(BONUS EPISODE) The Focus Factor: How to Decide What’s Now So You Can Do What’s Next

(BONUS EPISODE) The Focus Factor: How to Decide What’s Now So You Can Do What’s Next

You’re in the right place if you find yourself generally challenged to start and really move in the direction of your big endeavors, your big vision, even if you know what you want but to follow through on them once you start, and to actually complete them.

To make a choice or a decision, means to cut away from, versus to be perpetually sitting on your psychological emotional fence because you’re afraid that “What if the grasses are greener on the other side?”, “What if I’m making the wrong decision?”, “What if it doesn’t work out?”  All of which the ego is tricking us to believe or actually giving us good reasonable excuses for not taking action, for not making a decision; BUT they’re not actually, because the truth is you can never ultimately know what’s right except in hindsight.

Now, you can develop intuition to know what’s the right true move, regardless of outcomes and conditions; but, you don’t develop that until you start acting.  Then, through hindsight, discern what it felt like when your intuition led you to something that ultimately worked out, and what it felt like when it led to something that you can’t get to, except with having focus and the ability to make choices and decisions, to build the next stage of your life, to follow through to completion and to follow through all the thresholds that will otherwise tempt you to lose focus, to start something different, or to do multiple things at once.

If you experience all of these, of course you know you’re not alone.  It’s one of the most common complaints and challenges.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW. And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(Bonus Episode) PROVE IT! The Path To Mastering Manifestion In Any Area

(Bonus Episode) PROVE IT! The Path To Mastering Manifestion In Any Area

I’m really excited to be talking about this particular topic today, Prove It! – The Path to Mastering Manifestation in any area.

I know that is a bold statement but this comes from a scriptural or biblical quote which says, Prove me now in this saith the Lord and I will open up the windows of heaven and pour forth a blessing too big to receive.

So whatever teaching you studied, if you can get beyond the dogma and the doctrine, there are perennial principles that, when you understand them, apply and practice them, there is no particular one path fits all. There’s a principle and then there’s unlimited ways to express it. So the principle of proving it as I have spoken some other trainings is that there are principles to life, and ultimately they are all here everywhere expressing they’re not unfolding or evolving.

Life in its true nature does not evolve, life experience what we called evolution is the unfoldment of that which was first involuted. There is an underlying idea or principle or pattern.  So the ability to fly planes existed during the time of Buddha. But somebody had to come along and discover the principle and begin to create a structure that could work in harmony with it and when they did we had flight.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(BONUS EPISODE) Birthing Your Best Self: How to Shine Like the North Star No Matter How Dark It Is

(BONUS EPISODE) Birthing Your Best Self: How to Shine Like the North Star No Matter How Dark It Is

What we’re talking about in this moment is birthing your best self, how to shine like the North Star no matter how dark it is.

This is really, of course, talking about it in the season of the birth of the Christ consciousness. This is about a term that I called endogenous, and the thing is that we are endogenous.

Unlike an acorn, which is a metaphor I use a lot, or any seed in nature which is indigenous, meaning that it’s ability to grow and unfold and produce what it needs and to thrive, has a lot to do with its external environment. You are endogenous, which means that everything you need to fertilize the soil of your soul, to activate the potential within you and to give birth to it is all within you. It doesn’t really require any particular external situation.

Now, you can cultivate external conditions to support you, but lacking any external condition, you still have the full and entire capacity to manifest your potential. This is one of those things that you’ve heard me say many, many times if not others, but what is it really mean to live it? That indeed within you is everything that you need, within you is your fully franchised, self-contained, infinite individualized expression of life. Complete, whole, nothing is lacking, nothing is missing and nothing can get in to diminish it or disrupt it, and there is really no in or out because you’re infinite.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(BONUS EPISODE) The Power of No

(BONUS EPISODE) The Power of No

I’m excited to talk about this particular topic today – the Power of No.

We’ve talked a lot about the power of yes – saying yes to your yes, which is critical to learn how to get in touch with, and say yes to what matters to you most.

What’s maybe not talked about as often, but is really as important, is getting clear on your no’s.

Our no actually allow us to set healthy boundaries. The lack of having a clear no blocks our ability to ultimately allow life to organically, spontaneously unfold through us.

Where are you using your energy saying yes to too many people, places, things, and where you can begin to say no, so that you can say yes to those things that are going to move the dial in terms of your big vision, and that really matter most to you?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

(BONUS EPISODE) Getting to Your Yes

(BONUS EPISODE) Getting to Your Yes

Today we’re talking about one of my favorite, favorite topics lately, that I have had so many insights and distinctions around, and that is ‘Getting to your yes – the only thing you need to succeed.’

The more I think about this, there are really only two things you ever need to do in order to move your life forward. That is to get clear on your yes and to say yes to your yes. That’s it.

It’s the only activity that there is, and it’s infinite.

Your yes shows up as a sincere burning desire, that thing trying to emerge as you. It is the evolutionary edge of your own being. It is the next version of your greatest vision, knocking at the door of your consciousness trying to get out.

The question is, will you say yes to your life, so that yes is the emerging impulse?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!


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