is imagination. It exists in the eternal now, fully, completely. It cannot be improved upon, it cannot be diminished – you must come into vibrational alignment and into integrity with it.

The key is to understand is that whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. If you want more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you. If you want something different to come into your life, you must let something different come out of you. It’s all within you. Release all futurizing. Release all waiting. Release all magical thinking.

Take your stand in it, for it and as it, and then step by step engineer your mind, emotions, actions and environment to be in integrity with it. Then watch as you start to feel and live in the finished result even before it manifests, and discover what it really means to be free.

This is what it means to have a backbone and not a wishbone, to have a heart of gold and a soul of steel. I invite you to this journey. I invite you to take one thing you’re trying to create in your life and put it through this process.

Let everybody and everything outside of you off the hook. Take full responsibility and take a stand for it today!

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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The Crisis of Incongruence – The Hidden Cause of Unhappiness
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ASK DEREK-How Do You Deal With the Haters (The Gift of Criticism)

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Full Transcript
[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the Emergence, A Revolutionary Path for Radical Life Change, with Derek Rydall Podcast]

Welcome to another episode of Emergence. This is Derek Rydall, your guide on the side, instead of the sage on the stage, and I’m just here to support you in this journey of emergence, which is about understanding the fundamental principles to living and growing in integrity with your emerging soul, in integrity with the evolutionary impulse of the Universe, and really understanding that it’s principle, not personal. It’s not about being a good person or a bad person. It’s not a moral choice. To live a successful life is not a moral choice, it is a principled one, and this is what the ancient scripture means when it says, God is no respecter of persons. He shines his light on the just and unjust, pours his rain on the saint and sinner.It’s talking about that the Universe, that life isn’t personal; it’s principle. It’s not luck, it’s law. Life doesn’t just happen, it happens just. This is such an important distinction to have, because so often we are frustrated and confused why good things are happening to bad people, and bad things are happening to good people, namely us, and we don’t understand, because we don’t understand that life is principle. Life is not airy-fairy and wishy washy, and there is no such Universal presence or power that has good days and bad days, and you have to convince to be good. All of that is a false understanding, a human projection, and the Emergence path is understanding that there is a perfect spiritual Universe, a Universe of wholeness and harmony, order and abundance. It’s everywhere present, expressing in its fullness and perfection. It’s right where you are expressing in its fullness and perfection. Nothing is lacking. Nothing is missing. Nothing is broken. Nothing is wrong. It’s already complete. It’s already perfect.

This is such an important distinction to have, because so often we are frustrated and confused why good things are happening to bad people, and bad things are happening to good people, namely us, and we don’t understand, because we don’t understand that life is principle. Life is not airy-fairy and wishy washy, and there is no such Universal presence or power that has good days and bad days, and you have to convince to be good. All of that is a false understanding, a human projection, and the Emergence path is understanding that there is a perfect spiritual Universe, a Universe of wholeness and harmony, order and abundance. It’s everywhere present, expressing in its fullness and perfection. It’s right where you are expressing in its fullness and perfection. Nothing is lacking. Nothing is missing. Nothing is broken. Nothing is wrong. It’s already complete. It’s already perfect.

Just as 2+2 already equals 4, nobody made it that way. It’s always been so, and always will. Electricity is everywhere. Nobody made it that way. It’s what it is, but it doesn’t do you any good if you don’t understand the principles of electricity, and you don’t understand how to construct a transmitter or a transponder, whatever the word is, in order to access and harness the energy. It does no good that 2+2=4, if you’ve incorrectly learned that it equals 3 and wonder why you go around in life being short changed. You see what I mean? There is an order and a harmony and a perfection that already is, that cannot be improved upon. Emergence is the path of understand this, understanding these principles, and learning how to bring your entire life and being into integrity with it, and when you do that, this perfection that is everywhere becomes manifest where you are. Now, in this particular episode we’re talking about have a backbone, not a wishbone, and this is very much connected to this. It’s fun, and it’s catchy, but I really want you to get this. Whether you’re on a spiritual path or not, and I assume you’re on some kind of path if you’re listening to this, it’s very easy to get into magical thinking. Like I said, even if you’re not, it’s very easy just humanly to think life operates based on personality or emotion or based on just good people. So you have really good people who have really good hopes and expectations that others are going to be good, and there’s a naiveté that there’s just kind of a hopefulness that life’s going to work out, and a hopefulness that if I do good stuff, good things are going to happen.

Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t do good. Doing good is one component of being in harmony with the principle of life, but it’s only one. If you’re doing good deeds, but emotionally you feel unworthy, or mentally you have beliefs and patterns of lack, you’re cancelling out a lot of the good of those good deeds. If you have a very powerful mindset of abundance and an emotionality vibrationally of abundance, but your deeds are not always in integrity with that, it might still work out for you. It’s very important to understand this piece, that it doesn’t matter how much you wish for or how nice you are, or how much of a good person you are. That’s not enough. There are good people suffering everywhere every day. So you must begin to release that wishbone, release the magical thinking, and begin to have a backbone. This is part of my larger series, Heart of Gold, Soul of Steel, which is that you can have an open heart, a heart as big as the world, the heart of God, but you need to have a soul that is iron, that is strong, that has stamina, that is rooted in truth principle. You need to begin to understand

This is part of my larger series, Heart of Gold, Soul of Steel, which is that you can have an open heart, a heart as big as the world, the heart of God, but you need to have a soul that is iron, that is strong, that has stamina, that is rooted in truth principle. You need to begin to understand principle, and when things aren’t working, you don’t take it personally. You look at, let me have a deeper understanding of the principle. Let me have a deeper embodiment of the principle. Let me get stronger in the principle. If I’m not experiencing abundance, let me not merely wish and pray and hope for abundance, but let me understand and apprentice under the principle of abundance, and let me know the truth of it, until my mind and my heart is so rock solid in knowing it, my conversation is so unwavering in speaking it, my actions become so undaunted in walking it, regardless of conditions. My back is straight. My spine is strong, because I’m anchored in the truth. I’m committed to the truth, and I do not let my emotions and conditions determine what I think and feel and do. That’s having a backbone, instead of a wishbone. Making knowing the truth, owning the truth, embodying the truth, your number one priority over your feelings, over your hopes and wishes and conditions. That’s having a backbone instead of a wishbone.

Sometimes this is subtle, because there’s certain vocabulary that enters into our dialogue, the way we talk about things, and we might be talking about I’m doing all this prayer work; I’m doing my affirmations, visualizations, my inner work, etc. and I’m just waiting for my miracle. Remember, from the Emergence model, whatever you’re waiting for, you’re waiting with, and you’re weighing it down. So you must get on the ultimate wait loss program and let go of all the wait, because it’s already happening. Jesus taught, one of the great master teachers taught, and this is principle, not religion, When you pray, pray believing that you already have that you may receive. That wasn’t a metaphysical trick to attract it. It was a mystical truth that you have it. Elsewhere it says in the Bible, To he who has, more will be given, and it will be multiplied, but to he who has not, even that which he has will be taken away.It’s talking about a state of have consciousness. It’s a state of having. Jesus didn’t say, I was the way, or I’m going to be the way and the truth. He said, I am. By the way, he wasn’t talking about the physical man. The I am is the spiritual individual, that is the archetype of God as individual, whether it’s called the Christ or the Buddha. It is the I am principle. That’s why when Moses was talking to the burning bush the burning bush said, Tell them I am that I am sent you. It didn’t say, tell them I will be sent you, or I was sent you. It’s I am. I am. I have. It’s already done. It’s a state of being which is in integrity with the truth, which is that it is already here. It is already done.

If any part of you is waiting for something to happen, you are creating a sense of lag time and separation that doesn’t exist in truth, but now must become part of your experience, and you may be waiting forever. That doesn’t mean that there may not sometimes be a gestation period in time and space where the seed that’s been planted and cultivated takes time to create roots and eventually to break through the surface and bear fruits, but your job as a spiritual warrior with a heart of gold and a soul of steel, with a backbone and not a wishbone, is to stand pat in the truth and the vibration and the mindset, and even the action that I already am. I already have. It’s already done.

Do not give yourself the luxury of putting your good in the future. You’re not waiting for your miracle. A miracle is an instant demonstration of what’s already true in reality. You can never experience it until you become fully present, because in this present moment is the only moment where all good exists. All good, all wealth, health, happiness, love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, wisdom, genius, all of it only exists now. It doesn’t exist then. It doesn’t exist in the past, which is just a memory. It doesn’t exist in the future, which is just a fantasy. It doesn’t even exist in the temporal present, which is imagination. It exists in the eternal now, fully, completely. Cannot be improved upon. Cannot be diminished, but we must come into vibrational alignment with it. We must come into integrity with it. We cannot have a house that is divided, serving two masters. We have to serve one and only, and that is the master of now, the master of is, the master of I am, I have, it is done. A backbone, not a wishbone.

We’re not waiting for any miracle. One of the other things that connotes, when we think about that, is we actually have a projection that there’s some kind of force or power out there in the Universe that’s eventually going to hear our prayer or catch up to us, or give us something good. We’ve incorrectly turned God into Santa Clause. There is no such God, and I’m sorry to break it, there is no such Santa either. Hope no children are listening. All the power, all the resource, all the Source, everything is within you. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. You are your own salvation. Not you, the personality construct, but You, the I am of your being. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven was within you. If we had only gotten just that part right with the Christian religion, we’d be a lot further along. Buddha said the same thing. He just called it Nirvana.

Whatever you want to call it, the key is to understand it’s within you and call it forth from you, and to remember whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. If you want more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you. If you want something different to come into your life, you must let something different come out of you. It’s all within you. Release all futurizing. Release all waiting. Release all magical thinking. It’s all here now, happening in you, as you, everywhere present. Own it. Claim it. Take your stand in it and for it and as it, and then step by step engineer your mind and emotions and actions and environment to be in integrity with it, and watch as you start to feel and live in the finished result even before it manifests, and discover what it really means to be free. Then from that place of freedom, watch as the new world begins to manifest, but as it does, you’re already there. You’re already home. You’re already whole, and now you’re free to play in it, but never get lost to it. This is what it means to have a backbone and not a wishbone, to have a heart of gold and a soul of steel. I invite you to this journey. I invite you to take one thing you’re trying to create in your life and put it through this process, this test. Release all waiting, all magical thinking, all futurizing, all projecting. Let everybody and everything outside of you off the hook. Take full responsibility and take a stand for it today.

I hope this has served you and supported you. Please post on Facebook what you’re learning, what you’re getting, your progress. Please register for iTunes podcast and leave a review, if you haven’t already, so that more people can receive these teachings, and if you believe they’re helpful and inspiring, please share them with a friend or a loved one, a colleague, or a client. The more you share, the more you activate the Law of Circulation, and the more you multiply the good in your own life. I also invite you to teach this to someone as soon as possible, because what you teach, you own. Finally, I invite you to take at least one action today, if possible, but as soon as possible to apply what you’re learning. When you teach it and apply it, you truly embody it.


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Derek Rydall
Have a Backbone, Not a Wishbone
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