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Ask Derek: The Real Cause of Debt and How to Eliminate It [Podcast]

Ask Derek: The Real Cause of Debt and How to Eliminate It

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Debt is a big issue with a lot of people, and if you’ve studied my Awakened Wealth work you already know the answer here, and if you haven’t, you may be in for a surprise!

The real cause of debt is often not merely spending too much, but as I teach in the Awakened Wealth work and really the whole Emergence model, whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving.

Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens through you and as you. You’re a generative being, and whatever shows up in your life has to first come out of you in some way – mentally, emotionally, energetically. It has to come out of you, or it literally cannot show up in your life. This is principle.

Likewise, therefore whatever’s not showing up is what you’re not generating. So fundamentally speaking, debt is an expression of stagnation. It means the law of circulation is not really in operation.

Essentially, once you understand that all wealth is spiritual, invisible or energetic, and it’s all within you, then the only way to have more of it is to circulate more of it. The “seven gifts of giving” give you the framework for how to circulate it. They are: giving out, giving up, giving in, giving away, giving thanks, giving to yourself, and forgiving.

Lets talk about forgiving, for example. The gift forgiving means you’re for-giving, not for-getting, not for-taking. There’s no withholding in forgiving, but in unforgiveness it’s an energetic of withholding. It’s right there in the word, of course, but it’s right there also in the energetic.

When you think someone has done you wrong, or you think you’ve done someone else wrong, what’s the underlying message? “You owe me, or I owe you”, “You owe me an apology”,  “You owe me those years back”, “You owe me that money”, “You owe me that job”, etc. What do you have when you have a bunch of I owe yous? You have debt. It creates an energetic breakdown.

There’s no circulation happening in that area of your life. So for people that have debt they often have a story, if not many stories, of unforgiveness.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Get Your Free Copy of: The 5 Hypnotic Wealth Spells and How to Snap Out of Them! Plus a powerful new Video Training Series that walks you through it!

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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Welcome to another episode of Ask Derek, where we dive deeply but quickly into some of the most common questions you’ve asked over the weeks, months and years. Some of the ones that are most chronic, most urgent, and when you understand them can ultimately have some of the greatest leverage in your own success and in your total life emergence.

Today we’re talking about the real cause of debt and how to eliminate it. This is, of course, a big issue with a lot of people, and if you’ve studied my Awakened Wealth work you already know the answer here, and if you haven’t, you may be in for a surprise, because the real cause of debt is often not merely spending or spending too much, but as I teach in Awakened Wealth work and really the whole Emergence model, whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens through you and as you. You’re a generative being, and whatever shows up in your life has to first come out of you in some way, mentally, emotionally, energetically. It has to come out of you, or it literally cannot show up in your life. This is principle.

Likewise, therefore whatever’s not showing up is what you’re not generating, and so fundamentally speaking debt is an expression of stagnation. It means the law of circulation is not really in operation. I won’t go into the full seven gifts that give you everything, which is the framework for Awakened Wealth, but essentially once you understand that all wealth is spiritual or invisible or energetic, and it’s all within you, and therefore the only way to have more of it is to circulate more of it. The seven gifts give you the framework for how to circulate it, and it’s giving out, giving up, giving in, giving away, giving thanks, giving to yourself, and forgiving. If you want to go deeper into that, of course, please check out the Awakened Wealth program and some of the free training we offer at DerekRydall.com.

We’ll talk just about forgiving. The gift forgiving it means you’re for giving, not for getting, not for taking. There’s no withholding in forgiving, but in unforgiveness it’s an energetic of withholding. It’s right there in the word, of course, but it’s right there also in the energetic. When you think someone has done youwrong, or you think you’ve done someone else wrong, what’s the underlying message? You owe me, or I owe you. Right? You owe me an apology. You owe me those years back. You owe me that money. You owe me that job, whatever. Right? So there’s you owe me, or I owe you. What do you have when you have a bunch of I owe yous? You have debt. It creates an energetic breakdown. There’s no circulation happening in that area of your life. So for people that have debt they often have a story, if not many stories, of unforgiveness. There are one or more areas where there’s no circulation.

Now again, the whole framework of the seven gifts is all about just maximizing circulation in your life. The way that the law of circulation works is that you cannot give what you don’t have. So you must first activate it within yourself and fill yourself with it. Kind of like the oxygen mask analogy in the airplane, where it falls down, and you need to put it on yourself first before you put it on anyone else. You’ve got to fill yourself up. So you cannot give what you don’t have. Secondly, you cannot keep what you don’t give. So now you have to circulate what you have. Thirdly, you cannot sustain what you don’t receive. You have to receive what’s been circulated. It’s one cycle. It’s like a full breath. You breathe in, fill yourself up. You breathe out, you circulate it. Then you breathe back in again. If you just try to breathe out, just give and give and give, you will die. If you just breathe in, try to hold, hold, hold, hoard, withhold, you will die. So you must breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. It’s a circulation. It’s one breath being circulated. When you’re born, you take a breath in, when you die you release that breath.

The same is true, the energy of your life, which is the substance of all form, must be continuously circulated or your life becomes a swamp, and what is a swamp? It’s a body of water that has no inlet or outlet. Now what do you call a body of water that only has an outlet? You call it a dry riverbed eventually, right? There’s nothing coming into it, so it just spills out. What do you call a body of water that’s only got an inlet, but no outlet? You call it a flood. Right? It becomes a flood. So you need an inlet and an outlet, and then what do you have? You have rivers, streams, oceans. You have a raging river. It’s flowing.

So unforgiveness is one of the strongest ways that we stagnate our circulation, and that stagnation of energy shows up as debt. The way to heal it, obviously, to get it circulating again, is to heal that. One of the ways is to look in that area where you are believing somebody else owes you something, and you’re not forgiving them, and find a way to start circulating towards them again. Find a way to anonymously start giving to them. You can start with praying and affirming and blessing them, and wanting the very best for them, and if it’s hard, you pray and affirm that you’re willing to be forgiving, you’re willing to be a blessing, and that you’re freeing them of their debt and releasing yourself of your debt and forgiving yourself.

You just start finding ways to circulate, and then there’s other people that have gone even further, and maybe you send them an anonymous gift. Maybe you give them some anonymous contribution. You also can certainly reopen the conversation and seek to heal it completely, which I highly advise. Understand, whenever you hold anybody in debt, unforgiveness, revenge, resentment, etc. you are hurting yourself. You know the old analogy, not forgiving somebody and thinking it’s hurting them is like drinking poison and thinking it’s going to kill somebody else or make them sick. Ultimately all of life is emergent. It’s all coming out of your consciousness. So anywhere in your life you’re withholding from someone you’re actually blocking the flow of life coming out of you, and ultimately therefore the flow of life coming to you. Do you see that? So you want to eventually come to a state where you are an unconditional, all conditional, place of love and life and light and generosity. That’s what the Biblical scripture means when it says, He shines his light upon the saint and the sinner, pours his rain upon the just and the unjust. God is no respecter of persons.It’s talking about a principle that the sun, the rain, all of nature pours itself unconditionally. The apple tree doesn’t judge. A saint and a sinner can pull an apple equally. Ultimately we want to come to that same place. What would happen if a tree withheld its apples based on its opinion or perception? Those apples would rot on the vine, and eventually the branches would rot from a lack of circulation, and the tree would no longer be able to produce apples. So when it shines and pour its apples, and the sun shines its light, that’s good for it. That’s what allows it to generate more and more, more harvest, more energy. When you forgive everyone of everything on every level, you are not in any way limiting yourself. You are opening yourself up to become an unlimited being of generation, of generative power. The result of that is not merely less debt, but much more abundance.


That’s the other thing I want to say about the release of debt. The focus on merely eliminating debt, in my opinion, is the wrong focus. You can certainly have it as part, but you want to be more focused on generating, generating abundance, becoming a generative being. Just create more, produce more value, more love, more light, more generosity. If you have clients, ask how can I produce more value for them? How can I produce more value in every area of my life? If that’s your focus, you will just expand and grow. You will completely outgrow your debt. Do you understand what I mean? You want to be focused on that, as I teach in Awakened Wealth. Don’t contract around constriction. Don’t adapt and become adapted to your constricted situation. If you’re focused on debt, you’re focused on a problem, and you begin to constrict around the vibration of the problem or the debt. If you want to expand in the face of contraction, you don’t want to merely ask how can I eliminate my debt? You want to ask, how can I generate so much abundance, so much opportunity, that the debt is like a blip on the radar? Do you feel the expansiveness of that energy? Don’t just merely try to create a budget and eliminate debt. Create a vision of so much prosperity and abundance and generosity and creativity and value added contribution that life can make any number of demands on you, and you are big enough to meet them.

I hope this has served you. I hope you’re feeling pumped up, inspired to start loving and forgiving and generating like you’ve never done before. This has been another episode of Ask Derek. Until next time, remember to live authentically, love unconditionally, and follow your destiny. Stay inspired.

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Derek Rydall
Ask Derek: The Real Cause of Debt and How to Eliminate It
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